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Fantasy Feuding kingdoms..... OOC....

Of course mate! Of course I'm also now just a royal politician who can kill with what is basically torture now lol
Alright, I've planned out my character. For anyone who partook in the prior, it may be a little similar to what I have. I want this person to be a knight from the South, so if there is some chat for the Southern characters I request entry if you are alright with this.
I'm cool with that. I'm the youngest son. You could read his cs, you could serve him if you'd like. Maybe can out of his battalion as his right hand man?
I'm cool with that. I'm the youngest son. You could read his cs, you could serve him if you'd like. Maybe can out of his battalion as his right hand man?
I guess he could serve you, though I will say he won't have much of a focus on being a violent soldier.
OrenjiGatsu OrenjiGatsu
Don't worry my character is good to patriotic and soldiers of the kingdom. He only kill those who don't surrender to him or fight him like in the ancient times
HELL YA MY DUDE! I'M LISTENING TO IT RIGHT NOW!!! Also when I was writing my cs for the southern prince
HELL YA MY DUDE! I'M LISTENING TO IT RIGHT NOW!!! Also when I was writing my cs for the southern prince
DEFFO, I mean I listened to some wistful music whilst making Law, but GOD, I would die to see them live n' all *^*
Same mate. Well if they do a tour in my country then I'll go to their concert.

Wow this ooc got weird fast... beautiful
Same mate. Well if they do a tour in my country then I'll go to their concert.

Wow this ooc got weird fast... beautiful
Where ya from? 'Cause I was gonna say, I think they're coming to the UK at some point
Well not anytime soon. The snow here is just at a level where I want to die.
Wish I had snow, I'm currently at a uni on the South coast so we just get cold rain :/ my mam told me they got snow back home which is just UGH

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