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Fire meets Fire (Closed!)

Going out camping in the summer wasn't his thing. Quite the contrary, Christopher hated it with a passion. He'd much rather be going to any metal concert nearby or far away than having to spend at least a month in a camp full of boring people. Of course, there might be the ocassion of meeting an attractive girl or two and breaking the rule by visiting the girl's cabins at night, but aside that, nothing too special. He hated nearly everyone in his school, and nearly everyone in his school disliked him. Hell, not even the ones who shared pretty much the same interests as him didn't like him too much, mostly because he was the guy who would always tell it as it is, and usually, the truth hurts.

But here he was, in a bus that was going to take him far from home. And all that because his parents (his father, firstly) got word of the numerous occasions on which their son was a total dick, or simply couldn't warm up to others or adapt to groups. "You'll be going in the summer camp and you'll learn how to behave and how to get friendly with other people." That was what his father said before shutting the door after an argument, and now he only had to hope this would end soon enough. It had to.

He sat at the very end of the bus, with his earphones in, the sound of the music he listened to, a very aggressive form of death metal, being easily audible from nearby. And while many of the students near him threw him all kinds of looks and spoke about him not quite highly, he didn't seem to give a fuck. He simply sat there, displaying his gory Cattle Decapitation shirt: https://www.rockworldeast.com/dimage/zoom/6789.jpg, a shirt that wasn't really accepted by the teachers that were accompanying the students in the camp, but they couldn't really do much about it. Nearly all his shirts were the same type of disgusting, unpleasant stuff.

But perhaps the camp won't suck as much, right? Maybe. He certainly knew he spotted this one girl. He knew her, he even happened by her, but he never actually tried approaching her. She seemed to be, well, basic, and he didn't have the courage to try, simply out of fear that she might really be basic and he would grow to hate her. Or, something along the lines of. But he felt a weird curiosity, he felt he wanted to see her again. He knew she was there, the problem was... in which bus?
Eve couldn't help not to sign as she looked outside the window. One thing she could say she actually hated was camping out with a bunch of kids, a bunch of 'stupid' kids. We had the usual nerds, the rich pricks, making their manicure in the back or talking about the latest phone and then we had the boring ones, not much to say about them. Then we had Eve. Eve was probably a combination between 'what-the-fuck' and 'not-interested'. If she was liked or hated by everyone, that was a mystery. Most people would say they were in the middle, as Eve could either send a bad or good vibe if you were around her.

It was the second year she would visit this camp. It wasn't because she enjoyed it or because she had a lot of friends into it, but her parents insisted for her to get out of the house, break from bad habits or activities and relax on a beach, with other students and maybe make some friends. The 'friends' part was like a joke to Eve. Maybe she had a few friends here and there but she could never just get to close to everyone. Her camp friend was Clary. A book worm, most people would say, but she had a lot of talents except that. As Eve, Clary enjoyed sketching, reading a lot and painting. Perfect pair, only if Clary would take some risks from time to time. Eve was seated somewhere in the middle of the bus, with Clary by her side, listening to some album by RED as she scrolling around in her phone.

Eve was wearing a kind of lacy black loose tank top, some large jeans and her usual black leather boots as her hair was just in a messy pony tail. She was pretty tired and tried to stretch herself in the small seat, almost hitting Clary, provoking a small laugh come from both. When the bus finally stopped, the old lady that was looking at them when they were making just a move, cleaned her throat and began to speak. "As we know, is our annual summer camp that we hold on a beach. Let's hope all of you will have a great time and now please get out of the bus in order so we can meet with the other groups." She finished and everyone could finally get out. Eve took her guitar, her bag with some sketching instruments and then her other bag in which she had some clothes and made her way out of the bus.

She moved a strand of hair that got out of her pony tail and examined the place. The beach wasn't far away so after all, they had to walk, then they had to pick the cabins and finally, during the night they could have some fun. Eve sighed as she carried her bags and waited until everyone would finish with meeting their friends and the directors of the camp would finish with the 'sweet' and 'encouraging' words.
As the bus halted, Christopher found himself needing to rise from his comfortable seat and move out, however, he did not. Not yet, at least. He always liked to be the last in line, since he hated being pushed from the back. His earphones were still on, but he saw the hand motion of one of the surveillants, one of the teachers that accompanied the whole group, for him to rise and move to exit the bus. He didn't care to respond to the call in any way, but he knew he should just sit in line. Standing, he simply straightened his leather jacket and grabbed his backpack, before making his way, finding himself now between a few of the other teens.

"Move it, you freak show." A guy behind him mocked him and tried pushing him forward. Christopher's teeth gritted in stress as he felt it, yet he did his best to keep his demeanor in check. He felt a slight push to the back of his knee, then another to the back of his head, and, as he was approaching the door of the bus, he felt he was going to snap in any given second. What made him snap, however, was a hand that was somewhat violently locked in his blond hair, and a mean tug at it. That was when his calm suddenly vanished, and, as he turned around, his earphones easily falling out of his ears, he grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt and stared him in the eye. "You don't touch my hair, or I'll fucking eat your heart, you understand me?" He growled, huffing in the guy's face threateningly, all while the overseeing teacher was already making her way to the scene.

Christopher remained silent for a moment, before shoving the other teen back, causing him to fall in the arms of another guy behind him. He'd failed again at controlling his temper, but by now, his nerves were boiling. "Get a cut, you fucking I'm uncultured." The other teen retorted, all while the teacher was already beginning to lecture Christopher about trespassing rules. However, the latter simply huffed in annoyance and made his way past the teacher, pushing the others aside until he found his way out of the bus.

"This is so much bullshit." He called out in frustration as he was met with the sight of the beach, his hands instantly getting stuck to his head. "Out of all the places that could've been chosen, we will camp by the sea? Oh come oooon... this has got to be a stupid joke." "Christopher Jace Vadeborg, I strongly advise you to be quiet and watch your tongue, unless you don't want your father to receive a detailed report of your behaviour." The teacher's voice resounded from somewhere behind him, causing his anger only to exponentially grow, before bursting, causing him to simply let out a loud curse and move away, to seek an isolated spot in all that... nothingness.
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