Story [ FANFIC ] Resident Evil : Code EP .


A Magical Sprite

It was a dark and cold night. There was a thunder rumbling somewhere on the coast of afghanistan. In the coast, There was a abandoned mansion. The Mansion was a place for foreigners to visit if they want a place to stay. But, After the incident in Raccoon city, The mansion was overrun by infected natives. A man was sent there to investigate about Umbrella Corp. Base. The mansion was suspected of a Base of Operations. But that man, Was never heard of again.

A man was sitting own on the corner of a cell. The man's face was pale as snow, As if he'd seen a ghost that came to hunt him. His eyes, Blank as paper, stare blankly on the ground. His body, Limp and numb, Just stayed attached to the ground, Unable to do anything. Then, From a distance, There were footsteps. The cover from the man's door cell opens up as a pair of eyes look down on him through the small hole meant for checking. The man notices the presence as he looks up at the door.

" How are you feeling ? " The man behind the door stated the question.

There was no reply, He just stared up at the pair of eyes looking down on him. It was not like he didn't reply, Most likely, He couldn't.

" Ah, The drug is still active in your body " The man realizes this as he blinks his eyes. " Anyway, We'll come pick you back up later on. Just be sure you're ready for it, Chris " he said as the cover closes again. Leaving the man, Named Chris, Was once again left alone.


A couple of days ago.

Chris was practicing his Gun skills by shooting at a Dummy in the Target Practice area of the BSAA, Or also known as, Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. This group of organization is popular on their Fight against BOWs, Bio Organic Weapons. The BOWs can range from many things, Infected Humans, Animals, Or even nature. But the most dangerous ones are the ones that Evolved. They are stronger, and smarter, Unlike normal infected Humans.

Chris was using the usual 9mm pistol, The M92FS. The handgun was capable of delivering quite a pact in close range and Mid range. Also, It is highly mobile, Almost an unexperienced man can easily use it. But the reason why Chris was using this, Was because in all of his damn missions, He mostly starts with a handgun.

With every pull of the trigger, A loud explosion noise comes out of the barrel. Bullets goes flying towards the dummy as there was a short impact sound. Chris was satisfied with his shooting as he presses a button in front of him making the Dummy dash towards him to reveal where he has hit. Chris smiled, All shots, Head shots.

" Not bad " a feminine voice complimented him as she was just standing behind him, Crossing her arms.

" What is it, Jessica ? " Chris replied as he pushes the Dummy backwards, Automatically, The Dummy slides backwards back to it's original position.

" You're good with guns Chris, " Jessica, A elegant lady with a long and curly hair walked towards Chris and teasingly rubbed his chest with her index fingers.

" I wonder.. " She and looks up at Chris, Who was a Foot high against Jessica. " ..If you're good at handling Ladies just like handling those guns ? " She said teasingly as Chris shoos her hand away.

" Now's not the time for that Jessica " Chris said in a serious tone, As he goes back to aiming his handgun at the dummy.

Jessica, Feeling irritated, Crossed her arms again and Blows soft the strand of hair in front of hair face as she looks at Chris' broad and buffed back. " Anyway, O'brian sent me to get you " she said as Chris side glances.

" Oh ? " He replied.

" Don't OH me ! " she replied angrily as she turns around and started to walk away. " Come to the briefing room later, Don't keep O'bri- " She hesitated and decided to change her words. " Don't keep ME waiting, Chris " She said threateningly and walked away.

Chris only gave a slight smirk and goes back to his aiming in front at the dummy. " Idiot " He muttered under his breath and pulled the trigger.

" Where the hell is Chris ? " A man with a long grayish hair. He wasn't fat nor chubby, It was just his skin slowly losing it's elasticity because of age. The man was 5'5'' tall. He was also well built or a man who looks like somewhere in his 40s.

" I don't know O'brian " Jessica replied as she crossed her arms and her long and slender legs. Jessica was wearing her favorite hat, A raccoon animal fur. And her long furry coat made from the same animal, A raccoon. Noone really knows why she loves these clothes made from animals. Women have different tastes anyway.

" He better not be late, The president will be on any mo- " O'brian was cut off has chris barged in the room.

Chris was wearing his usual BSAA uniform. He didn't like to wear other clothes that he isn't used to. Especially, It is hard to find clothes his size. And, Everytime he wears clothes that he isn't used to. He always complains how they are, Itchy and tight.

The briefing room was small, Just enough for 20 people to fit. Besides, It's not like BSAA is full of special agents like Chris and Jessica. They are mostly deployed on squads while the Special Agents are deployed with a partner. It's like a covert mission with limited number of back ups and such. Chris was used to this, He was sent on a mission in Africa. There, He met Sheva, A hot young native girl. She also worked for BSAA, But not the North America branch.

And also, He was sent to Wesker's mansion when he was still together with Jill, His old partner. To him, Jill was everything. Jill was the only person who understood him, Thought of the same things as him. As for Jessica, She cares about him. But mostly, They don't get in Synch much. And Chris believes trust are built in action, Not words. So he always trust anyone who are sent with him as his partner.

" 'Am here " Chris said casually as he say down on a free seat just in the front off Jessica as she scuffs.

" You're late Chris " O'brian scolded him in a low tone. Usually O'brian doesn't act like this, Unless he is in a tight spot. For Example, A higher breathing over his neck. He really hates higher ups who think HIGHLY of themselves and ignore the needs of the lower class men.

" Sorry, Had to change " Chris tried to reason out as Jessica kicked him from behind with her foot, The high hills hurt a bit and Chris looked behind him.

" Didn't I tell you to not keep me waiting ? " She said in a dark tone. Chris would be afraid if she was Jill, But she wasn't, He just simply smiled and answered. " Well, I forgot "

" Anyways.. " O'brian interrupted, " We have a special request from the President of the united states himse- " O'brian was interrupted again as he cursed silently under his breath as the Holographic T.V. went on and the President, Adam Benford, Was on the screen.

" Gentlemen, And Lady " He said as he cleared his throat and clasping his hand together into a fist. " I have a special request from you, Especially you, Chris " he said as Chris smiled and nodded.

Chapter 3 will be updated !

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