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Fantasy Fantasy or Post Apocalyptic


Magic Eight Ball
(Posting from mobile, please forgive formatting errors)

It's been a while, but I'm back and I'm looking for 1 or 2 RP partners for a mideval fantasy or possibly post apocalyptic themed storyline. I love world building and character development, and I'm cool with fantasy races like elves, etc. I'm in EST and can also be reached more frequently through discord. I prefer a couple sentences to 1-2 paragraphs of a response (from me, I'm felixble with what you wanna do). I can also do romance (any type of pairing but I prefer to play a male character). I also prefer RP in 3rd person.

I am 24 so I do ask that you be 21+

The only thing I'm a bit picky about is I've noticed that (not all, I've had some really good ones, but) a lot of people on here don't really want a collaborative story, but instead just want someone to bounce back and forth with their ideal OC adventure, with their partner just supporting them though it. For this reason I don't do fandom RP anymore because it's almost always OCx (you play thr canon character who is madly in love with them) type deal. I'm really looking for someone who wants to truly collaborate on something so that both of us can enjoy it. My other pet peeve is people who use others art work to show how "their character looks" unless it's commissioned for them. Face claims/original art work/descriptions are much more preferable to me. (I'm also a character artist and I know how upsetting stolen art can be). Sorry if this sounds harsh, but these two issues have been thr primary turn away of this community for me.

Other than that, I really love high stakes, semi-horror or thriller themes, action, adventure, etc. I love character development and creating realistic, in depth personalities for them. I often make a new character for each storyline. I play a ton of DnD as well as run some games, so that type of content is what I really love haha.

Feel free to ask me any questions or PM me if you wanna get started!

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