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Fandom Fandom Search - Dragon Age or GOT, OCxOC


New Member
Hi there! I'm looking for partners to roleplay one of the following fandoms:
  • Dragon Age (all games)
  • Game of Thrones / ASOIAF (either the book or TV canon)

About Me
  • 22 years old, he/him, Canadian.
  • I've been roleplaying on-and-off for about seven years.
  • My interests include, but are not limited to: RPGs, strategy games like Stellaris and Crusader Kings, baking, history (especially queer history. A bit niche, but it's a passion of mine so please bring it up if it's an interest you share), fantasy novels (currently reading Guy Gavriel Kay's Tigana), and sci-fi/fantasy TV (just finished watching Shadow and Bone).

What I'm Looking For / Potential Dealbreakers
  • I'm only interested in OCxOC.​
  • Romance is by no means a required part of the plot. If anything, I'd prefer branching out to other relationship types - sibling bonds, friendship, found family dynamics, whether it's wholesome or mired in drama or straight-up antagonistic. But if romance is included, I'd rather keep it as a subplot, in which case I have absolutely no preference concerning the characters' genders. MxM, FxM, FxF, or anything including nonbinary characters is all fine.
  • Post length is flexible. I believe in quality over quantity, and can write anywhere from a single paragraph to ten or more depending on what the story needs. For your part, my only requirement is that you write enough for me to work with.​
  • OOC talk is appreciated! I'm not always so good at initiating it, but I'd love to make friends.​
  • Please be eighteen or older. No offense intended to the younger crowd, but I'm not comfortable roleplaying with minors.​
  • I'd prefer to keep the roleplay on-site, but I'm good with either thread or PMs. I'm open to using Discord for OOC.​
  • I don't use reference pictures. You're welcome to use them for your own character if you'd like, but I prefer to stick to written descriptions for mine.​
PM me or leave a comment if you're interested!
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Hiya! I would be interested in a Dragon Age roleplay with you. I am a bit of a quality over quantity writer myself who usually strays between three to six paragraphs, though I may need time between responses, maybe once a day or every two days. Life is busy.

Are you thinking something along the lines of a party dynamic with up to four or more playable characters like in Dragon Age Origins and 2, or strictly two characters? I am mostly familiar with those two but can attempt something in the Inquisition era if need be.
Hiya! I would be interested in a Dragon Age roleplay with you. I am a bit of a quality over quantity writer myself who usually strays between three to six paragraphs, though I may need time between responses, maybe once a day or every two days. Life is busy.

Are you thinking something along the lines of a party dynamic with up to four or more playable characters like in Dragon Age Origins and 2, or strictly two characters? I am mostly familiar with those two but can attempt something in the Inquisition era if need be.
Hey! I'm good writing one or two characters each, no real preference either way. And I'm happy to stick with Origins / DA2 canon, I'm more a fan of the earlier games anyway. I'll PM you, maybe we could exchange plot ideas?
Capital! Sounds good! I am at work at the moment but can discuss things at length when I settle down for the day.

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