Other favorite mythical beast?

Sirens! Not, of course, to be confused with merfolk.

They give a whole new meaning to the term "man eater."
Watch out, boy.

She'll chew you up.

Uh-oh, here she comes.

She's a maneater.

Uh-oh, here she comes.

Watch out, boy.

She'll chew you up.

Uh-oh, here she comes.

She's a maneater.
I'll be the generic Cerberus guy. I already love dogs, and I love it even more if my one dog could fight itself.
I don't think I can actually pick just one since there's so many out there, each with their unique looks/history. But I can narrow it down to dragons, sirens, merfolk, phoenix, and lamia.
Wait, I want to change my answer!

Does Peter Dinklage count?

Sorry, beast is a relevant term to the individual person. My view is that all mythological beings are beasts to some degree. Sirens due to their nature are beastly; a griffon, phoenix, dragon, etc are beasts due to their size and the fact that they could be considered animalistic in nature. So that's why I answered the way that I did ^^;
There's so many great ones, I can't decide on just one. I'll narrow it down to... minotaur, cerastes, and chthulu...
well, i've personally always wanted to be a pterippus.
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Minotaurs are awesome. I've always thought they were total badasses. I know in their lore there was only one... And he's dead, so I shouldn't be talking like there's plural... But I will keep the hope alive. xD

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