London Fog
A ghost of sorts.

Full Name: Felix Abraham Bergfalk
Nickname: "Mom," "Mommy," "Momma Bergfalk," and other variations. Sometimes "Bergie."
Age: 23
Occupation: On-call nurse
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthplace: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Hair: Light blonde, short and always a bit ruffled.
Eyes: Baby blue.
Face: Somewhat square, with a small button nose bridged by a few freckles and what others have described as a really nice smile.
Build: Felix, likely due to the fact that he prefers housework, cooking, and other domestic tasks over physical activity, is slightly overweight. This only really affected his midsection, so rather than having thick arms or a rounded face, he just has a slight "tummy."
Clothing: Felix adores anything pastel-colored or floral. He really likes the color pink, too. His favorites are button-ups, tee shirts, and tank tops in the summertime. He kind of likes to get cute with his tops, but jeans suit him just fine. He doesn't go outside a lot, so he normally just wears socks, but when he has to leave the house, he's got a couple pairs of converse. You'll never see Felix in a bathing suit, or shirtless in public in general. Sleeps in a Beach Boys tee shirt and flannel pajama bottoms.
S T R E N G T H S + W E A K N E S S E S
As if I haven't covered this to death. Felix loves you and just wants you to be safe and happy.
+Generous to a fault
The needs of others come before his own, so his time, energy, and material possessions are the least he can give.
The number one rule of being Felix Bergfalk is putting others before yourself. Always.
+Medically trained
Felix is an on-call nurse, and he takes a lot of pride in what he does. Of course he received the best training he could find and afford.
+Great cook
Oh, come on. Of course he can cook. If he can go to nursing school for four years, he can learn to cook like a champ. He loves it, too.
+Fantastic with children
Admittedly, some people aren't comfortable with the way Felix acts like everybody's mom. It's really not his fault, but at least kids love him.
Felix really hasn't got a bad bone in his body, so there's no room for lying or malice or even sarcasm. He's totally genuine.
Well, okay, knowledgeable concerning medicine and nutrition and not a whole lot else. But once again, no one stays sick long when Felix is around. That knowledge can be a big help.
If you're friends with Felix, you're friends for life. He'll always remember your name, and you're always welcome in his home.
+Might be the sweetest guy you've ever met
Speaks for itself.
Well, being emotional isn't necessarily a weakness, but in the case of Felix, his emotions can really get in the way of rational thought.
Why would anyone want to poke fun at Felix? What could you possibly call him out on? He just wants to love and be loved. Thankfully, it doesn't happen often. But when it does happen, he's got some very thin skin.
-Somewhat self-neglecting
I've said it before and I'll say it again - Felix puts others before himself. Caring for others is not a preoccupation. It's a passion. Naturally, he tends to forget that he, too, has physical and emotional needs. If he's preoccupied with nursing someone else, he can actually hurt himself. It's happened.
-Physically weak
Felix's daily exercise might consist of pushing a broom, or kneading a particularly thick batch of bread dough. He can't lift much at all, much less fight anyone.
-Unsuited to the outdoors
Oh, please don't take Felix on a camping trip. Just don't do it. He hates mud and bugs and everything else in the outdoors. He just doesn't know how to deal with any of it.
-Clumsy on his feet
The continued report on Felix's poor physical state. On unfamiliar territory, he will stumble, trip, and fall almost without warning.
-Can't run very far or fast
Felix's lifestyle contains no cardio whatsoever. Even jogging, he gets winded quite quickly, and it's not as if he can run much faster than that. In conclusion: Felix is not an athlete. More at eleven.
Boo! Haha, got you! Hey, where'd Felix go? Oh, never mind, he's under the couch.
-Easily Manipulated
If you're trying to get away with lying to Felix about anything but your physical health, you will always, always get away with it. He's terribly naive and will believe just about anything you tell him. He never learns, either, so if you're willing to repeatedly exploit Mr. Innocence Personified, you can get away with it.
Felix knows exactly what's wrong with you, and he knows exactly how to fix it, so get comfortable. He won't leave you alone until he's satisfied you're in perfect health. He'll talk you through your emotional problems, bandage your cut, stave off your illness with such care that to some it might seem unnecessary, even annoying. There's only one cure he hasn't mastered, and that's the art of leaving people the hell alone.
-Wouldn't hurt a fly if his life depended on it
As much as he doesn't like bugs, that beetle probably has a wife and kids. Unless it's a lady beetle, then she's probably a headstrong career woman making her way in the world. Good for you, lady beetle. I wouldn't dream of squishing you. Just don't come near me, please.
L I K E S + D I S L I K E S
+Serving others
+Playing in the snow
+Folk pop and indie music
+Helping others
-Being helpless
-Dark, cold places
-Getting dirty
-Horror movies
-Handling weapons
Felix, at first glance, is a very "effeminate" sort of guy. Well, this actually goes well beyond first glance. He is effeminate. He's known for his "girly" habits, and in some cases, even his speech pattern, not to mention the fact that everything he owns has flowers on it. In mannerism, he is one of the most sweet and caring individuals you'll ever meet. Felix earned his time-honored nickname, "mom", almost out of necessity - he's quite happy to cook, clean, and care for those within whatever home he happens to be. He's well known for approaching people with questions within the ballpark of "Are you okay? You look like you've been having a bad day," "You didn't show up to breakfast this morning, honey, do you need something to eat?" and "Sweetie, you look pale. Are you sick? No? Are you sure?". Everyone, whether they be a small child or three-hundred-pound ball of muscle, receives the same amount of consideration, emotional support, and sappy pet names. While he specializes in keeping you in good physical health, he's happy to listen to your problems and give you a shoulder to cry on. With his steadfast companionship, charisma, optimism, and selflessness, he's a true heart-melter.
However, one might argue that he can be a bit too sensitive, allowing the words of others to get to him, and he's very easily spooked. He can't sit through half of a horror movie, much less endure any real adrenaline rush, and is prone to "chickening out". Physically, he's quite weak. He can't run far without getting winded, and he needs help when it comes to lifting heavy objects. And violence? Even killing a fly? Nuh-uh. Nope. While some people find that he is very easy to get to know, others feel that his constant concern for their happiness and well-being makes him seem more like an overbearing mother than a friend. But if being his friend doesn't interest you, you can bend him to your will like putty. He'll eat up almost any lie, give in to any threat, or even help your cause by accident if you play your cards right. And sometimes, putting others before himself in every case can get in the way of his own well being, to the point that others have to intervene.
Felix's parents are from Sweden, and while he was raised in a Swedish-speaking household, his family lived in America and he picked up English at a young age. Starting at the age of five, his grandmother turned his family of three into a family of four. This change was hard to adjust to at first, but once he warmed up to her, they were inseparable. His mother was a working woman, and his father was bedridden with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so he and his grandmother did much of the work around the house. She was a doctor in her younger days, and she taught him everything appropriate to teach to child, from home remedies to wound dressing. When age began to take its toll, it was all on Felix to care for both his father and his grandmother, utilizing the knowledge she'd given him. It was at this point that he decided he wanted to go to nursing school.
Nursing school went well for quite awhile. But towards the end of his third year, during which he was a grad student and had no breaks to visit his family, his phone calls with his mother became strangely brief and vague. But school was only getting harder, so he pushed forward, worried but unable to spare any time to check in on his mother for another year. A few weeks before graduation, he had all of his work done, and he decided to call his mother to ask if she could make it to his graduation. She told him that no, she couldn't make it, and hung up with a tearful-sounding "I love you." Felix proceeded with the graduation in a state of bewilderment. After that was taken care of, he rushed back to Philadelphia to find his mother's house empty. There was, however, an address taped to the door. Upon arriving at the address, he found himself at a hospital. He stated his name to the receptionist, and all she did was hand him a sealed envelope with his name written on the back in what he recognized as his mother's handwriting. He tore it open right there in the waiting room to find a long, long letter from his mother, written on her deathbed. She had been fighting ovarian cancer for the past two years, but it was a losing battle, so she didn't tell him for fear that he would abandon his studies to be at her side. She wouldn't be the one to take his dream from him.
It took him a long time (and a little bit of counseling), but Felix recovered from his grief. However, he never really got over the fact that his mother was able to trick him into thinking all was well and good. He managed to salvage some of his naivety, but he can never leave people alone about their health anymore. He's always a little bit suspicious that those around him are in pain, but they aren't telling him for fear of being an inconvenience, just like his mother. Thus Felix gained his defining trait the hard way. But at present, it's not such a bad thing. Caring for others, keeping them fed, warm, clean, happy, healthy - it's all therapeutic to Felix. As much as one would think that he's doing others a service, it's the other way around, so far as he's concerned.
Birthday: March 17th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Character Alignment: Lawful Good
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favorite Show: Grey's Anatomy
Favorite Food: Mini Wheats
Favorite Band: The Beach Boys
~More to come~
An in-depth look at Felix's ability to overthink and overreact to your symptoms, narrated by his inner monologue.
Disclaimer: This inner monologue assumes that Felix was right this time, which he usually is not.
Stage 1: No reason for concern.
"Okay, good, everyone seems fine. No, no, I'm not worried. I mean, maybe someone's hungry and they're not telling me. Should I ask? I'm gonna ask. No? Okay."
Stage 2: Someone looks tired.
"XXX looks tired. I probably forgot to ask them if they got enough sleep last night. Or did I? Well, they clearly didn't. It's only one PM. Well, they are on their phone late at night, and that can throw off a person's sleep schedule. Should I ask them? Nah, they might be texting someone important. Wouldn't want to intrude on that. Maybe they're sick. Pff, no they're not. You're just paranoid, Felix. If they're looking rough tomorrow morning, give them some melatonin. No biggie. Now stop worrying. Stop it."
Stage 3: Someone coughs or sneezes.
"Woah! Alright, no need to panic. It's allergy season - wait, no it isn't. Okay, listen closely. If they do it again, maybe you'll be able to tell if that was an 'I just inhaled a dust particle' cough or an 'I'm developing a sore throat cough.' Remember, now, there's a difference between the 'I'm developing a sore throat cough' and the 'I have Pneumonia and I'm not going to tell Felix until I'm literally dying' cough. Oop, there it was again. Still couldn't tell. If they cough a third time, you can ask, 'kay big boy? Sniffles count."
Stage 4: Someone looks or is acting odd.
"Yeah, okay, your hunches are right sometimes. XXX is now pale, sweaty, glassy-eyed, and shaky. You can ask now, okay? That's right, you earned it. They said they're fine. Oh, you want to believe them soooo bad, don't you? But you know better. Sure you do. Geez, this is going to be embarrassing if they actually just came back from a jog or something. What now? Um, try the 'are you sure'. Okay, their mouth is saying yes, but their eyes are saying no, my small intestine just ruptured, I can see the light. Ugh, great, how're we gonna... Now what are you doing..? Felix, don't. Do not touch their face. You're a professional, Felix. Don't. Felix. Hoe, don't do it..."
Stage 5: Symptoms confirmed.
"...Oh my god. Yeah, they're hot. But you've also got an active imagination, so pull out an actual thermometer, please. Wait two minutes, maybe a little over. Don't let them out of your sight, either. Fun fact: More twenty-year-olds have tried to pull a fast one on you during temperature-takings than ten-year-olds. Ten... nine... eight-seven-six-five-fourthreetwoone okay! That's high. That's high. Ohhh, no, you were right. Okay, doc, you're in control now. Don't panic, I know that they're one of your seventeen best friends and you'd step in front of a moving train inexplicably full of active grenades for them, but you've gotta act calm. See? Good, good, bring them to their room. Make sure they've got water. If it makes you feel better, explain to them why humans get fevers while you're getting them situated, then digress into the scientific study of pathogens. Theeere you go. That's good. Where were we? Oh, yeah. Bacteriophages are actually pathogens that infect viruses themselves - hey, where are they going?"
Stage 6: Subject vomits.
"Oh. Ohhh no. They made it to the toilet, good, but... Oh, come on, Baymax, do something! There. Kneel down. Don't breathe through your nose, you're comfortable with this. You're a nurse. You're not grossed out. Just don't breathe through your nose. Pat their back. Speak in a low, calm voice, even though you're screaming bloody murder on the inside. They're still going? Okay, this isn't good. Wait. Keep talking, they shake less when you talk. No, scratch that. Oh, well. Once they're done, you can ask them for a service rating. Done? Done. Alright, now help them up, flush it for them - ew - make them wash their mouth out, get them back in bed. Aw, man, they look like they're in pain. Alright, now, don't go making sad eyes at them - aaand too late. Just give them something to help them sleep. Maybe they'll think that you being a hopeless mother hen was just a dream."
Stage 7: Hospitalization.
"You couldn't stay away. Ugh, you're lucky we live in the modern world, or else natural selection would have your ass mounted on the wall. Well, you're here now, and they've been sleeping for the past four hours. Maybe I won't bother you about coming to check on them. That's a new record, after all. Christ, what did you give them? They've been out for ages. Oh, please, please don't wake them, come on now, Felix. There's no way you're going to get away with taking their pulse - woah. That's really low. That's really really low. Don't panic don't panic ear thermometer don't panic. It's higher don't panic don't panic don'tpanicdon'tpanic. Okay, okay. Let's pretend we're giving birth. Breathe in. Breathe out. Don't have a cow. I am a wave in the ocean. I am a flower in theIR BREATHING IS SO SHALLOW. PANIC PANIC PANIC CALL 911 PANIC PANIC. THAT WAS 811. TRY AGAIN. What's my emergency? Form words, you flowery oaf, form words! Oh, god, are you crying? It's okay, the operators are probably used to this. Good boy, they're sending an ambulance. You're alright. Aren't you? Yeah... yeah... no... Felix, please, for the love of god, if you pass out, they're not going to have enough stretchers. No, come on, Felix. Felix! Felix? Dammit."
Heyo! I'm Felix B, and I write in Kristi font. It's a bit hard to read, so I write nice and big, like this.
- Felix can't swim. He doesn't like wearing bathing suits, anyway, because they show his tummy and that makes him kind of uncomfortable. But even if you can get him to put on his suit, you sure won't make him swim.
- Have you ever seen that one mug that says "Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn"? He owns that mug. It's his favorite.
- Felix's initials spell FAB and I think that's awesome.
- More to come as I figure them out.
Suggestions for facts/fun section always appreciated!
- Felix can't swim. He doesn't like wearing bathing suits, anyway, because they show his tummy and that makes him kind of uncomfortable. But even if you can get him to put on his suit, you sure won't make him swim.
Felix is currently in [0] roleplays, with interest in [1].
I am currently:
[X] Seeking roleplays.
[_] Not seeking roleplays.
With Felix, I do:
[_] Simple
[X] Casual
[X] Detailed
[X] Realistic
[X] Sci-fi ~possibly
[_] Fantasy
[_] One-on-one
[X] Slice-of-life
[X] Potential romantic subplot
[_] Romance-dependent plot
If you've got a roleplay that fits the above criteria and you think Felix would make a good addition to your cast of characters, feel free to ask.
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