Runs with Axes
- Group
(All Regions)
-Myrmidon (Sword) - Sword Master(Sword) - Asura (Sword)
-Knight (Sword, Axe or Lance) - General (Any two of previous weapons) - Marshall (All 3 weapons)
-Archer (Bow/Crossbow) - Sniper (Bow/Crossbow) - Marksman(Bow/Crossbow)
-Soldier (Lance/spear/Polearm one of across line) - Halberdier - Sentinel
-Priest (Staff, healing magic)- Hight Priest (Staff, Healing magic) Septum (staff, Light, Healing magic)
-Monk (staff, light magic) - Bishop (Staff, light magic) - Saint (Light magic, Staff, Sword)
-Cleric (staff, healing Magic) - War Cleric (healing magic, sword, staff) - Valkyrie (Mounted, Sword, staff, healing magic)
-Mage (Tome, any one anima magic) - Sage (tome, any two anima magic) - Guru (Tome, all three anima magics)
-Laguz - Laguz Fighter (partial transformation akin to Wolfskin and Kitsune) - Laguz Chief (turn into a large beast form)
-Dancer/Bard (Female/Male only, Arts and Sword/Bow or Sword) - Prima/Story Teller (Sword, Arts/Sword and Bow) - Starlet/Orator (Sword, Arts/Sword and Bow) (Note, Chakrams count as swords in this build, it is acceptable for either to have abilities to enhance allies and morale)
(Kingdom, Republic and Commonwealth only, mounted, flying, Female Only)
-Pegasus Knight (Lance) - Falcon Knight (Sword, Lance) - Seraph Knight (Sword, Lance, Axe)
(Izmir, Empire and Dynasty only, mounted, flying)
-Wyvern Rider (Pick one, Sword, Axe, Lance) - Wyvern Lord (any two) - Dragon Lord (all three)
(Iwata Xuanyu Unique)
-Martial Monk (staff/arts) - Martial Master (staff/arts) - Martial Lord (Staff, Arts)
-Ninja (Throwing Knives) - Master Ninja (Sword, throwing Knives) - Shinobi (Sword, Throwing knives, arts)
(Izmir Unique)
-Thief (sword or knife) - Assassin (Sword or knife and Bow), Trickster (Sword, Bow, Staff)
-Hunter (bow) - Horseman(Mounted, bow) - Mameluke (Sword, Bow, Mounted)
(Lyon Unique)
-Troubadour - (staff, sword, healing Magic, Mounted) Mage Knight (either two, Staff, Lance, Axe healing magic) -Holy Knight (Mounted, Sword, healing magic, lance)
-Free Knight (mounted Sword) - Gold Knight (mounted, sword, lance, axe) - Paladin (mounted, Sword, Lance, bow, any three)
(Republic Unique)
-Mercenary (Sword)- Hero (Sword and Axe)- Vanguard (sword and axe)
-Light Mage (light magic, tome) - Light Priestess (light Magic, tome, one anima)- Sister Superior (Staff or 1 melee weapon, tome, light magic two anima choices)
(Reantel Unique)
-Fighter (Axe) - Warrior (Axe, bow) - Reaver (axe, crossbow)
-Ranger (Sword) - Blade Lord (Sword) - High Lord (sword and axe)
(Empire Unique)
-Barbarian (Axe)- Berserker (Axe) - War Master (Axe, fists)
-Cavalier (one, sword, axe, lance) - Great Knight (any two) - Lunar Knight (all three)
-Dark Mage (Dark Magic, tome)- Sorcerer (dark magic, one anima magic, staff) - Dark Bishop (Dark Magic anima magic, staff)
-Myrmidon (Sword) - Sword Master(Sword) - Asura (Sword)
-Knight (Sword, Axe or Lance) - General (Any two of previous weapons) - Marshall (All 3 weapons)
-Archer (Bow/Crossbow) - Sniper (Bow/Crossbow) - Marksman(Bow/Crossbow)
-Soldier (Lance/spear/Polearm one of across line) - Halberdier - Sentinel
-Priest (Staff, healing magic)- Hight Priest (Staff, Healing magic) Septum (staff, Light, Healing magic)
-Monk (staff, light magic) - Bishop (Staff, light magic) - Saint (Light magic, Staff, Sword)
-Cleric (staff, healing Magic) - War Cleric (healing magic, sword, staff) - Valkyrie (Mounted, Sword, staff, healing magic)
-Mage (Tome, any one anima magic) - Sage (tome, any two anima magic) - Guru (Tome, all three anima magics)
-Laguz - Laguz Fighter (partial transformation akin to Wolfskin and Kitsune) - Laguz Chief (turn into a large beast form)
-Dancer/Bard (Female/Male only, Arts and Sword/Bow or Sword) - Prima/Story Teller (Sword, Arts/Sword and Bow) - Starlet/Orator (Sword, Arts/Sword and Bow) (Note, Chakrams count as swords in this build, it is acceptable for either to have abilities to enhance allies and morale)
(Kingdom, Republic and Commonwealth only, mounted, flying, Female Only)
-Pegasus Knight (Lance) - Falcon Knight (Sword, Lance) - Seraph Knight (Sword, Lance, Axe)
(Izmir, Empire and Dynasty only, mounted, flying)
-Wyvern Rider (Pick one, Sword, Axe, Lance) - Wyvern Lord (any two) - Dragon Lord (all three)
(Iwata Xuanyu Unique)
-Martial Monk (staff/arts) - Martial Master (staff/arts) - Martial Lord (Staff, Arts)
-Ninja (Throwing Knives) - Master Ninja (Sword, throwing Knives) - Shinobi (Sword, Throwing knives, arts)
(Izmir Unique)
-Thief (sword or knife) - Assassin (Sword or knife and Bow), Trickster (Sword, Bow, Staff)
-Hunter (bow) - Horseman(Mounted, bow) - Mameluke (Sword, Bow, Mounted)
(Lyon Unique)
-Troubadour - (staff, sword, healing Magic, Mounted) Mage Knight (either two, Staff, Lance, Axe healing magic) -Holy Knight (Mounted, Sword, healing magic, lance)
-Free Knight (mounted Sword) - Gold Knight (mounted, sword, lance, axe) - Paladin (mounted, Sword, Lance, bow, any three)
(Republic Unique)
-Mercenary (Sword)- Hero (Sword and Axe)- Vanguard (sword and axe)
-Light Mage (light magic, tome) - Light Priestess (light Magic, tome, one anima)- Sister Superior (Staff or 1 melee weapon, tome, light magic two anima choices)
(Reantel Unique)
-Fighter (Axe) - Warrior (Axe, bow) - Reaver (axe, crossbow)
-Ranger (Sword) - Blade Lord (Sword) - High Lord (sword and axe)
(Empire Unique)
-Barbarian (Axe)- Berserker (Axe) - War Master (Axe, fists)
-Cavalier (one, sword, axe, lance) - Great Knight (any two) - Lunar Knight (all three)
-Dark Mage (Dark Magic, tome)- Sorcerer (dark magic, one anima magic, staff) - Dark Bishop (Dark Magic anima magic, staff)
(Image here, anime style)
CLASS: (see class list above, pick your starter, remember your advancements)
APPERANCE: 100% optional, if there is something about your PC that a given image doesn't show, text description.
BACKSTORY: General history in how you got here, high and low points in life, any experiences or battles they've fought, however, just don't do anything Lore/World breaking, if you are unsure drop me a message. This can be as long as you want but at least a couple paragraphs long.
PERSONALITY: Personality, the bane of some rp'ers or their boon, just what makes your character tick, any quirks or mannerisms and the like.
ITEMS: Items on your person, this can be miscellaneous flavor text items, such as those relating to logistics or player comfort, and rp purpose items allowed to a player this early on such as Vulnerary, Antitoxin, or Provision items. As we go on, more advanced items will be gained and they serve largely as a flavor addition to posts
WEAPONS & ARMOR: Pretty simple, what you have in line to the class system. If you have an anima tome, name the school of magic.
SKILLS (or SPELLS unless a cross class then both): I won't be too demanding here, just don't go overboard, this list will expand/upgrade over time, these should be sorta reflective to skills one would have as the class and level they are. I may give examples of this in the OOC.
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