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Fandom Final Fantasys!


Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Aight so – I’m having a great time with one of my Final Fantasy RPs. Which means I crave more like it, because that’s just how it is (probably why I also always crave Star Wars RPs – I have great ones going).

Obviously, I don’t want to rip off the one I’ve got going, so I’ve brainstormed a few ideas.

Read the rules, there’s a code, I swear to god I’m tired of people not reading the rules.

As an addition, due to the nature of 1x1 and Final Fantasy, expect to play upwards of 6+ main characters in the course of this RP. Not all at once, but I’ll be expecting us to talk about quite a few in the beginning before this even gets rolling, and map things out a bit.

  • Don’t Godmod. This should be obvious. Godmodding is making a character not under your control, do things, like talk, react, move somewhere, do something, eat a donut – you get the picture. Godmodding is acceptable in the circumstance of characters already in motion, and agreed upon timeskips. If you’re uncertain, just ask in a PM, I’m usually willing to negotiate movement from one place to another or timeskips.

  • Doubling. Honestly, with these Final Fantasy RPs, just be prepared to play upwards of 6+ main characters. Not usually all at once, but all the same, you're juggling a cast.

  • Threads Only. I don’t RP in PMs. I am not offering myself up to RP off-site. I will only RP in threads.

  • Lazy-Lit, aka multiple paragraphs, but not one-liners. I can do 2000+ words, am I going to? Probably not, unless the scene calls for it. 500-1000 are more common. If you’ve read this far, please tell me your favorite food.

  • Hit me up via PM if you want to start something. Don’t respond to this thread, unless you cannot send PMs yet.

  • Character Sheets are required. Yes, I’ll provide a template. The tl;dr reason for this is that I’m very tired of information being withheld, that then no longer fits into the world or the plot that has been built up to that point. I understand wanting to protect information from being known IC; I know people godmod in that fashion. I also understand wanting secrets and surprises. I get it, but if that’s your style, I’m not the partner for you. I want to know things so we can brainstorm as it goes along and weave character stories into the “larger picture”.

  • Please talk with me OOC! Without OOC chatter, even memes and daily updates, I find my interest in an RP wanes. I’m not saying OOC chatter is a guarantee to a lasting RP, but I am saying without it, the RP won’t last. So, it helps.

  • Don’t bump the IC thread. If you’re concerned about pace, reach out to me in our OOC PM. If you bump the IC thread, I will, in fact, ghost our RP out of spite.

  • Romance – I enjoy romance in a thread, so long as it isn’t the story. I don’t want to force romance, either. I do prefer it, and I do hope for it, but I’m also of “if the chemistry isn’t there, it isn’t there”. We can introduce new characters down the line, and who knows, maybe they’ll get on better! So for that question: yes, I like romance, yes I prefer romance, but if one “pair” just isn’t clicking, we can figure something else out.

Final Fantasy: Bloodlines
tl;dr: Rome inspired, Caesar's death. An Emperor dies, passes on authority to an untested individual, others aren't happy. But there are powers in bloodlines, and those bloodlines are going to have to work together to save the world and set aside their petty politics.

Inspired by historical events of Rome.

The Emperor was murdered by self-proclaimed liberators who want to return their country to a non-monarchial state.

As the Emperor had no progeny, many suspected his right-hand and the victorious General of several wars to be proclaimed the heir, however attention has instead turned on a far younger and untested Heir instead, a relative of the Emperor. Little is known about the Heir, or why they were chosen, not even the Heir themselves is fully aware.

The General is far from satisfied with this, and acts as if they were named heir.

The Liberators think they can make sure this untested youth never rises, but must deal with the General.

The Heir is scrambling to get started, outside of the Empire and preparing for a war campaign with their neighbors when news reaches them.

What did the Emperor know? Why was the Heir chosen?

A prophecy about the Emperor’s own bloodline having the power to conquer the world, and as one of the few descendants of the bloodline left, that presumed power rests in the Heir. The problem is, this power isn’t inherent. It rests in crystals, scattered across the world, and people have forgotten that they ever had such power.

They’re not the only ones, either. Each crystal resonates with another bloodline, gifts from the gods, but not meant to be used in the petty squabbles of mankind – meant to protect mankind from a danger that the Emperor knew was very near at hand.

Final Fantasy: Divine Decrees
tl;dr: Inspired by FFXII, aka Vayne and Cid deserved better. Gods are meddling in the affairs of humans, some aren't cool with this, some see it as the right thing to do to listen to divine authority.

The Gods chose a hero, long, long ago. This hero set the world in order under their rule, but time has gone on since that point, countries have split from the one unified nation, and people fight over how things ought to be.

The Monarch of one nation has gone on a campaign of conquest and industry, building, researching, and conquering more than others. Generations have followed his path, to the current Monarch. Their nation is rich, their people well-learned, and within their own country, they are beloved. Even many of those now long-conquered have settled.

To the outside, they are warmongers. They break tradition. They go against the way things ought to be. Though peace treaties and such have been attempted, they are still viewed as evil, their goals not understood.

Their goal is simple, though they do not say it: they want to break the Weave of Fate created by the Gods.

Which, naturally, has caused the Gods to intervene and choose a Hero to oppose them, and begin to guide this Hero to their treasures, their power, so they could stand up to the Monarch who looms high.

A Monarch, with a fallen God at their side, guiding their step to destroying the Weave that they feel has shackled and stunted the progress of the world.

Final Fantasy: Dreamers
tl;dr: Inspired by FFIX a bit, humans have always had the ability to create with dreams but forgot. Then a Nightmare happens. Humans are re-learning the power they have to restore their world. Possibly open to a more "modern time" scenario, rather than fantasy/medieval.

Humanity has always dreamed. This has led to many new and fascinating technologies, to wonderful works of arts, beautiful narratives, and plenty more.

The power of dreaming has been forgotten by many, though. It didn’t only inspire humanity to create things.

It also created on its own.

Powerful Phantasms, magic, and much more existed, once upon a time. Now it is relegated to the realm of “once upon a time”…or at least, it was.

The collective Nightmare of humanity has manifested and stepped onto the scene, bringing with it lesser nightmares. It devastated the largest city in a night, and has continued to spread from that central point, now known as Akashic, because it seems to exist across realms, and a miasma of energy protects it, creating a terrible labyrinth full of terrors, and bringing ones worst nightmares to life.

Years have gone by.

The world has grown to try and accept the way things are. Religions teach that the Nightmare will go away, but humanity has to atone.

Then, a Dreamer produced a miraculous Phantasm.

Talk of magic has also abounded.

The Saviors have begun to appear.

None of these quite appeal but you still want to do something?

I like using motifs, like Chess Pieces, Zodiacs, Elements, Gemstones, Tarot -- hell, throw a motif and a loose idea at me, and we may be able to spitball a great plot. My current one arose out of using Western Zodiac, so I'm not too into using that right now, but it's a possibility! If you have an interesting plot without motifs, you can also pitch it to me.

I'm familiar with FFIV, FFVII-FFX, FFXII-FFXIII, FF Tactics. I know bits and pieces of the other games. I am willing to RP in FFX, FFXII, and FFVIII (post-game only on VIII) in some circumstances. None of the others, don't waste your time asking.
I hope you find an RP partner!
I don't do romance except on accident . Lol And I'm unconfident my posts will be literate enough. So here I am giving this a bump, and wishing you luck!

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