Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla


Three Thousand Club


I am the Creator of Light and Life. I am the Mother of the Gods. And I am the soul proprietor of this and every other realm... "Fallen" from Grace? I wouldn't say that exactly. I cannot fall from Grace... Because I AM Grace!

Do me a favor now my dear. Please... Kindly just...

... Die...

Description: Auxereilla is the Creator of Light and Life. She is the Mother of the Gods. She embodies all that is beautiful in this realm and the next. Her body, hair, eyes, lips. Everything about her literally glows with Divine Energy. Every microfiber of her skin, every blood vessel. She is Divinity Incarnate.

She stands tall and proud, chest out and chin up at all times as expected of one of her stature. Her hair flows down to just above her knee level, with bangs framing her heart shaped face. Her lips are bow shaped and full, ripe and naturally as pink as the Cherry Blossoms in bloom. Her eyes are naturally a deep emerald green, like the deepest and lushest forests in early Summer. Her hair is a golden brown like the finest honey. Her skin peachy and as vibrant as Life itself. But what else would you expect of the Creator of Life?

Her body is divine, literally. Full chest. Long legs. Hourglass figure. Flat and firm musculature covered in soft, flawless skin. She has everything that mortals strive for and desire, and it all comes naturally to her. She is not oblivious as to what the sight of her would do to mortals who lay their eyes upon her, and thus she chose never to set foot upon the world for fear of the consequences... However, circumstances have changed in her life as a Goddess.

Age: Indeterminable

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: Indeterminable

Birthplace: Indeterminable

Current Location/Residence: Indeterminable

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 140 lb.

Hair Color: Honey Brown

Eye Color: Green

Body Type: Mesomorph

Voice Type: Mezzo-Soprano

Character Class: Creator of Light and Life

Personality: The Creator of Light and Life is as any would expect her to be: the embodiment of benevolence, kindness, compassion, and happiness. As the Creator of Light and Life, she bestowed upon her Children, the Gods, all of what she is and what she hoped the beings of the Mortal Realm would become. Her benevolence extends to both her mortal and immortal children, and she answers prayers and wishes from both on a regular basis. Her compassion for others is unrivaled, and had she any more compassion she would probably drown in it. Her own happiness is the source of all happiness, and the more she has the more others may share... Perhaps this is indicative of the world's current state and lack of ability to share happiness and understanding between human and Laguz races.

The Mother of Light and Life has a much darker side... But that shall be revealed in time.


  • She has but to utter a single word, and so it shall be... (read the quote in her image and you'll figure it out)
  • Immortality
  • Unfathomable Power
  • Divinity Incarnate


  • Immortality
  • Unfathomable Power
  • Divinity Incarnate

Family: Mother of the Gods, Grandmother to all of mortal kind.

Starting Equipment: None

Training History: None

Biography: Auxereilla is the Mother of the Gods, the Creator of Light and Life, and the Ancestor to all mortal kind. The beginning of her life is indeterminable, as she has existed since before the creation of Time and Space. She herself is not responsible for these elements of the universe, but she was present when they were brought into existence. She remembers all that has transpired since her own creation, but remembers none of whatever may have come before. Since her own birth and position as the Mother of the Gods, she has accepted her role in the Heavens and taken her duties with grace. She created the Gods of her own flesh, her own soul, and her own Divine Energy. This is how she became known as the Mother of the Gods.

Beyond this, her story is a completely mystery, one which you will have to unravel for yourself as the story unfolds...


”All this talk of Gods and Demons… I don’t understand it at all. Just tell me who I should be fighting and I’ll get the job done!”

Description: Kyo’da is a human with a tall and lean frame, though he has plenty of muscles to back up his words when necessary. His training revolved around changing his body’s limitations rather than overcoming them, which gives his muscles much more density than most who undergo conventional training. An example would be how most men his size can only hold a sword with a straight and outstretched arm for about ten to fifteen-seconds before their muscles become fatigued, whereas Kyo’da can do so for over five minutes. His body fat count is close to zero, making his muscles seem larger than they really are. He has a muscular neck and semi tanned skin as he does most of his training in minimal clothing to free up his body to maximum flexibility (though he obviously still wears clothing to cover himself as he’s not completely without modesty). These methods of training have forged his body to a physical level which most others, even seasoned warriors, cannot even approach. His raw strength for one of his size is unparalleled because of his bizarre training methods, and have served him incredibly well when facing off against almost any kind of opponent.

Kyo’da’s hair and eyes are of a blueish hue with his eyes in particular carrying an oceanic coloration. His face is clean and devoid of facial hair which is a natural genetic trait he received from his father. He also has no visible scars or tattoos to mar his complexion. He has a youthful appearance which belies his age and makes it easier for him to approach opponents who are overconfident in their strength and skills. His eyes are set and devoid of fear or weakness, making it impossible to judge whether or not he is intimidated or at all frightened by his enemy’s words or actions. He stands with a straight and proud posture, befitting his profession as a wandering warrior, and walks with a purposeful stride. His clothing is simple, consisting of a tunic, loose fitting pants, a belt, leather boots, and a simple cape with a grayish exterior and a reddish underside which doubles as a blanket when he must sleep outdoors.

Kyo’da’s clothing usually consists of a long dark grey or black shirt with the sleeves rolled up or cut off. He wraps his hands and part of his forearms with tape and wears protective leather gloves with reinforced knuckles just in case he has to fight without a blade. He wears a heart guard made of extra strong leather crafted by a family friend with a piece of armor over his left shoulder. He finishes the upper body ensemble with a bandana that usually varies in color between green and black with a belt and sash underneath the belt. He wears white or beige pants, depending on which is cleaner, and has long brown boots which stop just below his knees with reinforced souls which serve a similar function to his reinforced gloves should he lose his blade in combat. He wears a sword clip on his left side as he doesn’t like the clumsiness of a sheath. And lastly, his cape is made of a very durable but breathable fabric which he can use as either a pillow or a blanket at night when on the road.

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: May 16th, 625

Birthplace: Hewyn

Current Location/Residence: Nomad

Height: 6’

Weight: 200 lb.

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Ocean Blue

Body Type: Athletic

Voice Type: Baritone

Special Skills: Unconventional training methods developed through trial and error have forged his body to an unparalleled level of physical fitness. His fast twitch muscles, muscular endurance, and raw strength for his size are all at their peak. Kyo’da can hold his sword straight out to one side for over five minutes before his arm gets tired. He can hold a vertical kick over his head indefinitely. And he can beat anyone in a game of mercy as his finger and grip strength are far above average. Kyo’da created these methods in his mid teens, and perfected his training methods by the time he was twenty two.

Personality: Kyo’da is a calm and reserved individual who knows when to speak and when not to. When he speaks, he does so with confidence and purpose. He does nothing to hide the fact that he is proud of who he is and what he’s accomplished in his life. His life as a wandering warrior have forged him into a strong and well groomed young man who could pass for a noble with his bearing. Though he descends from a life of poverty and strife, he never lets his past interfere with his future. He keeps his mind focused on the road ahead and whatever happens he always maintains his composure. He’s tough, tenacious, and has an indomitable willpower which earns him respect among other human warriors who know of him and his exploits.

Kyo’da’s personality with people is a bit more complicated than his regular bearing. Around noblemen, he acts a bit more coldly and speaks with drops of venom on his tongue. Though he doesn’t let his past interfere with his future, he cannot forgive nobility for what they did to him and his family. He does his best to keep this hatred from carrying into battle though. Around beautiful women, he is calm on the outside but a nervous wreck on the inside. Having had a beautiful woman as a girlfriend and fiancé for many years before her untimely death to illness, he has always been nervous about finding love again due to his fear of losing it a second time. Around men, no matter the age, he has no issues whatsoever speaking his mind and being, at times, brutally honest about what he thinks of them and what they are either saying or doing.

Kyo’da’s personality in battle is fairly different from his personality outside of battle. He’s relentless as a warrior in combat, and will not stop fighting until either he or his enemy are incapacitated. Though he only kills when necessary or when it has been warranted, against enemies who deserve to die he is absolutely merciless. When he does aim to kill, he does so quickly and as painlessly as possible by aiming for vital points. When he knows that an enemy deserves to die due to atrocities committed against innocent people, he will use his knowledge of the body to kill them slowly. He is fairly knowledgeable about the nervous system and knows just where you hit someone to make a limb go numb, to make them pass out, to paralyze them, or to kill them outright. Kyo’da’s behavior and skill in battle is a sight to behold, and among friends and enemies alike the thought of standing in his way when he has a goal in mind is absolutely terrifying.


* Confident - Due to the severity and versatility of his training he has absolute confidence in his skills and holds no fear at all of any opponent in front of him regardless of their size or apparent skill level. The mental advantage is a huge strength for him in combat.

* Honorable - Kyo’da lives by the warrior’s code of honor and carries himself with dignity and pride. He speaks politely to those who prove they’ve earned it which makes him many friends among his fellow warriors.

* Motivated - Kyo’da’s will is unflinching and when he has a goal in mind he will not stop until it is accomplished. No matter the risks or how long it takes, he will finish what he starts.


* Confident - The same thing that gives him strength serves as a weakness. Due to his never backing down from any opponent, it is not hard for him to either be overwhelmed by a group of enemies or to engage in battle with an opponent he cannot hope to defeat.

* Naiveté - Kyo’da is slightly naive when it comes to human nature. He can sometimes put too much trust in people which can get him stabbed in the back. Luckily it hasn’t happened yet, but the possibility is still there.

* Ignorance - When it comes to formal education, Kyo’da is lacking on all fronts. When it comes to education regarding the laguz, he is equally ignorant and has never seen one let alone observed one in battle… Save one, and she confounds him greatly.


Father - Alive

Mother - Alive

Sister - Alive

Brother - Alive, but missing


* Iron Broadsword

* Three vulnerary pouches

* Sword

* Hunting knife

Training History: Kyo’da began developing his own method of training when he was sixteen years old, and by the time he was twenty two he had perfected his methods and created a method of training to maximize his natural strengths and reduce his physical limitations. His grip strength and finger strength ensure that he never loses his weapon in combat, and if he does engage in hand to hand combat, if he gets ahold of you, you’re not getting away. He has trained his muscle endurance through extreme isometrics to a level unreached by anyone else, as his methods are a far cry from “traditional” and what is considered “functional”. However, his methods have proven very functional. He can hold a squat position for over an hour without so much as a single drop of sweat unless it’s hot outside. He can hold his sword out to one side with his arm completely straight for over five minutes before he feels any muscle fatigue. And thanks to his fast twitch training, he can lash out at opponents who are within or just at the edge of arms reach in less than a quarter of a second (unarmed of course).

Biography: Kyo’da was born in a village on the edge of the kingdom of Hewyn. His father was a local swordmaster working in the employ of the King and his mother worked in real estate buying and selling land to both local and out of town clients. Kyo’da is an only child, born and raised to be a swordmaster like his father and his entire early life was nothing but preparing for training. His father asked a friend of the family to teach him about the basics of hand to hand combat, and this friend was one who believed in a different methodology than that which his father did. Kyo’da’s training was designed not to break his limits, but to change them. Kyo’da’s master worked his body in unconventional ways to achieve an overall level of strength where no one part of his body was truly stronger than another. His punches are just as powerful as his kicks, and his kicks just as accurate as his punches. His sword work, as a result, became precise and clean, without any visible flaws save those inherent in every technique in existence.

Kyo’da’s social life and education was not very healthy growing up, having no school in the village he grew up in. He had a few friends who were also training as sword masters whom his own master pitted him against on a regular basis for sparring practice. A few other friends in the neighborhood were friends of the family as well, but outside that small circle of friends Kyo’da didn’t really have anyone. One individual in particular was a young woman named Dawn who became his closest friend throughout his early life. Dawn remained by his side at all times save during his training, and when they were together they were inseparable. By the time they were teenagers, they knew that they were in love and they began a relationship at age fifteen. However, tragedy struck when Kyo’da was nineteen, mere weeks after he proposed marriage to Dawn who had accepted his proposal. Dawn passed away peacefully on December 7th, 644 in the early morning of an illness which the local doctor never identified and Kyo’da holding her hand and weeping by her bedside.

After Dawn’s passing, Kyo’da became somewhat reclusive after losing the first love of his life. He managed to pull out of it, but he remained more quiet and soft-spoken for over a year before he returned to his former self once he accepted the incident as part of who he had become. The loss of Dawn left a permanent scar though, and to this day Kyo’da has had trouble opening up to women. This is especially true of beautiful women who show any level of interest in making a connection with him even if it is only as friends. His fear of losing his connections made him cautious about making too strong of one, though he eventually grew out of this by age twenty one and finally managed to rid himself to the outer fear of losing someone. He never really grew out of the deeper, buried psychological fear of losing love though, and to this day he avoids falling in love at all costs if he can help it. He is optimistic that someday he will find love, but he wants to make damn sure that it is real and with someone who won’t die on him, and for whom he won’t have to die and leave alone… A difficult task indeed.

Kyo’da’s formal training came to an end when he defeated his master in single combat at age twenty-three. He was then allowed to deliver the news to his parents who were ecstatic of his accomplishment. Even his father hadn’t managed to defeat this man in combat, and thus Kyo’da was then given the choice to forge his own path and live his own life outside of Hewyn if he so desired. He chose to become a wandering warrior with no master or alliances to tie him down. His father was a bit skeptical about this path, as many who walked it were known to lose their way and become nothing but sell swords without honor. Kyo’da ensured his father that he would not suffer such a fate, and that he would forge his path while adhering to the code of honor he was always taught to follow. His first stop was Beriax, where he learned of the people’s love of nature and their desire to protect it. It wasn’t long after this point that he heard of Hewyn having a political shift, and his parents lost their employment. Kyo’da returned to ensure his parents were all right, which they were, but they were screwed out of their livelihoods by politicians and nobility choosing to make asinine changes to the policies governing privately owned and operated businesses. Kyo’da grew to hate nobility and politicians due to this event.

As he continued his travels, he met many people and learned many things. Having not had a formal education, he became naturally curious and has adopted several points of view which he considers in line with his honor code as his own. The love of nature and the life which inhabits every corner of the world becoming one of his primary viewpoints. Proper etiquette for showing respect to all including those who are both older or younger than yourself. Proper ways to address nobility and how to use his mother’s sense of business to ensure that he is never short on coin though never acquiring it by anything less than legal and fair means such as trade. The one thing he had not learned about by spending time with other humans was about the Laguz. He knows of their existence, but he had never seen one nor had he ever spoken with one until a very special event. If given the chance, he knew that he would be willing to give them a chance to prove they are not the monsters that 99% of human people make them out to be. Only one person in his life ever thought the Laguz were unfairly judged, and that person was Dawn. Holding on to whatever he could of Dawn’s memory, he chose to adopt that view as his own. Meeting that Laguz not long after this point proved to that Dawn had been right, and Kyo’da began to develop his first relationship with the Laguz… albeit an unconventional one.


"All I have suffered through is nothing compared to what others are subjected to on a daily basis. I have no right to compare my losses to theirs, nor view their suffering as anything lesser than my own. My only desire is to see such losses reduced, as I am not so delusional as to believe they will ever disappear from this world. Not with how things stand now…“

Description: Sei’Rina is the personification of all things beautiful. Hair kissed by the sun, eyes as deep as the ocean, a full bust, slender waist, taught round posterior, and a voice as powerful and soothing as a Goddess. Sei’Rina has everything that any man, human or Laguz, would find attractive. Her hair is ash blonde and so silky and soft that it may as well be made of pure light. Her eyes are an interesting shade of ocean blue, with a slight undertone of violet supporting it which shines through mostly during nighttime hours. And her voice, as a Heron, is naturally as beautiful as any humanoid’s voice could be. But as a White Heron princess, it is even more so. Just listening to her sing quietly to herself in private without even singing Galdrar is enough to lift spirits and invigorate someone giving them a sense of renewal.

Sei’Rina has a slender, and mildly athletic build for a White Heron. Typically the White Heron females have little to no significant muscle mass, being very slim and delicate as their only real purpose in combat situations is to sing Galdrar for their allies from behind the front lines. But Sei’Rina, from years of traveling and acting as emissary for the Heron Tribe, has developed a relatively significant level of musculature and physical fitness. Because of this, she is able to keep pace with seasoned travelers. She doesn’t have the strength to wield weapons in any effective manner, but she has more than enough to protect herself in most situations. Her voice is still her most potent weapon, having learned all of the Galdrar, even forbidden Galdrar, as a child and, due to the trauma she suffered at the hands of humans, she is not afraid to use any of them. When singing a forbidden Galdrar, her hair tends to flare out around her and her eyes begin to turn red. So be afraid… be very,
very, afraid.

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: December 6th, 627

Birthplace: Qu’aun

Current Location/Residence: Beriax

Height: 5’ 10”

Weight: 140

Hair Color: Ash Blonde

Eye Color: Ocean Blue

Body Type: Slender/Athletic

Voice Type: Alto

Special Skills: Galdrar

Personality: Sei’rina is best described as “benevolent.” In every respect, she commands both the best and worst of someone who believes in the hearts of others and the kindness that all beings are capable of harnessing and practicing. However, this naive trait cost her dearly when she was twenty years old. Since that time, she has taken a more realistic take on the subject and believes in the hearts of those who show a desire for kindness right away. Those who do not show it, she avoids at all costs. Despite this, she remains kind to all whom she meets. Having lived through what is for her and her kind the worst tragedy of all, she knows what it means to lose everything except your ability to draw breath and all the pain that it brings with it.

She is also very intelligent, which helps her get far despite being a completely passive individual. Avoiding combat takes a keen eye and the ability to speak and communicate clearly and with confidence, as those who see a weakling will see a target. She is nobody’s target. Her attitude towards Beorc is the same as the rest of her race since the incident, and she instantly distrusts them unless they give her reason to believe that they understand what it means to treat someone else with kindness and respect. Once she gets to know someone and trust them, she will do all in her power to help them regardless of personal risk.

Lastly, and like all other Herons, she is calm and assertive. Despite everything that has happened to her, and despite all she’s lost, Sei’rina walks with pride and confidence in herself. Being able to walk freely among the beorc helps, but at the same time this confidence and assertive attitude comes from her own knowledge and understanding of the world on both sides (beorc and laguz) and that the hatred between them is unfounded. She knows that change can be made and that peace can be found. She knows that there is a way to bring the two together slowly and with time. The only thing she doesn’t know as of yet is how to accomplish the task.


* Galdrar - A “galdrar” is a song sung by the Herons which do a number of things depending on the lyrics. They can invigorate their allies who are tired and instantly ease their weariness, or they can dishearten their enemies to the point where they no longer have the energy to fight. They can return a warped mind to its original state, or even heal one close to death.

* Intelligence - Sei’rina is very intelligent and will avoid combat wherever possible. She uses her intellect to negotiate, maneuver through conflict, and find ways to solve any and all problems swiftly and with as little risk of injury as possible.

* Strong Will - Despite all that has happened to her and all she has lost, Sei’rina retains her unbreakable will to move forward and find a way to bridge the gap between beorc and laguz. Even at her lowest point in life, she found the strength to continue living and gave herself a purpose which nobody will ever take away from her.


* Weak - Sei’rina has low combat capabilities. She cannot wield beorc weapons well enough to engage or protect herself, nor can she transform to fight like other bird tribe laguz do because of the loss of her wings. In order to use her galdrar for her allies, she must be within a generally close proximity to them in order for it to be effective which puts her in very dangerous positions during times of strife.

* Easily Demoralized - Though her will to push forward in life is unbreakable, her short term confidence is far from it. Her confidence in herself and her ability to take on a problem can be easily trampled in the face of overwhelming opposition. This is incredibly dangerous for herself and others. If she believes, for instance, that a battle cannot be won before the battle even begins, she will refuse to take a single step on the battlefield for it is “hopeless.” The loss of her galdrar would come as a serious blow to her allies.

* Cannot Fly - Unlike the rest of the Heron tribe, Sei’rina cannot fly. Not anymore…


* Father - Alive

* Mother - Alive

* Brothers - Both older brothers alive

* Sisters - Both younger sisters alive

Tribe: White Heron Princess


* Vulnerary (x2)

* Medical Wrap

* Olivi Grass (x1)

* Training Weights (full set)

Training History: Sei’Rina was trained from a young age by her mother, the Queen, to use all the Galdrar of the Heron Royal Family. This included teachings of forbidden Galdrar, with intimate and complicated lyrics which held the power to do horrible things. Her mother wanted her to feel the difference in energy, and learn to compare those energies to what she felt and experienced in future encounters with humans. Learning these energy types early on helped her to feel no remorse when using these forbidden Galdrar, for she knows that if she uses them, it is because it is deserved.

Biography: Sei’Rina was born on the night of a full moon in winter in the laguz kingdom of Qu’aun. She was the first born daughter to the new Heron Royal Family after their ascent to the throne in previous years. Right away she stood out from the rest of her kind with her ash blonde hair ever so slightly tinted with a light peach coloration. Her ocean blue eyes were also unusual, as the rest of her family had green eyes save for one of her great grandparents who had blue eyes. But those blue eyes were thought to have been lost from the bloodline. Her birth was a greatly celebrated event, with many among the Heron clan bringing gifts and tokens of respect and admiration to her family. In the years that followed, Sei’rina proved that looks and presents from her people were not the only gifts she received from the Gods.

As she grew, she proved herself to be very intelligent. She learned to walk by the age of seven months and learned to speak in complete sentences by nine months. Her advanced intellect was a welcome sigh of relief for her family, as the younger of her two older brothers was born with a mental deficiency similar to autism. Sei’rina’s continued growth and development proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that she was a blessing for the family. By the time she was five she had learned her first galdrar by listening to her mother sing and imitating her despite not having received formal vocal lessons yet. This use of galdrar at such a young age was unheard of in the Heron tribe, as they usually don’t even begin teaching children to sing galdrar until age ten. But Sei’Rina’s natural gift for Galdrar convinced her mother to teach her everything.

As she grew, her body developed at a normal pace and she had numerous suiters even as she only approached her thirteenth year. Her natural beauty was beginning to show, her chest beginning to fill out, and her body beginning to show the maturing sings of womanhood. By age fifteen, her chest was quite voluptuous, and she had developed an hourglass figure with long slender legs and a taught round bottom. Her beautiful white wings had reached their full size with a total wingspan of just over twelve feet, and were her pride and joy. On many a day, she would wander the gardens flapping her wings as she went and floated briefly along the paths out of sheer joy of flight. They were truly her greatest love in life and she enjoyed no feeling more than flight. In Heron form, she would soar the skies above the trees, a welcome and soothing sight for all her people.

At age eighteen, she became an emissary for her family to other laguz tribes. She was escorted safely through human territory to visit with and discuss diplomatic relations between the Herons and other laguz such as the Cats, Ravens, and even the Eagles. Her sense of negotiation and diplomacy won the hearts of the other tribes and earned the Heron tribe much respect over the years as she continued her work. She believed that no matter what, she would be able to preserve the peace between the Laguz, but signs were beginning to come that the peace would not last. The growing hatred of the humans was mounting without cause, and it alarmed Sei’rina that it has grown so quickly. In only two years, from age eighteen to age twenty, even the hatred of humans towards her own tribe had skyrocketed without reason. The humans and laguz had not interacted meaningfully in centuries… So why the change?

Her answer came a few weeks after visiting the Hawk tribes of the mountains. On her way home her traveling convoy was attacked by a well armed gang of human bandits and mercenaries. All of her body guards were killed, and Sei’rina herself was taken as a prisoner, as well as being a prize. She was toyed with, beaten, and raped for several nights before the unthinkable happened to her. Realizing what a Heron of royal blood was worth, the mercenaries fought over who would get to sell her. However, they didn’t wish to rid themselves of the joy she’d brought them just for coin, so they settled on another course of action…

One one fateful night, August 15, 647… Sei’rina’s wings were cut off, and all of the joy her wings had brought to her and others… All of the beauty they shared with the world… Gone in one night.

Sei’rina’s depression led to a decline in her health, and she was eventually discarded near the outskirts of Beriax. The mercenary company believed she would not survive for much longer which would deprive them of their reward. She was left for dead near a river in hopes that perhaps a large carnivore would come end her misery, but instead she was found by a kindly old human man and taken to his cabin to recover. It took months of rehabilitation and care, but Sei’rina’s health finally improved and she learned how to walk without her wings. She’d had them since birth, and to walk without them under the sun was the worst feeling of her life. She was miserable, and only further depressed as she came to realize that her wings were gone forever. The comfort they brought her, the joy, the sensation of meaning and purpose… It was gone from her heart.

However, after a few heartfelt conversations with her rescuer, she realized and accepted that even without her wings she was still a proud member of the Heron Royal Family and a laguz. Wings or no, she was still Sei’rina. This revelation resulted in what has since come to be an unshakable willpower to move forward despite the depth of her physical and personal losses. Now, without her wings, she will never be the same individual she once was. Now she is stronger, more determined, and more resourceful. The experience taught her that naiveté kills those who believe too strongly, and so she now emphasizes caution around humans though she still believes that they have the potential to be trusted. Whether her hope will be rewarded or proven a folly remains to be seen, but she hopes that the goodness in the hearts of individual humans can still be counted on.


"Kyo'da is the only human to show me kindness and understanding. I shall stand by him until my dying breath. I may be Laguz, but I know the difference between right and wrong. I shall not abide those who seek to deliberately bring my kinsman to harm for no other reason than that they are Laguz!"

Description: In a single word, Rhe’sia can be summed up as “voluptuous.” She has a full chest, tight and narrow waist, full hips, and a taught round posterior. Her legs are long and muscular, tapering down gracefully into thin and delicate looking ankles (though they most certainly are not delicate in any way, shape, or form). Her slender waist forms around a softly muscled abdomen with a subtle six pack which is visible whenever she wears less clothing. Her chest is a rather curvaceous D cup, but remain perky despite their size. Her shoulders are soft though there is no mistaking the power her arms possess, and her neck is a similar story. Softly muscled, but easily visible for the strength it holds, she could easily suspend a one hundred pound weight from her neck with little difficulty.

She has incredibly long purple hair which she likes to keep tied in a ponytail. She believes that letting it go would cause it go everywhere. So instead she ties it at the base of her skull and again at the tip in a “cute” little bow to keep it all together so it doesn’t flare and catch on her legs. Her typical clothing when in her humanoid form usually consists of as little clothing as possible, as she bears a deep seated hatred for humans given the atrocities their kind have committed over the centuries. As a Laguz she stands tall and proud with her back straight, her chest up, and her head held high. Even when she is ashamed or frightened, she will stand erect with unflinching composure. Her bravery is well known throughout her family and her village, and she is one of the top warriors of her time among the Wolf Clan.

In her transformed state, Rhe’sia is a sight to behold on a new and frightening level. As a wolf, she stands over six feet at the shoulder and her body, from nose to tail, is nearly twenty seven feet long. She is one of the largest Wolf Tribe Laguz born in over two hundred years. Her fur is a deep gray with a purple tint, and her eyes glow an ominous golden hue. Her teeth are pearly white, but quickly turn red with the blood of her enemies whenever she takes to the battlefield. As a wolf, just the sight of her alone is enough to make her enemies tremble in fear and regret their decision to take to the battlefield against her. The only human who has ever stood against her and lived was Kyo’da, a human whom she has come to harbor deep feelings for though she will never admit it to his face.

Age: 33

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: October 19, 616

Birthplace: Waud Le’ Ahn

Current Location/Residence: Nomad, searching for Kyo’da

Height: Human: 5’ 10”, Wolf: 6’ 3”

Weight: Human: 145, Wolf: 750

Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: Gray

Body Type: Athletic

Voice Type: Alto (Listen to the Erica Shaffer version)

Character Class: Wolf Tribe Laguz

Personality: Rhe’sia can be described best as blunt, brutally honest, and forceful. She is a proud warrior, and she acts the part. She speaks with confidence, and whenever an argument breaks out she will raise her voice to project her point. When she knows she’s in the right, she will never let anyone have the last word. When she knows she’s wrong, she usually bows to whomever is in the right but will hold a small grudge until she manages to calm down and accept that she was wrong at a later time. Her process involves forgiving herself first, and whomever else was at fault later. Forgiveness from Rhe’sia is hard to earn, but if it should be earned she will always remember it.

Another side to Rhe’sia is her softer side. It is a side that she wishes was not there, as she finds it painful to attach herself to anyone or anything. Yet, she does so repeatedly. It is not hard to earn her care, even if she hides it outwardly. Kyo’da is one such individual who has earned a special place in her heart, and she will guard him with her life. Other individuals who have earned her care are the members of her family and her Clan, as well as a few other Laguz from other Tribes in the surrounding area. She pretends to herself that getting attached will weaken her, that it will somehow harm her ability to see and think clearly. However at the end of the day her own feelings for others burn very deeply in her breast and warm her heart though they often bring tears instead of tranquility.

Finally, her personality in battle. She is ruthless, tenacious, and highly cunning. Though she is a Laguz, she is an excellent strategist and can easily read the flow of battle due to how often she spends time in it. Be it sparring with her Clan, sparring with Kyo’da, or fighting bandits and other human who wander into her territory with intent to do harm to herself or others she knows, she always puts out her 110% effort. Against those whom she has visually seen to harm others whom she cares about, she will literally tear them limb from limb until both of their arms and legs as well as their head are detached from the body. When there are powerful human enemies such as mages or veteran warriors, she becomes excited and the thrill of the hunt takes over. She loses sight of allies and sees only her final target and will do whatever it takes to bring them down.


* Excellent Strategist - Very cunning and can observe the flow of battle with ease

* Physically Powerful - She is very strong, and her size contributes to this in her animal form

* Warm Heart - She cares for others easily though she pretends it’s a distraction and tries to avoid it


* Physically Large - Her great size makes her an easy target for any enemies in close proximity

* Hot Temper - She angers easily in combat and can get caught up in the tunnel vision effect

* Terrible Emotional Control - Her control over her emotions is lacking, hence why she sees her feelings for others such as Kyo’da as a distraction and a weakness despite the fact that she wants to understand why there is pain in her heart due to said feelings


Father - Or’and (Alive)

Mother - Veirra (Alive)

Brother (Oldest) - Shuresh (Alive)

Brother (Older) - Illsah (Alive)

Sister (Twin) - Rha’sen (Alive)

Sister (Younger) - Aeretha (Alive)

Sister (Youngest) - Pal’a (Alive)

Grandmother (Mother’s side) - Yil’de (Alive)

Grandfather (Mother’s side) - Laandur (Deceased, old age)

Grandmother (Father’s side) - El’ia (Alive, estranged)

Grandfather (Father’s side - Ferrelda (Alive)

Equipment: Nothing but the clothes on her back

Training History: Rhe’sia was trained as any Laguz would be: with tooth and claw. She was trained to fight from the day she could walk, and trained to be a survivor. As a member of the proud Wolf Tribe Laguz, she is enormously proud of her heritage and uses all of her lessons well. Taught to hunt, cook, strategize, and work well in a pack (or basic group), she has all she needs to survive burned into her very being. Her natural instincts as a hunter make her a deadly combatant, as any signs of fear, even suppressed, cannot escape her senses. Once she knows you’re afraid, she’s already won.

Biography: Rhe’sia’s parents met for the first time when Or’and moved from the Cat/Tiger nation of Risth’Ma. Having grown up there from a pup to an adult, he returned to his homeland and was welcomed into the Esh’ria Clan only after proving himself in combat with the Alpha, Tierr’en. Though he lost the fight, his tenacity in combat and his unwillingness to give in until driven to the point where it was literally his only option save for death, the Clan welcomed him and gave him a home to live in with Veirra’s family group. The two were in love almost instantly when they met for the first time the next day, and as they spent more time together they realized they held the same ideals. They both valued the strength of the family, of the Pack, and of the Clan. They both valued strength in battle, and they valued the Gods as well as their own place in this world. Their matching vision of a future life together was all they needed to confirm that they belonged together.

Within the year, the two were a pair by the blessing of the Alpha. Two years after their pairing, they welcomed their first child. Shuresh was a strong and healthy pup, and he was welcomed into the Clan and the family group with great pride and joy. Illsah was a similar story, but was slightly weaker than his brother and not as strong of a warrior initially though over the years he grew to equal him in most ways. The two brothers grew up together for a time and sparred/argued often, much to the approval of their parents. Fighting as a cub was an excellent way to build strength and battle prowess, as well as find their place in the family hierarchy. However, when Veirra fell pregnant with Rhe’sia, it was a surprise. The family panicked, as they were not ready for a third child and the Alpha hadn’t consented to the addition of a new member and thus the family dreaded the day of the birth. If the Alpha thought the child ill suited to the Clan, being born without consent, the Alpha would kill the infant.

However, on the day of her birth, everything changed. The Alpha was present for the birth and prepared to kill the child for the sake of the Clan’s stability, but when Rhe’sia was held for the first time her first action was to ball up her little hand and strike at the one holding her. Such was the ferocity of her fighting and struggling that the Alpha was instantly smitten with the infant, and could not bring himself to kill her. Instead, he turned to the parents and thanked them for bringing such a strong child and obvious warrior into the Clan. The parents were overjoyed, but a surprise came when Veirra went into labor yet again and a second child was born. By this time the Alpha was willing to let anyone tied to Rhe’sia into the Pack, and they took both children home. The two sisters grew up as twins, with the only real difference being Rhe’sia having slightly darker skin color and longer hair.

Rhe’sia grew up as a warrior, taking an instant interest in combat and finding a love of the battlefield and the thrill of fighting from the day she could walk. Her natural tenacity and ferocity in combat were the pride of the pack, and it was around her eight year of life that the Pack noticed just how quickly she was growing. By the time she was ten years old, she was already twelve feet from nose to tail and much stronger than her sister as well as all other pups in and around her age group. Rhe’sia even began to learn directly from the Alpha, who was the most powerful of the Clan. Training with him was her favorite activity, and she never hesitated to ask him to pull out all the stops and beat her down whenever she made a mistake that could cost her in a real battle. The Alpha’s pride soared upon hearing her willingly accept and ask for such harsh punishments when she made a mistake that could potentially cost her her life in a real combat situation. As they trained together, these harsh lessons resulted in her becoming, next to the Alpha, the most potent warrior in the Clan.

Rhe’sia was asked to become an emissary to the Lion Tribe Laguz when she was thirty years old. Relations with the Lion Tribe had been slowly slipping, and the Alpha wished to restore those relations and put them back on good terms. Along her route to the Lion nation, she encountered dozens of bandits and human mercenaries out hunting for Laguz pelts, claws, teeth, eyes, and organs. She tore them apart, abhorred by their atrocious behavior and desire for such violence against her kind. The next year, she encountered more of such behavior and continued to kill the offending humans hoping that she’d thin their numbers, but it was ultimately a wasted effort. As she continued to act as the emissary to the Lion nation, she began to hope for just one human to view Laguz as something other than monsters or trophies, and her wish was answered a few months later. However, she never expected what would follow… Not in a million years.

Upon her return journey, she encountered another group of human mercenaries hunting for Laguz trophies. However as she came upon the scene she noticed that one human was fighting against them. She watched the battle unfold from afar, and when the dust cleared the human who stood against the mercenaries was standing tall with blood all over his clothing. His blue hair and eyes caught her attention almost immediately, and she approached with caution. As she walked up to him, he noticed her approach and they faced each other. His weapon was at the ready, and she took that as a challenge and her temper got the better of her. She transformed and rushed him, but something amazing happened… He dodged her. A human dodged her attack, and worse yet he returned with a strike to her left rear leg with the flat of his blade which caused some discomfort but no real damage. She spun around and was prepared for another round when he put his hand up and asked her to wait.

She transformed back into her humanoid form and he sheathed his weapon so they could speak. She was less than friendly in her manner of speech, but he calmly affirmed that he held no prejudice against Laguz and that he wished her no harm or ill will. His willingness to disarm himself like that as well as the steady beating of his heart proved to her that he was telling the truth. When she reported back to her Clan about the relations with the Lion Tribe, she also reported to the Alpha about he strange human who fought for the honor of their kind and asked to further explore this human’s viewpoint. The Alpha was skeptical, but coming from the pride of the pack he was not in a position to argue. She followed the human warrior and tracked him a few days later to a campsite in the forest near to her home. She observed him calmly from the darkness in her animal form, and as she drew within a certain distance he called out to whomever was in the shadows to reveal themselves, placing his hand on his blade just in case. She transformed back to humanoid form and approached him slowly, and he released his grip on the weapon to allow her to approach peacefully.

The two of them spoke for a long time that night, with the warrior sharing his collected food and the warmth of the fire with her. His kindness and acceptance of her despite her efforts to evoke a negative and aggressive response out of him struck a chord within her heart, and she began to feel something new growing within her. As the human went to sleep, she watched him. His calm demeanor and the trust he put in her to watch over him while he slept like this was new to her, and it was oddly calming as well. She continued to watch him and listen to his breathing, and she began to suspect that perhaps staying with him for a time would open her eyes to another side of the human species. She was right. Before long, less than a week, she was glued to his side and found herself wanting to remain there. His courage and strength in battle, for a human, was inspiring to her. His natural kindness and willingness to help others even if they gave him no reason to was also an inspiration to her, but not the reason she wanted to stay.

The reason she wanted to stay with him was because of his honesty. Despite his being a human he was completely open and honest with her and didn’t hide anything from the way he felt about what his own kind did to the way he wished that the Laguz could see the better side of his race. His straightforward attitude and the sense of calm he displayed in her presence were what began to attract her to him, and against her better judgement she began to feel more warmth in his presence and found herself desiring it. Every time they were apart, her heart would ache and she would feel lonely until they saw each other again. Her life as the emissary to the Lion nation began to weigh on her and conflicted with what she wanted for herself, and so she asked the Alpha for permission to leave the Clan’s territory and search for herself. The Alpha was at first reluctant, but relented after a few days of persuasion. When Rhe’sia left, she bid farewell to her family and they wished her safe travels and that she would one day return to tell them of her adventures. With a happy nod, she was off, and that was the end of it.

Since then, she has been searching for Kyo’da as she desires to tell him how she feels in his presence and ask him what she means to him, if even he says ‘nothing.’
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Name: Zakai Hadwin


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3253fd3c_original(1).jpg.aa73d9f47a88ddd2649aa11f20faa49f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3253fd3c_original(1).jpg.aa73d9f47a88ddd2649aa11f20faa49f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Zakai has inherited not an exceptionally rare red hair color from his mother, but a beautiful color nonetheless. It is neither blood red, nor is it holly berry red, but a deeper maroon-like color that shines almost copper when in bright sunlight. His hair is a little longer then shoulder length that Zakai prefers to keep tied back in a pony or braided. Besides his almost exotic hair color, people tend to notice his rather dark eye color, a trait he inherited from both of his parents. It's a color Zakai is actually fairly fond of because they can be found warm or intimidating, depending on the expression that went with the eyes. Though attention usually falls on his hair first, Zakai's gaze is the next thing even if he doesn't have brightly colored eyes- his eyes are his most expressive feature. His features are sculpted, but the lines aren't as harsh as what you'd find in the average male's face. The skin holding his organs in and draping ever so nicely, if slightly cushioned by a little fat, over his muscles is a porcelain pale during the winter and becomes a bronze if he spends enough time in the sun in the summer. During the summer it also becomes covered in a smattering of dark freckles across his cheeks and on his shoulders and forearms.

Zakai's not the tallest guy around... in fact, he tends to be called rather short though he's actually about average in height. His build is lean, and it's easy for him to build muscle but it's also easy for him to lose if he doesn't keep up with it. His build is that of an archer- not overly bulky but with the upper arm strength to easily pull back his 60 pound bow, and legs built for running and climbing... but not lifting and carrying. On first glance Zakai doesn't really look all that strong, either. He's always been one to prove his strength through trial then to have people think he was strong just by glancing at him.

Archery requires swift movement so it's best for Zakai to wear light clothing, something he can move around in. His trousers are usually made of a soft, breathable material that don't limit Zakai's range of motion, and a long sleeved shirt to match. Over the shirt he tends to wear a vest of a light metal that helps deflect some kinds of attacks. Most warriors will question the true use of the flimsy material but it's come in handy a few times and, just like his pants, are made so that they don't hinder his movement. His boots are durable with metal bottoms that rise up to his knee. The only weapons Zakai tends to keep with him are arrows which he carries in a quiver at his waist, a bow which he can sling across his chest, and a short sword, which he keeps strapped to his back- only used in emergencies (like when he runs out of arrows. He's not exceptionally skilled with the sword). He also has a sheathe for a knife built into his quiver.

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: June 26th, 626

Birthplace: Dania

Current Location/Residence: Leaving Dania

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 163

Hair Color: Maroon/Red

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Body Type: Mesomorph

Voice Type: Tenor

Character Class: Human

Personality: On the average day, Zakai can be seen with his head held high and a confidence that's obvious with every stride he takes. Cheerful and outgoing, Zakai enjoys being able to share the bright world he sees with everyone else. Not to go so far as to say that Zakai is a regular ray of sunshine, he is still a rather optimistic and happy person that enjoys the little things in life. It's actually difficult to tell when Zakai is having an off day, because even when things grow difficult he keeps a smile in place. Perhaps it originated from wanting to be the beam of hope when hard times hit his family and even his mother would no longer smile. When that happened, Zakai would go out of his way to hunt down his mother's favorite flowers and pick her a bouquet, just to see her smile. He keeps special track of what people like and dislike so that when their life becomes unpleasant, he can give them a small shard of happiness by doing something they truly appreciate. In this way, Zakai is very observant of other people. If you wanted to know someone's job, however, or what rank they held in society you'd be asking the wrong person by going to Zakai.

Raised to believe that everyone had their own strengths, and their own weaknesses, Zakai has always had an understanding that everyone was equal despite rank or status. Because of that, he has never had any prejudice against anyone- even the Laguz. It was an odd thing to believe that Laguz were decent creatures where Zakai grew up because they caused so much trouble for the loggers, and for his own family, yet he's always envied the Laguz if he was absolutely honest. Speaking of honesty, Zakai tends to speak his mind so much that he's an open book that gives too much information at times. He tends to constantly be talking, having a dislike for quiet, so is either rambling about whatever is on his mind or he's asking questions of someone else to better know them. Unfortunately, this tends to annoy a lot of people and though everyone agrees Zakai to be a friendly, likable enough guy, most people can't tolerate being around him for too long.

When it comes to battle, Zakai almost has a dual personality. One moment he's that ridiculous, energetic guy who never seems to not be smiling- the next he's a focused, stealthy killer. Killer is putting it a bit harshly because Zakai has never seen war and has never killed besides animals he has hunted, but the point is he becomes very quiet. He also prefers to be alone when on the hunt, one of the few times Zakai doesn't go and seek out company. During a hunt or when working on a trap is one of the only times that Zakai isn't smiling, but is actually quite serious. He also doesn't like to have people around when he's building traps (mostly because he may want to use that trap on them, but also because the presence of other people distracts him and makes him want to pay attention to them instead of the job at hand).


Vitality: Zakai is one of those lucky few who wakes up with energy and has no best time of the day. He's always ready for whatever life has to throw at him with a surplus of energy to handle it. His enthusiasm for life can only really be outdone by children, though he has found a few other adults that can relate to feeling alive and active for the majority of the day.

Curiosity: There is always something new to be discovered, learned, seen, or experienced and Zakai is one of those who is constantly seeking those new things. He's willing to try anything twice (first time to get rid of any biases, second time to really discover the experience) and though some experiences don't always end up being the best, Zakai is always appreciative of what he can learn from those experiences.

Humor: If there's one thing Zakai loves doing, it's getting others to smile. He laughs really easily himself, and is often seen with a smile, and likes being able to share that with others. Though bad things have happened in Zakai's life, he knows that letting that bring him down would make it worse for everyone so he always focuses on looking at the bright side of things. He also enjoys playing harmless pranks and setting traps for people.


Aimless: Devoid of direction or purpose. Zakai has always gotten a hard time from his parents because he never really chose a path in life. He helps with their business sometimes, he works on his archery other times, but he doesn't have any real plans with anything. He just lives to live, without any real ambitions.

Hoity-Toity: Given to flights of fancy and prone to giddy behavior. His joyful attitude can sometimes be his greatest downfall, since there are moments when you should be an emotion other then happy. Zakai tends to follow whatever whim he has at the moment instead of thinking about responsibilities he needs to take care of.

Reckless: Heedless, headstrong and foolhardy, unthinking boldness, wild carelessness and disregard for consequences. Zakai never really thinks about the consequences before he takes action. He's really terrible at taking unneeded risks when stopping to think and plan would have solved the problem without as much trouble as Zakai goes through.


Mother - Iya, Alive

Father - Theon, Alive

Grandmother (Father's side) - Terra, Alive

Grandfather (Father's side) - Roenn, Alive

Great-Grandmother (Father's side) - Lily, Alive

Grandmother(Mother's side) - Jane, Unknown

Grandfather (Mother's side)- Tim, Unknown

Starting Equipment:

A Quiver of Arrows

Iron Bow

Bronze Sword


Small Knife

Training History: The only sword training that Zakai has was the games he played with friends when they would grab up sticks and pretend they were knights. His mother was an archer and his father was a trapper, which left swordsman skills out of his family equation. His parents had offered to get him a swordsmaster to train him in the basics but Zakai turned them down, he wasn't entirely interested in learning the sword. The only reason he has a Bronze sword is because a friend of his is a traveler who had a surplus of bronze swords one day, and he wanted Zakai to stop talking so he offered the boy a sword. This was around the age of 18 or so, and being fond of swords in his own way, Zakai accepted. He's messed around with swords a little bit but he has no idea how to block or parry, and his stabs or wild and untrained.

Archery, though, is something Zakai proudly boasts about. His mother being an archer, as well as a bow maker, he grew up watching her make her own bows and try them out on her home made courses. When Zakai turned 16, his mother made him a bow and began to train him in the ways of properly shooting. 'It's all about posture and repetition. Once you can shoot all your arrows in the same spot, we'll move on to targeting.' Now Zakai is by no means a master of the bow, his mother still has a lot more talent then he does. But Zakai can hit a moving target with 70% accuracy, and has learned to climb trees and behave stealthily so to sneak up on prey and strike from above. Zakai still trains with his mother on archery, and even knows some tricks in bow-making though he is not skilled enough to make a bow on his own.

Being apart of an industry that is known for it's meat and furs, Zakai's father taught him how to clean and gut an animal at a young age. Zakai often teased his father about teaching him to do the end before teaching him the beginning, since you can only clean an animal once you've caught it. His father would always reply with 'You leave the catching to me. I'll bring the animals home for you to clean and your mother to cook.' Regardless, Zakai was ecstatic when his father took him on a hunting trip and taught him how to track animals, how to build traps, and how to hide your scent, among other things.

Doesn't know healing, but his father wants him to learn for his own sake which is why is father lent him an old kneader that his father had kept around for emergencies. Zakai has no idea how to use it, but he picks up on things at a decent pace so he decided it wouldn't be bad to have it along with him.

Biography: Iya and Theon are some of the most cherished people in Zakai's life. Iya originally came from Rlevania, living a rather privileged life with her family on their farm. When she took up an interest in bowery and archery instead of the family business, though, her parents attempted to force her into a marriage with a boy from the neighboring farm. Taking a rudimentary and rather crude bow and the clothing on her back, as well as a handful of arrows, Iya left her home behind to seek out a new place to live. When wandering through the woods of Dania, she ended up getting snared in one of the traps set up in the forest. Working to set herself free, she had just about demolished the trap by the time the man who had built it had returned.

"Well I'll be, of all the things I thought I'd find in my trap today..." The man said, shaking his head. He helped the girl the rest of the way out of his trap, amused that she had gotten herself stuck in it. In apology, he welcomed her into his home for dinner. The sparks weren't immediate but eventually, as Iya settled down in Dania, she fell for the trapper, Theon, and somewhere along the way Zakai came into the world. Theon and Iya had planned on more children then just him, but due to complications Iya was not able to have children after Zakai was born. Ergo, why he grew up an only child. Though Zakai feels a blood sibling would have been nice, he had enough children to play with in Dania that he was never truly lonely.

In Zakai's younger years, he spent the majority of his time with his mother. Always pushing him to do his best, she was disappointed when he didn't learn how to walk until he was 2 and didn't learn how to speak until 2 and a half. She taught him how to count and write at the age of 5, and took him to the market with her to buy groceries and supplies for the house. When his mother wasn't tutoring him in the things she knew, Zakai spent his time playing with the other village kids- pretending to be warriors for the king and whacking each other with sticks meant to be swords. Of all the kids, Zakai was always the one pushing the others to explore farther, climb higher, and break more rules. He got the reputation of being a trouble maker among the adults, yet he never led the other kids into danger- or at least, not any danger that they couldn't get themselves out of.

Around the time Zakai came of age he snuck after his father while he was trapping, and had set up his own trap. Though his father wasn't tricked into it, a fox was and Zakai received a couple bites from the animal in his attempt to release it. His father now has the skin of that fox hanging on his wall, proud of his sons first successful snare even if the boy had come into the forest without permission. Zakai was disappointed, though, because the trap had been meant to get his father, not the fox, and he still has scars on his wrist and hands from where the fox bit him.

Never really throwing himself into anything, the only reason that Zakai became adept at archery was because of his mother's constant pushing for him to do better. With her at his side constantly planning practices and making him new bows to learn and train with, Zakai couldn't really say no. Well, he could have, but he appreciated being able to make his mother smile. He loathed being the cause of her trouble, or anyone's for that matter.

When Zakai turned 18, his family fell on hard times because his father had grown exceptionally ill. His mother was often gone, seeking out work as a hired archer, while Zakai was left at home to take care of his father. Not quite old enough to be all that adept at traps, Zakai barely kept his father and himself from starving. There was a long 3 month time span when he believed that his mother had left the two of them to die. When she returned, however, she brought an antidote to the father's sickness that she had acquired from a woman in Auxeras. Zakai was just glad to see his mother again and was glad he had kept up with his archery practice so that he could show her some improvement upon her return. One of the only times he really took initiative to do something on his own, but it was his way of holding out faith that his mother would return, despite the doubts that were crossing his mind.

The turning point of 21 didn't actually turn any new points for Zakai. He was still at home, helping his folks trap and hunt. Every now and then he'd be hired to go with a scouting mission (his mother's doing usually since Zakai never really volunteered to go on those sorts of things). He continued to practice archery, continued to mess around with his sword, continued to be a bright, cheerful face in town... It was beginning to get on his parents nerves that he seemed to have no real ambitions. Besides his parents, other people in the town were becoming concerned with him as well.

"Perhaps he just needs to find a nice girl and settle down."

"Without a job, what girl would want to marry him?"

"He can trap almost as well as his father, he can keep an income for a family."

With that the villagers stated to try and hook Zakai up with the eligible women of the town. Zakai didn't really take interest in any of them, though. None of them seemed to have the same zest for life and curiosity for the world that he had. Eventually the people of the town gave up, finding Zakai to be a lost cause, though he was still enjoyable to have around. As the years continued to pass, Iya pushed him into more and more jobs until finally she said that he had to move out, she had had enough of a lazy son. Though Zakai wasn't lazy, just not entirely interested in going one way or another. Not wanting to stick around Dania any more with his mother so angry with him, Zakai began to pack his things. He hopes to find something he can do now that will leave his mother less ashamed of him. Bringing his bow and other belongings, Zakai is now meandering about in the world, chasing after curiosities and idly trying to figure out some purpose to fulfill.



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Name: Daire Ettore


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c34ca25ec_DaireGirl.jpg.064f212bfebed7b3199418c0e1848e79.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61601" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c34ca25ec_DaireGirl.jpg.064f212bfebed7b3199418c0e1848e79.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Daire may appear to be small, but that is due mainly to the comparison of her large Raven wings that extend horizontally from between her shoulder blades. She is neither small nor large, being an average height and weight at 5'5 and 155 pounds. Some of her weight is contributed to her wings, which are heavy and stiff. They cause her to have a sort of hunched look about her, as she is constantly bent slightly forward to better bear their weight. Her features are rather contradictory, with pitch black hair clashing with her pale skin and eyes. Much like a raven, her facial features are sharp, angular, and defined; with a long sloped nose and thin eyebrows arching high over her bright eyes. She is neither overly curvaceous nor underdeveloped, again standing at a medium between the two. She is lightly muscled; especially in her legs and back, while her stomach and arms have a more feminine softness about them. Her hair is kept long and loose, blending in with the inky feathers of her wings. Her bangs are uneven from where she cuts them herself when they become too long and fall into her eyes.

Daire wears clothing specifically made for flying. Her shirt is backless and form-fitting, while her gloves and golden ornaments are simply there as show of pride of her skill in thievery and due to her love of jewelry. She wears thin shorts that stop mid-thigh, grey in color and looser than her tight shirt. Black socks drooping under short ankle-length boots complete her outfit. On her pale skin is the occasional even paler scar from the talons of a friend in practice fights or foe in real ones. She is often seen with a brooding, almost menacing look on her face as default. Her eyes are easily her most striking and lovely feature. They seem almost illuminated with a weak yellow glow, framed with thick black lashes and periorbital dark circles beneath them.

In Raven form, she is completely black and comparatively small next to her fellow Laguz. Like all Ravens, her talons and beak are incredibly sharp and pointed.

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: April 18th, 629

Birthplace: Bah’k An Do

Current Location/Residence: Bah'k An Do

Height: 5'5

Weight: 155 pounds

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Yellow

Body Type: Athletic/slim

Voice Type: Alto

Character Class: Laguz

Personality: Daire gives off a somewhat angry vibe just from her appearance, but any illusions of her being even remotely intimidating disappear when she speaks. She is easy-going and almost cultivated in her mannerisms, which is complete the opposite of her kinsmen. Being raised among the brutish Ravens gave her a strong tolerance for insults and such; not much fazes or offends her. She also developed quite the acting skills as she grew up- the Ravens know how to appear utterly charming and seemingly helpless while calculating how much gold you might have in your pockets. Modesty isn't something that concerns her or that she thinks of; the Ravens speak bluntly and dress for flying. She is not purposefully immodest. She simply speaks with the candid, typically unladylike way of her tribe and is neither proud nor ashamed of her body.

Her life of thievery gave her a lot of nervous energy, weak moral compass, and a general lack of trust for others. Despite the chaotic and feral environment she was brought up in, she dislikes killing; especially when she feels it's needless. She keeps her unpopular opinions to herself on such matters, preferring not to argue even over things she believes in strongly. In battle, she goes more for stealth than for upfront attacks. Her speed is her greatest asset and she relies upon it heavily. When confronted with particularly dangerous situations, her mild mannerisms disappear and she becomes animalistic in her desire to survive. She is moderately brave in battle, especially when someone she wants to protect is in danger. When faced with fight or flight, she would more likely choose flight.

Her three much older brothers treated her exactly as they did one another, she was the victim of many pranks and the target of many insults. She developed a high pain tolerance by wrestling with them and a thick skin after being playfully insulted constantly as she grew up. Their tough love passed on to her- she's not exactly comfortable with expressing any emotions, instead opting to insult or joke with those she cares for.

She prefers to allow others to take leadership and then reap the benefits from their lead rather than being motivated towards leadership or any responsibility herself. Working with pirates gave her a distaste towards humans; she regards them as lazy cutthroats seeking only to line their own pockets. Overall, in spite of her upbringing, she is levelheaded and almost elegant in how she carries herself. Her best qualities would be her pleasant and even temper, with her worst being her acquisitive nature and selfishness.


Intuitive: Daire follows chains of events and thinks about things in a logical manner and can often predict how something with play out or how an individual will behave. She follows her instincts, and more often than not, they're correct.

Cooperative: She's not at all picky. Whatever decisions other people make, she is typically okay with and makes the best of. Her opinions and thoughts she mostly keeps to herself if she knows someone else would argue with her over them. She even goes as far as smoothing over disputes between other people, her mild nature serving her well in calming others down.

Self-control: Daire is always in control of herself, whether it be in social situations or in battle. She struggles only with the temptation of wealth, and even that she could give up if she believed it could somehow harm herself. She does not say or do anything impulsively, every word and action are thought out carefully.


Greedy: Daire is very materialistic and selfish; when it comes to wealth she is manipulative and calculating. She's also possessive and controlling over the few people she's close to, growing jealous extremely easily. Her personal possessions are very dear to her and she is reluctant to share even in the most necessary of situations.

Weak moral character: Daire has a distaste for murder, but she has absolutely no quarrels over robbing others for her own personal gain. She tends to be mischievous; she is intuitive as to what makes others tick and she uses this to tease them or otherwise make them uncomfortable. The line between right and wrong is very thin to her, and she doesn't suffer much guilt over the many questionable things she's done.

Distrusting: She is used to viewing others as potential benefits to herself and expects them to do the same to her. Especially among humans, she is constantly on her guard and anticipates betrayal or other wrongdoings.


Mother- Lekan, Alive

Father- Gerhild, Deceased

Brother- Engel, Alive (Older, Middle child)

Brother- Axel, Alive (Older, Middle child)

Brother- Aleit, Alive (Older, Oldest child)

Starting Equipment:

Nothing but her clothing

Training History: From a very young age, Daire's well-being was left in the hands of her eldest brother Aleit. Soon after she learned to fly and was able to shift for a fair amount of time, her "training" began- which consisted mainly of her brothers throwing things at her while she dodged. Surprisingly, this did serve her well in many battles, especially those with archers and magic users. Brute strength was never her strong suit, so Aleit focused instead on her biggest asset- her speed. Through practice, she learned how to fly slightly faster than the typical Raven and how to use her wings for protection against attacks.

When she was about ten, her mother took her on her first raid with a band of pirates. She was clever in the midst of battle against the bandit enemy and stayed in her "human" form to run about and steal various things before shifting and fleeing the fight. She was praised highly on her ability with stealth, and it became her preferred method of battle- simply avoiding any head-on fighting if she could and tip-toeing about her enemy only to sink her talons in their back.

For now, she can stay in her Raven form for 26 minutes at max before becoming completely exhausted.

Biography: Daire's mother and father were both born in Bah’k An Do and grew up knowing each other well as family friends. They married at a very young age more for the convenience of each other's company rather than any romantic love, but their relationship worked out well for them. Gerhild and Lekan both dealt heavily with humans in order to gain gold like most Ravens, and this also worked out in their favor. They spent most of their young lives together among pirates and sketchy "mercenaries" who raided and usually demolished other bands of pirates and bandits in order to steal their coin. Having obtained a fair amount of wealth a few years later, they retreated from their dealings with humans while Aleit and Axel were born. When Engel came around, however, they continued their life of thievery and murder simply because they missed the income of gold and saw no other opportunities for their children. All three sons were trained by Gerhild in the art of dealing with bandits, and all three excelled especially in combat.

Daire came as a surprise to Lekan and Gerhild; they were hardly in their youth any longer and their youngest son was already twelve years old. Daire was treated like a princess in comparison to her brothers; and even they protected and loved her though they resented the attention the baby received from their parents. They handled her like another boy, and in turn she didn't develop many feminine personality traits- aside from her love for jewelry. When Daire was six, her father was killed in an everyday raid with pirates. An archer's arrow found its way into his heart and he fell into the sea, right in front of his wife and son's eyes. Aleit became the man of house and primary caretaker of Daire while his mother and two brothers continued to go out on raids. He trained her and she did moderately well, though she didn't inherit her brother's strength.

When Daire was told what happened to her father, she held a bitter grudge towards archers and killed them specifically when taken out on raids. She excelled on dealing with humans given her well-spoken and mild mannerisms, so she was assigned the task of arranging partnerships with humans- a chore she didn't particularly enjoy. After a few long years of raiding, her skills were just as polished as her brother's. Given her lifestyle, Daire had little time to form meaningful relationships- though she did have two friends that lived close to her. Growing up with three older brothers gave her no patience for petty Raven girls; nearly all of her acquaintances were male. Seeing her parent's unromantic but companionable relationship before her father died gave her no lasting impressions on the idea of love; romance is not something she thought of. Her closest companions were her brothers; especially Aleit.

Since the Raven tribe willingly deals with humans, the past human and Laguz history is uneasily overlooked as part of their work. Daire is unaware of the tension between the two races, though she does know she does know that the humans she's worked with see her as little more than a cheap sellsword. She herself does not think of them very highly, but that is due mainly to the fact that the only humans she has ever had contact with have all been thieves and murderers; she does not dislike them simply because they are humans. The state of the Raven clan disappoints her; she makes a point to try to impress any non-Raven Laguz that may pass through the small clan, especially other bird clan Laguz. Currently, she is still residing in Bah’k An Do and goes on the occasional raid, though she prefers to leave that to her mother and brothers. She often thinks of no longer having to deal with the petty humans, but she values gold and personal possessions too highly to discontinue. She spends her free time with her brothers and few friends, mainly flying around Bah’k An Do and planning out meetings with well-known bandits.



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Edmund Stiern


Description: Despite not being the tallest guy around, Edmund comes off as a pretty big guy due to his broad shoulders, bulky frame and otherwise athletic build. Edmund certainly is a strong man, with big muscles that give him the ability to unleash massive amounts of strength. So, while his muscles are like those of a lion; fit to work with dynamic strength in short periods of time they are far from as impressive when it comes to performing tasks that require static strength over a long period of time. He’s got impressive stamina and agility for such a big bloke, and quick reflexes to along with it. However, in the field of battle he relies more on his shield and armor than on his reflexes and agility to save him, a good choice since said equipment make him great deal heavier and hinders his movement notably.

During his young years Edmund was know to have a baby face. Big hazel eyes with little beard to speak of made him look younger than he actually was. But as of late his eye have lost much of their former youth and innocence, it being replaced by a stern and serious gaze that more befits the intimidating authority of the King’s Guard. A well-kept beard, thick but short, now covers the once smooth skin on his cheek and chins, and huge sideburns frame his angular face. He’s dark viridian hair that was once flowing and long is now short cut a bit shorter, and is often messy due to Edmund often using a helmet.

The armor he wears is considered medium heavy and is argent in color, it all goes very well along with his tabard and cloak which are in the white, purple and blue colors of the Stiern family crest.

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: May 19, 621

Birthplace: Ylioran

Current Location/Residence: Ylioran

Height: 5' 8”

Weight: 169 lbs

Hair Color: Viridian

Eye Color: Hazel

Body Type: Mesomorph

Voice Type: Baritone

Character Class: Human Knight

Personality: Edmund is a quite solemn person that seldom allow himself to make fun of matters that are in any way possible to regard as serious. He reveres the knightly code of honor and lives by it in almost all ways possible. This means that he is always respectful against people he find honorable, and that he is always protective of the weak. However, people that does not demand his immediate respect but that still won’t fall within the frame of what Edmund considers to be a weak or helpless person, may be suck in a limbo of sorts, where Edmund (at least in contrast to how he treats others) can be straight out arrogant and rude. He often disregards whatever someone below him says and will not take orders from anyone who is not his superior.

Even though he can be prefers to be quiet and can seem very stern and overly serious at times, Edmund can still be a decent enough guy to be around. He is never farm from a laugh (provided that there is something he regards as a laughing matter), and have no problem socializing and befriending people that he respects or want to help. He is always helpful and isn’t afraid to work hard to achieve his goals or help someone else fulfill theirs. Among other knights Edmund is regarded valiant and brave, and his sense for fair competition has been praised many times over. He is a good leader that is keen to give orders to others (which can sometimes be a problem since he doesn’t like being ordered around himself by any other people than his direct superiors).

Edmund has always been very close to his father, and has always tried to follow his example. Like every boy he loves his mother, but Edmund sort of regards her as someone who need protection and can’t speak for herself. The same goes for his sister, who he has always been very protective of.


Chivalry – Edmund strongly believes in, and acts according to, a code of conduct as both a brave and just warrior as well as a protector of the weak.

Physical Strength – Edmund is on the stronger side of most men his age, something he makes good use of in both his everyday life and in battle.

Faithful – Edmund is completely faithful and loyal to all his ideals and his friends and loved ones. This is a good thing as it is often returned.


Faithful – Edmund is completely faithful and loyal to all his ideals and his friends and loves ones. This is also a bad thing because it can get him in trouble for the sake of others.

Arrogance – Even though Edmund is a noble man of honour and valour, he can come off as arrogant towards those who he doesn't deem worthy.

Unforgiving – Being as faithful and just as he is, Edmund will almost never forget people who wronged him or anyone else. He really doesn't believe that people can change.


Grandfather - Vilhelm (Deceased)

Father – Harald (Alive, imprisoned)

Mother – Louise (Alive, imprisoned)

Sister – Vilhelmina (Alive)

Starting Equipment:

Steel Sword

Steel Lance

Iron Knife

Steel Armour and Shield

Training History: When Edmund was born there was little doubt that he would one day become a warrior. His father and grandfather were both high ranking officers of the cavalry in the King’s Army. This meant that he always got the best training there was from some of the best teachers and instructors that could be found in the kingdom. During the course of his training, Edmund became proficient in archery, and several styles of swordplay, but his talent turned out to be mounted combat. Before it was all over, there were few people in the kingdom that could best him in jousting tournaments. Now, by the age of 28, Edmund is a full-fledged knight sworn to the serve the King. And even though he has already proven his worth on the field of battle many times over, he still knows that he have much to learn from his elders and superior commanders.

Biography: Many years ago, Edmunds grandfather - Vilhelm Stiern - was the High Constable in King’s Army. And after many years of loyal service, and many a medal on his chest, Vilhelm was badly wounded in combat. When the crippled High Constable returned from the battlefield the King granted him a small castle on the outskirts of the capitol as thanks for his sacrifice and loyal service. Despite being a cripple Vilhelm kept being his old proud self and was married. After that followed fatherhood where he got only one child - his son Harald. Harald was raised to follow his fathers footsteps, and even though he never reached the rank of High Constable, he became a high ranking officer, was knighted, and was regarded an overall great warrior himself. Harald had better luck than his father and was still in service when he fathered his first child - Edmund.

Edmund turned out to be a quiet and independent child right from the start. He never craved much attention from his parents, nor did he feel a need to seek friends of his own age, he simply observed the world around him in silence, learning on his own how things were from afar. When Edmund grew older and got his first couple of real friends by the age of 12, he quickly learned that he was very competitive by nature. Whatever feats his friends achieved Edmund made sure to improve upon. And by the age of 16, when his combat training began for real, he was quickly picking up on anything his instructors told him. His need to be the best made him a perfect student. Surely, no one was surprised when Edmund showed interest in partaking in the jousting tournaments that was held on annual festive occasions. And after losing to seasoned knights two years in a row, Edmund finally won on his third year, defeating a renowned knight in a grand finale that ended in swordplay on the ground. Finally he got to walk out there, and receive the honor of shaking hands with the king.

With his victory came fame and fortune. And since both his father and grandfather were important officers in the King’s Army it didn’t take long before Edmund himself was knighted and recruited as one of the swords in the King’s Guard. He was but 22 years of age as this happened and as such one of the youngest swords to ever be recruited into the King’s Guard. This was a time when Edmund’s life started anew, not only did his new position mean that he was bound by oath to a new way of life in the service, but by chance his father was positioned as commanding officer on the embassy in Hewyn a journey that which on which Harald brought his wife and daughter, making Edmund unable to ever see his family again due to the great distance between them.

For the following six years, Edmund continued his service in the King’s Guard. Till the day he got word that the political shift in Hewyn had soured the relations between Hewyn and Ylioran. Word had it his family was in trouble, and that the Hewyn soldiers had invaded the embassy, killed all the guards and captured all ambassadors along with the officers of the guard. A list of prisoners and those killed had been provided along with a warrant from the Hewyn government. But it didn’t matter how many times Edmund read the list over, his sister was not among the prisoners! Vilhelmina was not on the list! Why wasn’t she on the list? Could she have escaped? Either way, Edmund knew that even if the King of Ylioran did agree to the terms of the warrant and the prisoners were released, Vilhelmina would not be among the ones that returned. Something had to be done!

And so, the six years Edmund had been separated from his family finally and suddenly took their toll. In a wave of emotion Edmund felt that it was his duty to save them. And thus, he broke the vow he’d made to protect the King; he broke the code of honor in which he so truly believed! Without a word, he left his position and rode of the the east in order to find his sister and then rescue his parents from their captors. For Edmund knew that if he didn’t do this, no one would!

Vilhelmina Stiern


Description: Even though Vilhelmina isn't really that short, she still comes off as petite at first glance. She has a friendly and beautiful, bordering on cute, almost angelic, face. Her eyes are big and hazel in colour that are complimented by dark and long eyelashes. Her face is framed by her naturally thick and wavy hair with bangs, it's colour reminding of the many lush glades of Vilhelmina's homeland – Ylioran. Her skin is light, unblemished and sort of pale, but her cheeks easily turn rosy red when she's subject to cold or chilly weather even for short periods of time. In all, she is fairly attractive; and clearly on the cute side. There is something about her that makes her looks feel very natural even though she usually puts some effort in enhancing them with cosmetics and by tending to her hair several times every day.

She's slender but still pretty athletic built, with a flatter chest than most and long graceful legs. In physical competitions she keeps up well with even trained soldiers. However, she is far from being the best as she lacks some strength in her arms compared to most other fighters. But what she lacks in strength and stamina she makes up with agility and precision. One thing that is really striking about Vilhelmina is the way she carries herself. Like the wind she dances across a room, and with the grace of a flowing river she strides when she is on the road. Almost complete gracefulness is one way to describe her as she seems to have perfect coordination and control of her body at almost all times. This shows clearly in her way of handling a sword; she is the sort of person that can truly make her blade dance, dealing quick and precise blows while keeping up with the footwork, allowing her to dodge and parry untrained fighters attacks with ease.

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: February 2, 627

Birthplace: Ylioran

Current Location/Residence: Fleeing from Hewyn

5' 3”

Weight: 110 lbs

Hair Colour: Moss Green

Eye Colour: Hazel

Body Type: Meso-Endomorph

Voice Type: Mezzo-Soprano

Character Class:
Human Duelist/Aristocrat

Vilhelmina is often warm and friendly. She is always smiling and sports an inviting personality that gets her close to others very quickly. Her almost constant smiling comes from her upbringing; being a girl in a noble family, often being around lords and ladies and thus having to show the best of manners at all times. Because of her protected upbringing, Vilhelmina never really got to see much of the outside world as she grew up. Though she has learnt to properly interact with noble people and military men (thanks to her father’s and brother’s line of work), she lacks much in knowing how to behave would she wound up among simple folk.

She firmly believes that one should always tell the truth, and has a sense of duty which she probably inherited from her father and brother. The only time she really can be caught lying is when she tries to give someone compliments or appease someone to remain on good terms with them. She is very talkative and social, and is always close to a smile. This makes people enjoy her company as she often seems to be very interested and amused at what they have to tell her. And even if she, at most times, knows to keep quiet when it's needed, she does have a tendency to speak her mind at times even when no one asked about her opinion. Thankfully she seems to have mastered the art of getting away with it without seeming all to blunt.

Even if she is generous, one can easily see that she has been spoiled during her upbringing. She takes many things for granted and are not careful to make sure things don’t go to waste. She likes being in the centre of attention and sort of assumes that people want her there. In a sense she both gives much and demands much at the same time.


Coordination – Vilhelmina's is well-coordinated and very agile. This helps her in battle as well as it aids her many other physical matters, such as climbing, sneaking, dancing, etc.

Talkative – Vilhelmina is easy-going in conversations and often has much to say. She loves to hear and tell stories, and is easy to make smile.

Charitable – Vilhelmina likes to share whatever things she have with others. Even though she is spoiled herself she is still a person that loves to give others things and do people favours.


Nosey – Vilhelmina is prone to make others business her own and often pry in the affairs of others. Which of course can be very frustrating for others.

Spoiled – Vilhelmina grew up in a rich home, having been pampered since she was only a child she has never really learnt to appreciate what others do for her and often take ß and gifts for granted.

Theatrical – Vilhelmina has a tendency to be overly dramatic at times, and loves being in the centre of attention as often as possible.


Grandfather - Vilhelm (Deceased)

Father – Harald (Alive, imprisoned)

Mother – Louise (Alive, imprisoned)

Brother – Edmund (Alive)

Starting Equipment:

Steel sword

Steel dagger

3 x Herb

Training History:
Being the daughter of a noble military man meant that Vilhelmina got proper training in the arts of the sword as well as strategy and tactics. She's been groomed to be a swordsman ever since she was young. At 16 years of age her actual training began and has been ongoing up until this day. Most of her training has been focused toward duelling with swords, as actual combat (as in on a battlefield in a war) has never been considered an option for this Lady by her parents and instructors.

Vilhelmina is the daughter of Louise Stiern and Harald Stiern. Her father is a high ranking officer in the King’s Army of Ylioran, and son to Vilhelm Stiern, former High Constable of the same army. Louise is of simpler birth, she is the daughter of Kenneth - a veteran whom Harald fought side by side with during a war in his younger days. Kenneth was lost in battle and never found, and Harald was the one to bring these new to Kenneth’s family. He promised to help the fatherless and husbandless family out best he could, and took upon himself to provide them with what they needed. Louise and Harald was married after a year, and only months later did Louise give birth to their first child - their son Edmund.

It would take another six years before the couple had another child, this time it was a daughter. It seems that fate had unintelligible in mind for this child, as she was born on the cold February day that was her grandfather - Vilhelm’s - last day alive. He had been ill for several weeks, and none of the healers could help him no matter what they tried. In his last moments the newborn was brought to his chambers. Upon seeing the child, the terminal man closed his eyes and uttered his last words:

”The night… It is always darkest just before dawn.

We all perish before the night is over, we all succumb to the darkness.

But you, are here with the dawn, little one.

And your shining light brings and end to the night of mine…”

When she grew up, she turned out to be a careful child. She was afraid of almost everything, and she was about as shy as a shrinking violet, constantly hiding behind her mother’s skirt whenever someone came to visit. Of course, this trait was an unwanted one. Harald couldn't’t have his father’s namesake be afraid and shy, he wanted her to radiate self-esteem and confidence as was the legacy of Vilhelm. So, by being constantly reminded that there was something wrong with her, she finally overcame her modesty, and learnt to properly interact with new people, how to socialise and how the liked. With that said, it is important to note that she is not naturally talkative, or social, it is a behaviour she’s learnt and mastered by observing others, which is why she has a hard time adapting to new social situations.

During her teenage years she had made many friends among the wealthy children in the Yliorian capitol. She was never one to get much attention from the boys due to her overly protective brother who seemed to scare any and potential suitors off before they even had a chance at her heart. For this she hated her brother, who she otherwise always had looked up to. She had always been told to follow his example, and so she did, even if he was only but a problem in her life.

So came the day when Edmund would finally get out of the way! He would become a knight in the King's Guard and Vilhelmina would be left alone to pursue her life goals. Vilhelmina was 16 at the time, and had already got her eyes on one of the son to a Lord that had served in the military together with her father many years ago. Claus was his name, and he was, just like Edmund, going to become a knight. For the first time since she was a child, Vilhelmina had started dreaming again. But then came the news that shattered her dreams: her father had been positioned in a foreign capitol as an officer of the soldiers guarding the Ylioran embassy. Harald would was supposed to stay in the foreign land of Hewyn for a long time, and because Vilhelmina was unmarried she was brought along to live there with her parents.

In Hewyn, things was far from the same as they'd been in Ylioran. She knew no one, and no one knew her. Even less did people seem to bother getting to know the Ylorian officer's daughter. During the first year she became quiet and depressed, longing home and writing letters to Claus. Letter that remained unanswered. Heart broken and taken half way across the continent, Vilhelmina had to find something that could ease her of all the bad thoughts. The answer was training with her sword. And her practise paid off! During her life, Vilhelmina had had the chance to practise many kinds of art; painting, musical, singing, writing. She had liked most of them, and excelled at a few, but now there was one that stood out more than the rest: The art of swordplay.

During her sixth year on the embassy in Hewyn, there was a political shift in said nation. Things had been unruly as of late, and everyone living on the embassy could feel the storm brewing. It was clear that the ambassadors were no longer welcome and people started getting worried that they’d be thrown out and sent back home to Ylioran. But the actions taken by the Hewyn were fare more dire than anyone at the embassy had expected! Instead of throwing them all out, there was an attack! The Hewyn soldier invaded and captured all ambassadors and officers, killing most of the Ylioran soldiers during the attack. By a stroke of luck, and thanks to her father’s ability to fend of the invading soldiers, Vilhelmina was able to get out before she was captured. Jumping from a window and simply taking flight through the dark streets and alleys she managed to get outside the city. She knew not what had happened to her parents, she knew not what fate had been chosen for the others on the embassy. All she knew was that she needed to get back home to Ylioran and find Edmund!
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Name: Cal'vina


What do you see when you look at this man? A vagabond? a wandering monk? A man who direly needs a hair cut? His staff which is truely nothing more then a strange looking walking stick? Well worry not good folk, this man is all of them and more! You see within those rather priestly garb lies a rather worldly man, a man who has seen quite a deal of the world by simply... walking through it! His lean body has grown tough and durable, his arms strong yet still holds a great degree of dexterity, his legs road weary but still press on and on and his mind filled with a great deal of experience, a wandering traveler in the strictest sense of the word.

His clothing had a tendency to change with the occasion, all of such are stashed in his wagon, pulled but his horrendously stubborn mule Petunia(male), along with various other nick knacks that he has picked up and... borrowed... from his travels. Disguises, fancy clothing, priestly garb from various other gods and goddess's Clergy, even simple rags to act inconspicuous. Though the clothing he is shown in above is his normal garb, man y hidden pockets and spaces for hiding one's tools and weaponry.. there is more space in there then you'd think.

A list of what is currently being hidden on his person in said picture

4 iron daggers, hidden under small flaps in his hat, the flaps could easily be mistaken for simple reinforcements of the straw hat.

A set of thief's tools, stowed in a both sleeves, small pockets on the upper half of the cloth.

1 steel axe, handle and axe head seperated but easily re-attachable in case combat is seen ahead... much less for ambushes, axe head along his back, handle in a small sheath along his thigh, you can see a small bump on his lower back when he bends over, hardly noticeable.

2 vulnerary poultices.

1 small bag of sand, glass dust, ground pepper all mixed together, whats this for you ask? Whats the last place you want any of these? There is your answer.

His hair is his pride, silky and well kept even against all that threatens it in the wild, he still loves his wonderful strands, it is his pride, his joy, if a blade were to so much as snip abit off the weilder of such a blade shan't hear the end of it... lest they reach their grave in time.

Age: 31 years old

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: April 28th, 622

Birthplace: Saan'h

Current Location/Residence: Currently attempting to flee Reason? ?Proposed commitments that he'd rather not fufill.

Height: 6' 5"

Weight: 168 lbs

Hair Color: Black with a purple-ish sheen.

Eye Color: A dark blue.

Body Type: ?Mesomorph, a good balance, as expected from his heritage and homeland.

Voice Type: Baritone

Character Class: A human, essentually a bard in priest's garb, don't be fooled by his first impressions, he'll take your money as a tithe or from his sticky fingers.

Personality: A man of many faces, of many trades, of many loving hearts and many more broken, a rogue, a bard, a warrior, a priest, he is all and more, he lives as he needs to for the world cannot have use for for a man who does solely one thing, a man of specialization, they have their place... But only that place, no where else can they go, the tortoise cannot fly like the bird, the bird cannot weather the storm like the tortoise. But Cal'vina is a man, ruler of this world, one who needs not a shell to weather the storm, need not be a bird to fly, be a man a Laguz, a beorc, or in between, we all make our way in the world and have a right to shine under the brilliance of the sun.

The tools make a man, be it their natural abilities like a Laguz, or the tools of the Beorc, all can achieve their greatness. This is what Cal'vina believes, what he holds above all things in his life, he lives a life of roguish tomfoolery, but he will not allow tyranny and hubris to prevail, the world is naturally pure and free, people are good at heart and want to see everyone achieve their dreams, even if they cannot tell that they do at first. Those who attempt to cull other's dreams are nothing more then beasts, worms writhing in the mud, monsters to be slain, he will stand against the iron fist of the tyrant, for his will is made of orichalicum.

Speeches aside, he fights for freedom and happiness for all, and most of all.. For the ladies! the man is abit of a flirt... well.. not really abit... okay alot... but do not call him out for infidelity, he prefers to call himself an equal opportunist. if anything hes just a habitual flirt, sometimes things get abit to far when he plays his games but still, its all for fun!

In the end, a flirty freedom fighter is what he is, and until the end he shall be so.

...Also his favorite Laguz type is the felines.. Don't tell anyone though... The ears are so cute~!

Strengths: A good fast talker, deft, skilled hands that take well to subtle and delicate tasks, and finally, his training has allowed him to fulfill many roles, a healer, theif, diplomat, warrior, anything you wish he can help with it.

He is also quite a good cook, one must be if your to live on the road a great deal, to live is to eat, to eat is to live, a circle that never ends and must be fulfilled until the day you stop either one, which subsequently ends the other! And if it doesn't do so... I suggest seeing a surgeon.

Due to his gregarious nature, and being utterly unable to not talk to people, he has grown a reputation with a few laguz tribes as a will trader or worker if needed, sometimes as an envoy or maybe simply helping with healing, friendship is a strength everyone must yearn for in their lives.

Weaknesses: As seen above he is a jack of all trades, sadly this means he lacks focus in a lot of them, he can pick a lock, but can't remain as stealthy as a theif, he can heal like a priest, but not as much as one, he can wreck faces like a warrior, but not like certain blue haired muscle men can.

He is also unable to shut up, at all, if he thinks of something he has to say it, he can't stop himself from doing so, be it an insult, flattery, critique, or whatever have you. If it comes to his mind, he will speak it, that is all, and do keep in mind, in a battlefield, sometimes it is best not to draw attention to one's self, lest you be surrounded and drawn a quarter. If something bothers him, prepare to know, comes in handy If you need to kill time though.

?Claustrophobia, this can come up in various ways, stuck in a box, boxed in by enemies, stuck within the maw of an angry god, all things he considers terrible ordeals.

Biography: As seen below he is indeed an orphan. He cannot fully remember his parent's, much like many who were left alone in the wars time and time again. He holds what he can remember fondly and bares very little anger for their disappearance long ago. Instead he focused on his new family. Ma and the children he called brothers and sisters, all together under the roof of the chapel. As per the norm in Slaan'h, ma was a rather accomplished War Cleric. Her strength and healing arts were things of greatness, as such Cal'vina saw fit to follow in her steps and learn from her the teachings and philosophy of a priest and a warrior. The church was dedicated to Auxerillias, and all her eternal glory, as such Cal'vina and all of his brothers and sisters were subjected to ma's sermons and most likely know them all off by heart. However, she was also.. rather strict... Cal'vina still has nightmares of the times hes angered that woman.

To balance a closed fist with an open hand. To open your heart along with you mind. And in Cal'vina's case, the mouth as well. When he came of age he did as many do when they get to big for the nest; set out into the world. Set out to make friends, enemies, and in between. Set out to have adventures. Set out to do and see all things a journey might entail, both the good and the bad.

As a wandering priest he started, but he soon found that his skills as one did not befit all situations. Trapping to hunt food. The skill to make a lock give purchase. The knowledge of when to flee rather then fight. To know what to say to certain people. Skills one can only gather while performing them... Thankfully he was a fast learner. Recently he had found himself stuck between a rock and a hard place... Two wealthy young women, one too many words said, a feud between them and him stuck between... As such, he flees the city in hope the battle of the two will stay as such, on the trail once more.

Family: His family is in the church he grew up in, it doubled as an orphanage for those who lost their parents in the line of duty, which was more then often in the land of Slaan'h. Such is life of warriors, they live by the blade, they die by it, such things are something one has to learn to live with, to not be sad at their passing, but to celebrate the life they lived!

Cal'vina? knows very little about his parents, he remembers a few things, happy times, laughter, his father's admit ably horrendous meals. That's all he needs from his family, fond memories to call back now and then, now he has many brothers and sisters, all doing their part as a big family.

The head priestess, whom they all named Ma out of fondness, was more or less his parent for most his years, she taught him the many arts of speech and priesthood, the first of which she regretted quite soon after as he never stopped attempting to negotiate abit more desert on his plate. His rogue skills he learned on the road, a road he walked to help his home stay afloat, sending excess money and other objects of import their way to ensure they could better their lives, also for personal benefit of course, can't live on a empty stomache or wallet alike!

So there you have it, a flirty wandering priest rogue, willing and able to take on any job you could put forth... save for those that require cramped spaces.

Starting Equipment:

Please refer to the description for a good deal of his equipment, the rest down here are more obvious.

1 heal staff,

1 wagon.

1 affectionately raised mule named Petunia,

1 trunk filled with various disguises and clothing.

1 chest filled with oddities and souvenirs from various locations he has visited.

1 bird cage empty but signs of habitation.

1 perverted monk driving the wagon.
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Name: Yuko Shimizu

Description: One good look at Yuko can already tell you that she is a short wandering swordswomen. They would certainly be correct about that yet there is still more to her that outside observation simply wouldn't be able to pick up. By the way, don’t comment on her short statues- Yuko is sensitive about that subject matter. Anyways, Yuko can be described as an attractive young lady; her sun kissed lean/athletic body shows off her full time occupation as a traveler. Also, her D-sized bust is nothing to scoff at either. Most of her muscular mass comes from the arms and legs; one from practicing her iron sword and the other from traveling vast stretches of land. Overall, Yuko's body was built for speed and agility: she comes, she hits, and then she runs away in a blink of eye.

Looking directly at Yuko, she has fine chiseled face: powerful and ideal in shape. Her brown colored eyes always seemed to have an inquisitive gaze to them; as if she was judging your capacity for fighting. Her raven black hair is usually tied back in a ponytail. A dress that Yuko always wears in her travels would be the loosely fitted purple kimono given to her by her adopted father. The dress serves two purposes: it doesn't slow her down (that much) in fighting or traveling, and it distracts most males and females during a fight due to a high amount of cleavage. On her left hand side, there is a jug which holds her alcohol. On her right hand side, there is a sword belt for her iron sword. Her prized weapon is usually tucked into a black scabbard.

Age: 27

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: July 1th, 622

Birthplace: Saan’h

Current Location/Residence: Wander

Height: 5’3

Weight: 127

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Body Type: Athletic

Voice Type: Alto

Character Class: Human myrmidon.


Composed, humble and cheerful, Yuko Shimizu’s usual demeanor fits well with her feminine appearance. Putting the lives of others ahead of her; Yuko tries to find the happiness for all those around her before her own. She will happily converse with the people she encounters and freely gives her limited service to those who need a hand. In the face of danger, Yuko likes to solve problems with soft, calming words with a touch of humor. These traits lead those unfamiliar with Yuko to view her as ineffectual or easily exploitable, but more perceptive people become aware in short order that he gift for placatory eloquence and veiled redirection of disagreeable situations suggest a deep wisdom belied by her youthful, unassuming visage.

Deeply troubled by her past, Yuko has taken the vow to never take another life again. As such, she will try to use everything within her power to protect folks from being killed. This oath is the defining characteristic of her personality. Despite this, however, she holds her own life cheap and carries in her heart a grievous guilt that prevents her from becoming emotionally close to the people around her and compels her to a life of humble service and selfless personal sacrifice. She will draw her sword only for the well-being of others when words fail to appease. Spending much of her alone time in quiet contemplation of her past misdeeds, Yuko often ponders what the right path toward redemption is and laments each life lost due to her weakness. As such, she has a tendency toward trying to solve problems all by herself and alienating her would-be allies with secrecy so as to keep them from becoming involved in her risky endeavors. Having lived her own life carrying heavy regrets, Yuko is reluctant to judge others for their personal actions, beliefs or mistakes and always offers hopeful encouragement so that those who have stumbled onto the wrong path might redeem themselves in the future. However, when forced to draw her sword against those who abuse their power and undervalue the lives of others, Yuko's calm temperament gives way to a marked intensity capable of intimidating skilled swordsmen and can go so far as to become a powerful fury, despite her compulsion toward diplomacy.

While in a heated battle, Yuko's restraint falters and her personality reverts to that of her old days in the orphanage. Yuko's normally warm nature becomes cold and distant, allowing her to contemplate taking the life of her opponent and even make vicious, bloodthirsty threats. This side of her believes that life is a struggle for resources and believing that only the strong and smart can thrive. This side of her personality is one that Yuko struggles to suppress despite the fact that it keeps emerging when she is under great stress and in need of extra strength. Her greatest fear is that, one day, she will return to her former self.


Glass Cannon: Yuko can deal out tremendous damage if she can hit exposed flesh.

Skilled manipulator: Yuko posses an innate ability to manipulate people for her own end.

Speeder: Yuko’s strong legs have allowed her to move with ease in the battlefield.


Frail: While she can dish out a great amount of damage, Yuko can’t take any in return otherwise she will die.

Meager amount of gold: Due to her reformed ways, Yuko will donated most of her gold to others which leaves her with very little.

Not willing to kill: Yuko’s philosophy exposes her to more danger in a fight due to wanting to disarm her enemies rather than killing them.


Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Adopted father: Dead

Starting Equipment:

Her clothes.

Iron sword.

Training History: Yuko’s training was built around being fast; her agility, dexterity and reflex took priority over strength and durability. Also, her adopted father taught her to think before fighting (as in stacking it in your favor). As he always said: “Thinking during a fight might get you killed but nothing thinking before one will certainly lead to your death.”

Biography: Yuko never truly knew who her biological parents were, but from what the orphanage's manager told her, they were supposedly skilled warriors (even for Saan’hian standards) that meet on the field of battle. Her father was said to be a rude, lewd, vulgar, and nihilistic young man whose only passion was that of war. Meanwhile, her mother was said to be a stoic, calm, and collected individual whose swordsmanship was a beauty to behold. Now, as the saying goes: “Love is rich with both honey and venom,” theirs were filled such moments. Eventually, after a year of being married, they decided to make something with their relationship like all warriors of Saan’h; the product of which was Yuko. While they had plans to birth siblings for Yuko, one of her father’s many enemies managed to kill him. It was said that her mother broke away from her usual stoic demeanor and hunted down her husband’s killer with hate burning in her heart. Though she was successful in the endeavor, the injuries she suffered finally caught up to her. That was twenty four years ago.

Without any guardian to take her in, Yuko was sent to one the few orphanages in Saan’h. Life in the orphanage wasn’t kind one; the limited resources of the orphanage caused the orphans to abuse one another, steal from one another, and despise one another. Little Yuko had been stuck there since the age of three. The tremendous amount of psychological and physical stress broke something in her; no longer would she be the victim. From that point on, Yuko realized that life is a struggle over resources and she intended to thrive on this world no matter what. Yuko played all the different groups of orphans against each other which left them defenseless when she decided to strike, viciously taking all she needed to live: food, water, and blankets. The other orphans and caretakers now knew the business around town, Yuko was the queen of the building and they better pay their tributes or else.

That was how life progressed for the next six years; any opposition to her rule was dealt with ruthless efficiency. Around this time, Yuko learned that money was what made the world go round. While most of the orphans lived in a state of starvation, Yuko had managed to amass a nice amount of gold. Also, around this time, her body was forming up into quite the beauty. Then in 613 C.E., Yuko would meet the man that would become her adopted father: he was a tall and tough looking individual, who had silver colored hair. He was supposedly a good friend of her mother, who had only recently heard of her death. He adopted Yuko due to a promise he made to her mother about training her into a proud warrior; the other orphans would have a full day of celebration when the news was heard.

Life with her adopted father, Tomoki Shimizu, was a tough but livable one. She traveled to many different locations throughout the world while learning how to handle a iron sword. Lessons on the blade didn't start until she was sixteen; Tomoki said it was too dangerous to start before then. He was impressed with Yuko’s handle of the sword. However, he advised her to never turn it on the innocent be it human or Laguz. He also taught her how to be literate, and the nifty tricks to make life easier on the road. During her travels, she often took advantage of other people’s weakness to gain whatever she needed at the moment. Taking note of this, her adopted father tried to reform her ways. It failed miserably.

Finally, at the age of twenty five, Tomoki had taught her all he knew of the sword. Yuko thanking him proceeded to kill her adopted father otherwise known as ‘The Butcher.’ Collecting the large bounty on his head, Yuko though she should be happy; her entire outlook in life said she should be jolly in this situation. Yet, unlike her other plans this one resulted in the death of a person. She had personally decided to end the life of the man that was the closest thing she had to a father. Even if he was a killer, he had started to reform his ways with her and she did not but betray him after his use had ran out. Also, the look on his face as the knife slit his throat would be one that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

Yuko turned to alcohol to drown out her shame, but all it did was show her visions of all those that she did wrong: the starving orphans, the young lad who wished to see his mother, the whore who decided to run away, her adopted father, and the list could go on. She locked herself inside a tavern room and wasted away in self hatred; she had even thought of suicide at time. However, she realized that she would never redeem herself with that action. Going to her adopted father’s unmarked grave, Yuko vowed: “From this day on... “A single tear fell from her eyes, “I wish to atone for my sins… Thus, I shall never take another’s life, father.” Yuko has made good on that promise; helping those in need and never killing another living being since that day. Currently, she’s wandering aimlessly in world still trying to find redemption for her actions.
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