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Futuristic Fate of the Stars of Life (Out-of-Character & Episode Thread)

Been trying to converse with GrieveWriter, one of my former writers of Chaos Faction: Multiverse Mayhem. I wanna learn some tips on how he can write with so much detail!
That's fair enough, but you know, that may just not be your style, you know?

Take notes, sure, but you know what I mean, right?
... Huh. I was really expecting for Meme Machine to join in by now. Even told her that her time has come. She must be busy with something... Probably hunting.
If achievable, that is. Though, without the chaos, order does get admittedly boring after a while. I'd just prefer to carry it out a bit more passively and civil, so...
It's like what One-Side Coin's signature said:

Light without darkness is blinding

Darkness without light is an abyss

You can not have a One-Sided Coin
Just done posted.

So if that's how Kokoro reacts to the mess hall, just wait till Bowe sees it (when we get there). :>
Maybe not all of it would be gone, but expect her to try everything and 'then' stick to that which she deems her favourite.
Sorry folks, won't be able to post until next month, wifi has all about run out because siblings left Disney Plus streaming overnight, and I don't got much mobile data left, so feel free to proceed the story without me until then
FUN FACT: Planet Solaris is Kepler-452b, aka "Earth's Cousin". When the Humans were given FTL technology by the Martians, they decided to test the new technology by traveling from Earth to Kepler-452b. When the test has announced a success, as they were able to reach the planet within half an hour, they used the planet as a sandbox for planetary colonization methods and how to keep their government rule in other worlds. Once they're done with testing any particular methods of colonizing Earth-like planets, they renamed Kepler-452b as "Solaris", announced the planet as the first official Human colony, and began spaning out to the outreaches of the galaxy.

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