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Multiple Settings Fantastical/Sci-Fi Partner Search (Plots inside)


One Thousand Club
Hey, I'm Milus! I'm currently searching for a partner to play out some detailed (and not so detailed) plots of mine that I haven't been able to properly do in a long time. Now, as for my personal information;

  • My timezone is Eastern Standard Time, United States
  • I'm getting geared up for college beginning in autumn. That will not take away from my time writing too much. What will, however, is my business (literally!). My grandfather retired and I've inherited a roofing company in my family name, so I do have work to do. It isn't direct as I am not taking on a firm role until my college education is complete, but I am active in it, so I will likely not reply every single day.
  • I've been a victim of RP desertion, so I'll let you know if I do lose interest. It's one of the most aggravating things on here.
  • Though I play male characters 9/10 times, I have done female personas before. Not that I'm good in portraying them, but I do have experience in the field.
  • However, when doubling or otherwise playing several characters, I vary up my cast greatly.
While I'm not very strict, I do have some requirements and expectations. All of these are two-way; what I expect from you is what I expect from myself.
  • I'm looking for a partner who is alright with a roleplay that lasts more than a month and is capable of giving out at least three paragraphs of detail and movement. I will give back the same.
  • I'm pretty lenient on swearing, romance, and dark themes. If you are a fan of doubling, let me know and we can figure something fun out. The plot is not definite, and I'm always looking to improve and mold it to both participants. Side characters are a common thing in my stories, so feel free to make some of your own.
  • If you want something different in the plot or lose interest, let me know. Dropping out is rough on the victim.
  • Make a character YOU want to play.
  • I don't have a strict age requirement, but a partner willing to interact OOC as much as IC will instantly win some free brownie points from me.
  • Reach out to me by PM!

An always-expanding list of ideas that come to mind, varying in detail.

  • In a universe unlike our own, the humanoid and top species were akin to mortals, two legs, two arms, one brain. And yet, entirely unique and alien. Carrying the moniker of Trini, they are extremely, coldly intelligent and strong creatures. Designed around critical, logical thinking and little else, the Trini are devoid of proper emotion and creative tendencies. While supremely intelligent, the Trini were unequipped to deal with the extinction-level event that befell them. The Trini were, then, forced into a desperate state as their planet fell apart.

    Research began to develop, fields studying how to counteract the phenomenon. Rather than considering a way to preserve his own world, Sesler'ther, a prodigal researcher and operative in the Trini world, moved to find another world to act as a vessel for himself.

    Sesler was perhaps another enigma of his planet, a defective product of genetic screening. The culture long destroyed by its own people was rooted within his mind, bringing unpredictable emotional conflicts to a mind designed for unbiased calculations and logic. It was virtually a medical disorder, unnatural and corrupt to the Trini hegemony. Sesler went undetected, up until his magnum opus.

    He had breached the thin veil between universes, finding himself in a new world with new inhabitants. The Trini followed his steps in pursuit of the rogue agent, and soon made plans for their eventual takeover and reconditioning of the planet for their own species' needs.

    Upon his arrival, Sesler found a mortal of interest. Someone with a unique, powerful, yet latent gift buried within them. The hostile, pursuing Trini were also aware of this, and made strides to somehow harness this unknown ability. Sesler opposed his own species, and worked to protect such a target, and to perhaps learn what makes them important.

More plots coming soon.

While there's certainly a plot to be made from each setting, I do not have any in mind. This is mostly to label what setting I'm looking for in any plot we come up with together.
Higher science fiction, to me, focuses more on a galactic scale, with reference to easy-to-access space travel and futuristic warfare, usually several thousand years ahead of our time. I almost always include other races in this (even the Trini, as mentioned in the above plot) as well as different political factions in the cosmos. This takes a lot of worldbuilding.

While still a worldbuilding setting, there's certainly less to be described in a dystopia. Most building will focus on describing why the setting is a dystopia, highlighting slums, a megacorporate world that profits on terrible living conditions, and a grim look at the next century of technology. Keeping this on Earth, the main difference in characters wouldn't be species, but technology.

With High Fantasy, extensive worldbuilding is required. To establish nations, races, religions, and other cultural aspects will dominate a lot of time before the roleplay really begins. Low or Modern Fantasy won't require as much, but both settings will certainly include a system of magic that I'd like to detail with my partner before beginning.

And, for now, that's it! The list will expand, and I will bump it whenever that happens. Again, the best way to reach me is to send a PM!

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