Fantasy OC w/ art!


Im not really looking for feedback, though feel free to give it anyway. I'm just super excited that someone (user gingira) sketched my OC for me, and I'm just having a great time with this roleplay and these characters and I thought I'd share:

I'm keeping all my character stuff on my blog for ease, if having to follow a link inspires enough rage I'll post more stuff here. 
Ah heck, may as well post it all here :

Character profile: Daniel of Arleigh

Revenge of the Lioness, Tamora Pierce inspired RP.

One of the central characters from my Pierce-inspired roleplay! From an isolated, rural fife, Daniel isn't used to court life or "society", but he's fitting in well with his fellow pages. Little does he know the plucky, combative page he just took a shine to is not quite what he seems. 

Extract introducing Daniel: 

One of the boys on the windowsill had been among the earlier arrivals. He lounged against the window with a knee against his chest and the other leg dangling, exuding an air of easy confidence that suggested he was also among the boys who had found their feet quickly among the other pages- who perhaps already had several close friends. The boys skin was sun-tanned and freckled, his curls thick and brown. With his wiry limbs and protruding ears he gave a distinctly monkeyish impression. With his thick-lashed, hazel eyes and mischievous grin he was darling of every nurse, maid and relative who had tried in vain to curb him...

Other info: 

Age: currently 12-13

Rank: page

Fife: Arleigh (not canon) 

Colours/Crest: Plum and gold (?) undecided

Nationality/Ancestry: Tortallan 

Magic: None

Weapons/Horse/Pets: None yet

Art by @gingira

oh my gosh! i'm just here to share your excitement with you! Daniel is a total cutie! and the art that comes along with him is really awesome! :smile2:
oh my gosh! i'm just here to share your excitement with you! Daniel is a total cutie! and the art that comes along with him is really awesome! :smile2:

Thanks a bunch! Looking forward to seeing how these characters develop as the RP progresses and they get older ! :O  

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