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Realistic or Modern Fire From All Sides

Samantha Robin

Your local Tolkiener
A yell in a foreign language echoed from the peaks surrounding the village and broke the peaceful calm of the night, as the tank rolled into the street. It had mud and snow smeared on it's tracks, and no man was in the turret.

Soon enough, stones were hurtling at it, shouts filled the air and propaganda emerged from the windows as the machine continued on it's way undisturbed.

The golden emblem of The National Forces shined on it's body and an advanced machine gun was mounted on a tripod on top. After it followed a small convoy of jeeps with large guns of all types, in which sat men with grey-green camouflage and National Forces flags on their uniforms.

Suddenly, an explosion rung and echoed from the peaks. As residents scattered into the dark, another one sounded. And another.

The wind stopped for a moment and snow began to fall softly, as a fleeing jet's engines noise was barely audible in the fog that had come over the mountain.

The men sitting on the floor were playing Turkish chess, and a radio had it's antenna sticking up from a hole in the makeshift ceiling. A pile of Kalachnikovs and AK-47s were leaned against the wall beside an RPG, but the men ignored them completely.

They all had facial hair of some type, but most were simply in need of a shave. The black concrete walls of the tunnel were cold, but the merry chitchat and the Asian music from the radio did enough to liven the atmosphere.

Suddenly, gunshots and shouts sounded from the doorway. As the men reached for their guns, other people appeared in the doorway. Their clothes were rags as well, they looked in a very bad situation and some of them were carrying bows or spears instead of arms. "You no move!" Gunshots exploded through the covered trench.


The Mahhmud Post

April second:
Wasi Khasami elected as prime minister, nationalists are partying and protesters causing mayhem, five arrested

April third: All political parties declared outlawed by Khasami's order!

April twenty-second: Civilian militia terrorises government offices, four killed

April twenty-eighth: War declared by Turiq's Divisions! State of war, streets under lockdown!

May twelfth: China declares war on Khasami's National Forces as well, co-operations with Turiq's Divisions are a possibility

August eighth: New organization founded, aiming to protect civilians! The Himmna- is gathering arms


From: Turiq Alwaheed

To: Dr. Shawal

Subject: Rolelplayer accepting minimums

Dear Doctor Shawal,

Here are the drafting standards:

The recruit is able to:

Write at least two paragraphs, while maintaining basic grammar,

Die for the cause,

notify before taking a vacation,

have at least a small knowledge of warfare and weapons.

Please make sure that all recruits follow the standards.

Yours truly,

Turiq Alwaheed.
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People! What's wrong with yo' braims? Dontcha like a bit of death and blood?

Hehe, not going to be seriously violent myself. My CS is set up, BTW. You can see it's not combat-based
Woot woot!

I'm starting the IC play. Some things I'd like to clarify before we start:

Stupid actions will be rewarded accordingly. Such as running Rambo into fire will get you injured. Like in reality.

No godmodding- I will warn you at first but if you don't listen you'll get the boot. A stroke of luck is fine, and I really don't want to kick anyone, but don't overdo it because godmodding ruins the fun and for the sake of the play I might have to.

Romance is welcome, but please no first-glance love. No problem with characters knowing each other before the RP starts, though.

Sorry for sounding so harsh, you (probably) know I'm not (that) mean.

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