

Queen of Broken Hearts
Fandoms says it all. ^^ I usually play the girl but never say no to doubling up. We can do OCs or even cannonxOC pairiings. Romance is a must for me. I always try to do at the very least a three line post or give what you give me. I don't like a novel sized post cause it intimidates me xD . I'd like to keep everything at a pg-13 rating and fade to black. Some fandoms I enjoy are:

~Maximum Ride

~Black Butler

~Hunger Games (would be OCs for this one.)

~Oruan Highschool Host Club.

~Divergent (LOVE this series.)

~Soul Eater

~Matched (Would use OCs for this as well.)

~The Host (OCs)

~House of Night

~Vampire Kisses

~Harry Potter

~Fruits Basket

~Morganville Vampires


~Any Rick Roidan book. (Percy Jackson, the Heroes of Olympus ((His Roman one)) or the Kane chronicles (Egyptian one) 
Just realized I misspelled pairings... xD  
Bumping this just because I'm bored...and sleepy....^^'

Please ignore the black butler posts, shoulda moved that to pm but I was too tired. Anyway, pm me or post here ^^ Always looking~!
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Awesome what did you have in mind? Manga, season 1, or season 2? Doubling up? OCs or OCxCannon?
Not at all. ^^ Which season would this be based on? Also, to clarify cause I just woke up, will we be doubling up?
Season two is fine ^^ I love Alois in it. If we double up, who would you like me to play?
I don't mind, I love Alois too, I'm an Alois cosplayer :3

Just to clarify,by doubling up do you mean that we both have a cannon and a oc?
Really? Awesome! And yes, we would both have a cannon and oc and usually it's the romance of the other person's oc. Ex. Alois would be my romance and you would play him and then I'd be your romance.
xD Awesome so my oc could be contracted with him/her? And which cannon shall I be playing for you, my dear?
Yep,mhis name is Cyrus, I did his form when I was so new,so I'm go g to fix it up a little :3

And was my mcannon going to be Claude or Alois?
Alois please, he needs some love from my oc ^^ So, which cannon shall Cyrie be falling for, if any?
Name: Cyrus Corley

Age: (well. He's a demon so) looks around 25

Role: Butler

Race: cat demon

Persona: quite laid back, but knows how to fight, and will do anything to protect his Master/mistress, he is very defensive of him/her and is ever the loyal servant, extremely skilled in the culinary arts and a sufficient cleaner, he is very graceful in his job and what he does, also will do a lot to impress the right man or woman when they come along, he is one if the few demons that feel love, making his existence even rarer.

Bio: he was a very powerful demon, from birth, even causing his own mother to die in childbirth, and his father was nowhere to be found after his wife passed, he left the kitten on an old woman's doorstep, who opened it and pulled to soaking wet demon from the rain, and raised him untill he was five years old, tragedy struck again and she passed peacefully in her sleep, totally crushing Cyrus, for she was the only mother that he ever knew, and he loved her so much, so after running out into a wood and falling unconscious, a younger man picked him up and took the albino home to his wife, who sadly couldn't bare children, yet again, Cyrus had found parents in the underworld, but he didn't love them the same way as he loved the old lady, they weren't the same, and he was always very detached, fearing that it would happen again, they would die.. When he was fourteen, he ran away and made a home for himself, knowing how to hunt and survive, he got by for a while, untill something interesting came up, he felt a strain on his chest and voices were calling him, getting up from his home he ran to them, face with a young girl/boy lying before him, they reeked of human and he panicked, not knowing what to do.. But they weren't dead, and it turned out this was his, and their fate.. They are now bound by a contract that Cyrus created for the two, he serves as the child's loyal butler, untill the very day he shall swallow their soul..

Appearance: Quite a good build, standing at six foot four, he is toned but he isn't that muscular, he's actually quite skinny, he has a fluffy head of white hair and his skin is milk bottle white, a rare sight in the underworld, a Neko demon, and an albino. His ears and tail are also white, in his feral form, he is a tiny white cat, not a kitten, just very, very small, for hs uniform, he opts for a white suit and a black waistcoat, and a red neck tie, that brings out the searing crimson eyes, that often look like they're burning, his appearance is... Alluring. To say the least.
I have a few pairings. It depends on if you could double as a guy x-x
Name: Victoria Von-Gier

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Role: Contractie

Race: British ^^

Persona: Victoria is a very sweet and caring young girl who enjoys living life. She hates yelling and conflict, making it odd she would contact a demon. Being charismatic, Victoria can charm her way out of practically anything and she has a love for knowledge. Nature comforts her. The girl hates violence and is usually known to do everything in her power to keep things calm. Victoria only has a sense of violence when it comes to the death of her twin. She doesn't trust someone easily but she does try and see the good in all people.

History: Victoria lived with her twin, Elizabeth, in a very abusive home. When she was almost murdered, the twins ran away from their home and ended up living in London on the streets. They hopped from place to place and when they were walking along the road, a serial killer tried to kidnap them. Victoria managed to get away but stopped when she noticed Elizabeth wasn't with her. She never found out who exactly had killed her but she found Elizabeth's dead body on the side of the street in London. It was then that she first felt true hate for someone and it was so strong that she called for a demon in the woods with the hope he could find and punish Elizabeth's killer.

Appearance: Victoria is a slender and petite thing with ivory skin and chocolate curls flowing down to her waist. Her eyes are large and expressive, a pretty emerald color, and accented the cupid bow lips that were a natural shade of pink. She is often described as being a human doll. Victoria isn't very strong and weighs near to nothing, making it easy for anyone to pick her up and whisk her away. Even though some see that as a liability, Victoria uses it to her advantage to charm people and fall in love with her, in a sense. 
Yes, we will be, Devil ^^

@Nico I've never really done a guyxguy thing before actually.
Hm....Hannah would be my first one. Then it would be Claude. Then Sebastian which would just get things confusing xD

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