Female + female, you + me = good times for all

Lady Sabine

Hello there, loves! ^^ I'm Sabine, and tonight I'd love to get a few roleplays going centered around lesbian couples. Now, I understand that it isn't the most popular pairing, and I've got a few other things that might scare you away as well:

-I really prefer non-modern, non-Earth settings. So, something like Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars where, even though humans are present and society is at least somewhat similar to our own, it isn't strictly historical or realistic.

-Related note, I prefer fantasy, sci-fi, or other "nonrealistic" genres, though this is flexible.

-No characters under eighteen, and preferably over twenty-one.

-This must be plot first, romance second. I'm not RPing as something to get off to or to fulfill a private fantasy, I'm RPing for the love of the story. I just happen to feel like a story revolving around two women.

Wow. That list is looking pretty long. O.o So, if you're still around, send me PM. Or read on to find out what sort of plots/characters I have in mind- not a complete list, but the ones I can easily explain, haha.

Oh, and thanks for reading this far. As a reward, here's a little secret: I'm also fine with straight and gay pairings. Two girls, two guys, one of each- I don't actually care. I'm just in the mood for some f// at the moment. xD Feel free to ask for something else .

I have this futuristic chick who has been genetically enhanced (with or without "powers") and raised her entire life to be a sort of soldier-policeman, keeping the peace in her dystopian city-state... through whatever means necessary. She had always quietly had feelings for her best friend in childhood and all through "training", but never acted on it because it is, of course, strictly forbidden. Said friend winds up getting sent far away (or so the official story goes) to complete her last few years of training, so my character almost forgets about her in the intervening years.

Well, a way down the road, she gets sent in to deal with a suspected terrorist attack. She gets there and realizes she is totally outgunned- fortunately for her, the person in charge of the attack is her childhood friend. She abandoned the government a long time ago and joined up with the opposite side because of reasons, but remembers the friendship they used to share. For that sake she does not kill my character, but keeps her alive and brings her back with them. We can see where this ends up. ^^

A marriage is arranged between the heirs of two neighboring regions (countries, provinces, what-have-you) but, tragically, the male dies either shortly before or shortly after the wedding. It seems this is the end of all the plans the two areas have had together, but fortunately (or unfortunately) my character is willing to continue the alliance, under the condition that the heirs remain wed... to the either joy or dismay of the dead man's sister.

Similarly, two aristocrats are wed and the woman moves in with her new husband, far from home and far from comfortable. Her sister-in-law, however, would love to make her a bit more comfortable... not that it's at all acceptable, or likely to end well if he finds out about it.

Steampunk times now, and two empires at war with each other, each intent on destruction. Men are dying by the thousands, and women get brought into the workforce, and sometimes even into the military. Our characters both do their duty by serving their countries; unfortunately, they are on opposing sides. During an attack my character, a machinist, is captured by the enemy and taken prisoner. However, given her usefulness as a trained machinist, they promise her good treatment and eventual freedom if she'll go to work for them. More worried about surviving her stay than any loyalty to the country, she takes them up on the offer.

Your character is assigned to oversee her, and over time, their relationship progresses into something more than friends... just in time for one or both of their assignments to change and their orders coming in to move again, away from each other. We'll focus on how they deal with potential separation. ^^

Next idea involves reincarnation. The idea in this universe is that certain souls are two halves of a whole, meant to work together and complete each other. However, two people take this a bit too seriously, and using dark magic actually combine their souls. This is expressly forbidden, as no one is strong enough to handle being whole.

However, since no two people can combine themselves so completely, no one can fight the combined soul, who becomes an evil overlord of sorts, seizing control of the country. Eventually, two lovers rise up against the overlord, one a male mage and the other a female knight. They are strong enough to fight the overlord, but not strong enough to kill him. So they do the next best thing, and trap him with a magic spell for a few hundred years. However, something goes awry, and the knight is trapped as well.

Some time later, the mage's soul, incarnated into a new body, stumbles across the location of the trapped knight. Now, souls keep certain elements, but not all of their past memories. Unaware of the havoc it will create, the mage starts to unravel the spells keeping them trapped, trying to find her missing other half.

Now it's up to the knight, recently freed from captivity, to explain the situation to the mage-reincarnated and for the both of them to work together to try and banish the combined soul, before he can seize power again.

In another universe entirely, a war-torn region claimed by Orcs, Elves, Dwarves, and humans is the perfect breeding ground for mercenaries. Many rise and many fall, but one of the big names starting to rise is the Red Hand. They are known for being more honorable than many of the other companies, and for taking in people of any race... and fighting for either of the four races, a rather rare thing.

I will play as the second in command, a combination between sergeant, mother figure, and doctor- an Orcish shaman who doesn't put up with anyone's shit, the leader included, and is often treated as the ceremonial head of the organization. Who you play is your choice, though the actual leader seems the obvious one. ^^

I have a few other ideas, all more vague, and I also welcome anyone else's. Just PM me. :D
Remind me to read through this properly later? Though out from what i managed to get with my sleepy midn seemed interesting.
I'd be interested in the dystopian peace-keeper x terrorist childhood friends plot. I'm pretty sure I play a female character well enough. Nobody's said that I can't.
The war torn universe seems pretty cool with all the different races clashing and im not one to shy away from a good story regarding the steam punk lovers, i'd definitely be interested in rping in any of those settings as they are all good ideas.

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