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Fantasy Fantasy Rp: Forgiveness Or Revenge?


New Member
Roleplay Availability
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(Looking for either a gm or fellow traveler that could bring a m or fb on an adventure)

Hello looking to do a fantasy rp. Where my character was wronged and now wants revenge against the person or thing who wronged him or perhaps forgive them. My character will be very paranoid, refusing to trust people easily and thinks everyone is out to get him. I'd like him to be a switch only because i want to put in some sort of power dynamic where the sub gets control sometimes. Perhaps the person or thing that wronged him maybe cursed him? Killed a close friend of his? Enslaved him? There are a lot of things we can do with it. I prefer discord and i would like to rp over there.

Ok so onto plots! If you have something similar let me know and I'll see if i like it or not.


My adventurering party left me for dead. Too many monsters they said! They left me to the claws of monsters and they treated me like i was a toy. I finally have the chance to escape these monsters. Once done i can plan on getting revenge on my party for leaving me there to supposedly die!

I was supposed to be the King of Revia but a distant relative of mine usurped the throne and killed my father. I was about to be killed as well but someone saved me and took me to a safe place. They refused to let me know who they are but i owe my life to them. I need to gain my throne back to repay them

I was a high valued slave. I was extremely expensive and it took a while for me to be purchased. My master did horrible things to me. All i wanted was to gouge their eyes out. Sooner or later a slave revolt happened and i was quick to escape rather than fight. Now free at last i now need to get my revenge and free all the slaves.

My own family, sold me to slavery to keep their farm. I'm a pathetic slave that's clumsy and can barely do any menial tasks. I yearned for freedom but I'm way to deep to run away. Until someone buys me...

That damned devil will pay! They tricked me and caused me to kill my own family. I'll stop at nothing to see that devil beg for its miserable life. I just need to find a way to find the devil and snuff out it's life forever.

I swore an oath to protect the Queen with my life. The Queen gave me so much after all. It was only right to lay down my life for her. One day I was walking with the queen then suddenly the General and a few of their men came and killed the Queen and accused me of killing her. Arrested and now set to be executed, i just need one chance to escape and get my revenge...

My tribe has banished me for speaking out against the chief. I am forced to survive out in the wilds. I will have to gain help from outsiders to get my revenge against my chief and their tribe. Too bad outsiders are untrustworthy themselves but perhaps not all of them are bad.

I've given my loyalty to the Dark Lord. I've done horrible things in their name but the Dark Lord just threw me to the side. I helped them and yet they leave me in the hands of their enemies? My fate is in the hands of the heroes/nobles/enemy. There's no way they would spare me.

My own apprentice, the one i taught everything i know betrays me. An assassin organization was after me for some reason. Rather than defend me, they knocked me out and gave me to them. The organization takes me to an unknown place and chains me there until given further orders. I need to escape and have my revenge!

Someone took my son, tortured him and left him for dead. I don't know who it was but i will kill them with my own hands. I need to find my son to if they are alive or dead. Once i found them i can go hunting the bastard that took him and make them pay for everything they did to him.

Hope you liked some of those plots! I don't mind any gender so don't worry about anything. Hope to hear from you!
I think I posted this in the wrong thread? Rookie mistakes I guess lol. Well anyways I still hope someone likes this idea!

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