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Fantasy Finding a Song - Lore & Worldbuilding




Original creators who inspired this piece are as follows: alantsuei | sinisterEternity | Ciorano

  • The land of Tyremore is a wonderous realm filled with music and ruled by masters of the skies. An island, ever-flying, with rushing winds that howl at the very edges and sing with the voices of spirits, baritone and soprano and everything in between as it swirls towards the center. It is a world bathed in an endless twilight, enough light to see by, but dim as if awash with a beautiful sunset. The homes of its people are built with shining crystals and stones that are carved to add music to the wind's natural song. All over the land of Tyremore, the people cater always to the wind and its masters.

    It is said that to walk to the edge of Tyremore without a dragon escort is to doom yourself to a slow and sad demise, for the edge of the world is an endless gale that crashes into the body and forces it up and can rip it back down into the shadow of the land, never to be seen or heard from again. Without the ability to fly or control the winds, whoever is thrust into the endless gusts of air can never hope to return their feet to the ground.

    The skies are forever filled with its masters, big and small.

    Birds who cater to the music and sing along.

    Raptors, whose cries echo like a bell note before they reign death on swift wings.

    And dragons, who control the very currents and make the songs more beautiful to hear.

    Dragons are more than mere masters. They are their own society and considered the guardians of Tyremore. They defend the helpless, simple creatures who are trapped with their feet forever on the ground. In return, they are worshipped by the simpler creatures as gods. In the millennia that this has been the way, dragons have become reliant on those upon the ground, yet they look down on them as though they are lesser beings.

    The dragon society is filled with prejudice, scorn, and poison. An ancient monarchy that has not developed with the times, only growing weaker at its center as more bias is built into the younger generations. To be a pureblood dragon is to rule over those deemed beneath you. To be a pureblood with the shiniest of scales and the most beautiful of horns is to rule above them all. As dragons changed, evolved, and became aplenty, a hierarchy was born that would forever doom them.

    • When the main story starts, all of the winds have stopped, and Air doesn't seem to be available to any creature has has an affinity for it, particularly the dragons.
    • Dragons lose their ability to manipulate the winds, and through this, they also lose the ability to fly. This also goes for all other flying creatures, such as birds.
    • We may not immediately start the RP with the main story. We may begin beforehand to get a feel for our characters and how they interact with others of their kind. This might help some players build a better feel for their characters as well as dabble in character development and history. This is also to give me time to deal with life stuff outside of RP.

  • These will be the cities of the mortals. There are highlands in the North and to the West, and there are greater abundance of glowing crystals, which are carved and mined by the mortals to change the music created by the wind. The most precious of these crystals are also given to the dragons. The lowland valleys have more water, and there are more areas for food to be grown. If any of you would like to create a city, town, or village, post your ideas, and I can add them here. I will also add my own.
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