Out of Practice

Hello there! ^.^
So, I absolutely adore Final Fantasy 13, and I adore these characters. I ship Lightning x Fang so much, and I was thinking. "Why not make a role-play?"
So here I am! Looking for someone to role-play this pairing.
I'm looking for someone to play as Fang, really.
Only because I don't think I'd be able to do a good or semi convincing Fang. Well, and I love Lightning to death X3
I'd greatly appreciate relatively pleasant writing. Or at least decent grammar and spelling. I understand spelling mistakes, as well as those times when your brain doesn't work and the words just kind of blur together into some mass of letters. Don't worry about how good your writing is. You'll be fine as long as you don't use text talk or such like.
Other than that, nothing sexually graphic. It can be suggestive or sensual, but as soon as the clothes come off, it's done.
Violence is fine, just don't describe things in mind-numbing detail.
I don't really have any set story for this, so if you have any suggestions that'd be great.
Maybe they get forced to live together? Maybe they play paintball together? Maybe it's during their time as L-cie?
Really, it could be all of the above. A bunch of short stories or oneshots. Fluff, angst, etc. That kind of thing. Whatever we come up with!
So yeah! That's that.
I hope someone's interested! ^.^