Story father are you homophobic? (SCP OC (Children of an SCP) short story)


My name is Charlie what's yours
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ok so here is some info
They are the son and daughter of scp 076 (SCP-076 - SCP Foundation some info)
The son's name is Jay
the daughters name is Victoria
scp 076 is less violent but more of a ass then anything
scp 076 is homophobic

Jay stood in the doorway of his fathers contanment chamber Victoria in toe there stood their father holding his blade training
"Hi Jay, Hi Victoria" he said stopping Victoria smiled he pants touching the bottom of her legs Jay was wearing his sisters old skirt things that their father did not approve of "your just in time I cooked buggers" they were lead to a tabble and sat down they started eating
"Dad" Jay said eating eyes low thinking
"Yes son?" scp 076 said
"What would you do if I was gay?" Jay said still eating
"No child of mine is going to be queer so I'd disown you" scp 076 said fire in his vains Jay was in shock, so was Victoria the ate and left without saying a word

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