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Fandom Fiore: Shattering Shackles (Fairy Tail Idea)

Valentina Aeternum

~A Goddess of Story~
Hello ladies and gentleman thanks for checking my interest check~ Have a seat and read up I've got a lot on my mind and I'm going to put (almost all of it here.) OH but...

My dears this isn't your everyday average, cheerful Fairy Tail idea. No sir. So, are you a little curious yet? Let me show you and thank you for reading this!

A thousand years have passed on Earthland since the time of Fairy Tail, so much that most believe the guild to be only a myth, a legend to keep little mages-to-be full of hope that life will get better. The hope of having a good life as a mage though has severely declined as anti-magic weaponry improved for those without magic, as a result those not blessed grew power hungry. The Magic Council was murdered 674 years ago, resulting in the rise of non-mages governing mages. Things escalated quickly from there and many wizards were either killed or captured, while the rest went into hiding.

Those who hid from the death and chaos starting telling tales, of the mythical guild that brought light to the world centuries ago, how it fell to ruin one day and the guild members vanished without a trace, not a single clue left behind, and so Fairy Tail faded into the annuls of history. This left a small sliver of hope behind for those who loved magic, who dedicated themselves to it still. Now after hundreds of oppressive years guilds are starting to plan and rise up, aiming to rip the new High Council from their thrones and to free themselves of the fear that has ruled mages for so long now.


It's a very basic idea I realize as I actually look at the little bit of writing...(It looked like more in my notebook. ^w^') anyway here's the thing most a lot of stuff is a part of the 4 groups I've planned out for this. I'll tell you about those guilds as well.


Wolf Fang - This guild is settled in the mountains to the north of Crocus, this group of wizards are the main force trying to make changes, to make things better for mages once again. They have the most wizards of the guilds left standing, many of the mare strong but they don't only have strong wizards in their ranks. They offer refuge to those weaker than themselves, a place to rest out of the reach of the Anti-Magic Enforcement Unit. Those defending the front lines watch over those too weak to save themselves, as a result they are high minded and more often that not noble at heart. Those wizards who have kept their magic secret and seek to fight for their freedom seek this guild out.


Dragon Tail - Those in this guild are viewed as cowards by Wolf Fang as the guild used to be a gypsy traveling guild, as rumors state they had traveled around seeking out the Dragon Slayers scattered across Earthland. when the non-magic users started outright killing or arresting mages though the guild fled. It's said they are sequestered on Tenrou Island, despite the entire island having been razed to the ground by flames, all that's left standing is the burnt husk of the once great Tenrou Tree. No one knows exactly where on the island the guild is hidden away in but it's said that any descendants of dragon slayers can be found there, because of the destructive nature of their magic they tend to keep to themselves while caring for the guild mates they call family.


Angel Sky - Forced to serve under the High Council for protection they are practically servants to Era; the once great city of the Magic council. This guild is situated in the sky above a small mountain range south-east of where Lamia Scale used to be located. Angel Sky is connected to Era by a teleportation lacrima platform. Those fine with being servants, simply seeking protection, or just wanting to live a steady if unfulfilling life often find their way to this guild, that's not to say that those in this guild are completely okay with the way they are treated, not even really being able to earn a living wage. Most are poor and humble, something that after centuries they were taught as children.


Anti-Magic Enforcement Unit - These are the men and women trained in the way of the anti-magic weaponry and how to handle a rogue mage or kill them. Many of these people hate magic above all else, while some join so they can make a living wage, others are forced to join, recruited at a young age if they showed promise. Any child of a mage that ends up here is treated very poorly as being a mage is now a taboo and most just believe what they are told by the government. The people here are the ones in charge of the prisons, now scattered all over Fiore and a few even dotting other locations on Earthland.


Well and that's all only a bit of the information. Thank you for reading through it all! For this to work I need a fairly large group since I need at least 3 more admins to take over being leaders of Angel Sky, Wolf Fang, and the Enforcement Unit. If this gets enough interest I'll make the group with ALL the rules and everything else that's needed! I hope you're interested as a reward here is a gif of Gray and Juvia. (For those that read the manga...well...you know.)

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I always felt like Fairy Tale needed more of like a long standing central conflict to it. 

For a while I was kicking aorund the idea of doing a similar thing with Naruto, I never really fleshed it out though.
I always felt like Fairy Tale needed more of like a long standing central conflict to it. 

For a while I was kicking aorund the idea of doing a similar thing with Naruto, I never really fleshed it out though.

I spent time when I wasn't working just writing stuff down so I've been thinking about this for like 6 hours... and just started writing stuff down.
Have you got much in mind in terms of like a plot? O rhave you mostly focused on teh setting so far?

Funny you should ask that... -laughs- My best friend just asked me that too. It's mostly setting right now but I've got at least 3 'arcs' of sorts in mind. (and I'm not sure which order to do the first two in.) since those plans are for Wolf Fang to either start trying to get those in Dragon Tail out in the open, which would lead into them helping Angel Sky out of their servitude, or reverse. Where Dragon Tail comes out and helps with freeing Angel Sky only to vanish out of the way again, but these are basic plot ideas. the 3rd should be obvious. Once all 3 main guilds are working together they start trying to take out the anti-magic unit and the High Council. Again very basic...but...it's a start.
Funny you should ask that... -laughs- My best friend just asked me that too. It's mostly setting right now but I've got at least 3 'arcs' of sorts in mind. (and I'm not sure which order to do the first two in.) since those plans are for Wolf Fang to either start trying to get those in Dragon Tail out in the open, which would lead into them helping Angel Sky out of their servitude, or reverse. Where Dragon Tail comes out and helps with freeing Angel Sky only to vanish out of the way again, but these are basic plot ideas. the 3rd should be obvious. Once all 3 main guilds are working together they start trying to take out the anti-magic unit and the High Council. Again very basic...but...it's a start.

so kind of a "get the band back together" thing, that could be cool, gives us a clear progression. I'd almost say though it might be easier to have all of the players in one guild and either keep the other guilds as npcs or gradually unlock them as the plot progresses and they join in the fight. It might depend on how many players we end up with though.
I'm interested! But I do have a question, an we run multiple characters at a time for this? I'd like to have different characters in each guild if I could. If not that's totally okay.
I'm interested! But I do have a question, an we run multiple characters at a time for this? I'd like to have different characters in each guild if I could. If not that's totally okay.

That was honestly the plan~ I encourage multiple characters cuz I have multiple planned myself.
so kind of a "get the band back together" thing, that could be cool, gives us a clear progression. I'd almost say though it might be easier to have all of the players in one guild and either keep the other guilds as npcs or gradually unlock them as the plot progresses and they join in the fight. It might depend on how many players we end up with though.

Yes that's true but the idea is to have different things going on in the different guilds that are separated into topics of their own. But everything will be connected and times will come when members of opposing guilds cross in certain areas. Oh and I wasn't kidding when I said this idea was dark (I'll obviously talk to you before hand to find out if you're cool with it) but there is a real chance for your character to get captured and taken to prisons with other wizards; don't worry the RP won't end for that character though it'll be connected, one of the plans is to break those wizards out later on.
Yay~ six so far! Hmm...I'll get to work setting some stuff up, maybe once a couple more things are up about the world people will wanna join the RP....I can make amendments so a small group can possibly begin. (I'll work on this in a few hours.)
So I've discovered something that will make this much more difficult. ._.' I haven't posted 250 times soooo I can't make a hosted project. @.@' I didn't know that was a necessary thing...

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