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Fantasy Fantastical - Lore


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Below is a compilation of all the necessary information to help you better understand the world.



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Unnah - God of Creation: The God of Creation, Unnah is known for creating the world and the other god's and goddess's. He is all knowing, taking on a form that is pleasing to look at, while still keeping his original properties as the absolute being. He chose a cartoon look, giving the God of Space and Time the same cartoon look, to look more appealing. Unnah created the God of Space and Time. However all other god's and goddess's are being's that he chose who had great potential who lived on an ancient Nava. At this time only humans existed. He gave each chosen god/goddess a task and role they must do to maintain balance of the universe. It wasn't until a god of monsters was chosen that other races started to appear.
Jenexi - God of Space and Time: Jenxei, the God of Space and Time, is a unique deity with a whimsical twist. Unlike the traditional depictions of gods, Jenxei boasts a cartoon appearance, a gift bestowed upon him by Unnah, the God of Creation. In essence, Jenxei is a paradox, embodying the vastness of the cosmos and the fleeting nature of time in a form that is both endearing and awe-inspiring. He is a testament to the boundless creativity of Unnah and a constant reminder of the wonders that lie beyond our understanding. He is Jenxei, the Cartoon God of Space and Time.
Jenexi - God of Space and Time.jpg
Mulvern - God of Wisdom: Mulvern, the God of Wisdom, holds a unique place in the pantheon of divinity. He was once a mortal, the first human chosen by Unnah, the God of Creation, to ascend to divinity. As the God of Wisdom, Mulvern guides the other gods and races alike, offering counsel in times of uncertainty and providing clarity amidst confusion. His wisdom is not just about knowledge, but also about understanding the interconnectedness of all things, the cause and effect of actions, and the delicate balance that maintains the harmony of the universe.
Mulvern - God of Wisdom.jpg

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1. The Vestibule of Shadows: The entry point from the mortal realm, the Vestibule of Shadows is a desolate expanse where the damned first arrive. A blood-red sky hangs above, and skeletal trees cast elongated shadows on the ashen ground. Here, souls linger in a state of disorientation, their senses assailed by haunting whispers. The guardian at this gateway is the Shade Sentinel, a spectral warden with hollow eyes, tasked with assessing the worthiness of incoming souls.
1. The Vestibule of Shadows.jpg
2. The Pits of Regret: Beyond the Vestibule, dozens of pits exist each leading to the Pits of Regret, a realm where the air is thick and toxic with the palpable weight of remorse. The pit smells of death and the water is deadly, a temptation for those who gave into theirs while on the mortal plain. Damned souls are confronted with the consequences of their earthly choices, each step accompanied by echoes of their own lamentations. The guardian here is the Penitent Arbiter, a gaunt figure draped in tattered robes, wielding a sword forged from the regrets of the fallen.
2. The Pits of Regret.jpg
3. The Caverns of Desolation: Exiting from the pits, another pit can be found. Descending further, one reaches the Caverns of Desolation, a subterranean expanse where rivers of molten lava cut through cavernous landscapes. The air is searing, and jagged rock formations loom like twisted monuments of despair. The guardian of this level is the Inferno Warden, a colossal demon with fiery wings and a charred visage, wielding a whip that lashes out with the flames of damnation.
3. The Caverns of Desolation.jpg
4. The Halls of Betrayal: The Halls of Betrayal are a maze of shifting corridors and treacherous illusions. Here, the damned encounter echoes of those they betrayed in life, each confrontation a reminder of their moral transgressions. The guardian, the Deceiver's Sire, is a cunning demon with the ability to assume the forms of those closest to the souls, exploiting their deepest vulnerabilities.
4. The Halls of Betrayal.png
5. The Abyssal Abyss: The Abyssal Abyss is a vast ocean whrilwind of turbulent waters that stretch into eternity, a torent that forever spirals downwards. The waves are filled with the anguished screams of the damned, and shadowy sea monsters lurk beneath the surface. The guardian, Leviathan's Harbinger, is a colossal demonic sea serpent with scales that reflect the tormented faces of the submerged souls.
5. The Abyssal Abyss.jpg
6. The Pits of Eternal Frost: At the bottom of the ocean abyss is a frigid wasteland of ice and snow, the Pits of Eternal Frost are a stark contrast to the preceding levels. Here, souls are subjected to numbing cold and piercing winds. The guardian, Frost Reaver, is a monstrous ice demon wielding a sword that freezes the hearts of the damned, perpetuating their suffering.
6. The Pits of Eternal Frost.jpg
7. The Abyssal Forge: A nightmarish landscape dominated by the Abyssal Forge, this level is a ceaseless factory of suffering. Souls are cast into the molten metal, emerging as demonic entities bound to the will of the Dark Sovereign. The guardian, the Forge Master, is a demonic blacksmith with hands that shape the very essence of damnation.
7. The Abyssal Forge.jpg
8. The Citadel of Torment: The Citadel of Torment is a towering fortress of obsidian and bone, surrounded by a moat of molten lava. Its spires pierce the crimson sky, and the air is filled with the cacophony of demonic rituals. The guardian, the Tormentor General, is a demonic warlord clad in infernal armor, commanding legions of demonic minions that patrol the citadel. It guards it the throne room.
8. The Citadel of Torment.jpg
9. The Abyssal Throne: The final descent leads to the Abyssal Throne, a dark citadel where the Dark Sovereign sits upon a throne forged from the misery of the damned. The air is charged with malevolence, and the ground quakes with the echoes of the tormented. The guardian at this ultimate gateway is the Infernal Sovereign, a fallen angel turned demonic overlord, who determines the fate of the souls that seek to traverse the final threshold.
9. The Abyssal Throne.jpg

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Senta: Senta is the guardian of the first floor. The guardian at this gateway is the Shade Sentinel, a spectral warden with hollow eyes, tasked with assessing the worthiness of incoming souls.
Arbarta: Arbarta is the guardian of the second floor. The guardian here is the Penitent Arbiter, a gaunt figure draped in tattered robes, wielding a sword forged from the regrets of the fallen.
Darmaga: Darmaga is the guardian of the third floor. The guardian of this level is the Inferno Warden, a colossal demon with fiery wings and a charred visage, wielding a whip that lashes out with the flames of damnation.
Halla: Halla is the guardian of the fourth floor. The guardian, the Deceiver's Sire, is a cunning demon with the ability to assume the forms of those closest to the souls, exploiting their deepest vulnerabilities.
Jordoga: Jordoga is the guardian of the fifth floor. The guardian, Leviathan's Harbinger, is a colossal demonic sea serpent with scales that reflect the tormented faces of the submerged souls.

Fra: Fra is the guardian of the 6th floor. The guardian, Frost Reaver, is a monstrous ice demon wielding a sword that freezes the hearts of the damned, perpetuating their suffering.
Kargonnack: Kargonnack is the guardian of the seventh floor. The guardian, the Forge Master, is a demonic blacksmith with hands that shape the very essence of damnation.

Zotaton: Zotaton is the guardian of the eighth floor. The guardian, the Tormentor General, is a demonic warlord clad in infernal armor, commanding legions of demonic minions that patrol the citadel. It guards it the throne room.
Tora: Tora is the guardian of the ninth floor, the last floor and the last and strongest guardian. He is seen as a god, although he isn't. The guardian at this ultimate gateway is the Infernal Sovereign, a fallen angel turned demonic overlord, who determines the fate of the souls that seek to traverse the final threshold.

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Types of Mana: Strings of mana, magical essence that flows within everything even the air. Magic can be performed by using the mana inside of one’s own body. A person can be born with a little or a lot of mana but can increase it through the use of mana training. Similar to training endurance. Stable mana is blue, pure mana is green, raw unrefined mana is red, primal rampant mana is orange and stolen mana harvested from unwilling souls is black, but very potent, the most potent of all mana.
Types of Mana.jpg

In this magical world, the term “technique” refers to the method or way in which magic is utilized. It’s the foundation of all magical abilities and actions. Here’s how it works:
  • Talent: This is the inherent ability or aptitude that a mage possesses. For example, a fire mage has a natural talent for casting fire magic. This talent is the raw, unrefined potential for wielding a particular type of magic.
  • Honing Talent: This is the process of refining and improving one’s talent. It involves practicing and perfecting the use of their magic. For a fire mage, honing their talent might involve practicing casting fire spells in different ways or under different conditions.
  • Developing Skills: As a mage hones their talent, they begin to develop specific skills. These are specialized applications of their talent. For instance, a fire mage might develop skills like “fire barrage” or “meteor shower”. These are specific spells or abilities that they can cast using their fire magic.
  • Innate Magical Skills: Some individuals are born with innate magical skills. These are abilities that don’t require the usual process of honing a talent to develop. They’re naturally occurring, and the individuals possessing them can use these skills without needing to practice or refine their techniques.
So, in essence, technique is the basis of all magic in this world. Whether a mage is honing their talent to develop new skills or utilizing their innate magical abilities, it all comes down to technique. It’s the core principle that governs how magic is used and manipulated.
Types of Magic:
  • Fire Magic: Manipulation and control of fire, often used for offensive spells.
  • Water Magic: Control over water and other forms of liquid, can be used for healing or offensive spells.
  • Earth Magic: Ability to control earth, rocks, and plants, often used for defensive spells.
  • Air Magic: Manipulation of wind and air, can be used for transportation or offensive spells.
  • Light Magic: Control over light, often associated with healing and purifying spells.
  • Shadow Magic: Manipulation of shadows and darkness, often associated with stealth or offensive spells.
  • Illusion Magic: Ability to create illusions and manipulate perceptions.
  • Soul Magic: Ability to interact with souls or spirits, can be used for communication or manipulation.
  • Summoning Magic: This type of magic involves calling forth beings or objects from different places, dimensions, or planes of existence to the caster’s location. The summoned entity is often bound to the caster’s will and can be used for various purposes such as combat, servitude, or obtaining information.
  • Alteration Magic: Ability to alter the physical or magical properties of an object or person.
  • Barrier Magic: Creation of magical barriers for protection or containment.
  • Unique Magic: This could refer to any type of magic that is unique to a specific person or entity, often tied to their personal characteristics or experiences.
  • Forbidden Magic: Dark and evil magic called forth upon using black mana or by using gifts bestowed upon evil forces wishing for you to do their dirty work. Those who cast forbidden magic are often executed.
  • Rune Magic: Not used as much as it was in the past, but people can cast lines of mana to form geometric runes beamed onto the air or objects to perform different types of magic, without practice, although learning the precise runes is quite difficult, so channeling magic through one's own body has become the norm.
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Human: The most common race, inhabiting most of Manara. They're very curious and are born with a moderate amount of mana, not too much, not too little. Depending on heritage could be more, could be less. They stand between 5ft and 7ft tall.
Elf: Elves usually are only found in the Elden Forest, a part of the Eldencore kingdom. A massive nation of technologically advanced elves, although they do let any common race live there, the kingdom is mostly elves. They have an innate massive reserve of mana! Way larger than any other race, except for some monsters. They stand between 5ft and 8ft tall.
Dwarf: Usually are found in underground cities, high up on mountains and cliffs or living in the dwarven kingdom of Venhar. They have the lowest reserve of mana in the common races, relying on their surperior weapons, armor and burly strength. They stand between 3.5ft and 6ft tall.
Titamir: Golems created at the aethereal forge, these golems are special because they are infused with a soul, giving them consciousness to the dead person once again. They tower in size and literally require a fortune to create. Very few titamir exist and the ones that do are used as guardians, pack mules, or for other nefarious reasons like war. They can stand anywhere between 5ft all the way up to 50ft! Some are adorned with wings and other body parts to make them more efficient and deadly. Some can be humanoid in size which are usually referred to as Valkyries often inhabiting female souls. The titamir that tower in size are usually called Titans.

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Blood Elf: Similar to the orcish, blood elves share a common ancestor with elves. However, blood elves have innate blood magic skills, similar to vampires but do not need to drink blood and can go out during the daytime, they just don't have the immortality vampires do, so all forms attacks will hurt them, not just holy magic. They have white or dark gray skin, red eyes, and have very little mana. They can use their magic skills very few and far between, relying on a more roguelike fighting style to compensate. This works in their favor because they are the fastest race, except for the beast races. Most can be found living in the Tribal Lands, Central Forest or in the kingdom of Rel.
Blood Elf.jpg
The Cursed: The cursed are a special race, similar to the immortals. Any race can become a cursed. A cursed one is those who have been inflicted with a disease or curse that turns them into an undead that can only be killed with the use of holy magic. Vampires and werewolves are the most common. Vampires can go out during the daylight but cannot use any of their magical power and take increased damage. At nighttime is when they reach peak potential. Werewolves in Manara do not revert back to a human form, many confuse them with beastfolk, but instead were human or whatever race before. The only difference is werewolves have access to unique skills, as do vampires.
The Cursed.jpg
The Immortals: There are a few ways to become an immortal. Consume as much many as you can, either by nature or experimentation and if you survive you become an immortal. Divine intervention through blessing and curse is another way. Immortals cannot have babies. Upon becoming an immortal your mana reserves become one of the biggest on the planet, seemingly never running out. They undergo a shift in appearance making them appear very beautiful and/or unique. They're fast, agile, incredibly strong, and cannot die. During the mana consuming process only 0.1% of people survive, becoming an immortal without divine intervention is like winning the lottery.
The Immortals.jpg
Orcish: Orcish common ancestors are the elves. But quickly became outcasts because of the vast mana inside them, more than any other race. They're a group of elves that mutated to have pure, green mana rushing through them. Giving them green skin and the biggest mana reserve out of any race, except for immortals. On top of the large mana reserves, they also have immense physical strength. In the past most of them were hunted down and killed, now very few orcish tribes exist in the Tribal Lands. They stand between 5ft and 9ft tall.

Gobish: Similar to the orcish, the gobish share a common ancestor with dwarves instead. They're short and burly like a dwarf, but contain immense mana reserves, once again turning their skin green. Not as much as the orcish though! They too have settlements in both the Tribal Lands and The Central Forest, except those forest settlements are usually evil and want to be kept to themselves or ransack other kingdoms and villages. They stand between 3.5ft and 6ft tall.
Tamu: The tamu are a sub-race of beastfolk. Taking on the forms of actual animals, except with a consciousness. They live in the Tribal Lands and are usually accompanied by the gobish. They come in all different forms of animals! They have some mana, but not a lot, relying on their senses much like regular beastfolk. But are more agile and have better senses, being able to detect spirits.
Beastfolk: This race is composed of diverse beastfolk, including Naga and Harpy, each exhibiting unique appearances that range from more beastlike to more humanoid. They stand tall, with heights usually ranging from 6ft to 9ft. Their habitats span across the Tribal Lands and The Central Forest. The beast folk residing in the forest tend to exhibit more aggressive behavior. Despite their limited mana, they compensate with their keen senses, agile movement, and extraordinary physical strength. A remarkable trait they possess is the ability to sense other beastfolk from the same lineage. This includes the serpentine Naga and the bird-like Harpy, further enriching the diversity and complexity of this fascinating race. Their distinct characteristics and abilities make them a formidable presence.
Alpha Beastfolk: A rare form of beastfolk that is taller, stronger, faster, better keen senses, they even have a mana pool rivaling orcish. They appear more beastlike in appearance and have a innate ability to sense mana and spirits. It is rumored 1 out of every 10,000 beastfolk is born as an alpha! Making them an extremely rare race. They stand between 9ft to 15ft tall.
Alpha Beastfolk.jpg
Golem: The most common type of golem are forest golems. Forest golems patrol many of the forests in Manara, seemingly born from the land itself. Protecting the forests and wildlife. They're fierce and deadly, the only known sentient forest golem is Beast King Ricolo. They're many different types of golems, stone golems, fire golems, water golems, so on and so forth. Many different types, some born from nature, some born from mana and magic, some used for war! They stand between 2ft to 20ft tall. They instictively built their own little villages where they perform tasks mimicking people.

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The Great River: A continuous river that runs from one side of Manara to the other. It is massive, it is the lifeblood of the land, nourishing the crops, the animals, and the people who live along its banks. It is also the source of many legends, myths, and mysteries, who knows what secrets lie beneath its surface. The Great River is both a blessing and a challenge, as it offers abundant resources, but also poses dangers and obstacles. It is a symbol of Manara's history, culture, and identity, and a constant reminder of the wonders and perils of nature.
The Great River.jpg
The Red Forest: A massive forest filled with giant trees known as Russell Trees. These trees are unique and have a distinctive red leaves that gives the forest its name. They have sturdy trunks that can withstand harsh weather and predators. The Red Forest is home to a diverse array of wildlife, some of which are endemic to the region. It is also a place of mystery and magic, as many ancient ruins and relics are hidden among the trees. The Red Forest is revered by the people of the kingdom of Liza (who inhabit The Red Forest), who consider it a sacred and protected land. It is a source of awe and inspiration, but also of fear and danger, as it harbors many secrets and threats that few dare to explore.
The Red Forest.jpg

The Wastes: A land barren of mana or dying mana, right beside the Icy Region of Manara. It is barren of Mana because the Mana Lands right beside The Wastes saps the mana from the land. The Wastes is a desolate and inhospitable place, where nothing grows and few survive, with the only beacon of survival in The Wastes being the kingdom of Rel. The soil is dry and cracked, the air is thin and cold, and the sky is dark and stormy. The Wastes is a land of despair and decay, a land of danger and conflict, a land of secrets and mysteries, where ancient artifacts and hidden powers await those who dare to venture into its depths from the ancient lost civilizations that once used to inhabit the region before being sucked of its mana.
The Wastes.jpg
Mana Lands: Russell Trees from The Red Forest mutated, sucking mana from nearby areas, creating The Wastes. Along with Manara Wisps, guardians born from the overwhelming amount of mana within the forest. They tower in size. The Mana Lands is a vibrant and lush place, where the trees glow with a radiant energy and the wisps fly and dance in the air. The Mana Lands is a land of abundance and harmony, where the flora and fauna thrive and coexist peacefully. The Mana Lands is a land of magic and wonder, where the trees and the wisps have a deep connection and communication with each other and with the land. The Mana Lands is a land of beauty and joy, where the colors and sounds of nature fill the senses and inspire the soul. It is home to no kingdoms as the wisps protect the land.
Mana Lands.jpg

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