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Fandom Fandom Rp Search! (Canon x Canon; Mostly M x M)


minor obsessor
Hey hey, welcome to my partner search post!

Hello! I am 25, female, very lonely, and in desperate need of some good roleplays to fill the void!

I typically write a good 3-4 paragraphs, but I’m more than happy with creating shorter or longer posts. I prefer quality over quantity, so please don’t feel like you have to match the length. A well thought out paragraph can impact more than 3 full paragraphs of nonsense for padding!

Please have decent grammar! Nobody is perfect, but I find this can make or break a roleplay for me. We all make mistakes so I will be understanding (as I hope you will also be with me) so please make an effort to proofread before posting!

Romance is a MUST. I love adventure and such, but romance is my main focus!

I have been roleplaying off and on for the better half of 10 years, however I have been on hiatus for about 2 years now. I’m a bit rusty, but I promise to put my utmost effort into everything I write!

I will do my best to respond every day, even multiple times a day if I’m really invested! However I know work and life get in the way, so please be understanding if I can’t make a deadline every once in awhile.

If you are no longer interested in writing a roleplay with me, please tell me. Don’t just leave me hanging with false hopes! I’d like for us to go our separate ways on good terms! I will show you the same respect.

I have no interest in formatting my posts or making them look pretty (I.e. pictures/colored text/different sizes fonts) so don’t expect that from me! If that’s something you like to do, by all means please do! But I won’t reciprocate because I don’t have the time for that. I roleplay mostly from my phone because I’m on the go a lot!

Now that all the nonsense is over, let’s get to the good stuff!! The fandoms! The pairings! (Characters I want to play will have a * beside there name.)

**Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator**

(Please. Oh please someone want to do this with me, I’m desperate for this!)

Robert x Joseph*

I have so many ideas for this pairing please hit me up.

Castlevania (The Netflix Series)

Alucard* x Trevor*

Dracula x Lisa*

Sypha* x Trevor

Castlevania (The video game series)

Alucard* x Richter* (SotN)

Maria* x Alucard (SotN)

Perhaps something from Curse of Darkness or the “Dawn of” games? Hit me up if you’ve got ideas.

Pokemon (The video game series)

Steven Stone* x Wallace (from either the game verse, OR preferably a mix of game and the Pokémon specials manga)

Red x Blue* (preferably game verse only!)

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