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Fantasy Fantasy pirates is dead

(I don't actually know how to make haggis, so feel free to not actually believe any of this. I'm just bullshitting here)
"Aright, so ye start with some diced tongue and liver, add some salt, pepper...." He shows Hailey as he explains. "And would ye be so kind as tae stir that while I grab a sheep stomach?"
MacToff grabs the sheep stomach from a barrel and a bottle of whiskey from the fridge and takes them to the stove
"Aright, smells about done." MacToff grabs a bowl and pours some whiskey into it. "Now we put the mixture intae the stomach, pour the juices intae the bowl..." He grabs a bag of flour and pours some into the bowl with the whiskey "...with a little bit of flour..."
MacToff chuckles. "Is nae done yet. Gottae mix up this lovely blend for sauce...taste that for me, would ye?" He puts the spoon close to Hailey's face
"Glad ye like it, but that only adds to wha's already in the haggis." He gently sets the stomach into the pan, covers it, and puts the stove on the lowest setting. "Now we jus wait for about...10 minutes for it tae be done"
Yuki gets out of bed and gets dressed, “I’d you have any ice cream? It’s the only food that I can eat.”, she looks down, “but it goes straight to my hips... Literally. I gain weight momentarily.”
Abigor bursts out of his room with a smart car around his upper body “BEEP BEEP BITCHES” he punches a crew mate in the face while running past at 40 mph

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