Fireflies [Inactive]


Master of Dreams & Nightmares

Wishes, dreams, and the reality of growing up...



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MisfortunateDreams updated Fireflies with a new update entry:

Our Characters

I want to be a singer!

- Allyson Bromahn

Can I be a Police-woman like mommy said?

- Natasha Kings

I want to be in love like Momma and Poppa.

-Lisanna Collins

Make me cool like brother. -

Daniel Blake...

Read the rest of this update entry... 


Mescott City, Wednesday August 13th

Classes start in five day on Monday the 18th of August.

The city is alive as the last days of summer draw near, students are beginning to move into the housing. The day is hot, made worse by the streets of blaring horns and steaming engines as the cars wrestled the traffic. This, however, was almost unnoticed by the campus of Mescott University. Filled with new and returning students, Mescott seemed like a small oasis in the heat despite it's warm temperature. Currently the students were moving into housing, Freshmen and sophomores getting wished a good year by parents while experienced juniors, seniors, and Grad students moved in quickly so that they could greet their friends they had parted with over the summer.

(See MAPS tab for information on the Housing and University.



It was hot, so hot that Connor was sticky with sweat by the time he had lugged the last of his bags up to his room. Tossing them lazily in the room that would be his, he looked around the newly redone apartment-style housing with a smug satisfaction. He had somehow been able to get into this room when the school had approached him about it. Seemed that he'd get a collection of random roommates that the school hadn't been able to put anywhere else. It was a strange arrangement and Connor was a bit skeptical about it but it seemed like it would be a good set up. He couldn't say he wasn't eager to meet his new roommates but he hoped they weren't to odd.

"Just have to make the most of it, I suppose." He said with a shrug before heading back into his room to unpack. Unlike the other housing situations, in the apartments you'd get more then just one or two room mates. It was a bit cramped sometimes but regardless of that it was nice to have the company. He had some strange memories sharing a room with a dorm mate, ones he'd rather not relive, but all he could do was hope for the best. In this the living area was big while the rooms were shared but eight people could live in their comfortably.

With his things settled and his roommates no where in sight Connor decided that it was time to head down to the Hub Monkey for his first shift of the year. He had told his boss that he'd be back in time for the afternoon shift, not realizing he'd actually be called in to work. He had wanted to relax, talk with his new room mates a bit, maybe even take a stroll through campus to get a look at the Freshmen. All of that would have to wait, money came first when he was paying for his books himself. It was a strange agreement he and his parents had. Connor had to pay for books and make his own spending money, but they would cover everything else. He was actually quite grateful for it though.

He had grabbed his uniform and exited the apartment, heading down to the bus stop to ride the twenty minutes to the Hub Monkey. The calls of greetings met his ear when he entered through the back, glancing at the paper of shift hours. So he'd be working from 2 o'clock until 5:30. It wasn't a horrible shift, nothing he couldn't handle. Grabbing a pen he flashed Linda, his manager, a smile and got to work.
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Allyson was putting her several pairs of clothes into the closet her apartment came with. She was grateful that the University had such a nice housing service, and was happy she had the opportunity to stay in one of these large apartments. She had already met one of her roommates, but the rest she had yet to meet. She pulled out her laptop and checked for the thousandth time to see if she had gotten her gig location and time correct: 4:30 at the Hub Monkey, the local bar. Allyson was ecstatic for this as this was going to be her first gig as a singer. She wanted to do it to earn some money so she could afford to pay for rent and food.

Allyson entered her large closet and looked to see what she should wear to her performance. Something casual, but a bit glitzy to impress everyone. She ended up picking a solid grey shirt and jeans with a leather jacket, studded with rhinestones from her collarbone to her shoulder. She put on a black, slouchy knit hat. She went to the bus stop, trying to catch the 3:3o bus so she could set up the stage for her performance.

Around 3:50, Allyson reached the Hub Monkey. It was pretty nice, and looked like a good place to perform. The outdoor patio, known by most as the Bat Cave, was where she was set to perform. It was a beautiful day, so it seemed perfect. She asked the manager about the mic and where she would need to hook everything up, smiling at her trying to get on her good side.


Liz was sweating. It was strangely hot outside, and unfortunately, Liz didn't have the energy to run into the housing building. Even though Liz hadn't planned to go into college until next year, she had still gotten a space in the housing for some reason. It was probably one of her parents' schemes for Liz to be more social. She had no idea who her roomates were, but at the time, Liz didn't care.

She lugged her suitcases into the building, sighing once she saw the stairs. She hated stairs with a passion, as there were always too many of them. To Liz, it was always a stair-pocalypse. She trudged over to the beginning of the stairs, looking up the many flights. She began walking up them, internally moaning every few steps. Once in a while, she was graced with a nice view from a window, but those occurences were few and far between. She faintly remembered what room she was in, and exited the stairs on the floor her room was on. She looked around, quickly finding her room.

She pulled her suitcases towards her room, suddenly gaining a burst of speed once she neared her room, accidentaly banging her head on the door. "Ow…" she grumbled, holding a hand to her hand, rubbing the hurting spot for a moment before opening the door to her room. She scanned the room, not seeing anything notifying her of a roommate, but she was probably not looking hard enough, she was too tired anyway. She shrugged, beginning to settle in, not really minding whether or not her roomate was here.



"I'm home!"

And it was great to be back.

Taking a set out of the airport, Natasha removed her aviator glasses and took a good look at the city she had once upon a time lived in. Oh how much she had missed this place so. Half of her life she lived here and half was in New York; she never have felt at home here than when she lived in the big apple. To Natasha Mescott City has always and forever will be her home. All her friends were here--not that she doesn't have friends in New York but all her childhood friends that knew Natasha more than what her friends in New York knew of her. The freckly-faced-frizzy-haired-fatty girl that loves to pretend to be a officer of the law and eat pudding all day. Not that there was any difference now than it was before. The only thing that changed in Natasha was the fact that her physical appearance; her face clear from freckles, she wasn't fat anymore, her style changed to a more sofisticated preppy look and her hair was nicely kept in soft wavy curls--looks like New York did wonders for her than she ever thought it would be. But despite all that, Natasha was still Natasha through and through. Nice to know that there are some things doesn't change.

"Now then..."

Hauling her luggage Natasha started to head to the University apartment housing--her father arranged for her to live in--first before exploring the city she once grew up in once more.
MisfortunateDreams updated Fireflies with a new update entry:

Housing Arrangements

I've decided to make housing arrangements, just so everyone knows who is where! Basically - since everyone will be in apartments - I grouped the girls off and the boys off.

(There are 8 people to a room so talk amongst yourselves and come up with names - if requested I'll let you guys make second characters that will be roommates & create a type of plot for them that mixes in with our main Plot)

Read the rest of this update entry...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/RyanBanner.jpg.ab2f21eed79619ac6ee62d1db01510d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16953" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/RyanBanner.jpg.ab2f21eed79619ac6ee62d1db01510d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This was it. He was here. He was finally year. Senior year of undergrad! LSATs taken, law schools applied for, now all he had to focus on was one semester of four classes. Four grueling, heavy work-oriented, could tarnish your rep with a fail classes, but four classes nonetheless! It was weird, after two stressful years of having so many things to keep track of, stay on top of, just do right, Ryan had made it to where he was now. Other than getting through the semester with better than average grades, he only had one other thing to focus on... well, not so much focus on as to wait for. Letters of acceptance. Ironic name to give the letter when there was an equal chance of it being a rejection letter. No, not equal, greater. He'd applied for every single law school in the top fourteen. There was little to no point trying to become a lawyer if he went to any school with a lower ranking. Ryan took a deep breath, and slowly let it loose. The letters would come when they would, it was now time to focus on, well, moving in!

Freshmen year was the only year Ryan had had a roommate. It had been one of those smaller, two-person sort of rooms, well within the campus. The location was fabulous, the room, well, he could live with, and the roommate... not as fabulous. It wasn't as if the guy had been horrible, and Ryan couldn't blame the guy. More than half the time, he wasn't there, and when he was, he was studying and memorizing or working on something for some class. Then to throw a wrench into the 'quiet studious' type that his roommate had clearly categorized him into, Ryan would come home occasionally completely wasted. He'd tried to invite the guy out a few times, that was, the very few times Ryan actually had gone partying with his fellow pre-law classmates. But by that time, the dude was way fed up with Ryan.

After that, he'd had a single for both sophomore year. It had little to do with his roommate situation than it had to do with practicality. Ryan was constantly busy, and it would benefit him to have a small space completely for himself... but... he'd be lying if he said he hadn't felt a little envious of his pre-law buddies who'd share stories about their roommates. Like he was missing out on something.

Now with senior year rolling in, Ryan opted out of a single at the last minute. It wasn't like him to make such a impulsive decision. It hadn't been impulsive, actually, Ryan had made up his mind on it. It was convincing his father to allow him. After all, his father paid for school, and he had to run such decisions by the man. Eventually, Ryan had convinced him, but by that time, the only spots available were in the apartment style dorms that housed eight people. It was a bit daunting for Ryan, but... hopefully he wouldn't regret the decision.

Entering the building, Ryan noticed by the some items around that a few of his roommates must have already arrived. But no-one was actually home. He found the boy's room, a cozy looking space with red walls and wood accents. Ryan chose a bottom bed, it seemed that no-one had taken this one yet. Heaving his suitcase onto the bed, Ryan began unpacking his clothes and other necessary items.



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Panting in the rays of the hot sun, and lugging a big ol' suitcase across campus, Daniel slowly made his way to the building that would be his home for this last year. Time went by so fast. He said in his head with a grin. Walking in to the building, he was grateful that there was air conditioning. Walking down the hall he approached it. "Thy dreaded staircase..." He mumbled, stepping on to the the first stair, then pulling his suitcase up with him. He fumbled up the flights of stairs, throwing a few curse words out here and there when he tripped, but finally made it to the designated floor of his room. Walking down the hall, he walked in to the room he unpacks his things in to every year. Although he's a senior now and he can get an apartment somewhere in Mescott City, he's always found a sense of security at the University. He's made his roommate-less room his home, and to be honest he's quite sad to moving out of it at the end of the year. The thought of living somewhere in the city by himself that isn't the university is terrifying, yet in a way exciting at the same time.

Thoughts aside, Daniel threw his bags on his bed and decided to take a shower. He peeled off his clothes that were sticky from sweat and jumped in to shower in hopes of washing off the grime of today. He hopped out, dried off, and got dressed in to a better and clean outfit.

Deciding that he should get out for a bit, he grabbed his wallet, walked out of his room and locked the door behind him, his final destination being the Hub Monkey in hopes of seeing some one he failed to keep in touch with over the summer. Walking down Thy dreaded staircase, he thought of actually making real friends this year. It was his last year here so he didn't see why not. Finally getting in his car, he drove to the hub monkey with hopes of befriending someone in mind.
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There were three things that Natasha took notice ever since he walked around the streets of her old childhood home, one being: Was the city always this big? She could hardly remember a time when she was with her mother cruising in her around the city in her cruiser while she was making her rounds that the city she once lived in was this big to walk around. Ugh, she should have just made the taxi take her to the University instead than to be dropped somewhere downtown. But no, she jus had to explore first. Smooth, Natasha, smooth.

The second thing she noticed was... WHY EVERY TAXI THAT PASSED HER WERE ALL OCCUPIED?! She kinda understand that it is probably because it was around this time students, like her, would be going to their university dorms, apartments, or housings, it is afterall the week before the semester officially starts. Oh God, why did she had to get off of the taxi?

And the last thing Natasha notice was her phones battery finally kicked the bucket. She just had to play with her phone and check her email while on the way here. So stupid Natasha. 'How are you going to navigate your way to school now? You can barely even know how to read a map! Now what?' Natasha dreaded.

As she settled herself at a rundown bus stop, she began to reflect on how stupid and an complete useless airhead she was. No wonder she was sent here. Back in Manhattan all she ever did was playing errand girl during her first internship, she wasn't even allowed to get up from her desk without being ask where she was going. How degrading. This was her final chance. Her final chance to prove to everyone that she wasn't just a pretty face. That she was born to be on the field and take on bad guys. But who was she kidding? She is already making bad decisions on her own, what's going to happen when she is out on the field with lives at stake? Sighing dejectedly, she wondered, was she fit to becoming a cop afterall?
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/RyanBanner.jpg.716c58c81fe153ff1c7f12d119f30f5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17454" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/RyanBanner.jpg.716c58c81fe153ff1c7f12d119f30f5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ryan leaned back in his chair, smiling as the streams of sunlight coming through the window warmed the skin on his face. This was... nice. Everything had been unpacked, reasonably quickly and efficiently. Ryan wasn't a minimalist by any means, but he didn't have a grand ton of stuff either. Plus he'd been unpacking and repacking for the dorms for four years now, so he had a system by this point. Classes were starting in 5 days, he'd already preordered and obtained the books he'd be needing. Today had been set aside strictly for unpacking and settling in, oddly enough though, it hadn't taken as long as he'd thought. Now he had most of the day to himself, with prep work for his classes scheduled every day till classes started, beginning with tomorrow. Today, though... He had time to kill today. And that was... well, rare. Ryan wasn't going to let this chance tick-tock away, he had some free time, he was going to do something with it... Why not head over to the Hub Monkey? The was one of his and his fellow law students favorite hang out spot. It was pretty laid back, and the prices weren't anything to complain over. Grabbing his phone out of his picket, Ryan texted a few of his classmates while making his way to the door. Even if none of them answered, or wanted to go, he was still going. Grab a beer, relax a bit, watch the news or sports or whatever it was that was showin' on the TV. Taking one last look at the empty dorm, it seemed that none of his roommates had arrived, or returned, Ryan left, locking the door behind him.

Finding the Hub Monkey was easy enough, Ryan knew how to get there like he knew the back of his hand. That's what being a campus-bound student did to a guy, he became very well acquainted with all the local haunts. Entering the bar, Ryan found it speckled with people, but not too crowded. Normal for this time of day. He scanned the place to see if he noticed anyone familiar as he made his way to the Bat Cave. There didn't seem to be anyone there that he knew, a few acquaintances that he waved at, but no-one he sat down with. It was as he was making his way through the Bat Cave to the bar seats that he noticed her... She was pretty, very pretty, Ryan would straight up admit that. And if he'd seen her before, he'd not have forgotten her... so why was it she looked so familiar, yet he was sure he'd not seen her before? Ryan was aware of his solid memory, he would never use it to brag, but he was aware that it was indeed one of his strengths. Yet he could not place her face, despite that the fact that
something about her looked all too familiar.

Knowing he couldn't go up to ask her, not without it sounding like a cheesy pick-up line, he continued his way to the bar seat and sat down, ordering whatever was on tap.



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Allyson finished setting up and looked at the somewhat empty Bat Cave. Most people were inside, a bit reluctant to expose themselves to the summer heat. Allyson loved the heat, so it didn't really bother her, but she could see that it bothered others. She tapped her microphone and tested to see if it worked.

"Test, test, 1, 2, 3," Allyson said, "okay, good, it's working! Hello, people of the Hub Monkey. I am Allyson Brohman, and I am here to perform. I haven't written any songs or anything, so... I'll take some requests and perform some songs that I would like to. These will all be acapella as well, so enjoy that. Now, any requests?" Allyson smiled brightly at her small audience.


Liz had noticed that none of her roomates had come in. She still had yet to figure out if they had just left, or if they're really late. She sighed, looking around her large dorm. She found it strange that it was so large, but she wouldn't complain. More space was better for her, as she definitely didn't want to be cooped up in a small space with a stranger. She pulled out her phone from her pocket, pulling up the map of the town she had. She looked over the places she decided were cool, and decided to go to the Hub Monkey. In the hall she had overheard many people deciding to go, and Liz couldn't really turn down socialization.

Unfortunately, the dreaded flights of stairs were still there, but it was easier now that she wasn't carrying anything and going down instead of up. Also, once she got to the first floor and walked outside, she realized it was still really hot outside. She sighed, beginning to walk as fast as she, could, following the map. Eventually, Liz made it to the Hub Monkey, and graciously embraced its cold interior. She heard a voice from outside, and went to see what was happening. There was a girl around her age standing on the stage, performing. Well, she was going to perform at least. She would reccomend a song, but she doubted that the girl would want to sing in Korean.



Natasha sighed. 'Well, no used crying over spilled milk.' the red-head thought. 'You got to think positively, Natasha. You gotta think positively and take one step at a time. Isn't that what mom used to say?' she comforted herself. Somehow she felt a bit better after she had reminded herself what her mother would used to say. Her mother had always been her inspiration since at the very young age and dreams to be just like her--an honorable and fine police woman. She remember her mother would always tell her--everytime she plays cops and robbers with her and her father--that she was going to be a great police woman someday and had been training herself to hte bone as she held onto her mother's words.

'You are going to be a police woman. And you are going to be great.'

Yes. She was going to become a police woman and become the greatest police woman there is. And she is not going to let anyone, and even herself, take that dream away from her.

Standing up from the bus stop bench, it was as if she was a battery and had fully charged. Now, back to business--finding a way to get to the University. As she was getting herself ready--probably planning to walk all the way there (good luck with that), her stomach reminded her that she hasn't ate anything since noon. Damn, how could she have forgotten about that. Despite how much Natasha changed (physically) she was still that young little girl who consider food to be the most important thing in the world, well, next to pudding, of course. Not wanted to make her stomach wait any longer Natasha decided to take a little detour and eat first. As Natasha was considering her options, she stumbled upon a quaint little place called the Hub Monkey, although it was a bar, but hey, who said its bad to eat and drink at the same time?

Natasha entered the Hub Monkey and was struggling to get her bag around a few tables careful to not bump into things too much as she made her way to the Bat Cave. Thankfully enough the bar just opened and there was only a few people too, so pulling her bag with her to get to the table near the stage was easy. As she had finally reached the table she tucked her bag underneath the table for the meantime. She was about to call on a waiter to order something when the singer on stage spoke.

"Test, test, 1, 2, 3," Allyson said, "okay, good, it's working! Hello, people of the Hub Monkey. I am Allyson Brohman, and I am here to perform. I haven't written any songs or anything, so... I'll take some requests and perform some songs that I would like to. These will all be acapella as well, so enjoy that. Now, any requests?" Allyson smiled brightly at her small audience.

Allyson? Did she say she was Allyson Broham? Ally-Cat? That shy scrawny tomboy-ish of a girl, who always had a sarcastic word to say, that Allyson Broham?

"Ally? Ally-Cat? Is that really you?" Natasha's voice was loud and clear as she was starring up at Allyson up on stage.


"Most defiantly, the Shepard's Pie here is the best." Connor stated, scribbling down the order on his pad with a smile at the girls. "Anything I can get you? No..? Great, you're food should be out in a few minutes. Anything else you need just grab me!" Giving them a wink he turned and started back into the kitchen to put the order in. It wasn't to busy but he expected that the crowd would pick up when dinner time rolled round, there were still a few hours until the main pack came in after all. Passing by the door to the back patio Connor paused, raising a brow at the stage.

"We having a live tonight?" He questioned a passing coworker, "Why does no one every tell me these things? I would have told friends to come." The coworker, a guy by the name of Jeff, laughed and patted Connor on the shoulder. Well, it couldn't really be helped. Not when Connor had just gotten back into the city from visiting his parents during break. He just wondered if the girl was any good. He doubted that his boss would hire someone with no talent but it was still a valid question.

"Hey! Connor, would ya cover the people in the Bat Cave?" Jeff called from the kitchen, "Seems like there are people out there that need water and their orders taken." Connor agreed, heading out to cover the various tables that were in the bat. Scribbling down various orders he took, he hear the introduction of the singer and chuckled slightly. She seemed amusing, what had her name been? Allyson... what? He paused, it seemed like that name was familiar. Where had he heard that name before? His thoughts were cut across by another voice that spoke, his eyes flickering across to a red-head that was sitting at his next table.

"Such a small world," He said good naturedly appearing at the red head's table, "So you know her?" Connor gave her a smile, her face nagging at the back of his mind as well. Perhaps it was one of those days were everyone seemed familiar to him?

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Daniel parked the car in an open space closest to the restaurant. The parking lot was pretty bare, probably due to the heat that everyone wanted to escape. Jogging his way in to the entrance, he made his way up to the Bat Cave, probably the best hang-out in the place. He saw a few familiar faces, and waved when they noticed him. Sitting on a bar stool, he turned to the stage seeing a cute brunette girl with a microphone. Open mic night? he thought, not really sure of what she would be doing. Is she waiting for requests? he thought again, still more confused than ever. "Hey, if your'e singing, you should do Born to Die. Lana Del Rey would be really impressive," He said, not too loud, but loud enough for a few people to hear.

For some reason, he kept looking at her. She looked extremely familiar, and as a matter of fact, a pretty girl with
gorgeous red-hair seemed familiar, too. And to make matter's stranger, it seemed one of the waiter's, a guy, was also.

"Guys?" He said as a question, for some reason expecting them to recognize him.

"Remember me?"



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Allyson looked down at someone saying the nickname she had always hated, "H-How do you know me?" she asked raising an eyebrow, "because, my name is Allyson. Very strange indeed..." Allyson looked at another, quite handsome, guy. He requested her to sing Born to Die by Lana Del Rey. Of course, she could sing that, as Lana had been one of her favorite singers as of late. Allyson cleared her throat and began to sing, sounding quite good. She always loved being on stage and was super happy she was being payed money to do it. She smiled at the slightly larger crowd amassing in front of her.
Dark and fast, the stream of beer shot out of the faucet, hitting the side of the glass and falling down, filling the tall, slim container. Ryan absentmindedly watched the liquid overflow momentarily before the bartender stopped the faucet and, grabbing a square napkin, put the tall glass of dark beer on top of the paper with Hub Monkey's logo on it.

"Test, test, 1, 2, 3..."

A performance? Ryan reached out and curled his fingers around the base of the cold glass, pulling it closer to him.
"Thanks," he said automatically, the obligatory polite word of appreciation. Tilting his body to the side, he grabbed his wallet out of his back pocket and pulled out a five. Placing the bill on the bar, he pushed it away from himself. Payment made, sure that the bartender would take it, Ryan returned his wallet back to its place and swiveled in his chair to the left, angling his body so that he could see the stage and the performer upon it. It was that girl who Ryan had looked familiar.

"'s working! Hello, people of the Hub Monkey. I am Allyson Brohman, and I am here to..."

Allyson? Allyson Brohman? It could just be a coincidence, but Ryan never forgot a name. And he remembered the last Allyson Brohman he knew, the only Allyson Brohman he knew. It took him back. Way back. To twelve year old Ryan, Treesong Island, the sound of waves crashing against cliffs, the smell cooling sand, twelve small feet trampling soft green grass and colorful wildflowers, six spirited young hearts breathing out silent wishes amongst the glow of fireflies...

"Ally? Ally-Cat? Is that really you?"

Hearing Allyson's old nickname was like a bolt of lightning going through his brain. Looking to the speaker, Ryan saw it was a girl. From the bar seat, he could only see the back of her head, a head sporting well maintained, magnificent copper curls (he was more intune with hair than most guys, and his ex had taught him a thing or two on top of that). "Red...?" it slipped out of his mouth before Ryan even realized it, no more loud than the sound of a breath itself. Everyone had called her Big Red, but not Ryan, he'd only ever called her Red. Could it be her? Allyson Brohman and Natasha Kings? It couldn't be a coincidence, the singer had looked so familiar to him, and then her name, and then the nickname used by a redhead girl with curly hair...

It took a lot to make Ryan excited, but this nearly improbable reunion, something that had such a low chance of happening, was
happening. Pushing against the edge of the bar to shove his seat backwards, Ryan grabbed the beer- only to overestimate the distance. "Aah!" He grabbed the glass, successfully keeping it from falling off the bar and shattering on the ground, but the dark liquid spilled out, all of it, splashing against his right pant leg and soaking it thoroughly with beer. "Ahh... man..." Grabbing a small bunch of a square napkins off the bar, Ryan impatiently absorbed up as much beer as was possible. The cloth of the pants stuck to his skin as he got up off the chair, leaving the bartender a two dollar tip before making his way away from the bar and to the seating near the stage. Specifically to the seat the redhead sat.

Though, she was no longer the only one at that table. A waiter was there, presumably to take her order, and another boy, presumably a friend of the redhead's.

"...mber me?"

It sounded like the boy was talking to the redheaded girl, and Ryan was never one to interrupt. But this was not a normal scenario, some casual conversation between friends afterclass, or a professional luncheon with a professor. Had it been any other time, Ryan would have politely excused his presence before attempting to converse with the girl, but this time, the moment Ryan reached the table, he all but blurted,
"Natasha? Natasha Kings?"
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Oooh la la~ Three strong men at the same time. Natasha you stud muffin you. (?*>?<)?? Spread the love. You go girl~?


Natasha covered her mouth and suppressed a chuckle as she fell deeper back on her seat, feeling a bit embarrassed by what she had done. But can anyone really blame her? It's been ten years since he hadn't been here. Ten years she hadn't seen any of her childhood friends--but of course there was facebook, but poor Natasha doesn't really know how to use facebook. But really? Really? What are the odds that when you returned to your hometown after ten years of absence, you'd get to see one of your childhood friends on the very day you return? Natasha wasn't quite sure of the exact numbers but she knew it was slim to none.

"Such a small world," A ruggedly handsome waiter had came to her table. Oh great! She was getting a bit hungry. Natasha may have change alot in her physical aspects but her hunger craving didn't change at all. "So you know her?" The waiter gave her this contagious smile which she return it fully--wide grin and all.

"Ah! Yes... Um, well no. Maybe kinda?" Natasha stuttered and laughed a bit at herself, not fully sure about what her answer should be. Since from the way Allyson said, it appears she doesn't remember her at all. Well, who can blame her? Is been tn year afterall. Then she heard a husky voice of a guy requesting for song she should sing.

"Hey, if your'e singing, you should do Born to Die. Lana Del Rey would be really impressive," the guys said to Allyson. Curious as who the guy was she took a peek at the guy that was currently had his attention to Allyson. Natasha then drew back to her chair when the said guy turn his attention to her now--he had probably caught her starring at him. Oh God, Natasha, could you be too obvious? Ah okay, Natasha, just pretend you didn't do what you did, she thought to herself. Her attention then went back to the patient waiter Connor and she smiled up to him sheepishly. "To be honest, it's kinda been ten years since I've last been here. And I may have somehow embarrassed the both of us." Natasha had to laugh at herself that even after all these years she could still manage to get them into trouble.

As Natasha was explaining to Connor about her situation, Daniel came to her table.

"Guys?" She visibly flinhed when he suddenly came up to her table. Ugh, looks like Natasha's plan of pretending to have not spied on him failed. "Remember me?" When he said that, Natasha was surprised--bwwildered actually. Remember me? He asked. Does Natasha remember him? Or does he remember Natasha? Impossible. She never set foot into this city since today, so the odds of him and her seeing each other was zero. But he said 'guys' so that may included the waiter as well. Could it be? Does he somehow recognize her ten years ago? She had to make sure.

"Depeneds," Natasha began, "were you one of my bullies when I was fat?" she asked Daniel.

And having two strapping young men come on to her table and struck a conversation with her wasn't weird enough, another one came suddenly and this time--this third guy actually knew who she was.

"Natasha? Natasha Kings?" she heard him say her name. At first, Natasha wasn't sure who this guy was, she starred at him for a while and was observing him as if looking for something that would make Natasha remember him, since he remembered her, it would be rude to not remember him right? Then there was also Connor and Daniel who maybe somehow recognise her? Ugh, damn it Natasha! Your going to be a policewoman, try to remember! She thought.

"I'm sooo so sorry!" Natasha began. "I don't know... I just came beck here from New York and I got lost because I was so stupid to have got out of my cab when coming here and my cellphone battery is dead... and did you know how hard it is to get a taxi here? I don't actually remember you and I am sorry. My friends back in New York told me that I should make a facebook account cause it may help me, but I don't really understand how to use it, though I did promised that I'd go around it but never did. So I'm not sure if I am really the Natasha you're looking for but if you somehow remembered a fat-freckled-frizzied hair red head ten years ago who likes to arrest everyone and throw them into a dog cage then I am your girl." Natasha half-laughed and suddenly began to run her mouth off on information about herself, looks like she still can't control herself whenever she is under pressure and talk and talk like there was no tomorrow.
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