.:Fate's Twisted Games:. {Sign-Up}


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Fate's Twisted Future

US- March 7, 2193

.:Main Plot:.

Nobody really knows howLacela became in charge of the states. Just that she is one of theworlds most evil, cruel, viscous, and conniving woman the earth hasever seen. At the age of 18 she killed the last us president. At theage of 23 she became the president. And at the horrible age of 35,she made up Fate's Games. Arena after arena of death and agony. Shepicks children from the ages of 14-17 and forces them to take part inFate's Games. She picks three children from Arizona, New Mexico,Oklahoma, and Texas to take part. These children all of families, allhave friends, all have something or someone that they love. And themost sick and twisted part of it all, if one of the contestants lose,they get to watch everything and anything that they ever cared aboutdie. Lacela herself goes into the room, with the child's eyesstrapped open so they can't look away and one after another watch thepeople they loved get tortured and die. Every pet, every friend,every family member, every romance. And after wards, she let's thechild go, and do what they wish. Most end up doing suicide. Other endup insane asylums. Others never speak to anyone. Some of them actnormal. But this year's games are different. Lacela is going to waituntil all of the children lose one of the arena's, and put them allin a room. Then the winner will have to be the one to kill the losingcontestants loved ones. One after another, of blood and gore. ButLacela is to self-sure. She thinks everything will away go asplanned. But what Lacela doesn't know is that Five people have beenwaiting for something such as these year's games to happen. And whenit does, Lacela isn't going to be happy.

.:The US in 2193:.

In the year of 2099 a hugeglitch happened. Wiping out all of earths technology. But thanks tohumans vast knowledge were able to remake all of it. Witch tookalmost 80 years to rebuild. And still most of it is still covered andnot able to reach. Unfortunately, in 2193 nothing really advanced.Everything's almost the same, cell phones, cars, internet, casino's,and strip clubs. But unlike 193 years ago, the government is alwayswatching. And especially Lacela. She picks the children with a lot tolose.

She never picks theorphans, the abused kids. She always pick's a kid with a lot to lose.Everything to lose if you put it.

.:The Arena:.

Thereare 11 arena's total in Fate's Games. One for every child except one.The arena's change every year. These arena's are tiny room's filledwith at least one thing. From a room filled with snakes or bears oreven filled with water. It does not matter, just that one of thechildren will be targeted by these animals and disappear into theholding block. Until all of the arena's are finished.


Itdoes not matter who wins Fate's Games. Because when all of thearena's are over with, then the five will come and help all of thechildren escape. And to prove that, even my character will be the oneof the first to lose one of the arena's. But if you really want to bethe winner (and I’m sure your not the only one, I will pick the endwinner out of the best character sheet. Basically if you want to bethe winner, and you have the best character sheet, I will pick you.)I do not pick out of favoritism. And I will only pickthe winner after all of the character slots are filled. Thank You.

.:CharacterSkelly (No Anime Pictures!):.










Available Characters:


Male- John Thanos (Role-played by: blackwind1kaze)


EitherGender- Open



Female-Elinor Adams (Role-played by: Sullenkiller)

EitherGender- Open

New Mexico:


Female- Charlotte Morris (Role-played by: amdreams)

EitherGender- Open




EitherGender- Open








Name:Elinor Samuel Adams

NickName: Ella

Age:She's 17 years old but she can pass as a 19 year old.



View attachment 3130

Appearance:Elinor has short layered black hair that has a dark navy blue tintwhen light touches it. She has a thin jaw line and full lips, makingher more attractive in the face than most. Her shoulders are a bitthin for her body and waist isn't extremely thin, but she's not fat.Her stomach is considered over all flat. She has long legs but shenever really shows them off unless it's to a school dance or a partyof some sort. Usually wearing slight tight jeans and tank-tops,she's not very popular at the school she attends but she isn't acomplete loner. She usually pulls her short hair into a tiny stub ofa ponytail, letting her layers fall around her face and soft browneyes.

Personality:Elinor has more of a shy personality to her. She never tries tobe the center of attention and most certainly doesn't try to get intotrouble if she can help it. Even though her friend Mandy tries todrag her into sneaking out or partying, she always objects. She isn'tknown to be adventures or a risk taker. And that it her most weakpoint when she gets chosen to be in Fate's Games.

History:Elinor was born to a man named Erik Adams and a woman name LindaAdams. Her father past away when she was five years old fromdiabetes. Her mother made a job as a nurse and was able to keep herhouse. She re-married a man named Ike Fetcher. Elinor didn't like him but rather kept him because he made her mother happy.
Name: John Thanos

NickName: Soul

Age: 17

Gender: Male

State: Texas

Appearance: (will edit for the rest)



Name: Charlotte Morris

NickName: Lotta

Age: 15

Gender: female

State: New Mexico

Appearance:View attachment 3139 Charlotte can be considered kind of pretty if she would stay quiet. She has wavy dark brown hair and blue-gray eyes. Her measurements are all rather average, except she's a little short. She likes to wear shortish skirts and over-sized hooded sweatshirts.

Personality: Charlotte is a bit anti social and blunt. She'll often say the first thing that comes to mind without realizing why most people would be offended by it. Most see this as her being stuck up, so she is unpopular. Short tempered and a little passive aggressive, she isn't the nicest person you'll meet.

History: Lotta has never really known her mom who left her father, Jonathan Morris, shortly after she was born. Her dad eventually remarried a woman, Helen, with a son, Zeke, 4 years younger than Lotta, but she soon died from pneumonia. Her father works long hours as a janitor at an office complex, making enough money to get by. She is a bit protective of her stepbrother because he sort of has no family left. That coupled with the fact that she doesn't really have friends so she spends all her time with him.

PracticePost: (Not sure what you want for this but here goes nothing. LEEROY JENKINS! :D )

Lotta woke up to the sun shining in her face, nearly blinding her. After getting ready, she dragged her little brother, Zeke, out of bed. She helped him into the bathroom before going downstairs. Her father's car was already gone. His job did start at 6am after all. She waited by the front door. "Zeke hurry up!" she shouted. The little boy ran quickly down the stairs, nearly falling on the last few steps. By the time he got to her, he was nearly out of breath. Smiling, she messed up his hair and motioned to the door. "Let's go." And she walked him to school as she did each morning.
Lol, it's just to see if your any good or not. And I should probably mention it's not mandatorie, well it is if you want to be the winner.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. Accepted! :)

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