Favorite Chronicles/Moments

I'm still relatively new to Exalted and tabletop RPGs in general. So I want to know what some of your favorite chronicles/moments in Exalted. I think this will give me something to shoot for, as well as start some interesting conversation. I apologize if this is a duplicate thread or it happens very often, I couldn't find one.
My favourite moments... As an ST, not really many of those yet. My suprises have yet to be sprung in most of my games, and the longest running one is having problems coming up with problems the Dawn can't just one-hit K.O.... including Essence 4 Siddies. Stupid lousy uber-death Combo, stupid lousy Form Charms...

As a player on the other hand, I've greatly enjoyed renacting various Bond movies. Mad Science+Minions+Overly-Complex Death Traps are a winning combination in my book. The laser to the crotch one was particularly fun. :D
Tome said:
I've greatly enjoyed reinacting various Bond movies. Mad Science+Minions+Overly-Complex Death Traps are a winning combination in my book. The laser to the crotch one was particularly fun. :D
That reminds me: I watched Live Free or Die Hard the other day and the whole time I was thinking Exalted. Just the idea of a character that had impossible survivability, and also is a total hardass.
My twilight -may- have a giant mirrored manse called Icarus .. .. rumours of it having a death ray are -greatly- .. .. true ^^

.. ooh, I should make Goldeneye.. a weapon which destroys all essence within a 10 mile area ^^
Hmm...  I'll have to think of a few.  But when the players in my last series were trying to find out some of the gods in Nexus, they of course heard about the God of Thieves...  Referring to a particular mischievous NPC one of them said 'Yeah, he's probably in my Manse right now'.  When the laughter died down a bit, I couldn't help but respond with 'Actually, he is.'
One of the funniest moments I had as a ST:

- when my solars are facing Walker in the Darkness for the first time, one solar friend and 50 of their soldiers have been captured (half of the soldiers are dead, and presented as... ornaments to the rendez vous point)... the pcs arrive, most of them are too scared to do anything, then the brave Eclipse king of their dominion steps ahead, speak a little with the deathlord and then speak a little louder: "well, I think now is the time to BREAK THE NEGOCIATIONS !!!" :D draw his sword and everybody jumps into battle... at the end, most pcs are running, 2 are captured !

- after a demon invasion where the dragon king army of the solars saved the day... the zenith caste warlord faces his people shocked and scared and talk to them about the dragons kings: "And you can believe me they are... (30 seconds blank)... GOOD PEOPLE !!!" :D

- a Full moon lunar (winged serpent totem) I had in my group for a time was one psychotic bitch... and she had a twisted way to create troubles with other people. Everytime she would feel like beating/killing someone, she just asked one simple question that always started with "Hello, you sweet (x)... So... I  just happen to have a question"... life and death of the being she asked the question was merely a matter of time... I heard it about a hundred times !

- when my deathknights had arrived at the Invisible Fortress with another deathknight npc, the npc started to make a speech about the place, and said he found even a small chapel dedicated to the cult of Unconquered Son... and then I started imitated the npc spitting but one of my pc did the exact same thing at the same precise moment... we couldn't breath as we were laughing at this ! :D
These are some cool stories but not exactly what I was going for. I was thinking more along the lines of awesome games. I am planning on STing for my friends and I'm trying to get a feel for what a solid Exalted game is.
The greatest game I ever played was about five years ago. The story of the game was not particularly awesome, we were in a Shadowland when it started to rain blood and we had to take refuge in a cave, but that cave was full of terrible horrors that then we discovered were the manifestations of our nightmares. The great challenge of the thing was finding out we were sleeping. But you see, the ST described the whole thing so well, and conducted the game in such a mysterious way, that it became a very memorable experience.
magnificentmomo said:
These are some cool stories but not exactly what I was going for. I was thinking more along the lines of awesome games. I am planning on STing for my friends and I'm trying to get a feel for what a solid Exalted game is.
I'm not sure "solid" applies to this game, but it sounded fun.
wordman said:
On a more serious note, this sidereal campaign description sort of blew my hair back.
Wow. Just wow. The amount of work the ST put into the prep of that story is impressive. I love the mission envelope idea!
Derek, the PC Chosen of Mars, fought valiantly, but was struck down by Gervesin, saved only by the Mercy of Heaven Saves the Loyal Servant Plan - not before his entire skeleton was turned to green glass, however, requiring its later replacement in heaven.
Fuck! I'm not sure there are words to describe how much that would hurt! Very cool though.

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