New Member

I’m looking for writing partners in a few fandoms. Some of them are popular, a few of them are more niche… but I’m equally interested in all of them!! I have a preference of canon x canon pairings, with the rare exception of including an oc.
My fandoms of interest are…
•Stranger Things
•House MD
•The Last Of Us
•The Hunger Games
•Gilmore Girls
I’m 22, so 18+ writing partners only please. I’m searching for MxF and some FxF pairings, and I enjoy assuming a female character role. I like writing out romantic pairings, platonic, etcetera. I also love ooc chatting! I love making playlists, pinterest boards and just chatting over our characters! I can range anywhere from a more casual semi-literate to advanced novella style writing.
If any of this interests you, leave a reply or send a DM my way!! I look forward to writing with you