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Dice Fire Emblem: Anamnesis Characters/OoC (6/9)

Name: Elias
Class: Warrior
Affinity: Dark
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Elias wears typical Rigelia issued outfits for Warrior with an addition of a red handkerchief around his neck. He has short messy brown hair and brown eyes. Despite his young age he has a robust muscular frame and is tall standing at six feet two inches, he has a goatee growing on his chin.
Birthplace: Rigelia
Profession: Rigelia recruit
Who are you?: Elias doesn't remember much of the start of the war since he was only three years old. But he only knew a life of war and suffering. It toughens him but also made him kind and compassionate, even if it has an edge to it. When he could, he joined the Rigelia army as soon as he could. To defend the people and their homes from all further harm.
Priority: Early on
Personal Skill: Skilled Boy - Hit chance cannot fall under 50%.
Stat Distribution:
Hp 20 - 1(2) = 18 (85% - 10 = 75%)
Str 6 + 3 = 8 (55% + 10% = 65%)
Mag 1 - 1 = 0 (20% - 10% = 10%)
Skl 4 - 1 = 3 (35% - 5% = 30%)
Spd 6 + 2 = 8 (35% + 10% = 45%)
Lck 3 + 1 = 4 (20% + 15% = 35%)
Def 5 - 1 = 4 (30%)
Res 1 + 4 = 5 (15% + 20% = 35%)
Dingo (Sniper) | official clown business
Name: Dingo
Class: Sniper
Affinity: Anima
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Appearance: Dingo is shorter than average, but he appears about as strong and hardened as one would expect from a skilled veteran. His dark green hair is well-kept, though it's mostly to keep up appearances for his role in the Rigelian army. He complements his hair with a similarly dark green tunic, with simple leather gloves and a sleeve for his right arm. The dark blue scarf around his neck accents his look as it doubles as a short shoulder cape for his left arm. And of course, what's an archer without a pair of black pants and lightly armored boots?
Birthplace: Fenris
Profession: Tracker
Who are you?: A veteran of the previous war, Dingo's skills and combat experience are well known to Rigelia. His intent is to keep an eye on how things are going within the country, and he works closely with Kimarae as somewhat of an officer in the army. He is well adapted to the Rigelian lifestyle to the point that no one knows of his heritage or role in Fenris.
While Dingo relies on his own skills and a well-coordinated team, his lack of respect for those who don't share his level of skill or experience can sometimes put him at odds with others, but for the most part he always tries to act in the best interests of the team as a whole. He prefers to stand back and allow the less experienced soldiers to learn from their mistakes, only stepping in when the situation calls for his deadly aim.
Priority: Probably early since it's required.
Personal Skill: Parity - Command: Negates the user and enemy's skills, terrain bonuses, and support bonuses.
6 Stat Points, 0% Growths (because Agent said I can't have any)
Hp 20 (55%) = 18 (65%) | +2, -10%
Str 7 (50%) = 4 (45%) | +3, +5%
Mag 1 (15%) = 1 (20%) | -5%
Skl 8 (50%) = 9 (50%) | -1
Spd 8 (50%) = 6 (40%) | +2, +10%
Lck 3 (20%) = 3 (30%) | -10%
Def 5 (40%) = 3 (25%) | +2, +15%
Res 2 (20%) = 3 (25%) | -1, -5%
eldorado eldorado

I've reddened everything but your horse. Also, I can't give you spiky hair because mounted units have smaller heads so just assume 'close enough'.

Toyotasomi no Miko Toyotasomi no Miko

If you want the cloak shifted so your hands are visible then I can do that.
aceXstryker aceXstryker

This do it for you? Your hair was kind of a problem at first because i'm used to people having more hair.

Aquaknight Aquaknight

Alright how does this look? Without the blue bandanna, i'll have to recognize your friendliness by your blue axe, and you -looking left-.
Oh and uhh, are you ready to start soon?
eldorado eldorado

official clown business official clown business

Here we go, one snarky sniper at the ready.

Oh, I like that! And I'm ready to start!
Oof I forgot BBcode takes a nosedive on mobile, and a third of the details are missing on my phone. Though I've seen some people use Google docs for tables and that works pretty well. Pull up your phone and you'll see the difference.

Also I'm at work, hope I don't need to reply much!
I think it might actually be fine when viewed from the browser instead of an app, but haven't tried that in a while. Leaving an extra window open won't hurt at all, so why not give it a try?

id just give the man what he wants. i get that pcs arent always accessible.

im mostly on mobile too but since stats arent too relevant yet, idk if i need to see em on mobile.

thanks for making them pretty though. an artist's touch is pleasing to the eye.

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