Fight On {S.U., Info and OOC}


New Member

Setting - Dharc Island, present.

Plot - This is an optional team role play. Meaning, you are allowed to team up with other people's character(s). Here's your damage: You are a fantasy creature (list of races below) going to a fighting competition on Dharc Island. The competition's host, an elderly vampire man named En, has invited all the people competing. He knows all of you, for reasons unsaid. He has been a part of your life at one point, for good reasons or another. The place you all will be staying is a dorm house, and yes, you will have a roommate. Your roommate may or may not be your partner (if you so choose to have one) in the fighting competition.

Here's the twist (I KNOW you saw this coming). Each night, one of the human staff members disappear, presumed to be murdered or kidnapped. The day before the competition, En calls you all in to tell you that since the fighters are suspects, the competition will stop until everything is resolved. Now here's the fun part!

Yes, this is a mystery. (Everybody loves those... yes that was sarcastic) You will go about your business for the upcoming days, socializing with the other fighters, making plans, the whole deal. I will randomly select a person in the role play to be the killer. Will you all know about it? No. Beware, there is a catch to everyone. Everyone hates humans for whatever reason you can think of (in character sheet). There was also a note left for En but he dismissed it. The note reads: "I'm coming after those around you, evil monster. Payback for what you did to me. I'll be after you after your protection is gone." Each time there is a killing, there will be a clue there. (I will post about the killing when it happens.)

The role play will start out while you are on your way to the island.


Vampire - self explanitory. Needs blood to live, has fangs, can grow wings, the whole deal. (Weaknesses to sun and fire.)

Shifter - you can shift into any animal or person you want to. Only catch is, It lasts a half an hour and you have to wait another half hour to transform again.

Elfen/elf - an Elfen obviously has pointy ears, they can use healing magic, fight with weapons (Daggers, broadswords, bows, or staffs). They are usually a different skin color than humans. somewhat weak but amazing mages. (element magic)

Celestrian - They are basically battle angels. They normally have their wings showing so they can fly (no halo), they are invisable to non-mythical creatures, and fight with large swords or something of the sort. They are great fighters but cannot take many hits easily.

Clavat - Clavats can generate crystals that they can use as armor or weapons, but are not good at fighting. Generating many crystals can be used as shooting daggers, but it takes a lot out of them. They are more peaceful and angelic than celestrians, so they do not like to fight. offence other than crystals include Magical melodies that can inflict damage on the foe such as making them fall asleep, poisoning, paralisys. They look like humans naturally.

Human - do you REALLY want to be a human fighter with someone going around killing the human staff?

(other magical things may be used if approved by me first)

Character sheet:






Against humans because:

Against En because:

Personal info:



(nobody is really going to be En but if you so choose, you can be something to do with him that requires using him as a role player.)
I like the roleplay and all, but if someone was the random killer, and they disagree, wouldn't that start a fight?
I agree with forks. Make sure that person agrees to be the killer instead of forcing it on them, otherwise they won't be too happy.
[MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] I never said I'd force it on them. (???)





Against humans because:thinks the way they live is discusting and that they are not needed in the world, and because of family.

Against En because: killed her brother when he was defencless

Personal info: took the invitation so she could avenge her brother. she is also an orphan with her two older brothers, who are obsesed with weapons. she only takes a notice at those who can fight and sometimes others.



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