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Multiple Settings Fantasy and other fun stuff! (Originals + some fandoms)


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

I have some room for new roleplays and an urge to write so I'm trying my luck here. If this post captures your interest, feel free to message me :) I'd rather talk in PMs than this thread.

So a bit about me first:

-She/Her and in my late twenties.
-Been roleplaying on and off for 10+ years so I know at least a little what I'm doing.
-I have never been the type to check word counts on my posts because it stresses me out a little but typically I write between 2 and 5 paragraphs. It can be less or it can be more, that highly depends on the roleplay I'm doing. I always try to match the energy I'm given.
-My main characters are usually female, it's just what I'm comfortable with. But doubling up is possible if I really like the idea! For side characters I'll throw in any genders.
-I prefer original settings but there's a few fandoms I will write within.
-English isn't my first language but I've been told you can't really tell so hopefully that's the case! However I'm sorry if occasional grammar mistakes sneak in.
-I'm a full time uni student so chances are I can't reply every day. However even at my busiest I'll try to give out at least one reply a week.

What I expect from you:

-18+ ONLY! Preferably 21+. Nothing against the younger folk but since I'm already well in my twenties, I don't feel comfortable writing with minors.
-I'm pretty chill when it comes to post length but please at least give me a paragraph or two. I can't work with oneliners. Also grammar mistakes happen to everyone occasionally and that's fine but please pay attention to it.
-Be patient during those times when I'm busy with IRL things but feel free to poke me if it's been over a week.
-I'm comfortable with OOC chat. If you aren't then that's cool, but just let me know
-My roleplays usually don't have very dark themes but please let me know beforehand if you have any triggers.

What I roleplay:

-I have specific plots below but in general I love fantasy, supernatural, mystery and horror. Those are my favorite genres but I'm also happy to do scifi and crime related roleplays. Genre mixing is also fine!
-I love romance and usually like to include it in my roleplays. But it's only one element, not the entire story. Fine with all pairings (MxF, FxF and MxM) though I have a slight preference for MxF. In accordance to the rules of the site, will do the fade to black method. It's what I prefer anyways.

Okay below there will be general ideas and settings I like as well as specific plots divided by genre. For some of the plots I have indicated which role I prefer by writing it in bold.

-Forbidden love (By forbidden I mean things like children of enemies, people on opposite sides of a war, nobility x commoner, vampire x vampire hunter etc. Those kind of dynamics.)
-Historical settings, particularly medieval in fantasy, victorian era and ancient Japan and China. (Please note that I don't strive for extreme historical accurary, just after the vibes)
-Bodyguard and the one they protect (Kind of a sucker for this dynamic)
-Quests and adventures (characters going on some kind of mission or quest)
-Mysteries (including murder mysteries)

1 -
Character A and character B belong to different nations. The people of those nations are vastly different from each other and have been at war for as long as anybody can remember. Recently A took over power from their father and under their lead, their troops have begun to overtake ground. A controls powerful magic and has proven extremely difficult to kill. A's enemies are getting desperate. If things go on as they have been, they will lose the war. In desperation they resort to ancient magic. A soul binding curse. They choose one of their own, B, to become the sacrifice. In a secretive ritual they bind A and B's souls together. Now the two are connected by this strange bond: whatever happens to one, happens to the other. The idea behind this? Kill B and A dies with them. One sacrifice to save the rest.

Unfortunately for them, B isn't on board dying. For their whole life, B has thought that the rulers in their country are just. But after they have been kidnapped and chosen for this ritual, that fate is shaken. B manages to escape their murder and runs to the place they could have never thought they would: to A. B manages to sneak to A and explains to them the situation. The two become unlikely allies, forced by circumstances. But the war rages on and the attempts on B's life won't seize. Can the two overcome their situation?

2 -
Two races have been at odds for as long as anyone can remember. For a while one of them had the upper hand. Character A belongs to this race. On one occasion they find B, member of the other race, wounded after a battle in the forest. For some odd reason they feel sympathy for B and hide them from the troops still searching the forest. A nurses B back to health in secret. Even though neither of them quite trusts the other they start to become closer. However when B gets well enough they run away back to their own people, knowing they could never stay with A. Life goes on.

Years later the tables have turned. B's people are now the ones with the power and A's people are forced under new rule. A is one of many sent to serve in citadels for soldiers. Fate intervenes and A gets sent to the same citadel B is at. It has been a long time since the two saw each other. Maybe they recognize each other instantly, maybe not. But at some point recognition sets in. B feels some sort of obligation to A and tries to discreetly protect them in this situation. Each feels loyalty towards their own people but also a strange pull towards each other. War rages on and nobody is safe. Especially A and B if their secret is revealed.

3 -
The king has been protected by a certain noble family of summoners by for decades. Some members of this family have the ability to summon and control great beasts. They use these beasts as guards for the king. Now the king needs these beasts more than ever as a group plotting his demise has surfaced. The resistance group has their own reasons for wanting the king dead. Part of it is to ensure their own candidate gets the throne. Character A is part of this resistance group and is one of their most respected members. The group has managed to raise up civil unrest and times are turning dangerous. But still the noble family is one of the biggest obstacles standing in the group's way, stopping them from getting close enough to the king.

It just so happens that the noble family has one child, character B, that has yet to present the ability to summon or control anything. Due to the growing unrest and their proximity to the king and all the unrest, the family fears for B's life and decides to hire a guardian for them. A manages to trick their way into this position. A's mission is to find information about the family and the king as well as lay the groundwork for an attack against the family to get them out of the way. Will A succeed in their mission? Will feelings get in the way? When the attack is set to happen, can A go through with it anymore?

4 -
The job was supposed to be simple. Steal the relic from the temple and bring it back to the client. A small group of thieves and mercenaries is hired for this very purpose. Things however do not go according to plan. The temple's defences are much greater than the group originally thought. All but two perish in the fight. Characters A and B manage to steal the relic in the chaos and escape with their lives. They bring it back to their client, with demands of a serious raise in pay, when the truth is revealed. The job was never about adding a valuable item to a collector's treasure hoard. The relic was in fact a seal, holding in place a powerful demon/monster. By taking the relic, A and B have accidentally awakened it. Oops. The group that hired them intend to kill them where they stand and take the relic to make sure it can never be used to seal up their master again. A and B manage to escape this trap set for them and take the relic with them. The land is slowly falling to chaos as more and more of the demon's energy seeps free. They need to get the relic back where they got it while dealing with murderous cultists on their heels and traveling within a kingdom that's being overtaken by darkness.

5 -
Two kingdoms exist side by side. Each are relatively small and have been at odds for over a hundred years. One kingdom excels in magic and the other produces great warriors. Both kingdoms have their strengths and because of this neither has gotten the upper hand. Both sides spread wild rumours about the other to fan the flames. However things are about to change. A third kingdom has emerged, grown recently larger because of its hostile takeover of another country. This kingdom is eager to expand even more and has set its sights on these two kingdoms. They sense the danger and decide that it is time to bury their differences and unite against a common enemy. Characters A and B are both from the royal family of their respective kingdoms. It has been decided that the two shall marry to strengthen this new alliance.

Can the two learn to work together through their differences with a threat of looming was over them? Could love blossom? Or will they prove to be all too different?

1 -
Nobody is really sure exactly when or how it happened. But suddenly there were spirits everywhere in the world, making themselves known. Some were benign but some could be extremely dangerous and even kill. At the same time as the spirits appeared, some people started developing psychic abilities that made them the only people capable of handling the spirits. Agencies to deal with spirit problems were formed to face this new threat. People with these psychic abilities became extremely sought after and were paid very well for their services. However the job was extremely dangerous and at least half die within their first year. It's been a few decades after the spirits appeared. A and B are both people with abilities and are recruited to work cases together. But what will they do when they find out that border between the human world and the afterlife is breaking down? If it disappears, it will mean death to all.

(This idea works in both modern and victorian settings, slight preference to the victorian setting!)

2 -
The world changed when certain people started developing magical abilities. It was a rare gift but still prevalent enough to have world leaders worried. After a certain political party got into power they used people's fears of the magic to start categorizing the ones with magic, making them second class citizens. Some powers were seen as benign and useful to society. Those people, while still shunned by many, got the best treatment. For those who were seen as dangerous… life was unbearable. Constantly hiding who they were to be able to live their lives. If caught, they are either sent to special camps to live away from the rest of society or used for dangerous jobs. It is no wonder that the ones with these powers have started to slowly fight back with resistance movements popping up here and there.

Both A and B have powers that are considered too dangerous for society and are sent to the same camp. Perhaps they are both new there or perhaps one has been there a while when the other arrives. They slowly get to know each other. Unrest is brewing at the camp due to captured rebels and one night all hell breaks loose. A and B take advantage of the chaos and escape, as do many others. They are now fugitives from the government and the people hunting them have been told to kill them on sight.

3 -
Character A is a demon and has been for at least a few hundred years. They were originally a human but it's been such a long time that they no longer remember their human life. A lives by making deals: they grant a human their wish and give them 10 years with that wish. They can sense a desperate soul from quite a distance and that's how they find their targets. After that A comes and collects that human's soul. If A ever stops making deals for long enough period, they will die.

Character B is a human who finds themselves in trouble. For whatever the reason may be, their life is in danger. One night they are in a very perilous situation. A senses their desperation and shows up to make a deal. But something goes wrong. B nearly dies and A saves them. But afterwards A notices something odd. Their powers seem to be gone. They have transferred to B. B can't use them but neither can A unless they are touching B in some way.

Now A must stay close to B and B is still in danger so A becomes an unofficial bodyguard to B. Life is difficult since B must accompany A to make deals, something that might seem cruel to a human. Feelings might get mixed up as they try to save B's life and get A's powers back to them.

(Yes I stole this from My Demon but it's a damn good kdrama)

4 -
It’s a very regular day, nothing out of the ordinary. A and B are both on a bus, heading to the city. Suddenly there’s a horrible noise, a flash of bright light and then… nothing. Both A and B wake up in a huge, empty city alone. There’s something eerie about the place and they know something is wrong. After wandering around for a while, A and B run into each other. They try to figure out what’s going on and eventually, following clues they find in the city, they figure out they were in a car accident and now they are stuck somewhere between. Not quite alive, not quite dead. Their bodies in a coma. They start exploring the city and find other lost souls about. Some are still sane and some… less so. There are creatures in the city, determined to dispatch their souls into the afterlife. Can they find their way back to the land of the living or will they lose themselves into the in between?

5 -
Welcome to Luminos! It’s a one-of-a-kind show on Earth. It sheds light on the curiosities of the world, displaying individuals with extraordinary abilities and conditions. Luminos is the home for freaks. It welcomes those who society shuns and gives them a home.

The show has arrived in town. When a strange murder occurs, it’s easy to blame the circus full of outcasts. Could it indeed be one of them? Or perhaps it is the owner of Luminos who has goals of his own, unknown to the performers under his wing.

1 -
The world has irrevocably changed. Nobody knows where the virus came from. It struck without warning and spread like wildfire. The virus causes mutations in both humans and animals, turning them into strange monsters. Society has fallen into chaos almost everywhere. But there are rumours that up north there is a stronghold built by what's left of the military as well as civilians that have been spared from the virus. Characters A and B both hear of the rumour of the stronghold. There isn't much hope to go around so they both decide to try and make their way there. They run into each other when both are in a tight pinch and after solving the situation together, they decide to team up for safety. A dangerous journey across country begins.

(This plot of course works with good old zombies as well!)

2 -
It was supposed to be a simple game testing gig. It turned out to be anything but. Both A and B are invited to test a new game and the money is almost suspiciously good. Too good to turn down. They, along with some other people show up and are led into individual chambers. All seems normal at first. After the character creation bit is where things turn strange. There's a bright flash of light in the chambers and A and B lose consciousness. When they wake up they are in the game. Literally. The more or less helpful game guide informs them that they have to reach the tower, get to the top and defeat the enemies on their way to reach the exit and get out of the game. Each of them gets three lives. After that you're dead, both in the game and in real life. There's no other way but to start the journey to the top. There's different kind of enemies and puzzles ahead. But are the game's creators really willing to let them walk out alive?

(This works in a traditional fantasy setting with a literal tower or a more modern city with a skyscraper for example.)

1 -
Okay so I'm really liking the idea of a more dark and gritty roleplay of character A being a detective who is trying to solve some case, possibly serial killings, and they get help from an unusual source. Character B has some psychic abilities and gets involved in the case because of that. It's easy to mix in horror elements of course but also romance or whatever else we feel like.

2 -
Interested in either a scenario where character A is part of a mafia or gang or doing whatever other shady business while character B is civilian who accidentally gets pulled into their world by perhaps helping them without really knowing who they are. OR where both A and B are in the same crime organization but there's perhaps a difference in rank or such and there might be power struggles going on.

1 -
Character A is royalty. However they are the youngest in their family and according to the laws of succession, not in line for the throne. Instead their parents are planning an advantageous marriage for them that would benefit the kingdom. Unfortunately for A, their parents aren't considering their wishes when it comes to this match at all. The match that ends up being chosen is one right out of A's nightmares: significantly older, generally unpleasant and just overall the last person they would want to marry. Marriage was never high on A's list of priorities and definitely not to this person. But the chosen match has money and influence so A's parents will hear none of it. A feels like they have been driven to a corner and out of desperation they run away. A's escape is quickly noticed and the guards are hot on their trail. A makes it to the harbour and as they are running low on options, they sneak aboard a ship that is preparing to sail out to sea. A figures that it is a merchant ship and that once the ship is safely out of the guard's reach, they can come out and somehow figure everything out. Perhaps it is the desperation speaking or perhaps the naivete of growing up in a palace.

But A has made a horrible mistake. It is not a merchant ship at all. It might have been disguised as such but in reality on board is a crew of pirates. What's more, they're heading for dangerous waters. It so turns out that the pirates have a king of their own. They live by their own laws and systems, outside the laws of the kingdoms. The current pirate king has recently died and it is time to pick a new one. Each pirate captain is about to sail their crew to the pirate court where a new king will be established. It is a dangerous time for all of them, as all bets are off. The strongest will win. Character B is a member of the crew, or perhaps the captain, their position is up to the player.

A is soon discovered on the ship. Very few people knows what the royal family looks like exactly so it isn't immediately discovered that A is royalty. The only way to identify them as such is a tattoo on their wrist that they keep hidden. A pleads for their life and the captain relents, figuring that during this time an extra pair of hands on the ship could be useful. Perhaps only as cannon fodder but useful nonetheless. However because A is a stranger, they end up in B's care so B can keep an eye on them. The two begin to get closer as B teaches A life on the ship. It is not surprising that eventually B discovers A's true identity. A begs B to keep it a secret and they do. Perhaps for their own ends or perhaps they have grown fond of A. But what happens when another member of the crew sees the tattoo and secretly sends message to the royal navy in hopes of a reward so grand they could retire from the pirate life?

A dangerous race to be pirate king has begun, where each ship can be an enemy. And add there the royal navy now after them, chaos is ensured.

2 -
A and B were best friends/childhood sweethearts. But that was a long time ago. Due to differences in status they became separated. And since then their lives have gone in drastically different directions. Character A has become a pirate (this can also be a sort of an airship), making a fearsome reputation for themselves. Living life the way they please, more often than not bringing terror to others in the process. B on the other hand has led a life of luxury as the child of an important noble. Even more yet, they have become the official ward of the current ruler who has no children of their own.

The land A and B are both from is relatively small with a small army. But what it does have is good natural resources. Because of this it's on the constant target list of bigger countries looking to cash in on their fortune. So when a bigger, stronger land proposes a deal; some of their resources in exchange for protection, the ruler is quick to agree. Character B is arranged to be a symbol of the deal as well and is set to marry the heir of their new ally.

A sees an opportunity in this. With dreams of great ransom money being paid for B's return from both their home and their new rich ally, they arrange the kidnapping of B. There's no intention to hurt or mistreat B, just get the ransom money. But shortly after their plan succeeds, A is surprised to notice that B is none other than their childhood friend. B however doesn't make this connection straight away, since A has changed so much. A decides to take them away on their ship, determined to ignore this connection they have. But that might be more difficult than they initially thought. Adding to the mess, B's guardians and new fiancé are sure to follow closely behind.

Okay and last: fandoms! I don't have very many but here they are. You can always ask about fandoms as well. Please note that I will always play OC. You may play canon if you'd like.

-Harry Potter
-Lord of the Rings
-Ghibli (especially Howl's moving castle and Spirited Away)
-Sweet home
-Gyeongseong Creature
-Vox Machina (cartoon specifically)
-Supernatural (First 5 seasons)

Thank you to anyone who bothered to read this. Hope to hear from you!
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