Fight for the Fate of the Gods


Jōnin of Silence
( Link for the actual RP coming soon )

Now if you where in "The Crew" or "Battle of the Greek Gods" Then, well, this is literally another redo of them that I won't take down.

The plot line is this. For the Good Guys, The Crew, they have gotten a email(If you are a good guy you must include getting this email) from their leader, Caitlynn Fierce. Then they have to get to her in London in whatever way. After that, their main goal is to stop the villains from succeeding, and whatever side plots may occur, as well. There may be one to where the characters who do not know their past are trying to figure that out.

For the Villains, they have to all meet up, having received something from the main villain, and then they go to meet up in their location. Then their goal is to take down the Greek Gods, and then destroy the world.


You are allowed a maximum of three characters. You can make more for me to look at, but I'll be accepting the ones I like.

If you can shadow travel, you cannot go like, half way across the World with it. There are exceptions, and those are when your character is like, well, going all bad*** for a little bit.

You must have 3 lines per character. I'll warn you once on that if you have less, second time, you're out.

Please use correct grammar, I understand messing up but if it's serious then I'll warn you one, twice, you're out!

You must be a human, humanoid, cat, or dog.

I want things to vary. Be a child of Aphrodite who only cares about their looks! Be a child of Ares, the God of War, heck, be a child of a God I haven't even heard of! I mean that. You can also be a human, a mortal, who just stumbles into the RP!

Now, the Percy Jackson novels, and God of War game series are things to be excluded.

One last thing. No sex scenes. It's a site rule, and my rule. The most I shall allow with stuff like that, is kissing, but not in extremes. And if your characters really have to, then, well, save it for the PMs. We really don't need that.

And along with that. Honestly, your characters can have any sexuality. I'm not against gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. I allow that when I know there's people who won't. But please, not into the extremes.

You can be a pervert, but be reasonable.

As for the Gods, you can control 2, I control three but that's because I have to control Athena along with Hades and Zeus.

Hades: @StealthNinja115

Zeus; @StealthNinja115


Athena: @StealthNinja115









Pallas -

Eos -

Helios -

Selene -

Ariadne -

Aeolus -

Asclepius -

Bia -

Cratos -

Deimos -

Eris -

Eros -

Geras -

Harmonia -

Hebe -

Hecate -

Hestia -

Hypnos -

Janus -

Chione -

Leto -

Metis -

Enyo -

Eileithyia -


Moros -

Nemisis -

Nike -

Persephone -

Phobos -


Tyche -

Zelus -

The Muses -

Pan -

Iris -

Triton -

Paean -

The Charites -

Pallas -

Melinoe -

Other Gods That I didn't mention or don't know of, you will say them, and if you wanna control them, I gotta make sure they are legit.


Character Sheets:





Looks(Pic or Describe) :

Pets(if any) :




Wings, or other things like that(Optional) :



Good, Bad, Neutral, Both:

Theme Song(Optional) :

Other Skills:


Name: Caitlynn Fierce

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Nationality: British

Looks(Pic or Describe) : View attachment 7922 Her hair is black

Pets(if any) : None

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Powers: Fire and Shadow Manipulations

Weapons: Her powers.

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : Black bird wings

Personality: Nice towards the people she trusts but exactly the opposite towards the people she doesn't

Backstory: Grew up without a mother, she loved her father and anyone who thought he was the evil figure he was framed to be, well, she didn't like so much. Her father guided her her entire life when she needed it, and now it was her turn to repay that debt.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Good

Theme Song(Optional) : None

Other Skills: None


Name: Aiden Greave

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: German (Speaks fluent English)

Looks(Pic or Describe) : View attachment 7923

Pets(if any) : None

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Powers: (Look into weapons)

Weapons: Three lightning infused swords he can control with his mind, he cannot touch these swords and they can morph into anything metallic (Except explosives)

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : White bird wings

Personality: Quiet, thinks before he speaks, very collected

Backstory: He can't remember anything before the age of 14. All he really knows is that his mother is Athena, explaining his swords, and his father is Zeus, explaining why they're lightning-infused. He's not sure why, despite the fact both of his parents are gods, that he wasn't deemed a god.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Good

Theme Song(Optional) : None

Other Skills: None


Name: Nedia

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: None

Looks(Pic or Describe) : View attachment 7925

Pets(if any) : Detearia, his raven. (Like in pic, but black)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Powers: Slightly over-average strength

Weapons: Dual 9mm and Detearia

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : Detearia can carry him

Personality: Takes everything as a joke.

Backstory: Not much is known about Nedia.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Bad

Theme Song(Optional) : None

Other Skills: Acrobatics (Good with flips, leaps, balance, etc.)
(It vexes me when some RPs don't last long.)

Name: Lucien Auveille

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: French (He speaks fluent english and somewhat fluent French.)

Looks: Boys/?action=view&current=Hiroshi4.jpg&mediafilter=images

Pets(if any):

Sexuality: Bisexual

Powers: Along with the powers of light, Lucien also employs the powers of fire, wind, and water.


Wings or other things like that: He can create stairs of light he can walk on.

Personality: Relaxed, Logical, and Dignified

Background: Lucien is the son of Apollo. Unfortunately, his mother became gravely ill after 10 years after Lucien's birth. He lives on his own in the inn called The Shining Hearth.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Good

Theme Song(Optional): Sight for the Sore Eyes by Broken Iris

Other Skills: He also has impressive healing powers.
[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION] Accepted, and I don't like it when rp's don't last long either, but, this one I won't be taking down.
Name: Magnus Nystrom

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Nationality: Icelandic (Speaks English)

Looks(Pic or Describe) : Ragged dirty blonde hair, descending to his shoulders, and blessed with a runners body. Muscular, but lithe, not necessarily stocky. Also, his left eye is a pale, crystaline blue, and his right is an exceedingly dark brown. (Heterocromia)

Pets(if any) : No

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Powers: A spectacular judge of character (a gift from Nemesis)

Weapons: A double edged, steel dagger, with a sharp handle, that slowly cuts into the wielder's hand. It has the power to elongate, transforming in to a short sword. (also a gift from Nemesis)

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : Nope

Personality: Bitter, and angry, lacking discipline. Out spoken, and generally rebellious.

Backstory: Magnus was born for the sole purpose of being his mother's (Nemesis) puppet. His father was a wealthy man, who was a leading man in a relatively small organized crime syndicate. With the money he made off the exploitation of innocents, he showered Magnus with gifts and trinkets. Magnus, blissfully unaware of his father's corruption or his own godly heritage, lived in exquisite peace and contentment.

Life continued on in such a manner until Magnus turned 11. On his 11th birthday, his mother made herself known. She burnt down the family home, and killed Magnus' father in the process. She did this to teach him a lesson: the wicked will eventually punish. After this first meeting, she whisked Magnus away from his home, and began training the distraught boy, teaching him swordsmanship and different fighting techniques. When Magnus turned 18, Nemesis set the young man loose, giving him only one clear objective; to be her instrument, the keeper of balance, tasking him to punish the vile immoral of the world.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: He is personally good, but his servitude to Nemesis causes him to stray to the neutral grey area, occasionally.

Theme Song(Optional) : Broken English, by Rise Against

Other Skills: None worth mentioning.

(Also... if I'm accepted I'd like to include a 12 girl, who Magnus would be charged with protecting. I'd explain who she is and why she's necessary in my first post of the actual RP. I hope that isn't too much to ask)
@logan kasper

Accepted you can add the girl as well


Yes you can post your character sheet from Battle for the Greek Gods as this character sheet is exactly the same
Name:Donovan Steel



Nationality:Mexican (speaks fluent English)

Looks:View attachment 8088

Pets: A Black Great Dane named "Muerte"


Powers:Soul Eater (only when other is near death) Darkness Manipulation, Fear Inducement, Maddness Control

Weapons: Dark Force Constructs (normally a scythe)


Personality:Dark,Serious,Easily Angered,Professional

Backstory: His father, Thanatos, had planned ahead for his son. He choose a wealthy woman that owned a large Law Firm in Dallas Texas to bore his son.

Donovan grew up with a silver spoon stuck up his arse. He got everything he wanted, everything. He grew up without any friends, all his peers where afraid of him. He radiated a dark aura that even mortals felt. None the less he grew up. His mother died and now he owns the business, but he seems more interested in another matter. Becoming a God.

Good/Bad/Neutral: Bad

Theme Song:None

Other Skills: He is a smooth talker, able to get his way in most any situation.

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