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Fixing herself a plate, she sat in a pew and happily ate her meal. However, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation that Elizabeth knew was certainly not for her ears. Demons were no laughing matter, and they were not to be approached unless you were absolutely sanguine and self-assured when it came to your ability to fight them off. For the most part, humans did not possess the skill or magic necessary. This greatly worried her. While this town had its arrogant elites, it also had a rich and welcoming culture. It certainly didn't deserve to witness a battle of this magnitude. If only she had her magic, she would take care of this herself as surreptitious as always. Secrecy was all she's ever known. Those who typically found out about her magic use were prone to calling her evil, not accustomed to benign magic.

Once she was finished eating, the young woman approached Sir Carlisle once again. "Thank you, once again, for your extraordinary hospitality. I have some business to attend to, but I shall return, likely within a few hours." She bowed her head respectfully before taking her leave in the fresh garments that were provided for her.

In case of emergency, Elizabeth knew that she'd be no match for such a beast in her current state. She had hoped that once she met the potion crafter, perhaps he would have something to help her, being another follower of magic. If he turned out to be a snake-oil salesman, she may be shit out of luck until she can restore her strength over time.

The girl felt better already with her toes curled into the grass, but it would not be enough. Her trip to her, hopefully, new job seemed to go by quickly, though.

She did not hesitate to knock on the front door before rummaging to get the flier from town into her hands, double-checking that this was in fact the correct address. Reassured that she was in the right place, she stood patiently in wait for someone to answer the door.
The door opened, and a woman dressed in a dark purple robe and long floppy brimmed hat answered.

“Hello, yes. Do you need something? I’m in the middle of a very delicate project.”

The woman noticed the flier in Elizabeth’s hand. “Oh, you’re here about the apprenticeship, perfect,” She spoke quickly and ushered the girl into her house.

“I’m Layla Frond. Alstor is my grandpa. I’m what you’d call a journeyman. Shouldn’t it be journeygirl? I call myself that sometimes” She giggled.

In the living space of this dwelling was a long pair of tables with bottles and glass instruments set up on metal racks and trays. There was a cauldron mixed and bubbling with a strong smell of sulfur.

“I don’t have a spare set of gloves or goggles. Sorry about the smell. I’ll be done in just a minute. Make yourself at home.”

She went to work by dropping a hair-like ingredient into the pot and kept stirring. The smell changed from sulfur to chalk and burning charcoal. The pot was being heated by a colorless flame that radiated around the base. There was little in way of comfortable furniture, but there were a pair of short stools.
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Layla would notice the young girl's nervous posture nearly immediately relax, paired with a sigh of relief. An actual magic-user. Part of her had feared it was a trap, or that she would get here to find some amateur scheming in insanity. Contrary to her prior notions, all she could see was a friendly host in need of assistance. Without hesitation, she took a quiet seat upon one o the barstools and looked around at all the odds and ends that filled up the room. A woman of deduction, perhaps she could reason with her new boss. After all, how convenient would it be to have all your natural ingredients at your fingertips? Surely any magic-wielder could see the benefit of restoring the young woman to her former glory.

"The smell bothers me not, please do not worry. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, truly." It appeared that this may be, at the risk of sounding cheesy, a very fruitful partnership in the long run. "As I can see you are very busy, is there any way I can aid you for the time being?" First impressions are always important. Although, Elizabeth had to admit that even being in the presence of such crafty ongoings was already beginning to make her feel better. She felt, at home. Everything about this place was welcoming and inviting, including the smell.

Without her even noticing, a flower sprouted in her hair, neatly tucked into her dark brown locks as if it were simply a decorative hairpin. Also unbeknownst to Liz, it was an often helpful plant known as Mandrake. She didn't repeat herself, but she did lean forward in her seat to await some sort of answer to her offer, or perhaps even instruction. "I am an incredibly fast learner." The girl ended her sentence with a child-like smile; she was clearly very proud of that fact.
The alchemist whined a little and turned the heat off. The mixtures were sitting inside blue glass vials. The magical auras were cooling down, and whatever she created seemed to be finished.

"Okay, those are all set. Mana restoration potions, just like the old man asked." Ms. Frond started removing the goggles, gloves, smock, and rubber boots. She was a tiny little woman inside her hat and robe.
"Grampa, I did just like you asked!" Frond hollered up the stairs. "A new recruit is here early, come meet her please!"

"EYYY WASSAAT?" A shrill old voice hollered back down the stairs. "IS SHE HERE TO remove MY WARTS?"

"Are you? That's what the flier mentioned." Layla asked Elizabeth in a calmer, more even voice.

Then, Layla came to realize that Elizabeth had no experience with alchemy. Though this was apparent, Layla could still detect a formative magical energy around the new recruit. The appearance of the Mandrake in her hair was a good clue.

"Oh, a Druid. I didn't expect to see that in Emerald City. That flower is of considerable worth. After you speak to my Master, I want to talk more."

There was shifting around upstairs, and a hunched over little man came down the stairs with a cane and red bathrobe. He wore slippers and pajamas too. He had messy gray hair coming out the sides of his head and was shiny bald on top.

"I am Alstor Frond, the Master Alchemist. I have a doctorate from the Academy of Phoenixblood in Alchemy and Natural Sciences." Once the man was finished introducing himself, he walked through Layla and Eli, and towards the workbench.

"Ah, that smell. Good chemistry as always, Layla." He grinned and took a sip from one of the vials. His eyes became clear and the harsh tone of his voice was softened. "The postmark said to meet me at Forest Castle. There's going to be a test tomorrow. The best scoring pupil will become my new apprentice. Don't think you can swing any favor with me before the test, either. I am not the only master of Alchemy acting as proctor."

Layla nodded with this. "He's right. When I took the test, the other proctors scored me. He wasn't even allowed to watch my test."

Alstor sized up the young druid. "Hmm... you don't look ready. You have killer's eyes, but you don't have the stomach for it. Alchemists have to be formidable opponents in battle. What do you have, huh? Some tattoos and tattered rags? Show me you deserve to be my apprentice!" Alstor yelled and swung his cane directly at Elizabeth's head.
In need of work, she was in no condition, nor authority, to argue with either of them. "I can provide whatever assistance that you need. While I may be weak for the time being, I believe a bit of rest will do me a world of good."

Elizabeth could tell that her chances of landing this position were slipping through her fingers, so she could not afford to be anything other than flawless. Despite having little knowledge of alchemy, she was sure her own expertise could allow her to pass the test at the very least exceptionally. After all, there are certain plants that should not be mixed, how hard could other ingredients be? Her eyes wandered over to the mana potions. So they did have what she needed, after all.

She was zoning out as the others were speaking, which happened to work to her benefit for once. Instead of focusing on what they were saying, she was searching her surroundings for clues, hints, information, or anything useful to soak in while in their presence. In the second that she heard 'show me,' the girl ducked and swung her leg at his kneecaps before somersaulting backward, out of his reach. "If it's a fight that you desire, it is a fight that you shall acquire. Combat is not my preferred art form, but that doesn't mean I haven't got enough common sense to learn." Out of the woodwork grew vines that would aim to ensnare the old man's hands in front of him, so that his hands would be visible to her, should the trick work.

Regardless of whether or not the vines bound his hands, she had to think fast. She was low on energy and was expected to show greatness. The girl stomped a foot on the ground, watching as the metal from the locks, appliances, and even nails in the wall came together to form a long, sharp spear which she held in a defensive position. Despite her threatening abilities, she looked weak. If this is what she could do weak, the human mind could only fathom what she was capable of at full strength.

"You were smart to attack from inside, but I assure you, I am quite resourceful."
Alstor was well prepared for her attack. When she kicked him, she felt little resistance. However, it did not harm the old Alchemist. He had a blue magic orb surrounding his body, which also prevented her vines from ensnaring him. However, they did slow his movement.

“Indeed you are... forgive me, I should change my tune when speaking to a guest like yourself.”
The old man set his cane back down on the floor and the bubble became invisible. He was still well protected.

“Interesting spell structure... a wild mage, perhaps?” Alstor asked.

“I believe she is a Druid, grandpa.Frond’s voice was puny. She hated fighting, especially with family involved.

“Your mage craft shall give you some advantage, but I have also seen other very promising students. Will you attend Miss...” Alstor had not been given a name yet.

“Elizabeth, grandpa.”

“Miss Elizabeth” Alstor smiled at her. He was a little worried his cruel jest wouldn’t be forgiven so easily. She looked willing to kill anyone with that spear.
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"A Druid? No, but they are a welcoming and wonderful people. I am my own being, but should you need to tell a questioning soul about me, then Druidism is not something I'm offended to be associated with. I am the spirit of the Earth. While incomprehensible to most, should you call the Earth your Mother, then I am but the Daughter. That is all you must know, for my protection and your own. I have fled here, away from scorn and malicious intent. I am weak, now, but with some rest and restoration, I am quite the ally. I shall attend any test you would like, but I warn you of making the wrong decision. While others may have more knowledge of alchemy already, that does not mean they have the capacity to learn more. I can give you endless resources and protection, can your studious bookworms promise the same?"

She put down her weapon, realizing that the atmosphere of the room was getting tense, and the young lady seemed uncomfortable. "I mean you no harm, I act solely in self-defense." Now exhausted, she leaned back against the door from which she came for a sense of balance. "Should we not work together, could I, at the very least, offer you a trade for one of those mana potions Layla has concocted? Perhaps something you could sell for equal value?" Elizabeth took a deep breath before standing back upright. She used the very last of her strength to return the metal from where she had collected it. She was not one to leave the place worse off than when she arrived.
“Catch her, Layla.” Alstor said. He walked to the table and fetched another potion.
The journeywoman held Elizabeth up and offered a kind smile.

“This should help her. Drink up.” Alstor handed a potion to Elizabeth. Layla helped her to drink from the vial.

Upon doing so, Elizabeth felt vitality returning quickly. Suddenly, she felt rejuvenated enough to sprout two more flowers in her hair! The potion was magnificent in its power to boost a wizard’s mana.

“Feel better? Very good.” Layla encouraged the girl’s gentle return to focus. “No need to trade anything for now. If you’re as valuable as you say, the potions are practically worthless.”

“Like I said, Forest Castle tomorrow. Be there. I’m gonna go take a nap.” Alstor started shuffling towards the stairs. He muttered about the damn girl transmuting half his work room into a greenhouse.
She nodded gratefully to both of them. The potion quenched her thirst like no other, and she could feel the power coursing through her once again. "Thank you for giving me a chance. I shall not let you down. I apologize for any inconvenience."

She made her goodbyes, sensing she was overstaying her welcome. Once the door closed, a sigh of relief exited her lips. The tattoo that stretched up her arm began squirming around her body as if it had a mind of its own. Elizabeth giggled, nuzzling her own shoulder tenderly. The tattoo returned to its original position, and Liz took off back toward the city in hopes of finding the kind guard who had helped her not long ago. A smile finally found its way to her face.

The girl was so enveloped in the newfound energy, as compared to the past few weeks, that she didn't even notice the tracks she was leaving were sprouting weeds. Her mind raced with how easy things would now be. She could produce rare gems, grapes for wines, and trade them for money to get some items other than food. She would be sure to impress her soon-to-be employer and go above and beyond to thank him and that young girl Layla. She would forever be in their debt.

When she finally came across Gawain, she gleefully put an arm around him, which was quite the site since she would be much shorter than he was.
"Hello! We meet again. I wanted to thank you for your generosity earlier, now that I'm feeling much, much better. I'm quite skilled at trading and bargaining, so I'm sure I could find anything your heart desires. So, please, I beg of you to name your price." Once she had his attention, she then let go of his midsection and swung herself in front of him with a child-like pep in her step.
Gawain had a stern look in his eyes. He didn't seem too thrilled to be seeing Elizabeth again. "Oh, you want to help? I'm in need of a new job. Can you help with that?" He turned around and started walking back down the cobbestone hills. He got yelled at and had to clean the graffiti off the walls. All because he wanted to help a needy girl. The cold shoulder treatment was deserved in his eyes. He was headed to his spartan clay hovel he called home. "Stupid kids love making fun of me. Stupid nobles pay me crap money to be a tattletale. It makes me feel like an idiot when adults lecture me.... humiliating."

The sun was setting over the edge of the water. Orange and red waves shuddered over a chill beach like a nervous touch. The green knight was missing his direction. By turning around he was getting further from home. He had the urge to go dig a hole on the beach. Whether or not the girl chose to follow wasn't up to him.
(( Hey, I am so so so sorry it's taken me this long to respond ))

She was shocked to see the difference in demeanor that was being displayed by the man who had previously seemed so friendly. "Oh, er, potentially? I'm not sure. I'm not entirely sure of the socioeconomic inner workings of this city, but I might be able to help anyway..." The girl looked around to make sure no one was watching before plucking a flower from someone's little front yard garden. The stem would nearly immediately regrow a new, more vivid flower as if it had never been picked in the first place. As she turned to follow the knight who was keen on storming off, she overheard his complaints that he uttered to himself. Now that was a feeling she could relate to. The body of a young woman did not do her any favors in demanding respect from common folk and royalty alike. "Nobles, hm?" Holding the flower, she skipped down the road, right on Gawain's tail. Weeds continued to grow under each step she made.

"Wait... I'm sorry. Please? I can tell that it was for my sake that you got in trouble. It was because of you that I was able to get my feet on solid ground, and now I am in much better condition! I really want to make things right. Even if I can't help you find another job, I could provide you with enough riches to not have to work for a while, which could give you some time to find a profession more suited to your wishes!" When she finally caught up to him enough to walk beside him, her small body almost looked child-like compared to Gawain. Her bright green eyes looked up at him from the side. "If you really wish me to leave, I will, but I would much prefer to return your kindness to me earlier."

The sunset caught her eye. She would have to return to the church either tonight or tomorrow morning to return the robe that was given to her. "I promise I not full of it either." She bit her lower lip, knowing what she was about to do was beyond reckless.

Elizabeth ran in front of the knight to block his path, her bare feet kicking up a little bit of sand in the process. Before most people would be able to process the situation, the young woman disrobed in front of the man. There were still a few bandages that covered anything inappropriate. The tribal-looking tattoo slithered around her body, and shapes began to form made of sand behind her. The shapes turned into letters that read "Thank You". She cupped her hands in front of her, and in them appeared a small pile of large jewels. Amongst them were rubies, emeralds, diamonds, and sapphires. "I could make you filthy, filthy rich. However, I'm sure you are... processing right now, and should it feel better to turn me in, I will also understand. Maybe that would get you a better ranking in your job! Either way, I am in your debt, so please, let me do right by you somehow."

She waited to see his reaction, simultaneously clenching her jaw in case this went sour. The jewels in her hand remained lifted towards him for the taking.
Gawain had a hard time trying to figure out why this girl was so motivated. He had only stepped a foot onto the beach when she jumped in his way and presented him with a handful of jewels. Where did she acquire these? This was some kind of trickery. Earlier that day she complained about not having any savings. Indeed she was sweet, but this magical power wasn't anything he’d seen before.His head was spinning.

He pressed a green gauntlet to his chest. His heart nearly jumped out of him when she disrobed on the beach. She was some kind of spell caster, that much he was sure. He didn’t want any of her jewels. He didn’t even want prestige. More than anything he just wanted to protect those who needed protecting. He wanted to matter to someone.

“I appreciate the thought, but you should keep those. I have no idea where those come from. Forgive my bad mood, it’s been tough goings on for awhile. I think I’ve had enough of this city.”

Gawain looked up towards the green jewel of the city. It reminded him of rolling verdant hills and only fueled his desire to seek those pastures. He thought he might try the heroes guild, Wolfhead. A life hunting monsters sounded alright. No... it wouldn’t be. This strange mystical girl hell bent on helping him. He mattered to her.

“Do you need a bodyguard? If you’re dead set on paying me, I can at least earn it. I’ll go wherever you go. I just want to get out of this city. What do I call you, tattoo girl?”

It struck Elizabeth that she had never told him a name. She was concerned with protecting her identity at all costs back then.
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"Oh, I suppose that's a rational train of thought from your end. No need to fear, I created these!" She paused for a moment, letting the jewels turn into sand and fall between her fingers. "I should, er, I should probably introduce myself. The name most humans refer to me as is Elizabeth, meaning 'God is my Oath' and 'God is my Abundance'. Well, when they're not calling me vermin or attempting to sell me to supernatural-hunting hooligans. That's actually how I ended up here. I drained myself of my power trying to escape, and because of your help, I am now back to full strength. The Earth is my Mother and I, her daughter." She took a polite bow, sand rising up her legs, surrounding and covering her body once again. Soon the sand became clothes, and the young woman was dressed in a black, wide-collar, long sleeve evening gown that was simple and did not go any further than her knees. "However, feel free to call me whatever makes you comfortable."

She could see the longing in the knight's eyes, so she allowed her little skin-bound companion to creep down into the sand, graze against Gawain's ankle, and return to her via her leg. Elizabeth could see visions of open pastures, green fields as far as the eye could see. "A Bodyguard, hm? I suppose that could prove helpful. I do a lot of traveling, within and without the presence of human beings and humanoids..." She stopped to contemplate her obligations to the job she had applied for. Could she juggle both? Was repaying this man's generosity worth it? She answered her own questions. "I agreed to take a test tomorrow for a job here in the city, but repaying your kindness holds more value to me. It is because of you that I was able to search for a job and get cleaned up in the first place. If you'd let me, I'd be happy to show you some of the greenest fields I've ever seen, forces of nature most will never be able to witness in their lifetime." The "Thank You" that was formed in the sand had fallen back to normalcy.

A pedestrian could be seen over Gawain's shoulder, and Liz quickly nudged the knight's arm to look. "Well, if your answer is no, then this could be a good opportunity for you to turn me in if you so please." She shrugged, taking a few steps away from Gawain.
Gawain looked over his shoulder and offered the pedestrian a casual nod, then turned back to Elizabeth.

“Elizabeth the Witch, they might call you that if you flaunt this power in peoples faces. Mage craft in itself isn’t reason enough to arrest you. You might get in trouble for selling fake jewels to people if they catch on.” He gave her a small smirk. This girl was a lot of fun to spend time around.

“Why don’t you forget the church and come stay with me tonight? It’s small, my-my home, but not as busy or intrusive as those clerics can be. They have a hundred of those robes, they won’t miss it.”

He laughed kind of nervously. He made such a bold proposal by accident and worked quickly to make it sound like it was purely for her benefit. It would be easier to protect her if they were out of view of the zealous clergy for a time.
"F..ake?" The word didn't seem to register. "I am no scoundrel, all the jewels that I offer are entirely authentic. But I promise you I've been called worse than a Witch." She seemed proud of this sentiment. A smirk mirrored him when she heard the knight's offer. "Your home?"

The girl thought about it for a minute, but then shrugged. "I don't see why not, as long as I'm not intruding, of course. I could prepare us something to eat if you'd like."
Gawain led her back to his dwelling. While walking he tried to explain the concept of coinage and inflation. If she made infinite gems, those gems would be worthless even if they could pass as the real thing. Those in the know can also tell the difference in gem cleavage and cut between real and transmutations.

On the East end of the city were long white buildings with rows of windows and doors. Gawain led her to one in the middle and unlocked it with his key.

“Welcome to my abode, though I’m afraid there isn’t much.” He said. Inside was a single room with a dresser and simple bed. He had little in way of possessions except for his exquisite armor, which when he got inside he started hanging up on an armor rack. She could see his wheat colored hair and blue eyes. The scar on his cheek was visible too. When he took the armor off, he was in a sweaty white t-shirt taut with his muscles clinging to it.

“See? I’m not leaving much behind. So, Forest Castle. You’re going first thing in the morning, right? It’s a bit of a way, so we should pack a lunch. What sort of test are you taking? Some kind of alchemy exam?”

He spoke almost like he was teasing her. In truth he didn’t think much of magic or transmutation until he met Elizabeth. It was cooky madman arts, he thought. Wizards were eccentric at best and annoyingly superior at worst. He only heard about them from tall tales and rumors from the war front. The one thing he did know was that wizards never die.

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