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Fandom search


New Member
Greetings you all.

My primary area of roleplay is fandom, mostly video game related but I'm open to any interesting original idea as well.

My particular niche are video game fandoms and generally the more eastern ones at that. So lets get this search started! I was wondering if anyone was also looking to rp about these particular fandoms. Things I'm particularly interested in will be in Bold


Fire Emblem: This is the series I'm most comfortable roleplaying in. I have done at least one roleplay with each Fire Emblem game and they have all been a huge success. I played every game in the series.

Kid Icarus



Super smash brothers

Anything Nintendo related is sure to get my approval.

Samurai warriors

The tales series


Bayonetta (maybe)



One piece



Percy Jackson: I have really been in the mood for a Percy Jackson roleplay ever since I picked up the books this summer but sadly I never managed to get a partner for it.

Harry Potter
Goooooooood evening~! Or morning, either or.

You have caught my eye with the two words fire and emblem. However I have yet to only play awakening, and have been at a loss to find any other, is that fine for you?
Do you know of a game called life is strange and if so have you played it and would you like to rp it

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