Story Fang and Feather


Ten Thousand Club
Along the dreary, cold path of decayed trees and lifelessness, boots crunched dried brown leaves underfoot. The short woman that they carried came to a stop, as a dry wind blew back her hood, distorting her green locks. Taking just a moment to fix her hair, she used that as an excuse to look down at the map in her hands. With a deep breath after a mere glance, she put it away, then knelt to the side of the road. Investigating some markings that were otherwise invisible to the untrained eye, she nodded. “Yosh,” she mused, pleased. She was definitely on the right trail.

Carrying onward, the female could feel a seed growing within her. A seed of excitement, mixed with apprehension. This was the closest she had ever been! Or at least, the closest she had ever been to her target in what seemed like a millenia. Realistically speaking, it had perhaps been three years. But a long, lonely, sorrow-filled three years those were. The Wolf was longing to see her long-time friend. Her love. It had been too long, and Olivia was missing the dear chick. Just as she were missing her friends. Training in Beacon had given her a new family. One she had come to love so dearly through the short short years of training. However, traveling as a Huntress was a totally different matter. She hadn’t been prepared for the crippling loneliness that came with Huntress duties.

In hindsight, perhaps she should’ve been. “Heh,” she smirked, thinking how Skye would’ve chastised her on this very thing.

‘What?! Did you think it would be all daisies and rainbows?’ She’d ask in condescending tone. With the disapproving shake of her head, she’d end it with an informal diminutive, indicating familiarity. Words Olivia was fiercely accustomed to, even appreciative of; the all-too-familiar, ‘Dumb wolf!’

Yes, that would be it. She could envision it now. It brought a pained smile to her face. One that would be temporary. For it would be erased within the next second, as the Wolf steeled herself to continue onward.

Calmly walking along, she saw the remnants of a struggle. It was like a painting. The ‘Tragedy of Conflict’, she’d call it. In her time spent traveling, Olivia had picked up painting. It was a good use of her time when she was alone in her travels. The canvas was warm, and paints were friends, with each color reminding her of OSEA and ISLN. Splashing color upon the canvas was like her friends were there again, telling her things, teaching her. Sharing their stories. Even if the story wasn’t always one of bliss and jubilation; it always felt like one worth sharing. And sadness, in its own way, could be its own sort of joy.

There were teared tents abandoned, like the lonely homes she had come across in her travels. Occupants missing. Supplies, strewn about, thrown around in the resulting skirmish. Ground scarred with ruins, pyres, and Dust-based damage. There were the billowing black smoulders indicating the cheerless creatures of Grimm. Freshly killed. Stopping once more, Olivia took in the surrounding scenery for a moment longer. It certainly matched the blighted land she had come to know these past few weeks of travel. During this time of year, Mistral could be quite miserable, she came to realize. For a short time she ruminated on it all. Briefly, Olivia thought just how similar the surrounding land was to her own inner feelings. It was more than humbling. It was poignantly woeful. To her, it felt pathetic. Shaking her head to clear it, the Faunus moved onward. She didn’t care for the destruction, but knew there was nothing to be done about it now.

Not long after that, did the Faunus finally come to her destination. Weeks of travel here in Mistral. Years spent on Huntress work. And even before that, years spent on Huntress training. Olivia had once felt strong. Powerful. In control. -To an extent, anyway. She’d never pretend to think there weren’t things out of her hands. If she thought she could handle every single thing that came her way, then her mother’s death would have eaten her alive. Well, it did, until she learned that lesson. A lesson, she understood, Skye had tried so hard to teach her. One she was very much in tune with now. She had accepted that harsh truth. Still, this was one thing she figured she could handle. Hence why she was here. Even so, the poor Wolf quaked in her boots, staring upwards, unfocused. Here, now. She felt she was not prepared. An odd thing to come to terms with. Considering she had thought she was prepared for it long ago. Which was why she had left on this journey. Why she had set out to find the one before her now. Yet, here she was. Shaking. Quivering in fear, brought on by uncertainty. The one she had sought… for so long. There. Just there.

Olivia bit her lip with her fang, tasting the coppery blood she drew. Quivering, she clenched her hands into fists. Like so many times before, she’d hear her own voice giving a pep talk. ‘Calm down, calm down. It’s fine. You made it. Believe in yourself. You can do this!’ Forcing herself to think encouraging words, she settled down, but only just. Standing here now, she realized that she wasn’t sure what she even came for. What she should say. Perhaps she should’ve written a speech? She shook her head. No! Of course not. ‘That’s too silly! It wouldn’t work, you know that! Dumb W..’

“So, you found me.. eh, Wolf?” came the callous, snarky voice. As if it were carried on the very parched wind itself. The voice drew Olivia back to reality, and her eyes focused once more. Atop the sheer cliff face stood the object of her affections, with her back to the one down below.
“Dove.. Long time no see...” she breathed, face softening, heart pounding. It had been so long! Too long! How she missed her. Her heart beat so unbelievably fast, that its pain felt like Grimm were hammering her relentlessly.

Skye answered in her usual cross, dour tone, immediately souring the reunion. “Tch, should’ve been longer.”

As Olivia watched, Skye turned. She was the visage of strength. Awe-inspiring to Olivia. Standing with poise, purpose. With power. Beside her was a flag flapping in the wind, with the telltale logo of the Fang, splashed across it in blood red. A symbol denoting fear, announcing a terrible warning. The birdie stood up there, proudly clad in a silver, blue, and dark-blue outfit, looking as Atlasian regal as ever. Her long blue hair swayed in the arid wind, like a river flowing around her in constant motion. Her wings were draped around her neck, arms, and back, worn like a makeshift cape of sorts. That was intriguing. Olivia remembered the last time she saw her friend, the Dove’s wings were dolefully inoperative. She frowned feeling that sad pity as before. Was that the case now? Had they never healed? Whatever the case, Skye looked badass. Like always.

The Dove narrowed her cold eyes, noticing where Olivia was looking. “Never recovered. Been this way since the fight with that fiery behemoth,” she explained forlornly, patting her wings, glancing off to the distance. Drawing a breath, Skye focused once more on the woman below her. “How’d you find me? Leave. Go back to your cheery corner of the globe. You aren’t needed here Wolf.”

“Mistral is my home,” she reminded her. “And I tracked you; remember, best nose in the biz?” she answered, tapping her little, pert nose. “And I’m not leaving.”

“Heh. Is that your reason? The excuse you have for standing before me?”

“No, of course not. I.. came here for you... Ivory.”

“Grr, don’t call me that! It’s ‘Skye’! I’m Skye!”

Olivia shook her head, “You’re Ivory! It’s your name!.. I-I just don’t understand how you can’t accept it.”

“Accept it?” She gritted her teeth. Clenching her fists, she spoke up, “Do I have to explain it?! Fine, then! You always were a dumb Wolf. ‘Ivory’ evokes beauty, purity. Pristine and the clean..! -None of which I am! None of which I’ve ever been!” She shouted stepping forward to the edge, unloosing a feather.

Which landed square in Olivia’s face. “Puh puh!” she spat, brushing it off of her sensitive nose. Drawing breath back, she huffed, until finally a sneeze came from her. “Achoo! Blehh..” Inwardly, Olivia noted Ivory said nothing about her sneeze. Blinking, and rubbing her nose, she looked back up, regaining her composure. Enough to speak. “Ivory, yes you are. You are those things! As I look at you now.. I am in awe. You’re breathtaking! ...You’re ‘Ivory’ to me.”

Although Olivia was praising her, Skye only stared down at her in contempt, continuing to grit her teeth. Shaking her head furiously, she refuted that, “Impossible! No I’m not!”

“Yes. Yes you are! You aren’t what you see yourself as. You never have been!”

“-Grr… don’t lie to me, Wolf. You know who I am. They all know who I am...”

“I know why I came here.”

“Which was?”

“To save you, Ivory.” Olivia reached forward, extending her hand up towards her fellow Faunus, a soft look on her face.

Instead, Skye reached for her sword, plucking Blade Daedalus from the ground where it had previously been stabbed into. Flipping it so it was right in her hands, she said darkly, “Then you’re as stupid now as you’ve always been.”

“Ivory, please. I don’t want to fight,” Olivia pleaded. Regardless, she reached for her Katars.

“Then you’ve come to the wrong place, sweety,” Skye voiced, hostile voice venomous and vitriolic. She leaped off the cliff, landing before Olivia. Lifting up her sword towards the wolven Faunus, she announced. “I’m giving you one chance, Olivia. Leave. And don’t come back here agai-”

“-I told you, I’m not leaving!” Olivia cut off the Dove.

Instantly, Skye shut her mouth. Then she launched herself at Olivia, swinging her greatsword across the midsection of her foe. Olivia easily flipped back, avoiding Skye’s first simple slash. That had been an opener, definitely not meant to legitimately bisect her midsection. Or at least, Olivia hoped it wasn’t meant for that. The thought of Skye trying to kill her so efficiently made her shudder. Anyway, the attacks continued, with Skye stepping forward, swiping at Olivia twice, three, four times. Each time the other Faunus deftly avoided the big sword. She had seen the Dove use that great blade enough times to know she really did not want to get hit by it; even with her level of control it would put quite the dent in her Aura.

Flipping out of the way, Olivia landed lightly, taking the time to do a bit of taunting. “Is this all you can muster, Ivory? I seem to remember a certain badass Angel, who cut down her foes effortlessly before. I mean, you were never as fast me, but surely you can tag me with even one hit.” The Wolf stood there proudly with a smirk on her face, her tail swishing. Teasing Ivory never got old.

“Speed. Is that what you want to see?” Skye scoffed. “I wouldn’t mock me if I were you, Olivia; I don’t live any silly pampered Huntress life like you, I’ve been out here, honing my skills every single day, for the past few years!” Flourishing her big blade, she gripped it tightly. With a wicked sneer, she murmured, “Just watch how fast I’ve gotten..!” In a burst of speed the Dove was upon Olivia, bringing her blade down in a great slash that exploded the earth when Olivia barely managed to leap out of the way. Skye didn’t let up. She was right there with the avoiding Faunus, slashing Blade Daedalus once more at her. Olivia managed to dodge this blow too, but only just. She felt it scrape the fringes of her green Aura.

Time to counterattack! Instantly after Skye’s most recent attack, she brought down her Katars, scraping them over the Dove’s azure Aura. Olivia could feel the raw toughness of Skye’s Aura, her blades hissing as they drew along it. She could feel just how tempered the Faunus’s Aura had become through these harsh years. Like cutting steel. Vaguely, she wondered what it would be like to clash with Skye’s Semblance now. Would it be even tougher than the Aura she just struck? If so, she began to worry, just a little. Still, the blow was enough to knock Skye away from her. Leaping upwards, she shifted her Rending Claws into Long Thorn. A elegant form of her otherwise inelegant weapons. From up here, Olivia showed just how she had mastered this bow form through the years. In the blink of an eye, she fired arrow after arrow at the Faunus down below.

Skye skid to a halt after being hit, only to notice the arrows now flying her way. Like rain they peppered her. Still showcasing her newfound speed, the Dove Faunus darted around, leaving an azure streak, that even the veteran Huntress struggled to keep up with. Each arrow that hit the ground exploded in a glorious flower of orange, gold, and red flames. Finally, the two landed on opposite ends of this field they had chosen for their battle. Skye was grinning, azure eyes sparkling, “Heh. Didn’t come to fight, yet you seem to remember my weakness.”

Olivia stood staring at her, bow still in hand. She shifted it back into Rending Claws. “Well, we are fighting to win right now, birdie. Yeah?”

“Oh? To win? Is that so? I better take it up a notch.”

“You took the words right outta my mouth!”

With Olivia’s retort ending, Skye’s grin twitched. “Heh..” The two shot at each other in another insane burst of speed. The two Faunus women clashed. Blade Daedalus met Rending Claws, sparks sizzling between them. Skye pushed forward, grin growing wickedly, as her raw strength evidently outclassed the smaller Faunus’s. Yet, Olivia didn’t back down, glaring up into those blue eyes. “This is fun, Olivia. Like old times.”

“I agree. You were always the best dancing partner,” she teased back. “Although, you’d never admit to liking dancing, hehe.”

“I did always see how dancing and fighting were similar.”

“Indeed,” Olivia purred, smiling.

That smile caused Skye to shiver. With a frown, she once more got serious. With their words out of the way, the two lit up in a frenzy of strikes, slashes, blows, and hits. All much much faster than they had ever showed before. Olivia was like a whirlwind with her Katars, striking, cutting, and blocking Skye. Skye’s control over her greatsword was unmatched. It was like it was a tiny dagger the way she could swing it effortlessly. Her own cuts were supremely fast. Olivia couldn’t make even one mistake, without feeling the huge sword cut across her Aura. For some time they remained locked in a storm of blades, that slashed the very area they stood on. After each took a few nasty cuts, they finally separated, leaping back from one another.

Skye stood there, her feathery ‘cape’ swishing in the wind. Her smug face was irritating to Olivia. For the smaller Faunus was breathing heavily, but Skye remained ever vigilant. Now it was her time to gloat. “Is that all, Wolf? By the way you were talking, you made it seem like you outclassed me in speed. That was the case before..-Is it now?”

Peering down at her heaving chest, she steadied her heart rate, placing a hand there. “Simple answer. -Yes. Aspect: Vortex!” she called. Wind instantly kicked up around her. With a coy snicker, she purred. “Just try to keep up.” Olivia accelerated up to 100 from a 0. In the next instant she vanished, leaving only a whimper of dust in her wake. Even Skye was caught off guard. Olivia struck the Dove hard in the side, then in the other side, then all over, really pounding against her Aura.

Skye grunted, trying to react to how fast Olivia was going. Finally, she activated her own Semblance. Diamondskin spread across her form, and suddenly Olivia’s attacks were much less effective. All she was doing was striking solid armor. Feeling her blows fall upon Skye’s Semblance made her halt her momentum, and that was the opportunity the Dove was waiting for. She formed Diamondskin around her fist, hitting Olivia hard in her side. She followed up with a few more diamond-encased strikes, ending with Skye spinning and roundhouse kicking the other Faunus away. “You’ve improved your Semblance quite a lot, Olivia, good for you!” Skye praised. “But so have I. Observe the evolution of mine.”

Skye leaped up high. Off her back and shoulders, her wings unfurled. They spread in grand fashion, making the Faunus more than an imposing image. It was glorious. She was magnificent. An Angel, with the sun enwreathing her entirety, like a golden halo. Her Diamondskin traveled along her form, encasing her wings and even Blade Daedalus in beautiful, glittering crystals. It stopped just under her chin, leaving her face and flowing blue mane untouched.

Olivia stood there staring, mouth agape. Her beloved Angel had returned. She was so gorgeous. The Wolf was nearly at a loss for words, just breathing out in utterly dazzled tone, “So, this is the Crystal Goddess I’ve heard so much about…”

“Remember? You were the first to call me ‘goddess’,” Skye replied. She shrugged, “Guess it caught on.”

The brief moment of being awestruck left her, and Olivia shook her head. “Hey! Wait! You said your wings didn’t work anymore!” Now her anger was bubbling to the surface.

Snickering, Skye shook her head. “Yeah, well, Olivia, you should’ve learned by now not everything is so easily understood! I thought you matured! Isn’t that why you’re here? Guess I was wrong, and you’re still the same clueless, naive child! I deceived you, Olivia, like I always did! -I lied!”

Olivia sniffled, shaking her head, fighting back tears. Just the reminder that Ivory lied -er- could lie to her was enough to remind her of that painful feeling of betrayal. The feeling that had eaten away at her the moment Skye abandoned Beacon. Abandoned being a Huntress. Abandoned her. “Grrh.. I-Ivory… I…” she fought back against these horrible feelings. Or rather she tried, but couldn’t stop them. Glaring up at the ‘Angel’ in the sky, she hissed, “I will stop you, and I will fix this. I have to! I have to save you, Ivory. I have to!” Instantly shifting her weapon into Long Thorn, she released a barrage of arrows up at the flying Faunus.

They seemed to be even less effective than before. For up in the sky, Skye reigned supreme. She dodged this way and that, zipping around in the air like a hummingbird. She seemed so impossible to hit. Even for a marksman like Olivia. Then to show her mastery of her Semblance, Skye allowed the arrows to hit her, igniting against her in a plume of fire. A plume of fire, which fell back to the earth. As Olivia watched on, lowering her bow, the fire formed into the visage of Skye in a kneeling position. She grinned, looking up. “Heh heh. I got passed by fire weakness. As you know, when I infuse my Semblance with different Dust types, my Semblance can take on different forms.” Standing up, she cracked her neck and fingers, flexing and showing off. “This happens to be one of my favorites.”

Olivia frowned for a brief moment, before she smiled excitedly. Heart racing, she knew their fight was really heating up now. Vortex took her once more.

The two Huntresses were true powerhouses. Their speed and raw power were unrivaled. In her Ruby Form, Skye lit up the battleground with a trail of blazing flame. Olivia was much the same, except she often put out those pyres with the wind she ran on. The two clashed in fiery fashion. Each time the red spark and the green spark hit each other, an intense explosion rocked the area. These two Huntresses were putting their all into this dance, because they both knew it could be their last. -With each other. Olivia had purpose pushing her. Skye had her stubborn resolve. Both had something to prove. Their battle lit up the sky, and scarred the land.

As the sun dipped in the sky, the day began to close. Yet the two still fought on. This was the hardest fight Olivia had ever been engaged in, though she had known that was going to be the case. To her, this was for one reason. To save the one she loved. If it was anything less than the hardest fight, she would know it wasn’t truly worth it. Yet in her mind, the Wolf believed Ivory really was.

Finally, the two broke apart, both breathing heavily. Skye’s Semblance shut off, and her Aura flashed blue, breaking. Olivia’s, too, flashed green, also breaking. The two stared at each other, mustering any amount of remaining strength. “This’ll be the last dance step,” Olivia chimed to the Dove.

Skye’s face contorted with something Olivia couldn’t quite grasp. “Are you sure you’re ready to make it?” she asked in an odd tone. “Your Aura’s gone.” Lifting Blade Daedalus, Skye prepared to strike.

“When am I not ready?” Olivia retorted with a cheerful tone. She brought up Rending Claws as Skye launched at her.

A second later, the Wolf hit the ground, bouncing and rolling on it, kicking up dust. She slid until her body came to a stop.

Panting, Skye stared over at Olivia’s body. Then felt wetness on her hands. Looking down she saw red tinting her sword. Dropping Blade Daedalus, Skye’s hands dripped blood as they shook. “O...livia?...” she ventured with a shaky voice. Looking back up, her voice took on a more panicked tone. “Olivia?! Olivia!.. OLIVIA!” Skye shouted, dashing over to the unmoving body. Sliding onto her knees, she instantly grabbed up the other Faunus. Her eyes were glassy, vision blurry. “Olivia?!..” Skye managed through pained sniffles. Turning her over to look at her, she noticed little wet droplets falling onto that adorable face. For a brief moment, Skye froze. A hand left the woman she was holding, only to reach up and touch her cheek, where a very wet tear was. Crying. She was crying..?!

In the next moment, she was back to wrapping her arms around Olivia, lifting her up into her. Bawling now, Skye shook her head, “No no no no no no… Olivia… P-please. No… I-I’m sorry..! Please… Olivia!!! I.. I didn’t.. I… No.. I can’t, I couldn’t.. I didn’t mean…” Her voice left her, cradling the other woman up against her, nuzzling into her neck, her tears soaking the Wolf’s shirt. “I… I’m so sorry.” Suddenly she froze, feeling a hand touch her cheek.

“Teehee… is that Ivory apologizing?..” the weak voice came. “Impossible.”

Tear-filled eyes wide, Skye sat up, releasing the hard embrace on the Wolf. Staring down through hazy eyes, there, in her arms, was silly green-haired Olivia, smiling feebly back up at her. She placed a hand where Skye’s heart would be, and said softly, “Saved. See? You know what love is.”

Shaking, Skye shook her head, but a smile lit up her face. Leaning in, the injured Faunus was surprised. Their lips met; the Dove had kissed her. It didn’t last long though, for she broke the kiss, smiling down at the woman in her arms. “Stupid Wolf,” she recited. Then she leaned down once more, while lifting that stupid Wolf up. So her lips could take Olivia’s once again, in a much more emotional, passionate kiss. This one lasted much longer, with Skye’s wings wrapping around them both. It ended with her whispering, “I love you.”

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