Finding A Home: A Wolf RP (Closed)

Lillita Lupus

New Member
I'm pretty much new to this site, and I finally came up with an idea of a Role play, basically, it's summer, many mature wolves have left their family packs to make/find new ones to call their home, now I know that it's yet another wolf RP, but the story comes within the journey of the wolves.

I made this thread so that everyone could be familiar with each others characters if they wish to join in, I also made it so that it would be easier for people to join! The Role play has just started, and no one has joined in so far, so I would really appreciate it if people joined in if they took interest :)

RP Link:

Character Profile

Name: Lillita

Gender: Female

Age: 2

Physical description: (See profile picture)

Other: Left her family pack a few days ago, she is a shy wolf, but is very adventurous. She won't approach other wolf's but she doesn't mind them approaching her, as long as she doesn't sense any violent intent. She is a good hunter, but needs a lot more experience to enhance her skills and she is looking for an already formed pack.




Physical description-

Body: Cerberus has a think build and is a very large wolf. He stands nearly five feet to the shoulder. His paws are as large as those of a bear.

Coat: Cerberus had a thick black coat that lays nicely over his skin. It has a deep black top coat, and a caracoleish color in his under coat. He has some what of a main around his neck that is thicker then the rest of his body.

Eyes: Cerberus has blood red eyes, yes you heard that right red. It is not very common, but very few animals have it. Cerberus's eyes seem to look deep into your soul.


Cerberus is not a very nice animal, he doesn;t get along well with other wolves. other then his brother. The two males left their pack and have been roaming together since. Cerberus is very protective over his brother.

The large male would rather live on his own then with a pack, but he can't live that way forever.




Physical description-

Body:Legacy is much smaller than his brother only standing the three and a half feet. The male is very quick and sly though.

Eyes: Legacy has ice blue eyes.

Coat: Much like his brother Legacy has a think black coat. He has a small start looking white spot on his chest.


Unlike his brother Legacy is rather sweet and would love to be around other wolves. He is a very good hunter and would love to be a lead hunter in a pack. The male is somewhat shy at first.


Kima - Mother / Kotahu - Cub


Kima - Female / Kotahu - Male


Kima - 11 / Kotahu - 3




Kima - Lovable, soft, friendly, overly-protective of her son, will turn violent and dangerous when she sense any danger toward her son.

Kotahu - Adventurous, playful, happy, brave, will protect his mother as much as she would protect him.


Marou, Kotahu's father was killed by hunters when he was born. Kima grew up with wolves and bears alike and grew hunting skills far beyond most bears and has begun to teach Kotahu the same methods.


Kima - Very strong, fast swimmer, fast runner, very good eye sight.

Kotahu - All the same traits as his mother but not as nearly as good.
Name: May

Gender: Female

Age: 3

Physical description: May, like in the picture, has a silver/white coat. Her eyes are a warm hazel color and her body is built for quick movements and speed, even though she is a good fighter too.

Other: May didn't necessarily leave her pack, she lost her pack due to some hunter that killed her pack off. She has been wondering around for some time now and has learned to use her height and such, which is rather tiny, to her advantage when fighting or hunting. She is very graceful and stealthy, but is good at straight on attacking other wolf or animals that are twice her size.

Personality: May is a kind and caring wolf, but she can be rather shy and prefers to be alone or stand away from others. She is very loyal and protective over those that she gets close to and she rarely puts her self first, which means that she would be the one to feed last or she would be wolf that tends to everyone's wounds before hers. May can get quite aggressive if she sees something as a threat but other than that she is rather laid-back.

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