Fire power


New Member
Just a quick one. In an rp I am playing a girl that has control over fire but I am unsure of what she would be able to do in combat. Her weapon is a staff. Does anyone have any suggestions
Well, she can maybe set the ends of the staff on fire, perhaps she can carry some form of ignition (like oil, or gasoline) and they can throw it at enemies and then ignite them (might be a bit gory though). You could have her use her fire as a way to defend as well, creating maybe circles of it around you or something. Possibly simply throwing it at people works. That's just my two cents though.
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First off, you need to determine where her power comes from. Is it a natural/inherited power or is it a learned power? The former being more like... say bending from the Avatar series, and the latter being like mages/wizards/sorcerers from D&D. Then you have a blend, like Harry Potter, where magic is inherent, but requires learning to unlock. Or maybe the character isn't magical, the staff is.

After that, you can think about the rules of the power. Say it's a natural power, like bending, but do they need to have the material present? Fire Benders form fire from their own energy. Or like Harry Potter, that it can be created from nothing and needs a spell word and a certain motion. Then there are the limits of the power. Is it wild fire? Formed fire?

Then maybe what is the purpose of the power. Attack? Defense? Both?

I'd recommend looking at some RPGs that have fire based spells, like Diablo. Common spells are fireball, firewall, burning hands, fire ring (protective), breath fire, etc.
Its kinda like avitar where. All the charas ((there are four)) come from different tribes where they we're all sacrifiesed. They are all limited to their powers, which have to be unlocked and are represented by tribel marks and their weapons add to there strength to control the powers.
So the weapons act as a focus for their energy? In that case you can look up Hawaiian Fire Dance for some ideas. Maybe do something similar where the characters essentially set the tip of their spears on fire. and utilize them as defensive weapons of some sort.



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