Final Fantasy 10: Rebirth (Redux)


One Thousand Club

1) Pick a race between Human, Al Bhed and Ronso.

Human: +2 to Accuracy & Defense, gain XP slightly faster than others.

Al Bhed: +2 to Luck & Evade, 75% chance to disable small machines on a successful hit.

Ronso: +2 Damage & Magic Defense, +200 HP.

2) Pick a Class. You gain the stats, starting gil and starting equipment.

3) You get only the free abilities from selected class.

4) Backstory should be at least a paragraph long.

5) Don't forget to list your Overdrive.

Character Sheets (Only 2 per character type at most; except for the White Mage, there can only be one Summoner)

  • Strength

    Determines the overall power of your physical attacks. The higher the value, the stronger your attacks.


    Determines your character's resistance to physical attacks.


    Determines the strength of the character's magic. This seems to affect the strength of your aeons as well.

    Magic Defense

    Determines your character's resistance against magical attacks.


    Determines the speed of the character's CTB. The higher the value, the character is more likely to have more turns during battle.


    Determines the probability of landing critical hits.


    Determines the character's ability to evade physical attacks.


    Determines the character's chances in successfully hitting an opponent with physical attacks.
Experience Buy Chart

If you want to buy an ability from a different list, it costs double XP; Free Abilities this way cost a total of 10 XP. If you want access to the Hidden ability you must buy all abilities Associated with it.

  • Strength: +2 = 5 XP, +5 = 10 XP

    Defense: +2 = 5 XP, +5 = 10 XP

    HP: +200 = 5 XP

    Magic: +2 = 5 XP, +5 = 10 XP

    M. Def: +2 = 5 XP, +5 = 10 XP

    MP: +20 = 5 XP

    Agility: +2 = 5 XP, +5 = 10 XP

    Accuracy: +2 = 5 XP, +5 = 10 XP

    Evasion: +2 = 5 XP, +5 = 10 XP

    Luck: +1 = 5 XP

Character Sheets

[tab=(place character class here)](stats Here)[/tab]
[tab=Abilities](Put them here, otherwise put "None")[/tab]
[tab=Background](1 Paragraph at least, explaining your backstory/history on Kilika Island)[/tab]

Example Character

  • Auron
Noting the Old players in case they want to return.

@Original Hylion







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  • (stats

    HP: 380

    Strength: 5

    Defense: 8

    Magic: 20

    M. Def: 30

    MP: 92

    Agility: 5

    Luck: 17

    Evasion: 40

    Accuracy: 3

Hi Nivlo, thanks for showing interest.

I have edited things to be a bit more clear. Could you please redo you character following the instructions and Character skeleton located above? Thanks. Also you need to read the rules.
Hello! I loooovvveeee Final Fantasy and I'm definitely going to join this rp. Could you save me a spot for a warrior character? I'm almost done making him and should be able to post him by tomorrow night ( tomorrow night anyways...)
kaze said:
Hi Nivlo, thanks for showing interest.
I have edited things to be a bit more clear. Could you please redo you character following the instructions and Character skeleton located above? Thanks. Also you need to read the rules.
Aghhhhhhhh! Alright will do, sir!
Just a heads up, i'm putting this back under construction as I'm Re-writing the system as this was an old version i made that honestly never made much sense.

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