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Fantasy Fire Emblem Dawnward Song IC



Runs with Axes
Roleplay Type(s)
Location: Verguld City - Daybreakers Mercenary Guild Base
Month of Velvenius, 5th day.

Verguld City was abuzz with activity in the mid-morning hours, fully awake and alive. Seagulls announced their presence with piercing squawks, while the murmurs of crowds and merchants blended into an indistinguishable hum. Horse-drawn wagons rumbled by, accompanied by the hum of elemental sparks and the whine of mechanical motors, all signs of the burgeoning Manatech revolution that even now was shaping the world.... Yet, all of those here and now were on a dock landing made of stone and wood, in a relaxed formation.

Regardless of that, the concerns of those in the Daybreakers would be far more mundane as barrels and crates were being pushed to the docks, where The Castilian airship was awaiting refurbishment and resupply and was a beehive of activity. While it was unlikely they would have work so soon, it was not impossible, after all, it was the 5th day of Spring, and such messages would have been enroute with the warming temperatures. Or even before that for the most desperate.

Either way, all of those gathered here were chosen for the Spearhead Company, some were veterans of the company, a few of life, and some were sparkling new and desperate for work, or even revenge. All of this was known to the old man as he looked down upon them all from a makeshift stage and podium. He had no intention on making this last any longer than needed, but at least he had to speak for a brief bit.

"Good morning. For those unaware, I am Horace Hayton, Owner and Commander of the Daybreakers. To some, this is our first encounter; to others, we are already acquainted. We are all professionals here, and we understand that well-wishing and formalities are less about actual safety and more about comforting the newcomers.

If you seek safety or clarity on expectations, turn to your comrades. Over half of you have experienced combat, while many others are veterans of the Bastards of Izmir, the trade routes, or the fighting rings of the Laguz. Your presence here is no accident; I personally ensure I know each individual I bring into this force. Rest assured, there is no one here I would hesitate to trust on the frontline. Trust in one another as you would trust your weaponry."

Continuing after a pause the old man held his had out towards another stern and harsh looking man, with a beard that was far larger and as he spoke the accent of the Korlovians. "To my left is Captain Petrovich. Commander of The Castilian. A few words?"
"Yes. Very few. I am Captain Alexander Petrovich. Do not touch anything that did not come with you or pertains to you, or so help me, we shall see how well you fly."
With that, it seemed he had nothing more to say as he stepped back, two more figures joining him from the crowd, a young-looking girl with silver hair and eyes, likely a branded, and a middle aged man that seemed rather happy with himself as he waved his right hand lightly back and forth. Both seemed rather casual and relaxed with all of this, both clearly veterans, even if one did not look it.


"And these two, are your commanding Officers; If you would please." "William "Will" Reynolds." "Alena Semyonovna "Alena the Silver"" Both said one after the other as the Old man nodded his head.

"Well, that's all, till you have a job, I suggest talking to and learning about one another. Start with those two if you like. Also pick a cabin, there will be two to a room, so bother to learn one another, before you learn afterwards." With those words said, Horace inclined his head into a small bow before stepping away, leaving the two opposites where they were standing, and who seemingly were the leaders of those gathered as the armored man stepped forward, dropping from the makeshift stage as the two older men stepped away to talk with one another. In short order and with much more grace the silver haired Alena joined her comrade on the ground level.

"Well, hello there. So, shall we play a game of introductions?"

"Indeed. I would know the value of each." Alena said with the accent of her people hanging in the air. It may have not been what the others expected of the joining ceremony, but it seemed the current commanders didn't much care for ceremony.

Interactions: All Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Nellancholy Nellancholy ReaperMelia ReaperMelia EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Serei2477 Serei2477 Landsharks Landsharks Tellussoil Tellussoil Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight Carolyn Carolyn Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko AnonyMouse AnonyMouse Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin IG42 IG42
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The newly dubbed Spearhead Company assembled in the light of a fetching morning. More than a dozen faces could be seen on the dock landing. A pang of sudden nostalgia reminds Mella of her first gathering. When she was young and knobby, she’d been frantically looking around to catch sight of her soon-to-be comrades, trying to impress them in the meanwhile. Now, far older and leaner, she only casts an amused sweep that was the right of veterans.

There is no awkward frame to Mella as she leans on her own cargo. She wears a wide-brim bycocket, leather jerkin, hose, and calfskin boots—tough clothing to resist the cruel air. After Horace’s rousing speech and Alexander’s threat, she wants to board the Castilian and check her manifest. But the motion is delayed on account of introductions. The same hat that shades her eyes covers the disappointment.

Such calls to pleasantries were her least favorite part of the opening ceremonies. While no less eloquent than the others, Mella didn’t speak. It cut off an avenue of communication most were too reliant upon. For lack of writing utensils and time, others had to do her the honors. Others like her two commanding officers, Will and Alena.

Mella turns on both, hopeful; often, the seasoned ones knew how to accommodate her best. Signs convey the request further. It's a unique system she made for the Daybreakers specifically.
Onibi sat crosslegged on the deck of the ship, her breathing steady in the cool air. An open sweater was draped over the shoulder of her vestments; the weather wasn't quite outside the boundaries of "too cold" yet. The empty expression on her (surprisingly) soft face was plain to see, but her sturdy wooden mask was never far from her hand. Perhaps the mask, bearing many blows for her, was the main reason behind the continued integrity of her face.

Traveling and training with the company allowed her short periods of time to perform the meditation on nothingness, in which all thoughts and desires left one's mind, even any thoughts of the self or of the gods. Such a practice was the domain of sages and hermits: the more practical clergy of Amaria never had time for things like that, not when there were daily blessings and prayers to give, the sick and injured to treat, and farmers and other laborers who welcomed volunteer labor. To serve Amaria to the fullest extent was to give of oneself fully to the world in need, not pursue esoteric concepts like enlightenment and transcendence. But when she strayed from that path to serve by delivering justice...perhaps the search was worth beginning.

Upon Will asking for introduction, Onibi's body was roused to consciousness as her spirit returned to inhabit it, and she stood, her heavy staff quietly jingling as she picked it up with her, tapping its haft on the deck with a firm knock. Her other hand placed her mask over her face, which dispersed her voice somewhat but wasn't close to drowning it out.

"My name is Onibi. I serve Her Radiance Amaria above all, and guide her light to smite any flouters of justice that are placed in the way of this company. This staff...is not mainly a staff of healing: it serves to silence any sorcery that may confound you otherwise. I trust the honored members of the Daybreakers to walk with me at this juncture on the path of justice."
Little Bee

Little Bee was a new recruit. Finding the Daybreaker Company was a blessing for a traveling fighter or warrior; it had many advantages for one such as she could not simply ignore. For one not to join, they were either a fool -or an enemy. Her ultimate goal was forever in her golden sight, and the Daybreaker Company would bring both security and ability to help her towards that goal. Finding them hadn't been luck. They were primarily stationed in the Republic of Verguld. Her previous so-called 'home', the Laguz Free State, and the Republic were on good terms, so coming here was nothing more than a simple boat's trip. Then, she had been quickly steered towards their recruits. After showcasing her skills, they saw fit to bring her in.

She had been placed under standby. Clearly, that was for this day. Where she stood in their base in Verguld City.

Even so, this was like any other day for Little Bee.

Her huge gold orbs scanned the assembly. Many were gathered. This was familiar to her. Many strong fighters gathered about the place, flaunting their strength, their power, their arms and skills. Even if they did so under their breath. Under their finery. Within secret. Not so opaque about it. Nonetheless, they were doing it. The ones with the most power, stood up front, addressing the audience. Other such veterans standing at their side. Again, such a familiar sight for one raised in the fighting pits.

Fighters, warriors, killers, all of them. They all behaved the same. Showing off their power. Using that power to lead, or subjugate others. But their power gave them that right. There was no use whining about it.

The only thing she was not used to.. is all the shiny, well-maintained full-plated armors that have every piece. All of the men and women around, adorned by those full-plate armors. Nor the unalloyed, sterling smell of pure steel of a properly maintained army. She was more used to the stuffy, overbearing smell of rust, dust, and dirt. More used to beasts sweating and stinking up the place. More used to brawlers clad in makeshift armors, or heavy armors missing pieces, or pieces broken, bent, or bearing scars of claws and teeth marks.

But other than that.. a very similar space.

Her eyes found one of those powerful individuals. Horace Hayton, Owner and Commander of the Daybreakers. The big man in charge. Her ears peaked when he mentioned those fighting rings she was familiar with. Well, naturally he'd know about them. He and his sort were friendly with the free laguz. They were practically neighbors.

"Trust in one another as you would trust your weaponry."

For once, she lowered her strange overbearing gaze. Little Bee looked down at the slender, curved blade in her hand. She rubbed its sheath, then barely unsheathed it to glimpse its shiny steel, before resheathing it with a soft shiink, as it clicked into place. She found she put her trust in her weapon. About the only thing she ever trusted. Could she trust another as she could the familiar heft of steel in her hand? As she could to this curve of steel to protect her very life?

Little Bee thought it was almost impossible.

But still, she would acknowledge the sentiment, looking back up.

Next Captain Alexander Petrovich spoke. A man of few words. The irony of thinking such a thing was not lost on her.

Then a couple veterans introduced themselves, and further asked for introductions of those gathered.

There was a helmed archer standing there. But she said nothing. It seemed like she wanted to speak.. but since she didn't.. Little Bee would go ahead. She stepped up... but was still a bit behind a few people; her small stature probably went unnoticed entirely. Returning the sheathed sword to her belt, she opened her mouth. Mouthing a few things, Little Bee 'said', "... ... ..."

A masked woman stood just then and stamped her staff on the ground, signaling attention with the sound. In a voice gentle on Little Bee's ears, she announced herself as Onibi. She said something about a path of justice.. and Little Bee closed her mouth.

Well, that shy archer wasn't the standard, it seemed she was mistaken - some people were enthusiastic about introducing themselves, so she needn't 'break the ice' after all.
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Zhu Xunlei

It hadn't been too long since he'd joined up with this outfit, but Xunlei was still itching for action. At the very least, it was good to see that the ones in charge of training realized he knew what he was doing and fast-tracked him to whatever this vanguard unit was supposed to be. At the very least, once things got going, it seemed he wouldn't be waiting long for violence and excitement.

Of course, that depended on things actually getting going. He'd heard this sort of shit before: commanding officers liking the sounds of their own voices. At least the one in overall command of the Daybreakers didn't keep it too long, though nothing he said really needed to be uttered. All the same obvious fluff.

Thankfully, it looked like their direct superiors didn't want to bloviate. Unfortunately, they were stuck playing icebreakers. Fuck's sake. Xunlei barely resisted the urge to sigh as the first to speak was...some sort of shrine priestess from the homeland. Hojo, by the sound of it. Just fantastic. Still, considering no one else after that was speaking up, he may as well get it done with.

"Oi." A casual wave of his hand from where he stood before returning to folding his arms. "Zhu Xunlei. Former captain in Heilong's air corps. Long story short, turns out rank and garrison duty didn't suit me. Let's have some fun with this, yeah?"
Levi Grantz
Location: The Castellion - Upper deck
Interactions: All

As Lucas congregated with the other groups on the deck of the airship, he couldn’t help but be amazed by the sheer size of the ship. The sight of it was impressive, the ship looking as if it could offer shelter to an entire town and still have room to spare. However, despite its grand scale, he couldn’t help but feel as though it was rather lifeless. Not in regards to the hustle and bustle of crewmembers rushing to and fro with supplies, but rather its cold metal exterior. The worn and dull color of the ship's hull were a far cry from the vibrant colors he was used to.

Having always been surrounded by flowers in one way or another, either from his mothers garden or the beautiful courtyard of the capital's church, he had grown used to always being surrounded by them. He very much doubted that such an area would exist on the ship. Levi would have to fix that. Perhaps his room would receive enough light that he could try and keep a small patch of flowers? If not, then perhaps he could repurpose an area of the upper deck into a garden, given he had permission to of course.

His thoughts were broken as some members of their group introduced themselves, with varying degrees of affability. Levi was glad that others had taken the initiative, knowing that he wouldn’t have been able to break the ice himself. He had never been good with introducing himself to others, especially when doing so to groups.

Levi had some experience in speaking to a congregation, but those were mostly reciting scripture or assisting in leading prayer with his peers. Men and women of the cloth, those of which he had spent considerable time with. With the current assortment of individuals in front of him however, it was difficult to find any similarities between them and his old group.

Instead of cloth and scripture, many of the assembled wore iron and wielded steel in one form or another. There was a good mix of ages from what he could see, with some seeming to be around his age, while others looked to be far older than he was. The most striking person however, was one that looked as if they were still just a child. They had a youthful face, and couldn’t have been any older than sixteen at the most.

He wondered what could have possibly led someone so young to seek out a life as a mercenary. When she spoke, no words came from her mouth, despite her mouth making the necessary movements. Was she under the effect of some kind of curse? One that rendered her unable to speak, or that prevented others from being able to hear her words?

Levi offered the girl a silent prayer, making the symbol of Amaria over his chest and bowing his head. ‘May the goddess Amaria offer you recompense for your suffering.’ If it was the goddesses' plan for the girl, then he was sure that she would reward her in the end. There was no pain without purpose after all.

He was slightly relieved that there would be another recruit aboard the ship that shared his faith in the Goddess Amaria. If they had to choose who they were to room with, she would make for a good choice. It would be just like his time as a member of the clergy at the capital, although he was sure the head priests would have words over him bunking with a member of the opposite sex.

Taking a breath to calm himself, Levi stepped forward, regarding the assembled group before speaking. “Hello. It is a pleasure to meet everyone. I am Levi Grantz, a humble priest of the Goddess Amaria. If you ever find yourself in need of assistance, I would be more than happy to assist you.” He finished his introduction with a bow, before straightening out and offering a small smile to the group.
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Atop a couple of stacked crates a tanned Laguz sat listening to the commander speak, while the chin resting in his hand projected a touch of boredom the twitching tip of his lion's tail would betray a poorly restrained energy to those with a passing knowledge of his kind. At least the speeches are short. He'd known the commander to get to the point fairly quickly though the captain easily put Horace to shame on that front.

Hearing the officers' introduction he let out a low snort of amusement. "Not the most creative nom de guerre on either of them." He mused aloud with a smirk before turning introspective. "Maybe I should get one, like...Maxtla Swiftfang or....Flashclaw." His expression twisted in dissatisfaction at the feel of the wordplay.

Letting a couple of others introduce themselves first Maxtla's ears were drawn to the sound of a weapon being drawn and quickly sheathed. "Hmm? Isn't that the stinger from the pits?" He'd gone a few rounds there himself in his boredom and had heard plenty about a tiny golden-eyed Beorc but hadn't seen her for himself.

"Ah well, something for later." Filing the mystery away he decided to make his own entrance and hopped to his feet on his perch. "I am Maxtla of the Xeolatan Guard, the more proactive kind. Good to meetcha y'all!" Speaking loudly and making extravagant gestures he made sure he grabbed the attention of everyone present and probably that of some passer-by too.

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Interactions: Carolyn Carolyn Landsharks Landsharks Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun
Sevin had offered earlier to clean the deck of the Airship, before the Ceremony started. Sevin was busy mopping the deck, trying to get it clean before people got on. Sevin remembered when he first joined the crew of the Castellian, and smiled under his helmet. It would be nice to meet the new guys and show them around the ship, if he needed to. Sevin was done when the first few people had stepped onto the ship, and he took note of each new faces appearance.

Introductions were in order, thus after Alena and Will had introduced themselves, someone made a slight jab at the titles Alena and Will had. Sevin heard the first person speak up, introducing herself as Onibi. Sevin wasn't religious, but he nodded with a warm smile, since she was like him, a past recruit. The same was true for Zhu Xunli. The next person to speak was a new face, introducing himself as Levi Grantz. He was also a priest who serves Amaria. Levi had made a symbolic sign while looking at Mella prior. The person who made the jab earlier had spoken up, referring to himself as Maxtla.

Sevin noticed the woman with golden eyes remaining silent, and he decided to bring a hand up and speak next.
"My name is Sevin. I've been with the crew since last year, and I'm looking forward to showing you new people around, and the woman over there,"
Sevin looked to Mella. "Is Mella. She's mute, but she's a good person." He looked back to Golden Eyes and smiled. "I believe you two will get along just fine."
Sevin then rubbed his hands together.

"Who wants to introduce themselves next?"

Shula & Zain


Mentions: Nellancholy Nellancholy Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Landsharks Landsharks Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin IG42 IG42 Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27


Crowds… the duo had become familiar with them after so many years of surviving together. They were strangers now, but with time they were supposed to become their comrades. People that they trusted with their own lives. Zain personally found it hard to believe that these nameless somebodies would become people he’d rely on as much as he did Shula, and Shula herself shared the same thought.

Shula would be seated atop a wooden crate, kicking her feet as she and Zain stood close by with his arms folded. Both looked towards the commanders, listening to the wise words spoken by the even wiser veterans. Then came the call for introductions. And while “I would know the value of each” didn’t sit right with Shula, she wasn’t going to make a big stink about it.

First was a woman who called to everyone’s attention with a knock of her staff against the deck, introducing herself as Onibi. She looked well-traveled, and a follower of some deity Shula and Zain never bothered to learn about. Zain would be happy to talk to her about it, and maybe Shula if she wasn’t too busy getting in trouble.

‘Onibi… I’m not gonna remember that. She’s Shorty now.’

Of course, they noticed another short woman who attempted to speak but couldn’t seem to get the words out. She tried though, and that’s what mattered.

‘Hopefully she won’t freeze up in combat.’ Zain thought to himself.

‘You’ll gettem next time, Brat.’ Though, Shula wondered if the girl got stage fright or if she was interrupted. Regardless, there’d be plenty of time to get to know one another.

Next would be a taller man, who Shula could easily pick out as someone to avoid in the city, and who Zain could see as a major threat had they been enemies. Everything from his stature to his voice had a certain call that demanded respect. Their suspicions were confirmed when he announced himself as Zhu Xunlei, a former captain of Heilong’s military.

Zain hoped the man wouldn’t throw his rank around and try to play Boss, while Shula hoped the guy would stay as easygoing as his introduction made him out to be. The last thing she needed was for some bootlicker to try and turn her in for her past crimes.

“Psst, Zain.” Shula whispered to get his attention. “What the hell was that guy’s name again?”

“Zhu Xunlei.” He returned just as quietly.

“Shoe Zun Lee?”

“No. Zhu Xunlei.”

Shula pondered the name for a second before shrugging. “Eh, he’s Red now.”

Zain simply answered her with a soft shake of his head. He’s known for years how terrible she was with names, and yet she still managed to surprise him. It was a miracle she remembered his, truthfully.

Up next was a kid who was as tall as Shula. Blue hair, monocle, and a staff that told them he was swinging around the same magic as Onibi. Another person Zain wanted to talk to, and perhaps learn about.

From his introduction they learned he was a priest of the same Goddess that Onibi followed. Perhaps it would do Zain some good to learn about Amaria, at least so he could come to understand his comrades and why they chose to follow her.

Shula, on the other hand, wondered why all holy people seemed to talk like that. An air of eloquence and all that. Were holy people just more prone to talking like nerds?

‘Talk like a nerd, you’re now Nerd.’

Next was a tall furry lion man with ears Shula wanted to reach up and pet. She and Zain were no strangers to Laguz, far from it. In fact, Zain had directly worked alongside them as a hunter and gatherer while Shula had assisted both old and young Laguz with their duties at that noble’s house, or rather, their old prison. It still felt strange to see a Laguz walk around without chains, but it was a welcomed change. He was a guard too, which soured Shula’s attitude towards him just a bit, but the duo would fine to work with him so long as he wasn’t throwing his rank around.

And of course.

‘Fucking what? How the hell am I gonna remember Maxtla? Uhh… could call ‘im Max but… I think I’ll remember Fluffy better.’

After him was a man in the pinkest set of armor Shula and Zain had ever lain eyes on. They wondered just how good of a fighter he was to be able to wear such flashy armor and still be respectable.

‘Wait, Seven? Like the number?’ That certainly caught Shula off guard. ‘You’re more of a Pinky to me, but I’ll try to remember Seven!’

The man was also nice enough to bring up the archer woman and her muteness… The duo shared a glance which told each other exactly what they were thinking.

The only way Mella could communicate was by writing, right?

Well, Shula and Zain were never taught to read. They could barely read signs as is, so unless Mella was a speedy artist, they’d have to figure something out.

Sevin then asked who wanted to introduce themselves next, and Zain spoke up.

“I will.” He said. “Nice to meet everyone. I’m Zain, one of the newest members. Hope I can be useful.”

Next, Shula spoke up with a grin. “And I’m Shula, pleasure to meetcha! Let’s try not to kill each other, yeah?”

With that, she looked around. “Anyone else? Best ta get it out of the way now than later.”
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"..." 'Came' the (nonexistant) 'voice' of the small, black-haired girl after the man from Iwata-Xuanyu spoke. She paused when no one seemed to notice and the introductions continued on with the priest speaking up next. She thought it was odd the Iwata-Xuanyu man mentioned that garrison duty didn't suit him - since that was probably what he'd be doing alongside everyone else here between missions. Even before the priest spoke, he seemed to fixate his gaze upon her. He then made some sort of motion over his chest. "?.."

As the priest took his turn to introduce himself, it gave her a bit of time to observe their surroundings once again. Her big gold eyes spotted a familiar sight. A laguz man sitting lazily, his cat-like tail shifting in obvious boredom. Although others of this company probably wouldn't appreciate a lazy laguz, it was a welcoming sight for the girl. The smallest of movements curved the edges of her lips, into a tiny thin smile. Even here, in this cold, unsympathetic, and hardened military operation, there were still things that could help her feel a bit at home. It was reassuring.

Her mouth gently parted, then closed. So he knew? He even called her Stinger, instead of Rat. That was a pleasant surprise. Well, no, it was no surprise at all. He was a laguz. She tried to think back. Had she ever witnessed a fight of his in the pits before? She didn't recognize this particular cat. Maxtla, was it? Bee fixed her eyes on him. She'd remember that name. The fact that he knew probably should've made her more wary of him, actually, but instead it came with an air of familiarity, and gave her a sense of comfort.

Now that the lion had went, and with him somewhat pointing her out, she felt it was a good time to try again at her introduction. Little Bee opened her mouth, "..."

But once again, someone else went, forcing her mouth closed once again. A man clad in some truly gaudy armor you'd never see the likes of in a laguz fighting pit. He mentioned the woman was mute. And said something directly to Bee about it. Mute. Bee looked over at her. Would they get along?

Oh! He was done. It was her turn now! "..."

Nope. Her mouth sealed once more. Someone else spoke up again. This time it was a pair. A boy and a girl. They seemed chummy, whispering to each other. A feeling that Bee could only stare at. It was something she couldn't relate to at all. What was it like to whisper to a trusted confidant?

Oh, they went. Was it finally her turn? She hadn't had any luck with her own introduction; she glanced around to see if anyone else was going. Perhaps, now?

A new deployment meant new faces, new friends. Or enemies? Or lovers, perhaps? Vierra had played this game before, yet still found limitless pleasure in the possibilities laid out before her. Society was a battlefield and the careful dance of navigating these encounters was more exciting than any display of martial might.

After ending her previous deployment with the Mounted Brigade, she was given a month off to prepare and did not waste a moment of it. She arrived early, to take in the sights and sounds. Verguld City wasn’t quite as vibrant as Lyon. Their dogmatic views put a wet blanket on some of the livelier things she had come to expect from city life. But compared to the past two years, even this place was like an explosion of color in what had been a relatively grey existence.

For weeks, she sampled the shops, inns, and taverns, never finding herself under the same roof twice. The Daybreakers base was about the only place she frequented. Vierra even encountered a few old comrades from her time in the Fortress Brigade and Mounted Brigade. And then, one day, it arrived:

The Castilian looked as magnificent as it had that day in Lyon, so long ago. She was but a tourist then, gawking at the enormous airship. Now, she would soon call this ship home. The urge to board was strong, but Vierra held back. She wanted to experience this alongside her new company. So, she waited for them...

* * * * *​

On the morning of the 5th day of the fourth month, Vierra arrived at the docks, with her gear in tow. She wore a simple blouse, shawl, and half-skirt with shorts and leggings beneath. An eclectic array of acessories adorned her wrists and ankles. She looked very much like a dancer or entertainer. Her more work-appropriate attire remained in her substantial luggage, for she had not packed lightly. She carried an overstuffed bag in one hand, a bulging satchel in the other, and a pair of instrument cases on her back, yet it all appeared as light as a feather in her lithe, yet strong, grip.

The sun was only beginning to peek above the rooftops, casting the looming silhouette of the Castilian in eerie shadows. The statuesque Laguz woman seated herself, crosslegged, atop a small tower of crates. From her elevated perch, she began humming a melody to herself and strummed a few notes on her lute, as if searching for the right tune to set the mood. Her tail began to thump, creating a gentle metronome. Soon, she found the beat and began to play. Head down. Eyes closed. A soft smile teased the corners of her lips as she provided the soundtrack to this morning’s affairs.

And yet, despite being lost in the song, she never failed to raise her head and offer a chirp of “good morning” or “hello down there” to each and every person who passed her by as they headed to and from the moored airship. She neither needed nor wanted an audience, only to enhance the atmosphere, elevate the 'vibes.' She only abandoned her post once, when some members of the crew came to collect the crates she was sitting atop. Vierra even helped them carry it aboard the ship before finding another place to sit and continued to play. That is where she remained, from sunrise until midmorning, when the commander and her future superior officers appeared on the deck of the ship.

Ah, here we go. Finally, she thought with amusement as she hopped down and returned her musical instrument to its case. Vierra shouldered her burdens and strode up the ramp to the deck of the ship, where a small crowd had already begun to form. Her companions had arrived. Now, the game begins.

They probably thought the anonymous performer was a wandering minstrel or the morning’s entertainment, not one of their own. It is possible for two things to be true. The officers offered little in way of introduction, but immediately opened the floor for the recruits to do the same. Vierra expected such from Hayworth, but had hoped her new captains would be a bit more forthcoming. However, she was not one to be overly critical and shot a brief glance at the boisterous young lion who saw fit to poke fun at their names.

Great. Making us look bad already, Vierra thought of her fellow Laguz. But all was explained when he later introduced himself as a member of the Xeolatan Guard. Of course one from the Free States would speak so freely. Of course he wouldn’t understand there is more to this world than martial might and unabashed confidence. In her opinion, there was a time and place for such things, and this was neither. But this was also neither the time nor her place to say as much.

As the introductions flowed in, Vierra found there were two devotees of Amaria within their ranks, and likely more. "A man of faith? I suppose I will have to be on my best behavior," she said with a coy tilt of her head after the second spoke. However, the priest and pristess(?) were not the first to attempt an introduction: Vierra noticed an archer cast a silent, but hopeful, glance toward their captains before any words were exchanged. What was the meaning of that? An oath of silence? A physical handicap? Hmm? And she was not the only one devoid of language, for a second girl with bright golden eyes wordlessly mouthed an introduction. Vierra attempted to read her lips, but came up empty-handed there. Whatever those movements were, they were not words.

Fortunately, verbal communication was not a lost art to all. A towering, mountain of a man introduced himself as Zhu Xunlei and punctuated his introduction with her favorite word, “fun,” despite seeming like anything but. He had been an air captain in his homeland. Perhaps Vierra would serve alongside him here. Shortly after, came the lion Laguz, Maxtla, and a second giant beorc, this one clad in garishly-colored plate armor. He introduced himself as Sevin and even gave a voice to the silent archer, Mella. This one, she liked. If not for his awful fashion sense, she might buy him a drink later.

Feeling that the ice had sufficiently broken, Vierra finally placed down her bags and prepared to lift her voice. However, a pair who introduced themselves as Zain and Shula spoke before her. The duo had been murmuring amongst themselves all the while, so Vierra had not expected them to speak up just yet. They seemed… close. An attractive young lady and an equally attractive young man, who did not appear to be related, yet spoke in hushed voices and seemed extremely comfortable in one another’s presence? Oh, my. Can it be? Love is in the air, Vierra thought. Her second favorite word.

With a small clap of her hands, she stepped forward once they were done. “I believe I’ve kept you all in suspense long enough. Vierra Vientiane, at your service,” she said, each syllable pouring out with a melodious harmony. She punctuated her introduction with a combination of a curtsey and a deep bow. As she returned to her full height, her golden necklace and the shimmering Laguz stone encased in its locket settled into her cleavage. “Or... 'Vee,' if you like,” she said, her eyes briefly settling on Shula.

“I soooo look forward to working with you all,” Vierra concluded, breaking her attention form the young lady to all gathered here today. “The pleasure is all mine, though I am more than willing to share it with good company. If anything is required of me, you need only ask.”

Interaction(s): Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin | Serei2477 Serei2477
Mention(s): RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun | Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko | Nellancholy Nellancholy | Carolyn Carolyn | Landsharks Landsharks | IG42 IG42 | Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
The trip to Verguld City had been a long, winding one, but it was totally worth all the time and effort it took. Ursthal was nice and all, sure, but Verguld was massive. It was maybe a bit too pristine and fancy for Krista's tastes, but the bustling streets full of merchants, townspeople, and soldiers captivated her. After spending so long holed up around home, finally getting to travel had been a delight, and a city so full of different types of people was exactly what the young woman had wanted to see.

She arrived a few days early, and as such, she decided to spend some time looking around, learning what she could about the Daybreakers, and even trying to find a few fighters to spar with. She could tell that a few of the mercs she ran across saw her, instantly clocked her as a noblewoman, and underestimated her. Their mistake. She was spry and strong enough to catch them off guard and kick their asses, much to the amusement of onlookers. She knew she'd have to make a good first impression, and she was quite proud of how things were going so far.

As she finally began making her way to the Daybreakers base on the day of their first meeting, she couldn't stop thinking about how she'd fit in with her new team. How tough would her new comrades be? She assumed some would have years and years of experience, which would make them the perfect people to learn from and train with. She felt like she had learned just about all she could back at home, anyway. Teaming up with some real heroes? That would help her soar to even greater heights. She chuckled to herself as she finally stepped onto the dock.

After all those years of fighting off small-scale border raids, Krista could barely believe she was finally getting ready to board the Castillian, now a proper member of the Daybreakers. She'd normally want to go celebrate it with her new teammates... but instead, it seemed like she was stuck doing the typical orientation routine. It figured that a big mercenary company like the Daybreakers would go through this whole boring ceremony, but she knew there were better ways to get to know your comrades.

Still, she also knew better than to speak up or even look irritated. As much as she hated acting all proper, her history as a noblewoman had taught her how to at least put on a decent act. She sat through the speeches from the higher-ups. Lots of stuff about how they were all trusted and capable and strong. As if she didn't know that. Of course, seeing a few young faces among the company did make her wonder how many of them had actually experienced combat before. Being thrust into your first proper combat mission wasn't anything like performing training drills. Facing down your opponent as you took their life took an iron will. Would the younger fighters be able to pull it off? Had they already done it? She had her concerns, but she chose to keep her mouth shut for now.

Once the (thankfully brief) speeches were over, it was time for everyone to go around and introduce themselves. Again, Krista preferred more organic introductions, but this would have to do. She was curious about her new comrades, anyway. Such an eclectic group... She was sure she'd find a rival or two here somewhere.

First up were their commanders. Despite the pleasantries, she had heard a few stories about their careers while waiting in Verguld, and she was certainly impressed. Fighting alongside veterans like these two just had to help her grow even stronger, and she'd take whatever guidance they had to offer. Next up was an archer who simply glanced over at the commanders like she wanted them to cover for her. Was she too shy to speak up herself? Or was she just the cool, silent type? Krista found herself crossing her arms and wondering what the reason could be for the woman's silence. Thankfully, before things could stay too quiet, a priestess chimed in with the usual stoic introduction she had come to expect from the servants of Amaria. She just hoped this one wouldn't be too uptight.

Next up was a man who introduced himself as a fellow air fighter. She glanced at him, wondering what kinds of tricks a flier from Iwata-Xuanyu might know. She'd have to keep an eye on him... Maybe even try to pick up a few tricks through sparring. After the former captain was another humble priest. Once again, she silently hoped he wouldn't be the obnoxious type. Up next was a lion Laguz who seemed rather cocky and confident, especially given the remark she overheard him make about the commanders' titles earlier. Of course, those were traits she quite liked in a fellow soldier so long as they weren't the snobby, rich type. It was at least a nice change of pace from the silent archer, the meek healers, and the other girl she noticed opening her mouth without uttering a single word.

The Laguz was followed by a man wearing armor that was almost blindingly pink. Krista contained a chuckle as she internally remarked that he'd certainly keep enemy attention off of her when she needed it. He also introduced the archer, noting she was mute. The pegasus knight was a bit relieved to hear she wasn't just quiet out of shyness. Following the armored man, a pair stepped up and introduced themselves, seemingly familiar with one another. She had noticed the two of them whispering to each other a little earlier, anyway. The man seemed like the calm, friendly type while the woman seemed a little louder. Once again, Krista was glad to know there were a few others who were more outgoing. The last to introduce herself was a snake Laguz who also seemed enthusiastic, though perhaps more theatrical with her presentation than Krista was used to. She wasn't entirely sure what to make of the woman.

With that introduction done, Krista stepped forward, figuring it was finally about time for her to chime in. She lightly pounded the base of her lance on the dock floor before raising her voice loud enough for everyone to hear clearly.

"The name's Kristina Von Boettchier, though I prefer just Krista. I'm new to the Daybreakers, but I was stationed at a border fort east of Ursthal before coming this way. Figured I'd be better off joining some mercs and busting some heads than shooing off raiders. If you need a tough aerial fighter, my pegasus Sturm and I are your girls." She punctuated her booming introduction with a confident smirk. There was no way in hell she was going to look less capable than the others, especially with the baggage that came with her family name. Krista was ready to work her ass off for the company, and she wanted to make sure everyone knew it.
Fiona Weissritter
Interactions: ReaperMelia ReaperMelia AnonyMouse AnonyMouse

Fiona was pretty nervous. This was her chance to get a new home and obtain a steady income so she could live the life her parents dreamed of. However, as soon as Fiona saw the amount of people attending, she felt her heart sank. All these strangers..... many of them are pretty.... Can I even be able to be a reliable member?

Many of the gathered people had already introduced themselves, and 2 of them had remained quiet, just like Fiona. She wondered why they haven't spoken yet, when a big guy in very bright pink armor, (Sevin wasn't it?) had spoken up explaining the Archer, named Mella, was mute. He also said that Mella and the other silent girl could become good friends. Fiona then watched one of the most beautiful women she had ever layed her eyes on introduce herself as Vierra. Fiona felt her face turn red after Vierra had finished talking.

Fiona stayed quiet, trying to calm herself down, as her Pegasus, Hector, snorted. Fiona was quite small, compared to the giant that was her Pegasus, but he was her partner, and she wouldn't want any other Pegasus.
It was here when she saw the next person speak up, a familiar face. Fiona remembered her name too well, as she had heard her name twice prior, once when fleeing a battle, another when she was little. Fiona stayed silent, as Krista introduced herself and her Pegasus.

After she had introduced herself, Fiona calmed herself before speaking out. "M-My name is Fiona Weissritter! I'm a traveling mercenary who originally served the Pegasus Knights of Burgandia! My partner here is named Hector, and while he may be brash at times, he's a good Pegasus! We hope to... to be of use to you all!"
Fiona's last sentence was a bit hard to get out as she felt her heart beat fast. She didn't like the attention, considering she originally lived on the streets as a child, but Krista was here. She had to try and endure.


Jin Reiner
Jin brought his hand to his mouth, shielding a yawn through the formalities before playing it off as a stroke of his stubble. He was one of the larger of those present with a strong build. His split bangs hung over his face, reaching just past his eyes while the rest of his long hair was combed back and tied into a short ponytail. He had a small pack slung over his shoulder. Unlike most of the others, he carried no weapons or armor, just a staff.

Some of those that surrounded him appeared to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed while others appeared to hold this ceremony with utter gravity. Meanwhile, however, Jin did not find the speech particularly motivating. Simple introductions could be made, but the whole extravaganza only served to increase the time spent pointlessly standing on a dock.

This wasn't the first company Jin would be joining with, however it was the first in which had a whole orientation. Normally, he was lucky if he was told where the food was.

'Trust in each other as you would your weapon, huh...' Jin mulled over internally.

As far as he was concerned, he was the weaponry, and he had a better track record as far as reliability for himself than others had. Regardless, at least it was over and they could move on--

"Now, shall we play a game of introductions?"


It wouldn't be that quick or painless. Of course not. Jin tilted his head as one by one people spoke up, or were spoken for. His eyes glances nonchalantly to each, lingering generally for less time on the men than the women, and here he perked up a bit. There were quite a few lookers at the least. ne didn't see particularly pretty faces amongst mercenaries, so this was a welcome surprise. 'And if they have some decent booze too, maybe it won't be so bad here...' He mused in his thought.

"Hm?" Looking around, most everyone had spoken or been addressed already while he was lost in thought. "Ah... Right. Jin Reiner. Monk disciple from the East. Don't use any weapon. Though, I can also treat wounds if Miss Onibi is otherwise indisposed," He stated with a dry smirk. It was short, simple, and not delving into too much detail, a way to get this over and done with as soon as possible.

Mentions/Interactions: All


Marcille de la Soie
mentioned: pretty much everybody

Today was the day. all those weeks travelling with various merchant caravans just to get to Verguld city. but Marcille made it. She joined the Daybreakers and was now standing on the deck of their airship. She had only recently been recruited so this was the first real business she had with the company Marcille was passively humming a happy tune while she juggled a small fireball between her hands. She was passing the time until the briefing started.

When the commander started his speech, Marcille got startled for a moment. almost dropping her fireball the mage was able to recover and snuff out the flame before worse could happen. The man introduced himself as Horace Hayton, the owner and commander of the company. Marcille had to admit the man looked good for his age. No wonder people would be willing to follow him.
The commander then introduced the captain of the ship. Upon seeing the man Marcille felt a shiver run down her spine. "Is it me or does the captain emit such a cold aura he could freeze a bonfire by just looking at it" she said soft enough that only people near her could hear the comment. The captain was a man of few words. but those words did make Marcille think How well I could fly?... that should be possible. I think. I just need to generate an explosion strong enough beneath my feet to propel myself into the air… but then I also need to stabilize myself in the air. that will be annoying with just flames. I don't think I am able yet to produce strong enough flames to make me able to do that trick… let alone do it without threatening my own clothing… or endangering people around me… difficult. difficult… hmmm""

The fire mage got so lost in thought that she missed her commanding officers' introduction and then started a round of introductions from the other recruits. She got back to the land of the wake right after the nomad-looking pair made their introductions. By that time she missed the introduction of the masked eastern priest lady (Onibi), the red-headed wyvern-rider (Zhu) the blue-haired staff-wielding man (Levi), the lion Laguz (Maxtla), the pink knight (Sevin) who also gave the name of the shy archer (Mella) and lastly the couple from Izmir (Shulla & Zain).

Her attention was drawn by the snake lady as she introduced herself as Vierra. The woman sparked Marcille’s interest. Marcille wanted to learn more about the laguz and their country after all. but that has to wait for now. First, there were introductions to be made.
Next were the two Pegasus riders. First was the one called Krista who introduced herself. Then there was the small rider named Fiona who introduced herself. Marcille looked at the petite rider and then at her horse. That beast looked fierce. kudos to the girl that she was able to tame such a beast of that size.
to introduce themselves so far was the gruff-looking man. Marcille noticed the difference in the look in his eyes between if he was looking at a man or a woman. this guy was a creep for certain. but it was not nice to judge a person solely on their looks. He introduced himself as Jin, a healer and nothing more. He also mentioned certain Onibi. Marcille wondered who of the others that might be. but by process of elimination, she could guess it was most likely the masked priestess.

This was her moment. After Jin was done Marcile stepped forward to introduce herself. "Hey Hey, people. I’m Marcille de la Soie. freelance fire mage from Lyon and pyro magico enthousiasto!" she said cheerfully as she stretched out her hand and summoned a fireball in the palm of it. "far and wide I have travelled. perfecting the art" She slowly moved her stretched-out hand to the side letting the fireball start to move around her in a circle "Power unbound I practice the flame. make it dance to my will" Four additional fire orbs appeared who also started to circle Marcille "Be amazed as I shall show thine a spectacle of beauty and finesse." She touched her index and middle fingers just above her head. the swirling fireballs rose to unite just above Marcile’s fingers. "Now without delay. be entertained and witness the one! the only! PYRO MACY!!!" She moved her hands to the side until she stood in a T-pose. The fireball split again into five smaller orbs that shot into the sky. Marcille snapped her fingers and the orbs exploded forming an arch pattern of fireworks in the air above the fire mage. "nailed it!" she said under her breath. content with her overly dramatic entrance speech she smiled towards everyone before making a bow.
Location: Verguld City - Daybreakers Mercenary Guild Base - The Castilian
Month of Velvenius, 5th day.

Dammit. Sorry Mella, we need to get you a small chalkboard to carry or something. Though I'm not sure how many of these know how to read...
Onibi, clearly from the east, honestly a large number of the group seemed to be from the east, the priestess Onibi being the first of note, not that, that was a problem, more of an interesting note. Zhu being one of those mentioned, a Wyvern Rider, next was another believer of Amaria. Hopefully those two weren't too fanatical in their devotions.

The next to speak up was a Laguz, lion type? He seemed to know the angry looking short girl, Maxtla, he had a few barbs of his own to say, his words did cause her to chuckle. "Oh, I did not pick the name out. If you live long enough you get one... Minus..." Not letting the rest of that thought out, she turned her attention back to the rest.

Sevin was next to speak up, introducing himself and covering for Mella, with a slightly sour expression, she still had something to learn, hopefully she would adjust into this role. No, there was "no hopefully", she had to do it or that was it. For all of them. "Thank you Sevin. Yes, this is Mella, our cook and a fine archer that has been here as long as we two. She cannot speak and normally communicates via writing. If you cannot read let us know."

The pair from the West were bickering it seemed, well not bickering, they seemed close. Shula and Zain were their names. But from what she read on the two of them, that only made sense.

Next was Vierra, she was sort of new to the unit, but not to the Company as a whole, having spent her time in the Garrison unit, her snake tail and wings along her head gave away what she was. A very rare, winged serpent, also from the West like those two.
Then right behind one another was a chance pair, or had the old man done it on purpose? Krista and Fiona, a pair of Pegasi Knights. She wondered how well they would work together with Zhu. Though it did immediately decide one thing. "Krista, Fiona, unless you object, I would make you two the first room assignment. Fiona could learn a lot from you."

Then lastly was Jin and two others, two others who were arriving late, or got cold feet and were not arriving at all... "XO, William, I would like to carry out further talks while we do something more, hmm, productive? You understand, yes?" She said with a notable Korlovian accent as she motioned with her head and an outstretched right arm, her armor clanking briefly, if she wore it all the time or not was another question all together. "Ah, to add in, I'm a Cavalier and the ground Commander, I do not plan to be too commanding with any of you short of giving an Assignment, unless things are going really badly."

What was next to come, left her at a loss of words as she watched the pyrotechnic display. She simply stared and eventually said. "Hmm... you'll get a title sooner than most." With something akin to amusement to her face as she broke midstride.

Location: Verguld City - Daybreakers Mercenary Guild Base - The Castilian

Chuckling with some amusement, William would have his own thoughts and opinions but kept them largely to himself, minus outside of a few instances. And in much the same order as his boss, "I'm sorry if my nickname is not awe inspiring, I assume you'll have one too, and I'll make sure it's not Leo or something too on the nose."

"Well met, Levi, Onibi. I too am a follower of the Goddess and the greater Temple."
Making what was a prayer sign of touching his forehead and then heart, as he continued with next in line, nodding at the two other easterners, the Monk and Flyer he decided to use an expression they both knew, or should be known to them at least. "May easternly winds carry you."

"Is there something you would like to share with the Class? Though thank you for the names."
He said of Shula and Zain, with a glint to his eyes and a slight smirk, before his attention was quickly taken by Sevin, Vierra, Krista and Marcille, the latter of with also deserved some pause;

"His Armor is Red, don't tell him any different. Vierra, it will be interesting seeing how your abilities support ours, if a horse can be lowered from the sky, I suspect you'll do as well."

"And speaking of flying horses, I do agree with Alena's assessment, you two may work well being teamed together. Though the Rooms are much too small for it, I would say to include Zhu and Vierra would do well to team up with you on training sessions. And ah, of course O'Captain, My Captain.."
Before he could finish the last of those to gain his interest, did so in a rather bright and colorful demonstration of her powers.

"Hah! Pyro Macy." Clapping his hands lightly, the Knight smiled and continued on. "Cute trick, but we'll deal with things more practical, but yes, that leaves one... Well two if the Little yellow eyes wishes to introduce herself."

Leading the group up some gangplanks and an airship of the in the form of the Heavy Lift reactor style, two manatech reactors jutted from the side of what would be an ocean going ship if not for the flared wings built into the hull with a bulbous command deck that was split into three layers, though upon entering it it was clear two of the levels were joined through a cursory glance through the glass panes. The Deck had a rather large and empty plane upon it to support the training of the ground troops with little to note about it other than the assortment of troths for feeding any mounts, three large siege crossbows a slopped entryway and a rather large observation deck at the front that seemed to have mounting points for larger infantry type siege weapons, and two launch points, one of which had a shuttle and another at a lower level that fed into the starboard side of the ship. From there a stylized ramp that served little function and had step like landings led to the superstructure.

Starting through this a set of large double doors that could likely support drakes width, would greet the mercenaries, as William cast wide the doors, motioning for the rest to follow him, a number of rooms split off from this opening with a set of steps leading up to a rear deck and the upper levels, a lift and ladder leading down below, nearly central to the opening of the doorway and spaces beyond, yet slightly offset to the portside. Curiously there was also another, larger opening ladder and a moderate sized opening with a pole leading below.

"If you take the steps up you'll reach the bridge proper and the lounging deck, the other rooms up here are all officer and Crew bunking. We decided to join the ground forces on the lower levels. Ah yeah, and the door to the immediate right of the stairway is the mess hall, it lies beneath the lounge deck. We are allowed up there, but not on the bridge proper asides from Alena and I, or upon the captain's request. But the important area for us, is down there." He said, pointing at the dual ladders, lift and pole.

"Pole is for you smaller people to get back down to the lower level more quickly, I suppose if you are akin to the monkey, you can climb your way up as well. The ladder with the large opening is clearly for the armored folks like we the armored Trio, or others of a larger size. The Standard ladder is what you expect. And this, well this is the lift and luckily it always works. Just always return it to the top once you are at the bottom. The only real rules we have on its use is it is not to be used for the transportation of one person alone. Mounts and supplies are also loaded and kept here. Though flying mounts can be flown in and out of an opening on the starboard side, or, the right for the non-sailing people. It's recommended in general that you let the mounts out on the upper decks or fly them out when we are in transit. Also, given the nature of our reactors, we do have to actually land or hover time to time, so then is another good chance to let your companions out or to get out for yourself."

Motioning for them all to get on the lift with him, he smiled cryptically. "We never figured out her weight capacity... All aboard."

Letting the rest say their peace or to make conversation, it was not long till he took them all below. "On the Starboard side you'll find space for keeping animals, we keep a bit of straw on the floor so it stays comfortable, porthole windows give them air and there are heaters in each of the stable sections, lucky enough for us there is only 4 of you and three double stables. No offense, but we'll likely keep the Wyvern away from the horses, and the actual horse from the flyers.

And on the portside we have 8 rooms, with a 9th on the starboard, each room has two beds, with storage space for your gear, a porthole for air, heathers and a desk for various uses. It should be noted, there are only 17 of us... Or sixteen if the final late person isn't here in time.

I should also note there are three doors marked "Aircrew Only" in the stern. The two to the side lead to the wings and reactors, you'll never have cause to be in there, and the third and center is where supplies are stored. And that's it. Do any of you have a roommate you would like in advance? If you can't decide then Alena or I will."

With a huge amount of information to process he motions towards the lift and ladders. "You need not answer immediately, only before we leave, or when we leave. When not deployed we'll stay in a much more comfortable barracks on flat ground, and in the field, we'll have personal tents. Take the time to look around, to load your mounts or getting to know one another before you decide anything for sure." Alena for her part gave a nod in agreement, before motioning with a free hand.

"I should also add in, we are responsible for feeding, grooming and cleaning up after our mounts. Food will be provided, but I would sooner hunt the wilds on our landings than stay couped in this falling upwards box. I'll take no issue with having a room alone, or one of the others taking it." She didn't bother adding on that she could take her allotted room in the command deck if more than one of them couldn't get along with the rest.

Interactions: All Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Nellancholy Nellancholy ReaperMelia ReaperMelia EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Serei2477 Serei2477 Landsharks Landsharks Tellussoil Tellussoil Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight Carolyn Carolyn Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko AnonyMouse AnonyMouse Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin IG42 IG42


Yurick was leaning against a large crate, arms crossed as his eyes lazily followed the tiny magic orb floating through the air in front of him. To outsiders it probably looked as if the orb was alive and sentient, perhaps a fairy that gotten lost asking for aid as it struggled to stay afloat in the sea breeze, but in reality was simply a ball of energy that he was moving with his mind. It was one of the first exercises a new mage was required to master, an art that could only become second nature if its user maintained the right balance of focus and energy output, but once honed led to increased spell proficiency and even some growth in an individual’s magical reserves. It was simply another form of meditation warriors had at their disposal, and in Yurick’s case provided a distraction for a few hours while he waited to board the aircraft like so many others.

After a time, a hush went over the crowd as one man, the commander, stepped forward to give a brief introduction of the company for both the veterans and newcomers alike. He then introduced two others, a brown haired knight with the air of an experienced warrior and a young woman who looked to be around Natalie’s age. Yurick had seen his share of unique individuals with talents far exceeding their age so he wasn’t too surprised someone so young managed to hold such a high office, yet there was something about her that gave him pause. It wasn’t the fact that her clothing matched that of his homeland or her silver hair, it was her eyes. They lacked the innocence typical of youth, those grey depths instead holding a maturity far beyond their years.

But perhaps he was overthinking as always. Heaven knows he barely slept a wink last night.

After their superior stepped away, the two officers deciding to break the ice by way of asking for introductions from the new recruits. Yurick inwardly sighed. He knew it was a common exercise in mercenary groups but it made him feel as if he was a child in school again. At least he wasn’t alone in that feeling if other people’s reactions were any indication.

As it was his soon to be allies were…a colorful lot to say the least. There was a shrine maiden and monk from Xanyu with very different temperaments, a boisterous red head who happened to be a former captain in Izmir, a couple of Pegasus knights (one of which who was small enough that a gust of wind could send her airborne), a couple laguz, a performer mage that Yurick hoped wouldn’t accidentally set someone on fire, as well as some other intriguing individuals with interesting beginnings of their own.

Interesting, but troublesome. He could already feel the future headaches start to form.

Dispelling the magical orb in front of him, Yurick gave everyone a friendly nod. “My name is Yurick, from a small village near the Reantel and Empire border so tiny it doesn’t even register on most maps. I wanted to explore the world, so when I became of age I decided to become a mercany to pay my way. I’ve been in a few other companies and have managed to pick up on a few things that have made me somewhat useful on the battlefield. I’ve heard a lot about the Daybreakers since I started and my curiosity got the better of me, so here I am.” His gaze flickered over the group before closing his eyes thoughtfully. “There’s a few things I hope to accomplish while I’m here, but me know if I can be of assistance, yeah?”

He felt a pang in his chest. It was a lie he’d been living for years, a poor cover from the lingering phantoms of his past that he’d never escape from no matter what he did. The letter and ribbon in his bag were a heavy reminder of what he had lost. His friends were dead and he was merely a ghost clinging to life, yet there was still a slimmer of hope which kept him going. A hope that being here in this renowned company would help him find his sister and perhaps give him the strength he needed to confront the man who had wronged them all.
Onibi quietly regarded the rest of the company present as they introduced themselves one by one, allowing their allies and officers a glimpse at their abilities and background...and perhaps the true natures that lay beneath the surface.

A few chose to demonstrate their abilities, the "pyromancer" most notably of all. Such a childish display, done without regard for the safety of others; such fireworks were unlikely to bring down an airship such as this, but any sailors on the archaic nautical ships would have cause to worry with someone like her around. Tellussoil Tellussoil

Most of the others contented themselves with brief introductions and explanations, which Onibi made sure to pay attention to. While she was no longer a stranger to combat, the crushing strain of muscle and bone, the searing light of destructive magic, she had not engaged in battles of a larger scale before. It would pay to learn to work with the others while she was here.

She noted Levi, a fellow priest. There seemed to be little remarkable about him at first glance, which was to be expected: those who lived a life of service to a good cause like that of Amaria rarely sought to distinguish themselves. Whether he was inclined towards more martial practices to protect Amaria's ideals remained to be seen, however. She anticipated working closely with him when the swords came out and arrows started flying. Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin

She also noted Reiner, a man who claimed to be from "the East", but whose name was not quite so. That was understandable: to be astonished at travel and marriage across borders and cultures in this world would be ridiculous. The more surprising was his apparent facility with healing magic, contrasting his seemingly dissolute nature. Onibi might even have re-examined her preconceptions, if not for his off-handed comment. "I assure you, you will not find me indisposed when duty calls. But your skills are appreciated here nonetheless." Her response was curt. EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen

But as for the matter of bunking...there were only a few choices that Onibi considered acceptable. And one in particular...

She crossed the deck, approaching the skinny girl clutching her sword. Taking her mask off and hanging it off a looped thread around her waist, Onibi took a knee next to her. "Hachi-san. I propose that we bunk together, as I believe that you have no intent of being a disturbance to my training and devotion to Her Holiness. Any objections?" Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko

Vierra stepped back as the introductions continued to come in. Next up were two pegasus riders. The first, Kristina Von Boettchier, oozed confidence. Her introduction was short and punchy, delivering the necessary information with a bit of panache, which Vierra quite liked. The second, Fiona Weissritter, was far more reserved, stammering through her introduction and clearly on the verge of crumbling under the pressure, but managed to get the words out. When she finished and melted back into the crowd, Vierra turned to her and whispered, "Chin up. You did fine, sweetie," while flashing a brief thumbs up.

A little friendly reassurance can go a long way, but coddling the girl wasn't in anyone's best interest, so Vierra left it at that and returned her attention to the proceedings. During her time in the Mounted Brigade, she quickly learned that the air cavalry had no room for cowardice. They were a bold and confident bunch, much like Krista or Zhu. A fall from a horse might kill a man, but a fall from a pegasus in flight is almost certain death. Avery airman knows this and must live with it. Nerves of steel are a prerequisite, not a preference. So, Fiona may be a bit shy, but Vierra knew better than to judge a book by its cover. Inside that tiny shell was the beating heart of a warrior.

Or a naive fool, perhaps. Nah... I have a good feeling about this one.

Next up came the man with the wandering eye. And here I thought monks were supposed to be disciplined, Vierra thought, briefly locking eyes with Jin before rolling hers. She had certainly seen his type before, but was he merely window shopping or was he bold enough to sample the wares? There would be plenty of time for that later. Short of death or disbandment, none of these people were going anywhere anytime soon. So, for now, she made a mental note of his skills --the healing came as a bit of a surprise-- and acknowledged him with only a small nod before pretending he was just another handsome, but forgettable, face in the crowd.

The final two were mages of some sort. One was extremely flashy. It seems I am not the only entertainer here, Vierra thought, giving a small round of applause after Pyro Macy's little show. It was a bit much, especially aboard a wooden ship of all places, but a little excitement is never a bad thing. The commander said they would be two to a room and Marcille's flair for theatrics suggested that this girl might make for a fun bunkmate. However, Vierra quickly squashed that thought.

She was not here for 'fun.' Vierra planned to have plenty of it along the way, but tethering herself to a potential rabblerouser might not be in her best interest. Think long term...

Ironically, the second mage was even more interesting. Yurick appeared to be contemplative, methodical, perhaps even a bit... bored? His words seemed honest enough, at face value, but Vierra could not help but notice the subtle sadness in his eyes when he claimed he was here to "see the world" and had joined out of mere "curiosity." No, not bored. he was wounded. Heh... aren't we all? For someone who claimed to be on a journey of discovery, he appeared to be drowning in his own thoughts. She pondered what had worn him down and what had he been before life had taken its toll.

Fortunately, the more outgoing of their two officers took control of the proceedings before Vierra could begin to dive down that rabbit hole. She had her own issues to deal with and now was not the time to consider a stranger's troubles. Her tail swished happily as she followed William up the gangplank. The Castilian was a lot less grand than she expected. Then again, this was a warship, not a floating palace. Good. She had had her fill of palaces and luxury. Despite her appearance and mannerisms, lived-in spaces suited her much better.

Vierra's face glowed as she took it all in and marvelled at its craftsmanship and engineering. She hung on William's every word, right up until they reached the lift and ladder, where she gravitated toward the pole. A good, strong pole. She would have to try it later... but not now. Not in front of polite company. She might get a little carried away and there were clergy afoot. Behave

When the tour concluded on the lower deck and the question of who would bunk with whom was brought up once more, Vierra was already prepared. She had had some time to mull it over and her mind was mostly made up. Unsurprisingly, the Eastern priestess approached the golden-eyed mute. The tiny girl seemed to be the most in need of assistance. Naturally, one of the Amaria devotees would be the first to reach out to her.

Meanwhile, Vierra made her way over to the man clad in red. (Actual red, not the pink fellow.) Zhu was a bit taller than she imagined and, now that she had a closer look at him, quite a bit younger, though he had a good solid build. However, she was not one to hold his years against him. As a Laguz, she, too, did not look her age... and regularly used that as an excuse to act a wee bit childish.

"Zhu Xunlei, was it?" she said, greeting him with a pleasant smile and a nod of mutual respect. "It seems we will be working together, good sir. I still have much to learn, but I feel the sky suits me quite well," she said, as she set down her bags and clasped her hands behind her back. "Have you chosen a roomate? Our comrades have already been paired," she nodded to Krista and Fiona, "So I thought, 'why not complete the set?' We're all soldiers here and you seem to be a man of good upbringing, so... what say you?"

She gingerly thrust out her hand and awaited his grip. Her long nails were painted with flourescent venom and her smile showed a hint of fang at the corners of her lips. But there was no malice or deception in those bright green eyes, just cool, calm, professionalism. "I promise, I won't bite," she added with a smirk. Okay, mostly professionalism.

Interactions: Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 (Fiona) | EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Jin) | Landsharks Landsharks (Xunlei)
Mentions: ReaperMelia ReaperMelia (Krista) | Tellussoil Tellussoil (Marcille) | Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight (Yurick) | RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Alena / Will) | Nellancholy Nellancholy (Onibi)

After Zain's and Shula's introductions, the next people to introduce themselves were Serpent (Vierra), Horse Knight (Krista), Squirt (Fiona), Punch (Jin), Firebug (Marcille), and Sunshine (Yurick), with a few of them, most notably Firebug, choosing to display their abilities in showy ways. Zain was impressed with the fireworks, but looking at Marcille, the moth part of her made him want to swat her with the sole of his shoe. At least the human part made it easy to keep himself in check.

A part of Shula wondered if one of the requirements for joining the Daybreakers was to be attractive. So far, every single person there (except Zain) would do well in a tavern, even the veterans that gave their speeches. The thought didn't linger in her head for too long.

One of the veterans, Will, had also called the duo out for their whispering. Zain, of course, jumped at the opportunity.

"Shula is awful with names. I was just trying to help her pronounce Xunlei's-"

Shula was quick to put her hand over his mouth. "Shut it you little shit!"

Thankfully for her, Will simply acknowledged their exchange with a little laugh and moved on. She'd have to get Zain back for this later...

The two followed William and Alena without any of their shenanigans, taking note of the ladders, the poles, and the other explanations that pertained to them. Zain might find himself heading to the animal space to admire them once or twice, and Shula wondered if the crew wouldn’t be averse to teaching her a new skill. She had a feeling they’d have some time in between stops and she’d rather do more than just look out the window.

But first, roommates.

Zain didn’t take long to think about who he wanted to share a room with. He’d traveled with Shula for so long that he was getting sick of her. He was curious about the Amaria followers and wanted to room with one of them. The Onibi girl seemed to have her own roommate choice, so that left with one other who might be interested.

His eyes roamed the crowd, searching for a certain figure. Once spotted, he calmly approached the priest and gave him a little nod in greeting.

“Care to bunk together? I’m also interested in learning about your goddess if that sweetens the deal.”

Meanwhile, Shula shared the same sentiment as Zain. After traveling with the same person for years, she was getting sick and tired of seeing his face almost every hour of the day. Rooming with another person would be a welcomed change of pace! But who?

Looking over the crowd, Shula preferred to share a room with someone who was also new, and someone who she was certain wouldn’t disturb her. Shorty had gone to the Brat, probably to room together, and the Serpent went for Red. The way Serpent approached Red made Shula wonder if the snake was trying to get some.

The thief stroked her chin in thought, ‘Hmm… If the snake gets pregnant, will she eat him?

It was a thought that left her head as soon as her eyes fell on her choice of roommate. Of everyone there, Sunshine was the one who might be most compatible. He seemed to share Zain’s demeanor, but without all the shenanigans. Shula was used to bunking with the quiet type who mainly kept to himself, so she wouldn’t have to change her habits much if at all. She also wouldn’t mind checking out whatever magic tricks he had in store. The orb was cool, and part of her wondered what it’d take to use magic at all.

Worst he could say was no, right?

So, she crossed the deck and approached the taller man, giving him a gentle “Hey” to get his attention.

The height difference was made much more apparent when she stood next to him. The thief barely reached his shoulders, and it made her inwardly curse her genes.

“Wanna bunk? Promise I won’t disturb ya, or mess with your stuff.”

She was even willing to put up her pinky and solidify the promise if she had to.
Little Bee

Little Bee looked towards the new woman who spoke up. Ah, it was yet another Laguz! So, there were even plenty of laguz out here, huh? That was good. From what she heard back at the fighting pits it didn't sound like the rest of the world welcomed the laguz all that much. It was an interesting surprise for the girl. She had originally thought she'd be alone in her search for her 'father', but if there were other laguz out here, then perhaps she was wrong about that.

Still, this was an interesting laguz. Little Bee didn't really recognize this laguz, and that was saying something -there were all sorts of laguz in the fighting pits. Yet this one was very unique.

She also spoke in a strange airy and flamboyant-sort-of-way. It was unlike any other laguz she had heard before. They all talked roughly and gruffly. Most didn't care too much about manners or being polite. Bee furrowed her brow ever so slightly. She wondered what this laguz's life was like up to this point.

Next, another couple of girls introduced themselves. "Pegasus" riders? Flyers? Bee observed with some bewilderment. What on earth? She barely understood. These girls road horses that could fly? That was even more shocking than the uppity laguz woman. Huh.

Some guy named Jin spoke, but he barely made an impression. Then another girl went, and Bee fixed her golden gaze upon her. She somewhat resembled a laguz, but.. something was off about her that Bee couldn't quite place. Regardless, it was the magical display she put on that attracted Bee's rapt attention. Unlike the weird winged-horse rider-people, she was familiar with magic. Though not to any substantial degree. While she knew of magic, not many in the fighting pits made use of it. She couldn't really think of a laguz who did. So that was why the magical display was so interesting to Bee.

She made flame dance to her will? That was like what Bee did with her sword. She found herself thinking this girl would do well in the fighting pits if she was that confident in her skill and power.

Read? Bee supposed she couldn't. Then again, she didn't really feel an innate confusion or even a desire to communicate with the archer. She found herself sort of relating to the silent archer without such a need for that.

The man spoke to her about introducing herself. Little Bee stared at him. She thought she had? She opened her mouth. "..."

Then they were lead onto the flying ship and given the grand tour.

She stared at the pole. She figured it was meant for her, seeing as how she was small enough to use it.

As the topic of roommates came up, the masked woman named Onibi came over to her. When she began, Bee could only lower one eyebrow, while raising the other. She had no idea what this 'Hachi-san' was. Was that what the girl thought her name was? Oh no, did she mess up her introduction? That misconception needed to be cleared up immediately.

Regardless, it seemed like this 'Onibi' wanted to room with her. Little Bee stared up at her. It was still 'up', even though Onibi wasn't too tall herself. But well, it took a real life dwarf for someone to be smaller than Little Bee. The black-haired girl opened her mouth. "..." Then she stepped over and stood beside Onibi.

interactions: Nellancholy Nellancholy RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun
mentions: AnonyMouse AnonyMouse Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Tellussoil Tellussoil ReaperMelia ReaperMelia EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen
Keeping his quips to himself for the moment Maxtla squatted on his crate through the remaining introductions, catching the stink eye of the only other Laguz present he completely failed to consider that he could possibly be the cause of her vexation and waved to her with a toothy grin then clapped and whooped at the pyrotechnics. "Yeah! Encore!" Turning his grin towards the girl behind the fireworks his expression froze. A Branded! What few Branded existed in the Free State were the offspring of newly arrived escapees, while not openly scorned they were pitied and stood out as living reminders of their parent's suffering.

Shaking off his surprise as the two commanders spoke again he tried a relaxed shrug and inwardly hoped 'Minus' wasn't an attempt to stick him with the title.
"I'm sure we can workshop it."

As they boarded the Castillian he turned around without breaking stride a couple of times along the way to ogle at various parts of the ship fascinated by the unfamiliar engineering. Coming to the rooms he glanced around the group as they started pairing off and no one seemed to be approaching him for some reason. "What about one you two?" He asked gesturing to the two commanders. "Are you two available or does rank have it's privileges on that front?" They hadn't come off as dull hardasses thus far, on the other hand the Branded firebug seemed like she'd be more of a laugh to be around and he was curious about her, he'd never seen a Branded that hadn't been head down and ashamed of existing. Deciding to take his shot with her he sidled up to the fuzzy girl and leaned down to lightly throw an arm around her shoulders. "Soooo you seem more fun than some around here, wanna stick together?"

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Tellussoil Tellussoil
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Zhu Xunlei

The rest of the introductions came and passed. Truth be told, he didn't really pay much attention to the entire proceeding. Wasn't his job anymore, considering he was back to being a grunt. That, and first impressions were pegasus shit. He'd take the measure of his new compatriots where it mattered: on the battlefield.

The fire mage's little show was funny, though. He'd give her that. Fortunate that an airship didn't require sails, or they would have run into some problems there. As it was, Xunlei simply snorted in amusement. No doubt some among them were fuming at the girl's reckless disregard for safety, but considering nothing was lit aflame, he chose to take it as a display of skill and control instead.

They began a basic tour of the airship, with Xunlei noting to himself to check in on how Xueying was settling in very soon. She wasn't the most hospitable wyvern at the best of times, and settling into a new, moving stable while having to be in proximity of horses and pegasi would likely irritate her. That said, it seemed there were other concerns at the moment.

Bunkmates. Really, it would have been easier on everyone to just assign people at random. Now there were just going to be interpersonal issues, whether someone felt snubbed for not being chosen, or if people chose poorly. At least if poor matches occurred under an assigned system, most of the spite would go towards the fickle luck of the draw. Either way, Xunlei wasn't too concerned who he'd get. Far as he cared, last person that wasn't picked was fine-

"Eh?" Xunlei blinked as a looker of a Laguz woman approached him. He listened patiently to what she had to say before she finished, holding her hand out. And he let loose a deep belly laugh at some of her last words.

"Gwahahahaha!" There wasn't any evident malice in his laugh. Just genuine amusement. Nevertheless, he did take her hand and give it a vigorous shake as he calmed down, still chortling slightly. "Apologies. It's just that a good upbringing is a compliment I've never heard before." His grin took a sardonic edge as he released the handshake. "I'm the second son of dirt farming peasants. Otherwise, I'd have climbed higher in the ranks back home. But I'll not bore you with that particular complaint overmuch."

Still, attractive women just approaching someone out of the blue was always cause for suspicion. Especially when it came to having a choice of bunking with someone. There were other women she could have picked first. Laguz ones, even. Had he offended in some way already? Surely not. Xunlei had barely said two dozen words, all told. Of course, considering her words, she was liking a flying Laguz of some sort. Pairing up with the only airman remaining did make some sort of sense. If this was back home, this would have almost certainly been some sort of honey trap, likely from someone trying to climb the ladder over his corpse. As it stood...

Oh, why not? It wasn't as if he had anything to lose. If she tried to kill him, well, he'd been prepared for his death since his first outing on the field of battle. It'd been a good run already.

"Well, I've no reason to say no. How do you feel about loud snorers...? Kidding, kidding! Either way, if we're going to be fighting in the air together, you may as well come see my wyvern with me, get her accustomed to you. I've not had the chance to check in on my poor, ornery girl yet."

AnonyMouse AnonyMouse

After Levi's own introduction, variety of individuals stepped forward and introduced themselves as well. A giant of a man clad in a full suit of armor, a pegasus knight, a viper laguz, as well as a few more. Of particular interest to Levi was the man who introduced himself as a monk from the east.

Levi had never had the opportunity to meet a man of faith from the East. While he seemed more interested in the priestess who had Introduced herself as Onibi, he hoped that the man would be amicable to himself as well.

After the monk had introduced himself, what came next was a rather colorful woman who introduced herself as Marcille. Everything about her appearance was bright, from the color of her clothing to even her hair.

Her manner of dressing was rather unique, as well as her hair color. With white on the sides and a strip of black down the middle, it was a rather eye-catching and difficult to miss style that surely made picking her out of crowds all the easier.

She spoke in a loud and practiced voice, as of she had done this introduction dozens lf times before. Levi watched as she controlled a ball of flame, gracefully moving it from one hand to the other in the air, before suddenly sending multiple smaller balls shooting into the sky.

Levi's eyes shone with pure wonder at the pyrotechnical display, the fireballs shooting into the sky as if they were actually alive, before exploding into a wondrous shower of sparks. Levi had never seen anything like it, it was as if a dahlia flower had suddenly taken to the sky and burst open into a shower of lion tails. His hands came together in a round of applause at the display, the memory of the fluttering sparks still burned into his mind.

He was a little embarrassed to admit that his thoughts remained on the display, even as the other new members introduced themselves rapidly. Hopefully he would have a moment after everything was said and done to try and ask them to properly introduce themselves. Or, more likely, he would hope that if he did have to interact with them that one of the others were around. He could try and learn about them as they talked and avoid the awkward admission that he was distracted during introductions.

The group was soon led on a tour of the airship itself, starting with a large and open expanse of deck with equipment to care for livestock or horses. It appeared large enough to host their entire group without much issue, and Levi wondered if this would be a good location to try and start a small garden. He was sure that it wouldn’t take up too much space, and with the arial nature of their ship he doubted that he’d be at a loss for sun.

‘Ahh, but they did say that this was an airship. Just leaving them out in the open wouldn’t work, even with the hardiest of flowers.’ It was an issue that he would have to figure out sooner or later, assuming he got permission from the captain of course. He’d have to plant only the hardiest of flowers for now, even if he wished that he could plant some lilies or poppies to liven up the hardened metal exterior of the deck. Something with lots of color that he could gaze at while tending to them.

The officers soon lead them into the actual ship itself, pointing out areas such as a lounging room and the mess hall, and the bridge proper. The latter of which they weren’t allowed on unless specifically requested by the captain. What was more interesting however, were the small poles that ran through the ship. As William explained, those were so that the smaller members of the group could quickly descend to the lower levels of the ship. While they could also make use of the ladder, it was quickly explained that it was for the larger members of the crew.

Soon after that was where they would be calling home while on the ship, their dorm rooms. The layout sounded similar to his dorm back when he was in the clergy, minus the portholes and the heaters. While the technology was useful, there was very little reason for the church to provide them for the members in training. If the cold was becoming an issue, Levi could always have used extra blankets or switch to his heavier robes to ward it off. Although they did have some in the nave of the church, mainly for the comfort of those who attended services during the colder months.

As the officers finished their tour of the ship, the topic of selecting who he wanted to room with was once again raised. While his first choice was still the priestess that shared his faith, he also wouldn’t have minded dorming with the small voiceless child from before. If she was being tested by Amaria, then it was his duty as a priest to assist the girl in any way he could. However, before he could approach either of the women, the priestess had taken the decision out of his hands. From the looks of it, she had decided to room with the small girl, who she had called Hachi-san. Whether that was the girl's real name or not, Levi at least took some comfort in knowing that a fellow woman of faith would be looking out for her.

Of course, that meant that he would have to try and find another potential roommate amongst the remaining recruits. Or rather, he thought he would, until he was approached by a white haired man with eyes that shined like emeralds. If he remembered correctly, the man had introduced himself as Zane, and was seemingly a part of a pair with the raven haired woman.

When the man asked him if he would be open to rooming with him, Levi was slightly surprised. He would have assumed that the duo would have wanted to room with each other, but he wasn’t going to refuse the offer. Especially since the man had an apparent interest in the teachings of his goddess Amaria. “Oh uh, yes. Of course.” As Levi made the familiar motions for the sign of Amaria over his head and heart, he felt slightly more comfortable standing before the man.

While he would now be his roommate, it was also easier to imagine him as a seeker of faith much like those he had seen during his time at the capital. He was used to giving information and reciting scriptures to those who sought it, so knowing that he would be able to fall back on his teachings was a bit of a relief.

“Although I must admit, I wasn’t expecting for you to choose someone over your companion.” Levi’s eyes wandered across the area until he settled on the raven haired companion of Zane, as she conversed with a golden haired man who had the unfortunate circumstances of introducing himself after the pyrotechnical display. As such, Levi was drawing a blank when it came to remembering the man's name.

“If you believed that I wouldn’t share the teachings of my goddess unless we were to be bunkmates, I can assure you that that is not the case.” Levi raised his free hand over his chest and closed his eyes, a small smile coming to his face as he continued. “The Goddess Amaria welcomes all who wish to hear about her, and it is my duty to act as a guide for those who seek to follow her words.”
"Chin up. You did fine, sweetie," while flashing a brief thumbs up
Fiona froze when Vierra spoke to her. Fiona felt her face turn red from the taller woman's positive affirmation. Fiona felt herself shaking, from the beauty that was Vierra herself, but it was the suggestion Alena had made, agreed upon by William, that had caused Fiona to fall back from surprise, although she did not hear the part about Vierra or Zhu. Hector stopped her from falling by lowering his head to catch her. Fiona looked at her pegasus, and got back up, before thanking her partner.

She however still had her heart racing from the fact she was gonna share a room with Krista. Fiona had a closed fist over her chest, as her mind raced, worrying she'd mess up somewhere. The person who she remembered from 2 prior instances, but can she really do that? Fiona remembered what happened the last time they met, and felt like she needed to say something .

"Uhm..... if its not a problem, I want to share rooms with Zhu! I feel like I'd be more comfortable if I do that!" She then looked at Krista and waved her hands in front of herself as she was flustered. "I-Is not that I don't wanna be with you, but I-I feel it would be safer th-that way! Please dont be mad!"
She bowed when she said the last line.

The tour happened after, and during the tour Zhu had decided to bunk with the Laguz. It seems Fiona had to take the offer she had been given, thus her heart beat rapidly in her chest again. What can she do about this?

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