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Fantasy ~Fire Emblem Reverence: The Insurrection of Etalus~ [Interest Check - OPEN]


Sad Shroom
Untitled design (1).png

The year is 454 RC. On the continent of Reverus, five nations co-exist in a state of fragile peace, sustained by a complex web of treaties, trade agreements and political ties.

In the south, the land of Ditania is still rebuilding from a bitter civil war when inner turmoil once again bubbles to the surface. As the home of the Draconic Oak and site of one of the last battles against the Fell Dragon Khaima, Mount Etalus has long been admired with envious eyes by the other nations; whoever possesses the Draconic Oak possesses the flow and distribution of all magic tomes and staffs, making it not only a site of immense political value, but also of great religious, scientific and historical significance.

Now Etalus faces a violent insurrection, a shadowy faction of mercenaries arriving on its shores and taking control of the lower valley. Seizing the opportunity for political gain, the other nations hurry to pledge support, support the embattled Lord Claudio is in no position to refuse. As Claudio himself marches down to meet the rebel army in the valley below, his young daughter is left to play both host and chief negotiator as the arriving foreign dignitaries arrive– young nobles who, along with their trusted retainers, will attempt not only to quell this revolution but to do so in a way which ultimately furthers their own political, personal and national goals. Each arrives in Etalus with a plot of their own, and all plots revolve around the Draconic Oak. When it comes to such a precious resource, the young heir to Etalus is about to discover there is no such thing as unconditional kindness…

A tightening web of political schemes, of veiled intentions and secretive plots. A chain of events which threatens to disturb the fragile peace and plunge the continent back into bitter warfare. And a series of shocking revelations which challenge the known history of the continent. The Insurrection of Etalus is history in the making, and it is up to these young royals to ensure they profit the most from it…

Welcome to Fire Emblem Reverence: The Insurrection of Etalus!

Introducing your GM...
Thanks for reading this thread! I’m Ginge and I’m your solo GM, or narrative overseer as I'd prefer to be called! My heyday on this site was a decade ago now (I feel old, lol), but I have now made a comeback and am hoping all my experience of writing and RPing will lead to a great collaborative adventure with you all.

In this RP, writers will take on the role of the young lords, nobles and retainers who arrive in Etalus with their own agendas, agendas which will put them into conflict with each other. The RP will focus on how these political schemes intersect and interact, with the choices each writer chooses to make through their characters having rolling consequences for the entire wider continent. Alongside these courtroom negotiations, white lies and social manipulation, there will also be freeform Player vs Enemy combat scenarios for us to enjoy, potentially even leading to some PvP duels should we wish.

Though set on an all-original continent with no direct ties to existing Fire Emblem worlds, the worldbuilding has been constructed very much in the tradition of Fire Emblem, with divine and evil dragons, grandiose battles and an exploration of the complexities of war. You will also be asked to assign your characters a traditional Fire Emblem class and traditional Fire Emblem stats, which will serve as a non-binding guide for combat scenarios.

Whilst I have established some groundwork and have certain twists in mind, this RP is intended to be player-driven as much as possible, with the connections your characters pursue and the actions they decide to take having a palpable impact on how the story plays out. The history, geography and culture of each of the five nations has been left intentionally vague and broad so that you can fill them with your own ideas, including the freedom to introduce plotlines and supporting characters.

Ultimately, I am looking for like-minded writers who are interested in telling a fascinating story with other people, who want to play flawed, multi-layered characters and who aren’t afraid to put their characters through hell should it have more narrative promise.

I do not know exactly where this story is going, but I am incredibly excited to find out with you!

    1. General Behaviour: Don’t break site rules, don’t get overtly sexual, don’t control other people’s characters for them. Don’t approach the RP like a game to be won, but as a story told in collaboration with others, where the most interesting outcome may not be what your character wants. And don’t be a dick in the OOC – we’re here to have fun writing, and everybody should feel free to be themselves as we do so. No hate speech will be tolerated.
    2. Post Detail: I don’t really like the usual detail labels, but I guess this fits roughly into the category of ‘adv-lit’. There won’t be a strict post-length restriction as I’m always looking for quality over quantity. No one-liners obviously, but please also don’t fluff out your posts with endless introspection just to fill space. Nobody wants to read about how the sun sinking beyond the horizon reminded your character about their dead goldfish Geoff. Overall, I expect posts to give at least one other writer a clear springboard to reply to. Sometimes this can be done in a paragraph, but other times will call for much more description.
    3. Grammar: Write in third-person, past tense. We all make typos but please make sure your post is comprehensible.
    4. Post Frequency: You are expected to post once every five days. If you do not think you can manage this, please be considerate and do not apply. I have seen far too many RPs die a rapid death because everybody pushes the boat out and takes longer to post than the GM asked.
    5. Communication: You don’t have to be mega active in the OOC, but please please please let me know if you’re going to be away for longer than a week. We’re here to have fun and we all understand that real life must take precedence sometimes. If you’re struggling in general, don’t worry, chances are I’ve been there – I’m not going to judge you and I haven’t unlocked the ability to bite your head off through a computer screen (yet!) If you fail to inform us, we will just have to move on without you.
    6. OOC: Will start on-site, but I will poll writers who are applying as to whether we should move to Discord or not. There are definitely a lot of advantages to Discord, I’m just used to RPing without it (#justsiteveteranthings)
    7. BBCode: If coding helps your creative juices flow then feel free to pretty up posts, but I want this to be a no-coding friendly space where people are more interested in writing posts than spending forever making things look nice.

All the threads are now up, and applications are now open!
The initial deadline for application is Tuesday 17th September.

There's more information about how classes, weapons and stats work in the Character page, along with of course a character form so that you can get to work on your character ideas!
If you're planning on applying, it'd be helpful if you could let us know what role you're most interested in.

OOC | Character Applications
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This setting sounds so cool! Rife with drama and magical mysteries. I'd love to throw my hat in the ring once apps are actually open
Thanks for all the interest so far - what a warm return to group RPing this is! I intend on having the threads all up tomorrow, I'll tag those who have commented here when everything's ready (and of course update the OP with the links too!)
I'll be down for this. Not actually all that big on Fire Emblem, but Sword of Convallaria's given me a taste for such hijinks.
I'll be down for this. Not actually all that big on Fire Emblem, but Sword of Convallaria's given me a taste for such hijinks.
Hopefully this will still be accessible even if you're not mega big on Fire Emblem itself, given the world and scenario require no prior knowledge of Fire Emblem!

Will there be a discord?
I answered this in the OP :)
Ow should be fun. Any chance there are survivors of the Ditania? at least some pretenders?
Not entirely sure what you're asking me here, sorry. Survivors of what? Pretenders to what? Ditania is a country.
Hopefully this will still be accessible even if you're not mega big on Fire Emblem itself, given the world and scenario require no prior knowledge of Fire Emblem!

I answered this in the OP :)

Not entirely sure what you're asking me here, sorry. Survivors of what? Pretenders to what? Ditania is a country.
Sorry, not sure what happened there. Meant the royal family. Just checking if there was a chance one can play someone that could be related to the deposed monarch.
Additionally, the written language on the tome will fade slightly with every spell cast from it, until eventually the tome is rendered useless.
One thing I did want to ask- could a faded-out tome be re-scribed with another spell? So a Tome could be scribed, used, re-scribed, repeatedly, making it an heirloom?
Sorry, not sure what happened there. Meant the royal family. Just checking if there was a chance one can play someone that could be related to the deposed monarch.
I'm with you now! I may have forgotten to mention it, but I was thinking that the deposition of the monarchy happened several centuries prior to the events of the RP, near the start of Ditania's history. However, the royal bloodline has living on through the Proguer family, whose descendants include Duke Claudio of Etalus and his daughter (aka: the Ditanian noble role). I'm open for one of her 'retainers' being distantly related to the long-deposed monarchy as well though, especially if you have an interesting idea in mind - it could give one of her trusted advisors an ambitious personal agenda of wanting to revolutionise Ditania, which might include manipulating her to their own ends.

One thing I did want to ask- could a faded-out tome be re-scribed with another spell? So a Tome could be scribed, used, re-scribed, repeatedly, making it an heirloom?
Good question - one that the Fire Emblem games never actually answer. I think yes in theory, but a tome will gradually lose its magical potency over time, much like how a blade gets dulled or damaged with repeated use. I guess you could remedy this by rebinding the tome in with fresher paper from the Draconic Oak, much like how you can remake/reforge a damaged weapon should you so choose. So it should be possible for a mage to have an heirloom tome, perhaps keeping a commemorative/historical cover with familial significance whilst either reserving the tome for very rare use only (as to preserve magical potency), or rebinding it periodically to reinvigorate magical potency. Does that work for you?
Update: The threads are now all up!
The initial deadline for application is Tuesday 17th September.

There's more information about how classes, weapons and stats work in the Character page, along with of course a character form so that you can get to work on your character ideas!
If you're planning on applying, it'd be helpful if you could let us know what role you're most interested in.

OOC | Character Applications

GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 , Arcanist Arcanist , DistractionAttack DistractionAttack , High Moon High Moon , Yakov011001 Yakov011001 , ERode ERode , Stickdom Stickdom , Landsharks Landsharks , ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe , ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki and any other interested lurkers
I'm open for one of her 'retainers' being distantly related to the long-deposed monarchy as well though, especially if you have an interesting idea in mind - it could give one of her trusted advisors an ambitious personal agenda of wanting to revolutionise Ditania, which might include manipulating her to their own ends.
I admit I did have a fully formed idea yet. Just read that part about the history and and thought it might be a fun angle. Ambitious advisor with royal blood might not be a bad idea... Will have a think.
Current ideas…

- The Proposing Prince: Friendly, chipper, and a renowned wyvern Knight, the Prince seems to have walked out of a fairy tale… but behind his handsome face lies a Machiavellian mind that spins plots and speaks lies as easy as breathing. This is perhaps he was sent out on such a mission rather than remaining in the palace to aid his father… Or perhaps he planned that too?
- The Duplicitous Doctor: This humble man stands head and shoulders over most everyone else- built like an iron tower, with the strength to match. He carries a massive bow that only he can use with its absurd draw weight, and a pair of heavy cleavers. He seems to be a simple hunter, and indeed, he was born as such. But behind that lies one of the most brilliant alchemical and medical minds of the current generation, easily missed. A FEARSOMS marriage of brawn and brain… if hampered by a humble background.
oh wow SkyGinge SkyGinge I remember you from way back!! I think my @ was still macbeth hahah what a stupidly long time ago 😭
but yes ofc also supremely interested in putting something in for this, which will almost definitely be an app for the cleric or some retainer thereof x
oh wow SkyGinge SkyGinge I remember you from way back!! I think my @ was still macbeth hahah what a stupidly long time ago 😭
but yes ofc also supremely interested in putting something in for this, which will almost definitely be an app for the cleric or some retainer thereof x
I remember that username! Though I don't remember if we ever wrote together... either way, always nice to see another old face (there are quite a few still around under different guises like yourself so it's not easy to spot!)
I remember that username! Though I don't remember if we ever wrote together... either way, always nice to see another old face (there are quite a few still around under different guises like yourself so it's not easy to spot!)
have just had a rummage and it was your 'Posthuman' RP that I'm thinking of lmao.. 2018.. oh boy
but yes so nice to run into another lingerer 🤭
have just had a rummage and it was your 'Posthuman' RP that I'm thinking of lmao.. 2018.. oh boy
but yes so nice to run into another lingerer 🤭
Ah yeah, that rings a bell. That one died very quickly sadly, perhaps too out-there of a concept for a big group RP.

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