Fetich Soul

Titans (Primordials and Yozis) have massive souls that exist as a variety of individuals. At the top of these soul hierarchies are Third Circle souls, and the most important of these is the fetich soul. Each Third Circle soul expresses important aspects of the titan, and changing (killing) a Third Circle soul can change the aspects of the titan that it expresses. The death of a fetich soul, also called a "heart soul," can be most transformative.

Adrían was a great river full of terrible hazards that surrounded Creation. She was obsessive and fixated on the Games of Divinity. Her fetich, Lilike, was slain during the Primordial War and she became Adorjan, a horrific wind that scours away everything. Adorjan can be fleetingly obsessed with something in a very insane way, but she just as easily stops caring about whatever it is, and her philosophy entails letting go of everything. She thinks the Primordial War was hilarious. Even the other Yozis think she's crazy.
So the Fetich Soul is kind of an aspect of Yozis and if killed off they act differently?

Also is there a book or a wiki that can explain some of the terms and items in the infernal book? It feels like I am missing a lot of info from it
Jakk9000 said:
So the Fetich Soul is kind of an aspect of Yozis and if killed off they act differently?
"Act differently" is an understatement. Fetich death is generally understood to bring about extreme and extensive change.
Fetich souls, and others in the titanic soul hierarchy, are literally the soul of the titan. Titanic souls are so large and complex that they are communities of beings that are physically separate from the titan.

Also is there a book or a wiki that can explain some of the terms and items in the infernal book? It feels like I am missing a lot of info from it
The official wiki might help out some, though setting factoid articles are a little sparse. The corebook should have some information in the Demon section of the Antagonists chapter, though I can't recall how extensive it is. The Books of Sorcery, Vol. V—Roll of Glorious Divinity II has most of the information in Second Edition on the basic natures of the Yozis, including information about the soul hierarchy.
If the Third Circle souls of Primordials can be compared to organs, the Fetich soul is akin to the brain. Not because it's the part where the Primordial thinks or anything, but because even if it can be regenerated... would the Primordial be the same thing as before?
When one of the higher souls is destroyed, it can be restored, but the overall being is going to be much weaker than before, and the change of nature will continue.
krrackknut said:
So in other words, if you keep killin' 'em, they get weaker and weaker?
Generally, but not always. They are, however, always different for it.
Then how do you kill one completely?
Do you mean Third Circle souls or titans? Because if you permanently and forever kill a Third Circle soul directly (Ghost-Eating Technique, etc.), it will be replaced, but the replacement is likely to bear only superficial similarities to the previous soul.
If you mean killing titans, a suggested possible means in Roll II is that you could do so by killing all its Third Circle souls in a single 25-hour period. Another more definite possibility is actually slaying the bodily manifestation of the titan itself. So, you know, kill a city, a wind, an ocean, etc. This might involve conceptual warfare, like "damming" a sea or "stopping" a wind, or it might be more direct like beating a city into pulverized dust with your bare hands and screaming at the sky as the ashes of a once-proud author of universe waft around you.

Then, of course, after you kill them they become Neverborn. So maybe you get to double-kill them, if you can figure out how to kill the tomb-bodies of dead titans, which may be harder than killing living titans.
I believe I saw a reference that stated the below is USUALLY true, but sometimes it can be much greater than the original. Definitely 1st edition though.

Sherwood said:
When one of the higher souls is destroyed, it can be restored, but the overall being is going to be much weaker than before, and the change of nature will continue.

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