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Fantasy Fire Emblem Dawnward Song - Interest check/synopsis (Closed)


Runs with Axes
Roleplay Type(s)
Fire Emblem - Dawnward Song

Fire Emblem - Dawnward Song
(OOC note: An introduction to the setting of this game - Additional Note Discord OOC* read below at bottom for the details on that*)

In the year 1486 of the Reclamation Era on the war-torn continent of Auzifor, mankind has risen once more, christening the new era with the end of a nigh legendary conflict known as the Dracanous Wars, said to have lasted over a thousand years and torn the land asunder and left only ruins of a Human Civilization that came before, tales speak of the vile Dragons who tried to remove mankind from the face of Auzifor, of ancient battles where armies numbered more than the populations of the current nations, of a fertile landmass that was full of a wide range of landscapes and biomes.

The War ended with the efforts of man, gods and turncoat dragons, a divine pantheon of saints and gods who shaped the current world and shepherd mankind onto the path of survival in a landscape where even the land was torn asunder. Mountains abound and mana crystal deposits bloomed, given birth in that terrible war, the present became the current to the point that all of this seemed to be a fanciful tale, but the old faith endures, changed as it were by saints who walked among men.

With lessons of history and myth and be it politics or genuine belief, the status quo among the faithful and a common unity born in the schools of the church have withstood the face of cultures and nations rising up, collapsing, ruling or absorbing one another. In the Modern era, the plentiful mana stones that had provided light for lamps and fuel for primitive machines, now have found industrial purposes as mighty airship of various designs and configurations provide the solution to maneuvering forces across the mountains and ravines that make up much of Auzifor, leading to a duality of force composition in Auzifor. One being large traditional armies that act as a garrison force, and elite strike forces deployed from airship to exploit any weakness in the enemy force or to conduct what has been termed as Special Operations or Raid detachments of shock troopers.

You are part of such a force, with the bounty of the Gods in the form of mana crystals, aboard a mighty airship called the Castilian, your days are spent in the Republic, be it as a long term or new resident before the ship heads out to other nations and interests for new contracts. Your Company is the famous, or infamous Daybreaker Mercenary Company.

An Army unto itself, bonds of comradery and a chain of command that has been in place well before the advent of airships, the Daybreaker Company will find itself central to events it can hardly imagine on the continent, a test of iron and fire awaits those who seek its halls.

Currently the most dominant power on the continent can be said to be The Korlovian Empire, or Korlovia, with a massive population it is a hegemony that sweeps from frozen Tundra in the North to fertile lands and agrarian heartlands to the South. Its culture is steeped in Aristocracy, formed out of several cultures, they are a hardy people who have a strong martial tradition and are looked on unfavorably by many of its surrounding neighbors because of its long-unchecked expansion and domineering stance of its Aristocracy. Political opponents and would-be revolutionaries are dealt with quickly and brutally, and most economic activity is towards Military matters and technological research.

In the East is the equally culturally diverse Iwata-Xuanyu Dynasty; from the Far east of the land, they have two principal cultures and are known for the most to be isolationists with an air of cultural superiority over outsiders. Rice is their primary crop and they have a stylized aesthetic that differs from the rest of the land a great deal in all that they do. They are widely considered Militarily to be the second strongest force of current nations. While they practice the same religion and language of the other nations, they have their own system of writing and developed in a line parallel to other societies. They are neighbors yet at the same time, strangers.

While large in its sprawling borders The Sultanate of Izmir is sparsely populated and is effectively an Empire ruled by intrigue, incompetence, and a few talented men keeping it all together, three Unique cultural groups have formed within its border, all with their own distinct traditions and values, joined in economics, the people in the region tend to dress very provocatively in some regards, or utterly conservative to the other extreme. It is considered the sick man of Auzifor. Slavery is widespread, more so to the Laguz people of the region, but not even the Beorc are immune from the chains of servitude. Even its primary means of defense is led and commanded by a warrior class who were once slaves, trusted slaves and eunuchs known as The Band of Ten Thousand, has borne fruit. Yet the process continues to this day. Three River valley regions provide the desert region with obvious water sources in which local culture and livelihood abound with a focus upon mercantilism.

In the Northwest is The Kingdom of Reantel, once larger and encompassing the greater region of Sea of Stellios, the Kingdom has lost much to its various wars against the Sultanate and the Empire, a rump state that has taken up a nearly pacifistic or neutral and a defensive posture in dealing with its two neighbors, often attempted to court or play off both with overturns and offers of peace and servitude. Led by a King and his Banner Lords, Reantel has a history of being raiders of the northern coasts once before, living upon old glories and a culture with its neighboring lands, Reantel licks its wounds, surviving between two major powers in a dangerous game of cat, cat, and mouse...

In the Southwest lies the Lyon Commonwealth, a collection of territories unified under an electoral system and shared common cultural values, this society runs off of plots, intrigues and espionage, for the electoral system is very unforgiving. Short of that the cultures in this region are known for cultural strength and activities, from wine, song and dance with an artistic and flamboyant air. Carving sculptures to make paintings or the bright showy armor and clothing they wear on the field of battle, curiously a cavalry heavy force.

Directly to the south lies the venerable and The Republic of Verguld broken away from various rump states and even the Empire, the Republic is for some a shining beacon of the future and for others a black stain upon history to be erased. Largely ruled by a Chancellor with regional districts into a Senate, the Republic has survived so long and prospered so far because of a flexible societal chain that welcomes outcasts and focuses heavily on the development of Technology (or what passes for it) and mage craft has led to advances that would otherwise take years if not decades more time. Verguld also has a curious defense policy which relies on local militia units and paid levees of Mercenaries that are allowed residency in the nation state. Culturally it can be seen as a progressive state that pursues wealth and technological progress.

Then, as if an emerald jewel cast to the sea is the Laguz Free State. In title with its name, it was a nation formed by the Laguz people, native to them by and large, this is where early enslavement and civil war with the Beorc began, and a general uprising would free the Island in less than peaceful terms. It would take many years till they opened their borders to trade with the Mainland, of note the Republic who was first to open its doors and give official recognition to the Laguz being self-governing and equal to the Beorc people. The Dynasty was next to quietly to do so, and then the Commonwealth. No other states would do so, with the Sultanate being openly hostile to the Laguz State. Led by village councils, the Laguz are fragmented tribes internally that unite in the face of external aggression when the need arises.

In this story, a typical fire emblem fair is to be had with a more prominent role for Magic, the rise of Airships and a Mercenary "Shock Force". The opening of this game will be in the republic, a story of war, global travels and hard truths await the players, with a focus upon mechanics and story factors from the Fire Emblem series and player interaction being key to the setting. All players will either be a member of the Daybreaker Mercenary Company, or seeking to join it at port, the Company will have a bit of a history and is more like a private Army that has had many leaders, rather than run of the mill mercenaries. More information on this will come in follow up lore sections.

The players will be hired for a mission that quickly expands in scope and purpose than what they may have ever envisioned, and land Units will have PLENTY of ability to directly fight, so no need to be a flying class if you don't want to. I plan to make considerable options for advancement.

Classes and some other forms of structurization will be key to the creation process of characters.

Of note the following is to be done by me within the coming days;

-Construct the OOC (Done, invites will be DM'ed, Thread OOC depends upon demand)
- Creation of a Character skeleton.
- Laying out what classes originate in each area and the tiers of advancement.
- Detailed Lore information in the form of a basic census and cultural parallels from our own earth that is found in each nation.
- The Pantheon being listed.
- Explanation on Manatech and the Mana Stones to be added.
- Map to be detailed and inlaid with more cities, capitals, icons and information. To be noted, not all nations will have all cities NAMED, names will be given as we explore an area outside of strategic level ones, or if any player sheets reveal ones that I happen to like the looks of.
- Listing the Triads of Combat.
- Making content for more class level up progression.
- Constructing a timeline

- In general rules, I would like posters who can do a couple paragraphs, ideally more per post, with a posting rate of once a week at least being ideal, I'm going to take a lighter hand at this approach than I normally do. This will be an Anime styled images only RP. This will be a Discord OOC RP* (May make a forum ooc if enough wish to partner such with the discord ooc option with it). This RP, I should not have to say is violence based. Additional rules will be detailed in either the Lore or OOC section. Some other rules will be added to the various sections to be sure no one misses it.

- This is a basic interest check, it will take me a week at most, to finish everything else I wish to do. It may be sooner, but I make no promises. Mechanics/classes, Map, Lore and CS template hold priority in the given order. All of these threads will be hosted on RPN and work on them is in progress.

If you have additional questions, or wish to join, speak up in here or DM me, please. I've no set limit on players and may allow up to two sheets, but if I have more than 8-9 players I'll look into setting up co-gm applicants. So far, I have, 4-6 people lined up if this still interests them.
Welcome aboard, I think once I finish my other sections for the RP proper I'll just post the link to the Discord right in here. I'm pleased to announce progress is steady.
Sure, welcome aboard, as to if you'll be the general class at some point, that is indeed an option, class options are in the OOC but will be a little more time till its in a thread. I'm wanting to finish and post all information dumps at a single time.
Sure, welcome aboard, as to if you'll be the general class at some point, that is indeed an option, class options are in the OOC but will be a little more time till its in a thread. I'm wanting to finish and post all information dumps at a single time.
Looking forward to this adventure
Welcome, Welcome.

I think anything past this point I'll need to recruit a co-gm for, but for now my focus will be finishing the above categories and getting the extra information out.
If you are undecided, I can place you in "reserve" and @ you when they main threads are up for you to decide, or you are welcome to sit in the OOC. Your call.
i'm interested. I just need to think up what kind of character I might want to play ^^
Sending invitation. Any others who wish to join from this point on will be placed on "Reserve" status, unless I decide to recruit a CO-GM. Those on Reserve status will be able to replace any current joiner that either drops out or does not make a sheet within the one-week deadline of me posting the template and lore..
Welcome, Welcome.

I think anything past this point I'll need to recruit a co-gm for, but for now my focus will be finishing the above categories and getting the extra information out.
Hello I am past that point

AnonyMouse AnonyMouse Landsharks Landsharks EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Tellussoil Tellussoil Necromantic Necromantic Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 ReaperMelia ReaperMelia Nellancholy Nellancholy Serei2477 Serei2477
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Damn, I was late to the party. I shall put my interest down for a reserve slot in that case wahaha (if you're still accepting those)
Carolyn Carolyn IG42 IG42 Given you two were in order, we've had one to leave given IRL problems, and one person I had in mind from my own contacts is not able to join, I am offering a spot to both of you if you can/want to still accept.
Interested! Not sure if I already missed my chance, but I love the idea of this roleplay and would love to participate. Hope seats are still open!

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