Other Favorite replies (Old RP posts)


New Member
Just wanted a cozy little corner to share some roleplay responses I've made. Also helps me to refresh/revisit some of my characters. (if you read these out of context its pretty damn confusing though lol fair warning)

CITY OF CORD -- Agent Taffy

The City of Chord always seemed to match the sky. Dreary and gray. The streets always had some people afoot but after living there you could almost swear they’re the same five sad faces walking around in circles. Now and again you’d see a splash of energy--usually in the form of bickering or fighting.

Agent Taffy and Mothman walked down a stretch off of main street. In silence for the most part. Taffy had tried to attempt some conversation but the words had some trouble escaping his mouth, so it’d usually end up as some random gibberish that was redirected from Agent Mothman to an inanimate object. Eventually he gave up entirely and solemnly watched his own two cat feet take one step in front of the other.

Though in the midst of city sounds around them, cars driving on the road, some foot traffic, the wind filtering some loose trash in the gutter, there was a sound in particular that was not like the other. It was faint and brief, yet very distinct to the trained ear. Agent Taffy, despite having a VERY good sense of hearing, wasn't really trained much in anything, so he failed to hear it.

But for Agent Mothman..


The Gates of Creation were once a sight that aroused the feelings of astonishment and total awe in Jimmy. The absolute crushing power that they represented, the cloak of mystery they were shrouded in, and the very real place they held in the universe... but now, the child-like bewilderment was ridded, and in its place, absolute with crushing suffocation.

Jimmy considered these things as he walked up the crude stone path. The fierce wind slicing into his cheeks, as the lightning crashed around him, and the thunder shook the sky. To any bystander, the ascent was no place for any mortal. So to any bystander, they would know that the boy was no mortal.

I will not stop fighting, He muttered underneath his breath, over and over. I will fight for the world I love, the people I love, and even the villains who don't understand the gravity of what they say.

“Xander please..” He prayed, ascending up the path step by step..

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