Fantasy/Slice of Life Combination (I'm not even sure what I'm doing) RP Idea


I read a bit about one of the more popular role plays on here which involved a group of people having to share a home on an island and it kinda gave me an idea. I'm not 100% sure how to classify it but I think it leans more to Fantasy/Supernatural classification I think. Feel free to add in any suggestions as this is my first role play idea posted on this site.

With regards to the setting, a large island in the middle of a vast expanse of ocean. There are no signs of life at first when everyone arrives.

The island consists of:

(1) Lush forest and jungle. There is a colony of giant bees their who hide their honey all over the place since they produce more than they can find places in the hive to put it.

(2) Barren desert wasteland with a long since deserted (by humans) city in the centre which is inhabited now by many desert dwelling creatures people refer to as monsters such as Naga. There is a single oasis.

(3) A group of mountains where harpies, dragons, etc. will be known to nest. The harpies often abduct people for fun to toy with them before taking them back to the base of the mountain and letting them off.

(3) An expanse of plains inhabited by a nomadic group of creatures always wearing snake-skin cloaks and hoods so nobody really knows who or what they are. The nomads will do trade with anyone who can earn their trust however but their currency is shiny rocks and they trade odd items with special properties such as phoenix feathers and Minotaur blood.

For the story/plot, I thought of it as what if some people/creatures were to get sent to this island for varying reasons. Humans who have knowledge of the existence of "magical creatures", said creatures themselves and any mutants that human society would want to get rid of get dumped on this island. They are usually abducted and drugged before being transported to the island. On the beach are some unfinished wooden houses left over from the previous inhabitants as are a lot of things which probably belonged to them. Mainly, there are some fishing nets and other basic tools but a lot of it is in need of repair due to laying around and not being used while being exposed to the elements. Example, the nets are made of rope but some bits of rope have snapped and the wooden houses have holes in the walls for some or even no roof. Sort of like starting from scratch but with a bit of a head start in the survival department. Everyone sort of has to survive. Some might try to get off the island to return to civilization while others may want to stay and adapt to the new lifestyle.

I hope there's enough interest in this to get a role play going.
I really enjoyed your Slice of Life/Fantasy RP idea. If you want, I would love to work with you on it, see if you can't get anymore interest?

Also, I'd like to rp in it myself. :P That's only if you're up to it. In the end, if you really did like the idea and it doesn't work out as a group effort, I wouldn't mind turning it into a 1x1 story.

All completely up to you in the end, I just thought I'd put it out there that someone is, in fact, interested in your idea. :)

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