Favourite video game music?

Honor for all sounds okay, but it's also kind sad.

Blazblu's music is too erratic for me.

Square-Enix always has good music, but I think the one track I like the best is actually a rendition of one their songs:

Let the Battles Begin! - FFVII
The soundtrack to Bastion is absolutely beautiful.
My current favourites would be Hotline Miami I and II, though. Extremely good electronic soundtracks ~
I'd be lying if I said anything but Undertale. Say what you want about the game, but the soundtrack is perfect.

Not only is Shadow of the Colossus one of the greatest games ever made, but it had one of the greatest soundtracks, too.
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A lot of Japanese game soundtracks here, soo, may as well add to it. My all time favorite video game soundtrack is from MGS3. I wouldn't have experience with Final Fantasy since I've only played a little bit of an older one and it didn't appeal to me. To each their own, however.
My favorite soundtracks generally revolve around the original Twisted metal games and the music in the old PMD/Pokémon D/P, along with Armored Core 4s music (Like "Panther" ) then of course counting LittleVmills metal covers.

But if I have to be punctual about it, for lack of a better ability to make use of this site's apparent link function; 

Depending on my mood, respectively. I have hundreds of these on my MP3 player.

- Almost forgot about the music from that old Transformers game nobody I know ever played! 
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Jessica Curry's soundtracks for thechineseroom are always flawless, so I'm torn between any of hers and the Bloodborne Soundtrack.
Yoko Shimomura is such a talented composer. The scores from the Kingdom Hearts games are are arguably some of the strongest assets the games have. Take this for example:

This is the theme that plays as Sora and gang are walking through the areas in the Beauty and the Beast world. While not taken directly from the Beauty and the Beast animated film's original score, it feels like a tune that belongs in that universe. This theme of writing the music to fit the world is what makes the games' scores so memorable and really adds to overall atmosphere when playing the games.

I'm so glad Shimomura is also scoring Final Fantasy 15. The hype is too real.

You can really hear her iconic sound and style with her use of piano and violin.
While we're all fangasming over the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack, my favorite track was the Hollow Bastion theme from the first game. : P

It reminds me of the X-files a little bit.
boi i could go on for hours about video game soundtracks

But since there's a new red dead coming out, i figured i'd post this one -

Red Dead is one of my favourite games but it's just that moment when you enter Mexico for the first time and this song plays. It's a great experience; especially when there's a sunset.
Both the Payday 2 and Hotline Miami soundtracks are my favourites, they really set the mood for the games.

The Metal Gear Solid Revengeance soundtrack is great too. Especially the boss soundtracks, I played the game something like 15 times over because of the music xD Also Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, love the 80s music you can listen to via the iDroid :)
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Recently, I had come to enjoy the Undertale soundtrack, but besides whole soundtracks I have five favorite tracks:

Running Hell (Cave Story)

Route 120 (Pokemon RSE)

Lost in Thoughts All Alone (FE: Fates)

Battle of 1000 Heartless (Kingdom Hearts II)

A Proper Story (Bastion)
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Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. The soundtrack actually nudged me towards the Synthwave genre. Before then, I didn't know it even existed.

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