Fight For The Lead


Hit Me!
(Every stallion and mare starts as a Loner, you must begin your own heard! You cannot randomly join a heard!)





Height: (Hands)





Picture or description:

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Eye color:

Scars or marks:

Name: Wrangler

Age: 5

Gender: Stallion

Height: 16.1 Hands

Crush: None Yet

Foals: None Yet

Personality: Wrangler will do anything in his power to control his mares, even if he has to become stern and sometimes abusive. He has a history of lashing out when there is no reason to have such a temper. Though he can be stern most the time deep down he does have a soft touch. He adores the little foals, though he will not put up with foals that are not his. If any other foals come near him, mostly colts, he will try and kill them, for the sake of not wanting any other stallions blood likes passed down.

History: To Come Later

Picture or description:


Extra Detail:

Eye color: One of his eyes are a deep blue, while the other is a spring time green color.

Scars or marks: He has a scar on his rump, caused from the battle of another stallion.

Name: Iera

Age: 5

Gender: Female

Height: 14

Crush: None yet

Foals: None yet

Personality: Iera is quite stubborn, but non the less friendly, having a good heart like her mother, she hasnt interacted with many horses therefore she acts like herself, she loves to run freely and rest at ease, although the lonliness from losing her mother is catching up to her.

History: Iera grew up with her mother on the lower parts of the mountain, her mother dying a few years into her life due to a disease, Iera then went off on her own.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Iera.jpg.1fd04ce9a29804ddae1b4717754b72b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16037" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Iera.jpg.1fd04ce9a29804ddae1b4717754b72b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye color: Hazel Eyes

Scars or marks: Small scar along her side from when she was younger.

(hope thats alright :) )



  • Iera.jpg
    82.8 KB · Views: 23
(I'll join!) 
Name: Storm Chaser

Nickname: Chase

Age: 2 years

Gender: Filly

Height: 15.1 (will get larger, as she is only 2)

Crush: None (PM me if interested)

Foals: None

Personality: Chase is very eager and excitable, being young and very physical fit. She can be very mischievous, and usually gets into trouble daily. Despite being difficult to deal with, Chase is a valuable part of any herd due to her immense speed and agility, of which she will surely pass on to her foals she when comes of age.

History: Chase lived in a small herd of various sub-par horses, and does not have very impressive bloodlines immediately. However, her ancestors have blessed her with magnificent speed and agility, which she will pass on. Being two, she was just recently driven out of her old herd. She is currently living alone, searching for a new stallion to take her in.

Picture or description:

Extra Detail: Since she is grey, she will get lighter and lighter as she gets older.

Eye color: Black

Scars or marks: A small mark on her shoulder from a accident at a young age.

Other: Mane and tail are both very dark grey with black in a mix
Name: jade

Nickname: shadow

Age: 5

Gender: mare

Height: (Hands) 16,1

Crush: wrangler

Foals: none yet

Personality: outgoing, stubborn, very strong, stern when she needs to be, she only goes around her foals she wont go around other foals, she has a issue for lashing out at other horses if she feels threaten, she will not take people abusing her.

History: when jade was a foal she was used to plow fields and she would get wiped for stopping she was very abused and one day she lashed out and killed her owners by bucking them in the head then she ran off and was wild from that time on.

Picture or description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/sarah.jpg.9fd805e9f21d5c970f260476804045b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/sarah.jpg.9fd805e9f21d5c970f260476804045b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra Detail: none

Eye color: blue

Scars or marks:none




  • sarah.jpg
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Name: Highway Bandit

Nickname: Bandit

Age: 5

Gender: Mare

Height: (Hands): 15,6

Crush: No one yet

Foals: None

Personality: Bandit seems almost impossible to get to know, for ages she might ignore you before letting you know her. But if you do become her friend she will be fiercely loyal to you and do anything for you. She has a fiery temper and is not afraid to lash out or fight. She will always stand her ground no matter the opposition She is sometimes wise beyond her years yet still loves to mess around especially in water. She loves to run most of all.

History: Bandit was part of a small herd of mountain horses and she came from a long and impressive blood line, however her Herd was abusive, especially her Father who used to abuse the younger foals. Her Mother realised what was going on and ran away with Bandit. Bandit lived with her mother until the winter came and her mother let Bandit have all the food they could find. One night the wolves came and Bandit's mother told her to run. So she did and she ended up here with no idea where her mother is


She Is A Mustang

Extra Detail: Her eyes are a deep blue

Scars or marks: A jagged Scar stretching from her Front Leg, under her belly to her rear leg from one of the wolves who chased after her

Other: Nope:

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