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Fantasy Fantastical romance! (now with sci-fi!)


New Member
Heya, Pumpum here!

  • Avg. post length around 300-400 words, but I always attempt to match my partner
  • OOC and IC through PMs or discord -- I'm very chatty!
  • Ghost friendly, but I appreciate a warning~
  • Currently searching primarily for MxM fantasy romance, but I'm open to FxF as well

My partner should
  • Be 18+ and LGBT+ friendly (for obvious reasons)
  • Participate in worldbuilding and plot development
Escort Mission!
A follower of an evil goddess finds an unwilling guide who must lead him to his final resting place. (but oh no he falls in love with his guide!)

Themes: hurt/comfort, nature of evil, personal growth, redemption through compassion
Beauty and the Beast-y
The beast king of a cursed forest demands the hand of a king’s oldest child, who is well known for their magical talents. The person sent in the child’s stead must enter the forest and uncover the truth behind the curse that rests upon the nation and all its inhabitants if only to be rid of the beast once and for all. (except they fall in love, uu!)

Themes: Inner beauty vs. outer appearance aka large scary man is nice actually, liar revealed

Urban Vampires
Essentially we'd be using the whole "vampires have become part of the mortal world" setup from True Blood, yeah? Synthetic blood exists, there is no need to use humans as blood bags, all that jazz. Vampires are eager to stop hiding and co-exist with humanity -- but despite the front-facing clean image vampires might want to put forward, things aren't quite as simple as they might seem.

First is the so-called "Thrall Problem." Before they revealed their existence to the world, the vampire community wished to stay hidden, and attacking unsuspecting victims at night was hardly the subtlest way to feed. The solution to this issue was the blood bond; by forcing a human to feed on their blood, a vampire could gain a subservient thrall whose aging stops so long the bond remains active. Generations of families can remain under a vampire's control, some knowing only a life of servitude.

Thralls are no longer necessary, but the bonds aren't so easily broken. Not all vampires are willing to give up their eternal servants, and not all thralls are ready to become mortal once more -- and while the existence of thralls has remained hidden for now, the source of eternal youth will not remain a secret for long.
Vampire x Thrall: A thrall is forced upon a vampire that doesn't want him, but the thrall has his reasons to stay. A thrall learns to live as more than a servant, a vampire learns to love while the world around them grows more dangerous, very sweet.

Science fiction


The long-lasting conflict between two warring species ends not with a bang, but with a whimper. The Galactic Council has interfered, introducing these factions to a wider galactic community. With the help of a single Council-provided deep space station, which functions as a mass transit device, this isolated frontier is now connected to the rest of the Council’s “civilized systems.”

The fragile ceasefire is overseen by a select group of Council operatives until a formal peace treaty can be signed. As the mass transit relay evolves into an intergalactic trade hub, the two factions seek to find their place among other space-faring species. However, not all are happy about the Council’s involvement, and some do not wish to see the war come to a peaceful end.

Themes: Cultural misunderstandings, overcoming prejudices, building bridges, all that good jazz. This one’s heavy on world-building, since we’ll have to deal with making two semi-detailed species, figure out the original reason for the conflict and whatnot if we feel like it. Council can be mostly human to keep things simple, though, but making a species just for the Council sounds like fun, too!

Limited Perspectives (Vers.1)

Mysterious deaths and disappearances threaten the fragile peace within the Council-provided deep space station. As the Council operatives struggle to keep the peace, they ask both factions to send their best agents to solve the case.

The two agents must put aside their prejudices and learn to trust each other to prevent the station from descending into chaos.
Limited Perspectives (Vers.2)

After a strange device nearly permanently destroys the space station’s mass transit system, a Council enforcer must put his trust in a refugee turned small-time criminal to uncover the conspiracy behind the attack.

Comments: Soo, basically just the first plot but with less death in the beginning and like, fewer resources and more red tape to hop over, probably, and more interested in the relationships between Council species and newly introduced species.
True Intentions

A Council diplomat attempts to lead the factions to a peaceful resolution, but those looking to thrive off the chaos are determined to see her fail. An attempt at her life leads to one of the factions offering her a gift of protection: a guard that will follow all him commands and thoughtlessly risk its life to save the diplomat.

Soon enough, it will be difficult to separate friend from foe. Can the diplomat trust his guard to protect him, or does his unwavering loyalty conceal hidden agendas?

Comments: This one will make one of the factions a real piece of work. Wanna date alien!Winter Soldier? Date alien!Winter Soldier!

Or bring your own! Open to all possibilities here, I just want to write.
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