*finger guns*


New Member

Hello hello! :> This is Icanneon, definitely new, here to...


... I should have thought this through a bit more haha (just goes to show to not trust spontaneity to carry you x'D)
But anyhow! Really I'm just a silly potato with a potentially lethal dose of weird-ness. I do utilize a grand number of emoticons, and definitely do go off on tangents/random song referencing sprees/moments of incoherence. Warning: may appear shy and timid at first. This is a hoax, designed to lower your guard. Subject intends to make you victim of its random and crazy contents.

Anything else you should know before initiating interaction? Hm, let's see...

-a huge chatterbox

-easily excitable 

-usually can't spell the word exercise

-(woah amazing I did it that time :0)

-verily silly like you wouldn't believe

-is bad at introductions


-draws sometimes

-oh! did I mention a bit rusty at roleplaying now...?

Yep, it's been a while since I've roleplayed, but I (think) I've loved it for the longest time. I dunno how quickly I can get back into the swing of things, but hey, time will tell! 
Now before I end up writing a novel here funny because I was trying to make it longer about two minutes ago ha ha-- I'll let you all lovely people get a word in! Hello! Nice to meet you! If you have any questions for my glorious self, please don't be afraid to ask or really just have a conversation in general. If you're for some reason expecting me to bite your head off, don't worry! There's always time for that later : D

EDIT: Ooh, how about a game? Poke me (with or without a random fact about yourself) and I'll tell you something random thing about me/something in general! 
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Hey there! :'D Um, as I've said before ahahah it's been a while since I've roleplayed, but in all honesty I'm pretty much willing to try out anything ^^ Exploring genres and new stuff is something I love doing, so anything I'd be happy to try at least once. (As with many things when it comes to me pfff) I don't have a favorite--- though I dunno, I guess... Huh, adventure? Action? I don't think I could ever just do one thing straight up, so I guess I kinda toss in other things every once in a while to mix it up. Humor, drama.. I'm not even sure if there would be anything I dislike. I still need to work on action sequences though haha ^^ What about you?
I enjoy action, scifi, fantasy, a bit of urban fantasy, action, adventure, maybe a little horror, basically if it grabs my attention then I'll give it a shot.  If you wish to talk about roleplay ideas, you can private message me.  At least, I think you can private message on here.  I'm new here.
Well, hello, welcome to RPN! =D I look forward to possibly RPing with you. You sound like quite the interesting person. xD

oooh yea those are some good ones :'D I'm not terribly good at writing/reading horror, but I know what you mean x'D Will do!

@Lord Pug

Hahah thank thank-----

--//sees a typo and shrieks

8V ahem sorry there was an emergency I had to attend to. You have my full attention again x'D Now if I'm modest I'd say "aw, I'm not interesting; just weird," but I don't have an excuse?

That didn't make sense pffft sorry |D erm. //leans in so hello do you want to hear some bad pickup lines??


eyyyyyyyy my very blue friendo thank for the welcome. be-ith there anything of muchly importance I should be aware of in regards to this here site?
@Lord Pug

Hahah thank thank-----

--//sees a typo and shrieks

8V ahem sorry there was an emergency I had to attend to. You have my full attention again x'D Now if I'm modest I'd say "aw, I'm not interesting; just weird," but I don't have an excuse?

That didn't make sense pffft sorry |D erm. //leans in so hello do you want to hear some bad pickup lines??

Wait...wait...hold on...wait...

Did you just...it's not possible...

I think I actually found someone as obsessed with having perfect grammar, spelling, and punctuation as I am. 0-0 Is that even possible?

Also, I love bad pickup lines. xD
@Lord Pug

//screeches and clings to you

um do you KNOW how much I'll go back and edit an RP post AFTER I've posted it oml it is ---INSANE---. I'll scream about it lots I promise and you'll probably have to whack me over the head after I willingly scream into the void after you've read all my typos/awkwardly worded sentences/etc. 

Can I call you "whom"? Because you're the object--- of my affections.

//slapped halfway across the country
@Lord Pug

//screeches and clings to you

um do you KNOW how much I'll go back and edit an RP post AFTER I've posted it oml it is ---INSANE---. I'll scream about it lots I promise and you'll probably have to whack me over the head after I willingly scream into the void after you've read all my typos/awkwardly worded sentences/etc. 

Can I call you "whom"? Because you're the object--- of my affections.

//slapped halfway across the country

Ikr. I do that so much...all of my writing goes through five processes:

1. Write.

2. Edit.

3. Procrastinate.

4. Edit.

5. Edit.


I have a question...

Are you Google? Because I just found what I've been searching for.
@Lord Pug

oml that sounds like me--- except it's usually write > edit > check > eh looks fine > post > goes to look at post > ....//louD BANSHEE SCREAMING > edit > edit

I try not to be too  bad at this 8')

I'd never return a 403 to you-

but you're more than 200

//executed by firing squad

//goes into a trance-like state

//starts to chant ancient hymns

//draws archaic symbols in tomato sauce

//sells soul to the spaghetti monster

@Lord Pug

oml that sounds like me--- except it's usually write > edit > check > eh looks fine > post > goes to look at post > ....//louD BANSHEE SCREAMING > edit > edit

I try not to be too  bad at this 8')

I'd never return a 403 to you-

but you're more than 200

//executed by firing squad

Yeah xD and then there arises the problem of controlling myself when someone else has a spelling/grammar/punctuation/etc error.

Random person: And picked a apple.

Me: *crying*


Do you have a name? Or can I call you mine?
@Lord Pug

You know, Dr. Phil says I'm afraid of commitment... Want to help prove him wrong?

(whelp this thread is getting hijack'd into outer space x'DDDDD)
God is dead and we've killed him. I have no clue what I've just read. I probably have some sort of mental disorder from this. But, uh, welcome, suppose. Way to go.

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