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Fantasy feuding kingdom - out of character thread-

Well, Elekta Kount Elekta Kount , if you like one of the eldest princesses of the other countries in particular, ask their user if they want to pair up with Jasper?
I think were still deciding, because I don't want anyone to not like what's going on. Another solution I don't know if it is feasible, but what we can do is we each decide who somebody else marries other than our own character....
In honesty I would prefer picking, I mean who ever we choose are people from a radically different kingdom, so technically it’s still a “arranges marriag “. Idk.
Well, would this work where the eldest daughter of the North and the eldest son of the North decided who each other would marry and just like the youngest daughter of the North and the youngest son of the North decide for each other and the list goes on? Okay all of these ideas sound a lot better my head and then write them down I am like how with these work
could be wrong since it's just from memory, but didn't the interest check say all of them are going to live in the middle kingdom? However, if it's too crowded, maybe we can have all the royal girls go to their husband's kingdom? That way, the numbers can stay the same
So, uh, just a quick question before I get my sheet up. Is it only royalty that gets powers or can the common folk have them?
And suzu suzu that actually might work better if they go to their husband's kingdom, not trying to be sexist here but if were all in agreement we will do it that way. And also everybody's wedding is going to be on a different day once we get the calendar situation taking care of (meaning I'm trying to make it) because everybody deserves their special day to be special even if it's arranged!!

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