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Fandom Fantasy & dystopian search (oc only)


New Member
Heyo! Today I'm in the mood for either fantasy or dystopian roleplay, but introduction first.
Nice to meet you, I'm Rebeldot, but feel free to call be Dot or Dottie! I'm 24 yo so I'd prefer to roleplay with other adults because hanging out with minors makes me feel uncomfortable.
I'll write at least 100 words, but usually, I aim to write around 200, so I would appreciate it if my partner did the same. I'm not going to count the words or anything so don't sweat it too much. School is starting soon so I would appreciate bit longer responses since I might not be able to answer every day.
I can rp on here, discord or telegram!
Also, I'm going to say this now; romance isn't my thing. I consume so much media with romance in it that I'm just all romanced out. I want our characters to explore and have fun as best buddy pals. Just bros chilling out having brewskis or juickies if they don't drink.
Now that I got all that out of the way here are my fandoms and plot ideas:

  • Hobbit/Lotr // I rewatched first Hobbit movie so I'm all hyped up for some fantasy adventure!
    • (after lotr) take back Moria
    • A dwarf has disappeared in Hobbiton and our characters agree to help find him. They find out there's a cult afoot!
    • Radagast the Brown disappeared after the war of the Ring and our characters set out to find him. Maybe he was captured by remaining orc stragglers or by something else far sinister.
    • We just play through the ttrpg version
  • Dnd // it's a fandom and if you're not a coward you can do it without gm
    • The PCs are seeking shelter from the elements or some other threat, and come across a place to hole up. They find that they have stumbled across something dangerous, secret, or supernatural, and must then deal with it in order to enjoy a little rest.
    • A town, castle, starship, outpost, or other civilized construct is lying in ruins. Very recently, it was just dandy. The PCs must enter the ruins, explore them, and find out what happened.
    • PCs have found a mysterious gate that has been powered up recently. They walk through it and find out that they're in a completely different place and that the portal powered down. Now they must find their way back.
    • Dnd but it's actually Mad Max with magic
    • The Tale of Necrodancer. Lately, a new bard has been making rounds in small towns and after their concerts, the towns have been in ruins. Pcs must investigate what happened.
    • Our characters join forces against Big Evil and try to bring peace to the kingdom
  • Fallout 4
    • Take back the Nuka World! Our characters have in one way or the other wound up in Nuka World and have decided to help its people.
    • Few lucky people had been in the tunnels when the bombs fell and now they try to survive in there. They have made makeshift homes in train carts and someone is even driving around the underground trying to pick up as many people as possible. (Basically Metro but in fallout universe)

Hmu if you're interested
I'm open to a LOTR rp if you are, I too recently re-watched all the movies and I'm currently re-reading the books

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