Fire Emblem Dawnward Song Character Directory


Runs with Axes
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. Group

(All Regions)
-Myrmidon (Sword) - Sword Master(Sword) - Asura (Sword)

-Knight (Sword, Axe or Lance) - General (Any two of previous weapons) - Marshall (All 3 weapons)

-Archer (Bow/Crossbow) - Sniper (Bow/Crossbow) - Marksman(Bow/Crossbow)

-Soldier (Lance/spear/Polearm one of across line) - Halberdier - Sentinel

-Priest (Staff, healing magic)- Hight Priest (Staff, Healing magic) Septum (staff, Light, Healing magic)

-Monk (staff, light magic) - Bishop (Staff, light magic) - Saint (Light magic, Staff, Sword)

-Cleric (staff, healing Magic) - War Cleric (healing magic, sword, staff) - Valkyrie (Mounted, Sword, staff, healing magic)

-Mage (Tome, any one anima magic) - Sage (tome, any two anima magic) - Guru (Tome, all three anima magics)

-Laguz - Laguz Fighter (partial transformation akin to Wolfskin and Kitsune) - Laguz Chief (turn into a large beast form)

-Dancer/Bard (Female/Male only, Arts and Sword/Bow or Sword) - Prima/Story Teller (Sword, Arts/Sword and Bow) - Starlet/Orator (Sword, Arts/Sword and Bow) (Note, Chakrams count as swords in this build, it is acceptable for either to have abilities to enhance allies and morale)

(Kingdom, Republic and Commonwealth only, mounted, flying, Female Only)
-Pegasus Knight (Lance) - Falcon Knight (Sword, Lance) - Seraph Knight (Sword, Lance, Axe)

(Izmir, Empire and Dynasty only, mounted, flying)
-Wyvern Rider (Pick one, Sword, Axe, Lance) - Wyvern Lord (any two) - Dragon Lord (all three)

(Iwata Xuanyu Unique)
-Martial Monk (staff/arts) - Martial Master (staff/arts) - Martial Lord (Staff, Arts)

-Ninja (Throwing Knives) - Master Ninja (Sword, throwing Knives) - Shinobi (Sword, Throwing knives, arts)

(Izmir Unique)
-Thief (sword or knife) - Assassin (Sword or knife and Bow), Trickster (Sword, Bow, Staff)

-Hunter (bow) - Horseman(Mounted, bow) - Mameluke (Sword, Bow, Mounted)

(Lyon Unique)
-Troubadour - (staff, sword, healing Magic, Mounted) Mage Knight (either two, Staff, Lance, Axe healing magic) -Holy Knight (Mounted, Sword, healing magic, lance)

-Free Knight (mounted Sword) - Gold Knight (mounted, sword, lance, axe) - Paladin (mounted, Sword, Lance, bow, any three)

(Republic Unique)
-Mercenary (Sword)- Hero (Sword and Axe)- Vanguard (sword and axe)

-Light Mage (light magic, tome) - Light Priestess (light Magic, tome, one anima)- Sister Superior (Staff or 1 melee weapon, tome, light magic two anima choices)

(Reantel Unique)
-Fighter (Axe) - Warrior (Axe, bow) - Reaver (axe, crossbow)

-Ranger (Sword) - Blade Lord (Sword) - High Lord (sword and axe)

(Empire Unique)
-Barbarian (Axe)- Berserker (Axe) - War Master (Axe, fists)

-Cavalier (one, sword, axe, lance) - Great Knight (any two) - Lunar Knight (all three)

-Dark Mage (Dark Magic, tome)- Sorcerer (dark magic, one anima magic, staff) - Dark Bishop (Dark Magic anima magic, staff)

(Image here, anime style)

  • NAME:




    CLASS: (see class list above, pick your starter, remember your advancements)



    APPERANCE: 100% optional, if there is something about your PC that a given image doesn't show, text description.
(You may also expand this to an extra section if there are things not covered that you want to add such as a voice, theme song, etc. You can also pretty up or change this to your own specifics so much as all sections are included, I just don't know much about bbcode. You are allowed up to two sheets, when approved I'll emote react it.
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  • NAME: Alena Semyonovna "Alena the Silver"

    AGE: 45 (Physically 18)

    GENDER: Female

    RACE: Branded (Cat heritage) - Korlovian

    CLASS: Cavalier (Sword)

    HEIGHT: 5'6" (168cm)

    WEIGHT: 140lbs (65kg)

    APPERANCE: Surprisingly well toned and has the physical capabilities to maneuver within her solid plate mail, on the back of her neck a trio of marks akin to a cat's claw, marking her as a branded, though her silver eyes and hair likely gives that fact away more easily.
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  • 20240730_112252.png
    NAME: Sevin Noctus

    AGE: 35

    GENDER: Male

    RACE: Human

    Nationality: Lyon

    CLASS: Axe Knight

    HEIGHT: 6'5

    WEIGHT: 200 lbs

    Armor Appearance:
    Personality: Sevin is the type of guy who enjoys working because its fun (to him.) He doesn't care about money, but he will get offended about unfair treatment to anyone, because he himself has been abused in the past. Sevin is colorblind when it comes to the color red, as all shades of it look the same to him, hence he will insist his Armor is blood red, instead of pink. Sevin also has a strict training regimen for himself, which involves wearing his armor everywhere he goes, to build muscle and to keep himself fit. Sevin also eats alot, to keep his energy up, but will on occasion splurge on things like chocolate and cake.

    Backstory: Sevin grew up in the city of Fleur, under the roof of an abusive father, which developed an unhealthy addiction to eating sweets to keep himself calm. At the age of 16, Sevin ran away from home, after being fed up with being beat up by his father, and getting called a fat pig or even worse. He entered the military, but due to being overweight, Sevin had to go through rigorous exercise, and doing everything he can to get rid of the weight. He would work out every day, and be on a diet, and by late winter, Sevin became physically different from his overweight self.

    Having well defined muscles and a good tan, Sevin was no longer the abused and overweight kid he was. He had finally became a man. After he became physically fit, he was finally put into boot camp, and was trained in the art of fighting with an axe, while also adjusting to the training armor he received at the start of teaching. He would master the axe, and soon, added to the main fighting force of the country. Sevin had been in plenty of battles, but soon, he started feeling bored, like there was more he could do than just be a hired soldier. He would leave the army at the age of 34, with his armor and axe in hand, to find his true calling.....

    Items: Vulenary, Antitoxin

    Armor/Equipment: Heavy Armor, Steel Axe, Hand Axe

    Normal Skills:
    Mountain Climbing
    Can Lift up objects that are twice as heavy as him
    Axe Mastery

    Combat Skills:
    Fortress Defense - A passive skill in which Sevin is able to stand his ground in the face of an incoming assult, which enhances his defensive and offensive capabilities

    Vantage- Sevin is able to act before his opponent in melee combat, swiftly striking with his weapon in a burst of speed that catches most opponents off guard.

    Dual Wield - Sevin can fight with two weapons at once, which increases his chances of landing a blow in a melee fight.
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NAME: Onibi

AGE: Early 30s

GENDER: Female

RACE: Beorc

CLASS: "Shrine Maiden" (Monk -> Bishop -> Saint)

HEIGHT: ~150 cm

WEIGHT: ~60 kg

The pre-eminence of the Iwata-Xianyu empire did not guarantee peace and abundance for all within its borders, as much as one might wish otherwise. Many turn to a life of crime to feed themselves, lurking in the darkness of cities or within the wilderness, fighting for what they want as animals do.

In her youth, Onibi was one of these people, roaming with a gang of bandits who attacked travelers to pillage whatever wealth they had on hand. More than just food and clothing, they came to covet gold and silk and other finery, that could be sold for ever greater profit and kept in part as a show of indulgence.

Eventually, their attacks on merchants carrying such treasures became unbearable, and traders in the area pooled their resources to hire a team of mercenaries that tracked the bandits to their lair and put them to the sword and torch.

Only Onibi escaped that day, disappearing into the forest. Several days passed. Starved and tired, she chanced upon an caravan heading to Huidai. For her own survival, she set upon them, attempting to take as much food and water as she could carry, ferociously fighting the guards even in her weakened state. Even so, one blow from the caravan's leader was enough to fell the dying bandit.

It transpired that said leader was Jyunichi, a middle-aged priest who was assigned to Huidai to take the position of head priest at the shrine of Amaria in the city. Rather than leave her to die, Jyunichi showed her mercy, feeding her, treating her wounds, and taking her to Huidai with him.

From that day onwards, Onibi changed utterly as a person. She devoted herself to a life of service to Amaria over the next decade, attending to the temple and its duties faithfully, treating the sick and injured and providing reassurance to the suffering. As the years passed it seemed as if Onibi would make a worthy successor to Jyunichi.

But perhaps one's violent past cannot remain hidden forever...

One fateful day, Onibi noticed that children had begun to turn up injured more often, all with similar patterns of cuts and burns. Some prying revealed the truth: an influential industrialist in Huidai had been "recruiting" children from the poorer parts of the city and the surrounding villages to work in manastone mines and manatech assembly lines under unsafe conditions, for hardly any pay.

That night, the industrialist was attacked in his own house, severely beaten and burnt with injuries that reflected those which his "employees" received.

By morning, he connected the dots, realising who the kids had been talking to. The man and his associates demanded the temple of Amaria hand over Onibi to be thrown in prison for attacking an upstanding member of the community.

Instead, Jyunichi chose to declare her "on pilgrimage", sending her away from the city, with the understanding that it would be a long time before it was safe for her to return, if ever.

This incident did nothing to blunt Onibi's sharp sense of justice, and there were many reports throughout the region of a masked figure attacking criminals and oppressors in acts of vigilantism.

Now, Onibi has joined with the Dawnbreakers, seemingly as a way to pursue justice further.

Onibi is a person who deeply regrets her past, and zealously follows her own interpretation of Amaria's values. The only emotion she expresses strongly is righteous indignation, but she is calm and permissive towards children and other vulnerable people, while she does not hesitate to chastize others who err from a righteous path.

  • Scroll of Amaric scripture
  • Vulpine mask
  • Basic medical supplies (such as vulnearies and antitoxin)

  • Shine tome (long ranged light magic)
  • Staff that can cast Heal and Silence,also makes a decent melee weapon

  • Barrier: A ward of Amaria's light that persists for a few seconds, easily repelling all but the most powerful physical attacks, but permeable to magic. Only big enough to defend one person.
  • Flash: A bright flash that leaves nearby beings blinded and momentarily deafened. Spares the user in any circumstance.
  • Light Blade: A brief streak of light that is almost rigid, extending the reach of the user's weapon. Persists long enough to parry an attack, but not long enough to sustain a blocking stance.
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  • NAME: Kristina "Krista" Von Boetticher
    AGE: 24
    GENDER: Female
    RACE: Burgandian
    CLASS: Pegasus Knight
    HEIGHT: 5' 0"
    WEIGHT: 114 lbs.
    APPERANCE: Krista's pegasus, Sturm, has dark gray fur with a jet black mane. Its armor is white.

  • NAME: Jin Rainer

    AGE: 27

    GENDER: Male

    RACE: Beorc

    NATIONALITY: Iwata-Xanyu

    CLASS: Martial Monk

    HEIGHT: 6'0"

    WEIGHT: 225 lbs


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    Name: Fiona Weissritter
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Nationality: Burgandian
    Class: Pegasus Knight
    Height: 4'8
    Weight: 108 lbs
    Appearance: Wears Blue shorts and brown boots, with armor plating on the toes and heels (not shown in image).

    Personality: Fiona is an energetic bundle of energy who likes to make friends and meet new people, while also having a tendency to be nervous when doing something new for the first time. Fiona dislikes violence, but knows that fighting is sometimes unavoidable. She takes care of her Pegasus with pride and joy, always making sure he's in top shape for the next engagement. Fiona wishes to become a better knight than she is now, and she sometimes gets nervous when talking to other girls, because she finds them attractive, especially the older girls.

    Backstory: Fiona was born into one of the poorest families within the city of Ursthal. She grew up having to make do with what she had, and while life was rough, she always had a positive look in life. One day, she had met another girl who seemed to be of the wealthy type, and after having a small chat, she wanted to know more about Fiona. Fiona wasn't sure how to reply, and instead stayed silent, while blushing slightly. She did not think that a wealthy person would be interested in her.

    Fiona would think about that day ever since, and by the age of 15, her parents had decided that she would live a better life if she joined the military, so that she could get the money to take care of herself. Fiona was a nervous wreck day one, but she had been the first recruit in her squad that same day, to befriend and partner with one of the most wildest of Pegasi. Fiona and her mount would go through many drills and practice fights, but on the day she was sent to a real battle, she panicked. Fiona would have died on that day, had it not been for a familiar face to intervene, and bring her back home.

    After recovering from her shock, and going to check in on her pegasus, she made the decision to defect from the military, and at midnight, she flew away with him. She spent several months foraging and taking up mercenary work, while she also strengthened her will to fight. She wanted to be brave, like the woman who had saved her on that day. The same girl who was interested in her many years ago.....

    Fiona would eventually find herself amongst many others, out in front of the Daybreakers airship, as they're recruiting new members for their crew. Fiona wants to join because it seems like a good job with decent pay, something she desperately needed.

    Items: Vulenary, Antitoxin

    Weapons: Iron Sword, Steel Lance

    Skills: Pegasus Grooming, Foraging, Pegasus Riding, Singing

    Combat Skills:
    Glimmer - Fiona's weapon flashes bright for a swift moment, before she strikes at an opponent's weakpoint, wether it be a chink in the armor or exposed flesh on an opponent.

    Pierce - By using a Lance or similar stabbing weapon that isn't a sword or axe, while flying at a great speed, Fiona can strike a shielded opponent and breakthrough it, to deal damage.

    Inspire - By cheering a person on or by singing, her allies are reinvigorated with the spirit to keep on fighting. This can only be used if she's not currently going into close combat or in the sights of a bow user.

    Pegasus Information:
    Name: Hector
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Rough and Wild
    Height: 7'0
    Weight: 270 lbs

    Skills: Flight

    Combat Skills:
    Trample - Hector can run over a downed enemy to deal damage using his hooves. The trample can possibly break the target's bones or even mess up their organs from the force.

    Magic Resistance - Hector has a innate resistance to dark magic, as all damage Hector or his rider would take from said magic is reduced to light injuries.

  • AD_4nXfmQia4Mzv4BK4ValTeFDF3Ta9ZLT1sefvl4TEh0DdfqrzTGYFygfUjz3PSp2Sz361vO8IYvYFgHcHlKZ9MYUQCMw5EhhuIeTCmLfaEwbu08e2FqUkI0HIucnu2DCkp2X4i1oboVrXhcvBxjJ0z-l_Q00fM

    NAME: Shula

    AGE: 24

    GENDER: Female

    RACE: Human, Ageite

    CLASS: Thief (Izmir Unique)

    HEIGHT: 5’1

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    NAME: Zain

    AGE: 26

    GENDER: Male

    RACE: Human, Bassari

    CLASS: Hunter (Izmir Unique)

    HEIGHT: 5’9

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  • NAME: Zhu Xunlei

    AGE: 25

    GENDER: Male

    RACE: Beorc

    CLASS: Wyvern Rider (Axe)

    HEIGHT: 6'3"

    WEIGHT: 232 lbs


  • NAME: Marcille de la Soie

    ALIAS: Pyro Macy

    AGE: 19

    GENDER: female

    RACE: branded (fire moth)

    BRAND: a pair of butterfly wings on the centre of her back between her shoulder blades

    NATIONALITY: Lyon Commonwealth

    CLASS: Mage

    HEIGHT: 158 cm (5'2")

    WEIGHT: 45 kg (99 lbs)

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- A specter I may be, I will nonetheless keep persisting until I've found what I seek. For those who died to give me life, I owe them at least that and more. Your sacrifices will not be in vain friends, this I promise. -

  • NAME: Yurick

    AGE: 26

    GENDER: Male

    RACE: Branded

    CLASS: Dark Mage

    HEIGHT: 6'3

    WEIGHT: 170 pounds

    APPERANCE: Yurick stands at a rather impressive stature of 6'3 wearing garb quite different from that of his homeland. His clothing is like that of a otherworldly knight or perhaps a mage, black and brilliant blue from head to toe. Though he looks like it'd only take a swing of a sword to end him there are pieces of armor beneath his cloak. His body is well built but thin enough for speed, a testament to his years of training with a sword over the years. Scars cover his person as a result of his brush with death and when he runs fast enough there is a noticeable limp in his gait. The gloves Yurick wears hide the proof of his mixed heritage and are rarely taken off. The brand is on his left hand and looks somewhat like a serpent's eye in the middle of a diamond. Lastly, although it's difficult to tell just by looking at him his aging has slowed considerably. It is likely he will remain looking youthful for many years to come.
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  • NAME: Mella Luppi.

    AGE: Somewhere in her 30s.

    GENDER: Female.

    RACE: Beorc.

    CLASS: Archer.

    HEIGHT: 5'6" (167.64 cm).

    WEIGHT: 135 lbs (61.235 kg).

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  • NAME: Little Bee (or Rat), the Silent Stinger

    AGE: ? Unknown, looks around 15-17

    GENDER: female


    Myrmidon - Sword Master - Asura

    HEIGHT: 4'6''

    WEIGHT: 85 lbs

    Little Bee's body is lither and smaller than you'd think, appearing almost as if a child. Some think she's part dwarf or some other such creature. Her small stature hinders her ability to deal damage, so she learned to compensate by constant thrashing slashes and stunning speed.
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Vierra Vientiane
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    Age: 48
    Gender: Female
    Race: Laguz

    Class: Serpent Laguz

    Height: 5'11" (180cm)
    Weight: 160 lb (73 kg)

    Appearance (Human)Vierra's eyes are a vibrant shade of greenish turquoise and have slit pupils. Her feathery "head wings" usually lay flat and can almost be mistaken for a strange hairpiece or hat, but will occasionally move or flap, especially when she gets excited. She claims this is an involuntary action. (It's not.) Her snake tail definitely moves voluntarily and is used for all sorts of mischief-making. It is not quite as thick as what is pictured here, but is still "girthy enough to satisfy my needs," in her words.
    Appearance (Beast)
    Vierra's beast form is a feathered serpent, or more specifically, an amphipthere. Its wings are larger than what is pictured here and positioned a little further back (about 1/3 of the way down the length of its body). There are also small claws at the leading edge of her wings, which are used for climbing or latching on to surfaces. Lastly, its underbelly has silvery white scales, instead of the yellow feathers seen here. (There is no yellow at all.) Although she is capable of flight, she is better suited for leaping, gliding short distances, or diving at prey. When flying, the feathers on her tail fan outward, like the fletching of an arrow.
    Length: 20 ft (6.1m)
    Weight: ~330 lb (150 kg)

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  • NAME: Levi Grantz

    AGE: 21

    GENDER: Male

    RACE: Beorc

    CLASS: Priest

    HEIGHT: 5'1"

    WEIGHT: 130 lbs

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  • NAME: Maxtla

    AGE: 23

    GENDER: Male

    RACE: Laguz

    CLASS: Lion Laguz

    HEIGHT: 6'2


    APPERANCE: 100% optional, if there is something about your PC that a given image doesn't show, text description.

  • NAME:
    Tiko Normory




    Only Surviving Member of the Saw Scaling Snake Ninjutsu Clan

    Ninja(Starting Class)(Throwing Knives)
    Master Ninja(Future Class)(Sword, throwing Knives)(Semi Magic Resistant Master Ninja Garb)
    Shinobi(Future Class)(Sword, Throwing knives, Arts)



    Has a hidden Saw Scaling Snake Tattoo down his left hand. It is never shown always hidden amongst clothing.
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